Worth it?
It says for me that I cannot apply the coupon because i have an active classic plan, have you tried to pay for it?
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Hello fellow steamgifts member, I noticed you updated your avatar to the current times ;D (cuz I remember it from before the update)
Well, I originally was going to skip this month...but if I had to get it for the deal, it's well worth it - (6$ for 12-14 games is a steal!)
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Heh good to see you dropping in despite your busy schedule, Spudette!
Yeah Hellstitchboy is pretty much invincible himself but he want so protect others, as the hero he is, so he is wearing a mask until he gets his vaccination ;)
He might get more festive for the holidays though.
Well, I originally was going to skip this month...but if I had to get it for the deal, it's well worth it - (6$ for 12-14 games is a steal!)
Same. I had a couple of games I was interested in but not expensive ones so I was thinking of grabbing them on sale instead. At this price though, the other games become a good gamble.
Happy Holidays :)
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Exactly. Not that 12 bucks a month is a lot (although so many people haven't been working this year, superfluous stuff is well, superfluous) but at 6, even just a couple of games you want to play out of the whole becomes a sure deal.
I think they"ve had a lot more people pausing (a lot) this year than they were hoping, and that puts them in a weaker position to negotiate for games for the next bundle so I'm pretty sure they've been trying to make sure less people pause. Let's hope it results in a more constant quality than the past months.
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Yeah, the past 12 months have been hit or miss for me. I think they started out really strong, then had several months that were lackluster. I had 7 months remaining on a membership from last year, and I ended up getting the first 4 months and then skipping every other month after that. In a month where I might want 2 out of the 10 games, it didn't seem worth it at $8-12 a month. But at $6...?
It's annoying that you won't be able to pause without losing the price for subsequent months, but I can see them wanting to lock in subscribers for at least the next 6 months - so they have more users to negotiate, as you said - and at $6 it's much more likely that you'll get your money's worth each month. Or, worst case, have a lot of games to give out. :)
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I think they started strong because well, they wanted subscribers but also the promise of the new system (and less gray market?) gave them a stronger negotiating position with publishers and devs.
It's annoying that you won't be able to pause without losing the price for subsequent months
It is but if the goal is to secure a "sure" base number of subscribers to get better deals, they can't allow pausing. I'm sure they are regretting letting people pause (they can't go back on this without losing a massive amount of subscribers now). On the other hand, if you get even 3 bundles that makes it worth the 6 bucks, and then on the 4th month you're disappointed enough to think of pausing, you still had a better deal for 3 months.
Happy Holidays my friend :)
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Thanks, that I know (fond out after that deal expired, duh), but I can't purchase it, found the link (opened HB in private tab) but it says "Sorry, as an active subscriber you cannot currently purchase a different subscription plan."
HOWEVER if I check that it's a gift, I can buy annual premium sub for $99 - the question is whether or not I can give it to myself afterwards... It's significantly worse than 6 months for $36 but it's still something...
Another question, can the $36 deal be bought as a gift and given to a classic subscriber?
I guess someone will try it sooner or later, so I'll just wait. ;-)
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But does it switch back to Classic after six months? It says "Subsequent months will be billed at $19.99/month" on payment page. I'm on Classic right now.
EDIT: Yeah, it seems you're loosing Classic plan completely if you chose to go with this one, but there were so many deals for Premium last few months that it might not be such a big loss.
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wait, how u know we lose classic after this 6 months?
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Well, I don't, but Humble themselves were fast changing this:
"COUPON - $6 USD a month to subscribe to Humble Choice Classic for 6 months"
Into this:
"COUPON - $6 USD a month to subscribe to Humble Choice Premium for 6 months"
And it is also stated for me, and I'm on the Classic plan - "Subsequent months will be billed at $19.99/month"
I would love to be wrong, but I didn't find any clue pointing we would be back on Classic but few clues we wont.
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I got this one: "Single use coupon. Coupon is redeemable to subscribe to a Month-to-Month Plan of Humble Classic at $6 USD a month for 6 months before any applicable taxes and fees. Coupon expires on January 1, 2021, at 09:59am PT. This price is locked in for six months, and this offer will be void if your subscription is canceled or paused. " It does not say anything about losing classic for me. And if that's the case, how would someone buy the current bundle without losing classic? Coupons are applied automatically upon purchase after all.
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At least for me, the $6 starts with the January bundle, not December.
Humble Bundle will automatically renew your membership on January 29, 2021 when you will be charged $6.00. Cancel anytime before your renewal date to not be automatically charged.
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How did you get the coupon?
I'm a month to month classic subscriber and I had December paused but when I unpause and try to pay early, I still get the usual 12$ message and they don't mention coupons or anything.
I wonder if they saw this as a bug and fixed before I had a chance to pay.
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I got that coupon via email. It's unclear what exact conditions have to be met in order to get that coupon, I think you need to be paused and maybe you also need to have paused the previous month. I certainly paused a lot, especially when their bundle's full of anime/pixel/arcade stuff.
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Hi, I am in the classic plan and if a try to pause this month they offer me $4 discount in the next bill, can I accept the discount and pause this month and use the $6 offert?($2 for december and next 5 months $6)
If I accept the $4 it means that I can't pause this month and they will charge me $12 and automatically unlock this month? or after I accept the $4 I will be able to pause this month?
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I am not Humble support, but I think I can answer this one.
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I will pause this month and see if I can use the $6 months promo.
That's the thing: if you have the same voucher as I do, you can't use the $6/6 months promo unless you buy the December bundle. If you have a different voucher for the $6 offer, be sure it's not one that switches you to Premium. If you don't have that 6 months voucher at all, you probably won't get one.
