Because it seems like a good deal. "Oh, ALL these games for 1 or a few dollars? That's great value! I promise - I will play them..."
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Quite guilty of this but I've recently tried to stop doing it by telling myself "if you're going to buy the bundle to get cards to buy games for "free", then just buy the game."
A friend told me that deal finding and buying games is my addiction. Somewhat true.
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Get steam games for close to 0 cost @ sell cards @ Get steam games for close to 0 cost @ sell cards @ Get steam games for close to 0 cost @ sell cards @ Get steam games for close to 0 cost @ sell cards @ Get steam games for close to 0 cost @ sell cards @ Get steam games for close to 0 cost @ sell cards @ Get steam games for close to 0 cost @ sell cards @ Get steam games for close to 0 cost @ sell cards @ Get steam games for close to 0 cost @ sell cards
Thousands of games
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Oh no sorry, I didn't mean leeching (though my ratio might suggest otherwise but anyway :P)
I meant those games that are close to 0 on the Steam store usually are given out for free sooner or later on sites like IndieGala, promotions and so on. So they'll become easy to grab free Steam keys for everyone. :)
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Use this young padawan, have fun
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The 3 that comes to my mind is "It used to be good back in the days!" + Devs giving up on the game + Bought the wrong pack and did not get a refund even if i didn't touch it a few years ago. Probably 1-2 more but these are the 3 that comes to my mind without looking trough the list :P
Not counting GTA V because it MAY be fun if i ever start to play with some friends.. It's a 50/50 game.
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For me I just see a game that interests me and I buy it and play it till the next game that interests me pops up, I've prob only completed fully, about 20 games in the last 5 years.
It's a vicious cycle.
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20 games isn't bad going, imo. I barely get to play these days unless I make a concerted effort. So long as you enjoy them for a while that's okay. It's more games that are never used for more than idling for cards or even never installed at all that puzzle me.
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I have only a few games on steam, even so I haven't played most of them, the one played for up to 3-7 hours usually just for cards.
That's my backlog games.
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Few is quite relative term. Having hundreds of games isn't that uncommon but can easily have content for years of playing.
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Most problem for salary man, is time.
Job is suck but money is no.
Yeah I think in years I'll end up still not playing a lot of them, in addition new games always comes up.
I have job transition in a month or so, from what I suspect it gonna be very busy.
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If I buy directly because I think the game/ developer is good, otherwise they are from bundle site.
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Categorising has definitely made me feel better about my backlog. At the moment my system is:
Getting the bundled stuff out of my way makes the backlog seem much more manageable.
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I think I have collection-addiction. Even if I know a certain game is not good and I would never play it, if they make XXXXX collection complete, I tend to purchase/trade that game. What a shame...
So I call it "Steam-Online"
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Recently I learned about Idle Master, so you can imagine what I would. ;)
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This way I'll try playing AAA games first, this remind me I win some AAA games lately.
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I think a big part of it is bundles, I usually buy bundles for one or two games and the rest is junk in my mind since the price of the bundle is usually less than the price of buying 2 games in that bundle. I will play every game I've bought on its own but I couldn't care less about most of the crap I get in bundles so I'll just farm their cards and hide them in my library. I have a lot of games in my library but I'm by no means a collector.
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I think that's the case for a lot of people. I got the Squeenix bundle last year because it was cheaper than buying all the Tomb Raiders individually, but it came with a tonne of stuff that I have zero interest in. Unfortunately it was a 1 key deal so I couldn't give away the games I didn't want.
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Seriously though, I buy way too many bundles and games that are on sale. I plan to play most of them, but indeed a huge number of them is just by-catch. Even if I don't plan on playing through all my games, I really plan to at least have a look at most of them.
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In my case I don't play the majority of my games because I got them for free.
I mean, like 20% were really free for a short period of time, the other 80% I have I made it by trading stuff.
I just buy from resellers or when people quicksells some games so I can play them, or get some cards.
I usually play some couple games for a loooong time, and others only for some time and stop.
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I've been a collector all my life and games is my newest thing to collect, that's all :D. Started with Pokemon cards when I was 6 and from there I did movies, books and coins plus a few smaller collections that never stuck.
I do plan on playing all, if not most, of my games one day :).
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i currently have 1445 games in my Steam account and there are a significant number i will never play. for a while i was kinda addicted to buying bundles so that accounts for the amount of games i have but i dont do that anymore, i have now (mostly) gone back to only buying games i intend to play. having said that i have bought a lot of games i intended to play only to discover i didnt like them or couldnt get into them when i tried them out or something better came along and i gave up. over the past year the amount of games i bought has dropped significantly and i dont expect that to change in the future. think i may be coming to the end of my gaming life?
