• (July 2nd - 10AM PDT)

  • Here's a useful FAQ for CoD Black Ops III Multiplayer Starter Pack:

    • thanks sickteddybear
  • July 15 - 10AM PDT

    • "Subscribe now to get $120 of games on August 5th and start playing Call of Duty®: Black Ops III Multiplayer Starter Pack right away! " --> total worth of bundle should be $120, including BOPS 3 Starter pack
    • thanks fametaker
  • (July 25) - You can PAUSE your subscriptioin for 1 month, and it will automatically resume the following month (i.e. Pause subscription so you don't get August bundle, but your subscription will resume for the September bundle).

    • user espo states: "You can pause the subsciption for one month now. It will automatically continue next month ..." ... "you can unpause the subscription whenever you want."
    • HOWEVER you won't get to keep the 10% discount for HB STORE purchases.
    • PROOF

    • Disc Room

      You don't have to die... you can live! Live for 30 seconds and grow old! DISC ROOM represents a utopian future, a rich and varied life filled with lethal discs. This hardcore dodge-'em-up is brought to you by Kitty Calis + Jan Willem Nijman + doseone.

    • thanks MikeSe

it's too late to get the AUGUST MONTHLY BUNDLE ...

So click here to see/voice your thoughts on the upcoming SEPTEMBER MONTHLY BUNDLE


  • UPDATE (July 29th, 9:30AM PDT) - You should have been autocharged for the August Monthly Bundle if you are a subscriber. proof

A curated bundle of games sent to your inbox every month. When you subscribe, you'll immediately receive Call of Duty®: Black Ops III - Multiplayer Starter Pack with more to come and enjoy 10% off in the Humble Store! See more here



Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Multiplayer Starter Pack % ❤️ 0 $14.99
POI 94% of 111 Reviews 0 $14.99
The Jackbox Party Pack 2 91% of 193 Reviews 0 $24.99
Planet of the Eyes 93% of 87 Reviews 0 $9.99
Random Access Murder 50% of 8 Reviews - 0 $2.99
Starward Rogue 98% of 259 Reviews 0 $11.99
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut 71% of 549 Reviews 0 $44.99

Retail: $124.93
CV: $86.6885 (Van Helsing Final Cut is on the bundle list, but all other items are considered unbundled because this bundle is not 95% or more off)

  • Reason for Van Helsing: The Devs were / are giving it away for free if you own Van Helsing 1, 2 & 3. see here
  • Read the announcement HERE on how to get Van Helsing Final Cut for free!


View Kitty Calis's Twitter post - (@KittyCalis)

If you prepaid ... .... you got Call of Duty®: Black Ops III - Multiplayer Starter Pack as the EARLY UNLOCK!

proof that this has trading cards

If you pay $12 for next month's bundle, you will get a key for the featured game immediately. If you are already a member and choose to wait it out for the pay-date (1 week before this AUGUST bundle launches), you will get a key for the game then.
Note: Some people may have 10% off coupons for the monthly bundle. These coupons will apply to your purchase, and you will pay $10.80 instead of $12.

As of recently, there are only coupons for NEW SUBSCRIBERS in circulation. I haven't seen any coupons for Existing Subscribers.


View Previous Monthly Bundles


Q: Can I just skip this upcoming month's bundle, and still get next months bundle? Is there a PAUSE option for subscriptions?

  • You can PAUSE your subscriptioin for 1 month, and it will automatically resume the following month (i.e. Pause subscription so you don't get August bundle, but your subscription will resume for the September bundle).
    • user espo states: "You can pause the subsciption for one month now. It will automatically continue next month ..." ... "you can unpause the subscription whenever you want."
    • HOWEVER you won't get to keep the 10% discount for HB STORE purchases.
    • PROOF

Q: How does this 10% off coupon work? Does it work for 1st time subscribers only? What about current subscribers?

  • See the COUPON FAQ for more information!

  • A: For first time subscribers: You CAN use the 10% off coupon. They autocharge you $10.80 (if you have the coupon) one week before the bundle goes live, or you can pay early to get the the featured unlock game and still get the bundle for $10.80, or if not subscribed, pay with the coupon anytime before the bundle goes live.