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So tempted, but with this kind of offer I'm predicting some bad months ahead...
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I don't think they have more than a month planned in advance.
But they do have a problem: people are pausing a lot. That makes the next month yield unpredictable and so they don't get as many solid deals in the next bundle as they were when they launched Choice with the promise of the new format and less gray market to devs.
That's what they're trying to solve here I think. So it doesn't mean they're expecting bad bundles.
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So I guess it would be more accurate to say that they are trying to prevent bad months ahead. Your explanation makes sense to me though. Will probably go for the deal. Is almost too good to pass up!
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Without the ability to pause. So its 6 dollars for the next 6 months.
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Oof thanks for calling that out. With how many times I've paused my sub in 2020 I expect the quality to continue dropping so even $6 is overpriced to me
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That's not quite true. You can pause. The deal's off in that case and you're back at what you'd pay if you hadn't taken the deal. So yes, it's a gamble, because you need to buy the December bundle in order to use the voucher, but chances shouldn't so bad you'll find at least something worth $6 in January (and the following months).
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I do not really know any details aside from what people post here, but common sense tells me:
You get charged 6$ for 6 months, then your subscription ends. If it doesn't cancel automatically, I would assume it converts to regular premium, which is 19,99$ a month.
It's neither a year nor monthly, it's paying upfront for 6 months in a row without the ability to skip a month.
Nobody can tell you if this is worth it for you or not.
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Its not 30 dollars in up front. Its 6 dollars per month. If you pause the price will reset to the 19.99 dollars. Annually offer for 99 dollars its pay upfront but with the ability to pause.
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*Single use coupon. Coupon is redeemable to subscribe to a Month-to-Month Plan of Humble Choice Classic at $6 USD a month for 6 months before any applicable taxes and fees. Coupon expires on January 1, 2021, at 09:59am PT. This price is locked in for six months, and this offer will be void if your subscription is canceled or paused. Gifts are not eligible. This coupon may not be combined with other identical coupons in the same transaction, and may not be combined with other Humble Bundle coupons. Discount will be automatically applied at time of checkout. Coupon has no cash value. Void where prohibited or restricted by law. Coupon may not be reproduced, copied, purchased, traded or sold. Unauthorized transfer of coupon and internet distribution strictly prohibited.
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So it means that from January to June 2021 it'd be $6 a month, then from July onward I'd simply be back tot he usual $12 a month Classic with no loss or change, right?
Now, if only I received the offer to begin with (I've got nothing both in homepage and on my mail), either they are sending it gradually to users or there are some conditions I don't know behind.
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The problem is that I didn't receive anything. Where can I redeem the coupon?
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If you have the coupon, it's listed here: https://www.humblebundle.com/home/coupons?hmb_source=navbar
If you have one, simply buy the next month and the coupon is activated.
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Recently, as in, today? or the black friday deal?
because it seem to be live again:
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And it still says classic subscriber on the subscription page?
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It says 6 months of classic in my email, so I'm hoping that I'm in the prior group. But will make sure I check during checkout. Thanks for the heads up.
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Sorry, as an active subscriber you cannot currently purchase a different subscription plan.
So I decided to pause my classic plan to see if it would work, and I still get the same message plus one more:
Your subscription is paused. Actovate your subscription to unlock the full benefits of Humble Choice.
My subscription was active but it hadn't been billed yet (it was active because I forgot to pause). So I guess you need to have an active subscription for this to work.
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Do you happen to have "paid months" left?
My year sub ended after november bundle, so I was back to a month-to-month classic sub (paused), I did have to activate the bundle to see the coupon applied (membership page showed that my next bundle will cost 6$)
So it is a bit strange to see fellow subscribers with active plans having issues applying the coupon...I opened the link from my email if that makes any difference
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I don't have any paid months. I purchased my first monthly back when it had Spyro, Crash and Call of Duty WW2 as early reveals and have been pausing it ever since. I didn't receive an email about this, so I clicked the banner on the site. My membership page now says:
You're skipping December 2020 Choice. Your next bill is for US$12 on January 29, 2021.
Edit: unpaused again and I'm still getting the same message.
Edit: so I could either cancel my subscription and lose my classic plan to see if this would work, or pay the $8 to fully activate my december choice and see if it would work then. But neither thing is really appealing to me.
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I would contact support (it's a good deal), not sure why some of my fellow subscribers have issue with this when our situations sound about the same (except I had an email with a link and you didn't) but I assume you have this thing in your coupon page anyway so it shouldn't matter...
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I have active December subscription and got the same message:
"Sorry, as an active subscriber you cannot currently purchase a different subscription plan."
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You can unpause it to test if you want. I did and it didn't work. Just be careful not to get billed.
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"Sorry, as an active subscriber you cannot currently purchase a different subscription plan."
My sub is paused at the moment and I have 1 month left I guess.
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Got the email too, insane deal to ignore. But i also wonder about if you remain on classic plan after those 6 months. And i see no definite answer, people seem divided about it. So i opened a ticket, hope they reply in time. Will get back here with the answer. ;)
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+1 also would like to know.
I have a feeling it’s no so that they can earn back the money later..
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LIMITED TIME: $6 USD a month to subscribe to Humble Choice Premium for 6 months.
Ends January 1, 2021 at 9:59:59 AM PST.ReactivatedLink
That’s one hell of a deal if I ever saw one, currently using the $8 for 6 months coupon (which I already thought was a great deal), probably going to cancel that and get this instead.
Note: You will lose the discount if you pause a month.
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