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I have almost 1500 games.. but most of them I personaly never play. In my young days, I play a lots cracked games downloaded from net. Firstly, I wana somewhat return to developers.
Second - I wanna be a developer, so something like respect to others
Third - Hope.. like me, there are people, who buy games, there is a chance my games wont be forgotten.
Fourth - I share my games with friends a family
Fifth - In worst case, I can sell my account for money
(sorry for my bad english)
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It would be several reasons.
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There are a few moments in gaming that still stand out in my memory. I don't know if I'll ever have that feeling again either.
That's a really comprehensive answer, thanks! Glad to hear that you play some of the games and enjoy them rather than them just going unplayed.
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when i started collecting games it started as a bet (this was the summer of 2014) the bet was between me and a friend, it was about who could reach 100 games first.
not really sure what happened after that ._. all i know is that i didn't stop at 100...
that was also around the same time i started collecting badges, something that has escalated a bit over time as well <.<
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bit of both really, some badges i just get to level 1 and stop there, other badges i try to level up.
i also try to get the sale badge a bit high up (summer sale badge 1410 and winter sale badge 2730)
not gotten that many foil badges, only go for those if they are cheap or if its a game i like the badge style on. (i also went for the life is trange foil, since it is showcased as my favorite game)
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I don't do it for trading.
Cards play a part. I've been known to buy every game that costs under £1 and has cards during a sale before. It was probably less games than you might think as many around that price-point have been in bundle anyway. Don't do it to that degree now, but still buy the odd game like that if it has positive reviews. Thing is, I'm not too clever at making the cards drop as I'm too lazy but I've been doing better thanks to IdleMaster lately. At one point I had over 1000 games with cards to drop, now it's somewhere in the 700s.
The cheapness of games because of Steam and digital distribution in general is somewhat still surprising to me and that plays a fairly big role. I'm in my 30s and skipped gaming for most of my 20s (roughly the first decade of this century). When I was gaming in my teens I was a console player and nearly all the games cost £40 each. When I was very young I remember games on cassette for £0.99-£2.99, that sort of price range. I still find it somewhat amazing that you can get games for the same sort of price that they cost 30 years ago on Steam or in bundles and so much cheaper than they were when I was used to games costing in my teens. I'm now an adult with my own money and it seems like very little to pay a lot fo the time. There's a lot of crap in there, but there's some nice hidden gems knocking around, especially at sale time, and as I skipped a lot fo the early 2000s, there's many classics I never played. E.G. I get back into gaming, I'm on Steam and I hear how Half-Life is regarded as pretty much an all-time classic game and see that it costs £2-£3 on sale and there's no way I can resist something like that. For something a bit more contemporary, Skyrim goes for £2.49 - so many hundreds of hours of potential entertainment for such a cheap price, that's just great to me. I almost completely shy away from full-priced AAA games, btw, as there's no need with so many inexpensive games out there.
Steamgifts being a thing is part of it. Can justify buying bundles if I don't have one of the games, telling myself I can make people happy with the spares. A bit like the cards though, I'm bad at keeping on top of that and have accumulated way too many spare keys.
I like choice. Actually, I waiver on that as sometimes I think I like the idea of choice more than choice itself, especially if I catch myself playing the same few games for a while and not exploring my library as much as I could. Still, as a general concept it's appealing to me.
There's a collecting element about it as well, which overlaps the price thing a lot, plus the choice thing. I can "pick up a new piece for my collection" for very little, particularly in bundles where you can get 2-6 items for $1 etc.
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I'm similar to yourself, I pretty much dropped out of gaming from roughly 2003-2013 because of going to university, finding my feet as an adult, etc. so I feel there are a lot of things I missed out on.
Your attitude towards your collection reminds me a bit of a guy I know who views his library more like a Netflix sort of thing, where he has tonnes of choice and if he doesn't get to play them all then it's okay.
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Very similar in my case aswell. Stopped playing pretty much at all, later didn't have PC that could run anything and just didn't bother. Saw some cheap bundles and bought them, even though haven't played the games anyway. I've started playing a bit just this summer (because I've met a friend who would play Borderlands with me, but his PC broke down later :( ) Maybe I'll start playing a bit more now if I have time.
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I know that most of us have a few games that we'll never get around to, whether it's because we got them on multi-game keys or we just don't have time or there's always a "better" game that you want to play more, but there are also people out there with thousands of games in their accounts, games they know they'll never play, and I was wondering why that is.
It seems to me to be almost a game in and of itself, that the collection of games is attractive to anyone with a completionist-type personality.
So why do you think people do it? Or if you have one of those accounts, I'd love to know why you buy so many games. Is it to do with trading? Idling for cards? Or do you just like buying things?
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