  • ADDENDUM (June 3): As of recently, there are only coupons for NEW SUBSCRIBERS in circulation. I haven't seen any coupons for Existing Subscribers (yet).

If you pay $12 for next month's bundle, you will get a key for the featured game immediately. If you AUGUST bundle launches on Friday, AUGUST 5th), you will get a key for the game then.
Note: Some people may have 10% off coupons for NEW subscribers for the monthly bundle. These coupons will apply to your purchase, and you will pay $10.80 instead of $12.

Q: If I've subscribed before, maybe I can just unsubscribe and then resubscribe to use the NEW subscriber coupon?

  • A: Unfortunately. THIS DOES NOT WORK. I repeat, UNSUBBING AND RESUBBING DOES NOT WORK. (This has been confirmed many many times that it does NOT work). You have to create a new account in order to use the coupon, and you can NOT transfer coupons between accounts.

  • If you want to use the coupon, you'd need a new account with the NEW subscriber coupon. Otherwise, you'll have to pay the full price ($12).

Q: "When is the latest I can unsubscribe (if I am a [re]current subscriber) to avoid being autocharged for the next month's bundle (AUGUST) if I subscribe for this one now?"

  • "[re]current" meaning you let the system autocharge you based on your payment details on your account profile"*
  • A: ONE WEEK before the next bundle goes live, you will be autocharged if you are currently subscribed. This means you will be autocharged JULY 29th if you want the AUGUST MONTHLY BUNDLE.

  • I recommend unsubscribing/canceling subscription right away if you know you don't want next month's bundle.

Q: BUT WAIT!! I decided that I do want the AUGUST bundle and it has passed JULY 29th...! Can I still get it??

  • A: YES. JULY 29th is the day they AUTOcharge you if you are a recurrent/current subscriber

    • [re]current meaning you let the system AUTOcharge you because your payment details are in the system and you don't unsubscribe
  • HOWEVER, if you want JUST the AUGUST bundle, subscribe for it NOW, PAY, and IMMEDIATELY UNSUBSCRIBE so that you DO NOT get charged for the SEPTEMBER bundle.

Your LAST day to get the AUGUST bundle is AUGUST 5th BEFORE 10AM PDT.

Q: Can I unsubscribe right away if I just want the AUGUST Bundle?

  • A: YES, you can unsubscribe away if you just want the AUGUST bundle. You will get the featured game + Everything else that will be in the bundle once it goes live.

Q: What is the latest I can be "subscribed" to to avoid being autocharged for the next month's bundle? (AUGUST Bundle)

  • A: You MUST unsubscribe 1 week before the bundle goes live to avoid being charged for the AUGUST bundle. Otherwise, you will be autocharged if you are currently subscribed on JULY 29th if you are getting the AUGUST MONTHLY BUNDLE.

Q: Will I get everything inside the bundle if I subscribe just for JUST the AUGUST monthly bundle, and then unsubscribe right away?

  • A: Yes, you get the entire AUGUST bundle and won't be charged for the next (SEPTEMBER) bundle.

Q: Do they reveal games early?

  • A: NO. They do not provide hints. Sometimes they may, but this is very RARE. One or two days before, they will reveal a Humble "Original," which is an exclusive DRM-Free game provided only by Humble Bundle. However, they DO NOT REVEAL GAMES BEFORE THE BUNDLE GOES LIVE.

Q: Will I still get the Early Unlock game(s) if I don't want to pay early for the bundle? Will I be able to get the game if i buy it NOW before the bundle goes live?

  • A: YES. ANYONE who buys the bundle, whether you pay early, have a current subscription and let HB autocharge you 1 week before the bundle goes live, or don't have a subscription but decide you want to purchase the bundle, AS LONG AS YOU PAY FOR THE BUNDLE ANYIME BEFORE THE BUNDLE GOES LIVE, YOU WILL GET THE EARLY UNLOCK GAME.

  • The only benefit to paying early is getting a Steam key for the early unlock game earlier than people who choose to pay later on.

Q: How do I subscribe again? Or... How the heck do I cancel my subscription? How do I view what kind of plan I have for Monthly Bundle Subscriptions?

  • A: go to your ACCOUNT SETTINGS and check to see if you are subscribed for the monthly bundle.

  • If you are subscribed, it should look like this on your account page: HB MONTHLY PLAN

  • Now, You will see TWO options

    1. Change my plan ---> looks like THIS
    2. Cancel My subscription
    • Click on the links to either choose what plan you want (subscribe for auto-payment) or CANCEL your subscription

Q: After the monthly bundle goes live, can I get a refund for the bundle?

  • A: No, you will not be eligible for refunds after the games have been revealed. You can try to contact support and request a refund, but you probably won't get your money back after the bundle goes live.

  • If I'm not mistaken, you can only get a refund if you request one 1 WEEK BEFORE THE BUNDLE GOES LIVE (July 29th for the AUGUST Bundle).

Please read the


if you have questions regarding:

How do I join?
Can I gift Humble Monthly?
How do I cancel?
How do I change my card info / email address?
Can I get multiple copies of Humble Monthly?

Also, again ... "When is the latest I can unsubscribe if i am a recurrent/current subscriber to avoid being autocharged for the next month's bundle if I subscribe for this one now?"

A: ONE WEEK before the next bundle goes live, you will be autocharged. This means you will be autocharged JULY 29th if you want the AUGUST MONTHLY BUNDLE.

I recommend unsubscribing/canceling subscription right away if you know you don't want next month's bundle (SEPTEMBER).

Subscribe before it's too late ... and HAVE NO RaGRETS


or, watch the Summer 2016 Olympic Games instead! (this year, it's in Rio, Brazil!)

View attached image.
8 years ago*

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Will you subscribe for this monthly bundle, which goes live on 10AM PDT, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5th?

View Results
Yes - I liked the July Bundle/previous monthly bundles.
NO - NOT FALLING FOR IT. Gonna save money for something else instead!
Maybe ... I have until 10AM PDT, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5th to decide! (maybe I should consult my dad first?)
Well ... the early unlock game looks interesting ...
August 5th? - That's the start of the Summer Olympics Games in Rio, Brazil!

Ugh I always trade everything I don't want, but on Barter there's on 23 people with that Multiplayer starter pack on their wishlist! They screwed up on this one.

8 years ago

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Multipalyer again :(

8 years ago

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Haha... nope!
Multiplayer only CoD, is that a joke? I would be interested in this if it was the full game, or the singleplayer campain alone, but I'm not gonna pay for the half that I don't like of these games.
I'm gonna skip this one and hope for something better next month.

8 years ago

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i buyed almost all of the montly bundles...but no..this time simply not ....wtf is the best game a starter multiplayer pack??? are you kidding me????
Where i can take off the payment???

8 years ago

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As written in the OP

Please read the

FAQ <--------------------- Click

if you have questions regarding:
How do I join?
Can I gift Humble Monthly?

How do I cancel?

How do I change my card info / email address?
Can I get multiple copies of Humble Monthly?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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I try to resist but sometimes the helpful side of me kicks in ;_; although I do wish people read the OP more closely. Thanks :)

8 years ago

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sorry i was mad .... xDD didnt read !! thx rachel !! <3!!

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Thank you! :) ❤️

8 years ago

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Happy cake day!!! =D

8 years ago

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thanks ❤️

8 years ago

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Happy cake day Rachel and thanks for Your great work :)

8 years ago

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thank you! you are very welcome ^^ ❤️

8 years ago

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Happy Cake Day! :D

8 years ago

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thank you! ❤️

8 years ago

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Can't help it... I too have to wish you a happy cake day, Rachel! ;)
Thanks for your hard work! Some migh think your bundle posts are useless (I remember someone being quite vocal about that not long ago), but I could not disagree more. I usually wait for your posts before deciding if a bundle is worth buying or not. ;)

8 years ago

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Thank you for the kind words :) if at least one person finds the threads helpful, then that's what matters to me!

8 years ago

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lol this is like getting a demo..think ill be dropping my monthly....
i mean really who would want a starter pack of anything? you ether want the full game or you dont.

8 years ago*

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Talk about flaming trash.

8 years ago

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Was pretty underwhelmed by this months items, and that complete garbage for next months early unlock is really making me consider cancelling my sub.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Decent bundle in July for me but absolutely zero interest in Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Multiplayer Starter Pack so I've unsubscribed

8 years ago

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Happy cake day my dear :)

8 years ago

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Thank you Joe my dear! ❤️ Yo da best octopus !

8 years ago

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Happy cake day rachellove! Humble Bundle needs to put you on their payroll for all of the customer service you do in these threads answering the same questions cheerfully and repeatedly. :) Thanks for everything you do and may the Space Cat bless you with good luck!

8 years ago

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Lol no! I don't wanna be paid for my work here. I do it happily without the expectation of return. But I do like seeing you all happy and chiming in. :) thank you for the kind words!

8 years ago

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I second stlpaul motion, at least you got a cake it wasn't a lie! Happy Cake day, & thank you very much for your hard work making these posts :) hugs

8 years ago

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Hugs to you my dear !! Haha honestly I'm glad for any cake day wish ^^ have a good day!

8 years ago

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A lot of bitching about the single reveal. Question really is what the rest of the bundle is. If there are a few good COD games in here, then it will be great. To me, I wonder if the reveal -- because it is super shitty -- is a hint of lots more COD stuff to come.

Also, happy Cake Day. Since you are a girl, I cannot wish you my standard "hookers and blow". Instead I will wish you unicorns and the magic of friendship.

8 years ago

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Haha thanks for the pg rated bday, but really, I don't mind any kind of cake day wish xD

8 years ago

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lol nice wishes for a cake day.

8 years ago

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I finally have my reason to unsubscribe.

8 years ago

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+1 I'm free again!!!!

8 years ago

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I'm probably not getting Aug bundle, since I'm not that into FPS.

But Happy Cake Day!
Thanks for posting all these bundle threads; they are sort of like a detailed FAQ and a place for discussion on bundles for me, and I really appreciate it. Hope you have a great day today :)

8 years ago

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Thank you! I appreciate the kind words :) have a great day! It's A pleasure !

8 years ago

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July bundle sucks looks like aug. is going suck also. They keep this up I'm not going pay for this crap anymore. The only way it would nice if you got more call duty games are cod 3 dlc are season pass

8 years ago

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Happy cake day.

8 years ago

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Thanks ❤️

8 years ago

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Anyone knew the total value of the August Bundle? I've seen some people post the total value of the bundle but I could never really find it myself.

8 years ago

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well it took a while but humble monthly finally hit rock bottom. I knew there was no way theyd keep up the quality of the initial monthly bundles.

8 years ago

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Was Red Solstice free can't even make giveaway

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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TOP KEK free game in Humble Monthly Bundle ... so worth it ... this was the worst month for HB so far

8 years ago

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Just unsubscribed. :-(
Cause message for humble (other causes): "Call of Duty: Black Ops III - MP Starter Pack, which is more like a demo of a game? Really? Thanks, but how about no? Such a disappointment.
I'll rather not save 10% on my purchases than providing money for such a shitty game which isn't even a full game."

Happy cakeday Rachel!

8 years ago

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Thank you ❤️❤️❤️

8 years ago

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part of a game? & it's COD they are hardly humble, Where's the indie gems?

8 years ago

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I don't think I've commented on these before even though I often find these threads very helpful, so thanks for making them all and happy cake day :)

8 years ago

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It's a pleasure to help. :)

8 years ago

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Happy cakeday! :)

8 years ago

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Thank you!!

8 years ago

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Happy cake day Rachel \o/

8 years ago

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Thank you dear☺️

8 years ago

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Wait... is this a joke? a cut down MP starter pack for the monthly bundle?
pffft I'll skip this month again...was almost going to do the May bundle for Mad Max...but didn't end up doing it..
Oh well.. bring on the next one :)

8 years ago

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COD BOIII multiplayer starter just feels so wrong for Humble Bundle. First "banner" game I'm not impressed by.

8 years ago

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