On what basis steam bans people for using VPN
Bahhahaha "vpnrow" is a thing now? Hilarious crafty traders are hilarious.
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Here's a short guide to VPN:
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the reason i am asking about vpn is i googled 1 hour finding anyone saying they actually got banned for using vpn.Either some say their friend or someone they know got banned or some say they are using vpn for a long time now without any problems.i got confused.
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Well, it would be difficult for a banned account to comment on the Steam forums saying that they got banned wouldn't it? Then people start saying things like "people I know got banned" so no one suspects them.
Also, the most I hear about VPN usage on Steam is in regards to pre-orders and their unlock time. On most games with pre-orders where the launch date is staggered, you'll find threads in regards to VPN usage where you'll have one side of the thread saying that it's fine to use the VPN as long as you're not buying/activating a game and the other half saying that any use of VPN is a ban risk. :/
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steam is rarely upfront why they ban you. if you do feel you must vpn make a new account for them but also keep in mind steam has the right to ban all household accounts.
even if you get banned they don't removed or stop you from downloading stuff you own. they just lockdown the store and any way to add games or trade your inventory.
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That's because it has never happened before. The only recorded cases are about buying games with a vpn.
If they wanted to stop people from activating games from a vpn, they could simply add "onlyallowrunin" tag to all purchases made in Russia, which would stop vpn activation almost completely.
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This is a risk judgement call only you yourself can make.
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what is pretty obvious to me its not common to get "banned" for activating games via VPN > it might become in future ... depends
even so its rather not so easy, to differentiate whether one's fucking with the system or plainly using it to his advantage
not to mention even with VPN activation one can make it look like he was in that region for real (... i don't think i have to tell how)
another thing:
couldn't i give my login to my trusty russian friend and have him log in with all info necessary
in REAL Russia and have him activate there the gifts i'd want with my non RU account
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afaik it's against the ToS to share your login info with anyone. doesn't matter how trusted they are.
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its impossible to prove with whom i would share my login ... therefore not even worth considering
e.g. activation in REAL RU 1-2 days later "normal activity in whever stuff is not so cheap
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Unless you don't login for days between your normal logins and your RU login, it's quite easy to see that you're either faking it or sharing your account. If you're logged in from Russia one minute and from another country the next one, it's pretty clear that you're doing something wrong.
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Exactly ... thats how anyone would do it to play it safe (with days in between).
Regardless how it is done usually: "hurr durr lets do this RU vpn thing" 5 min later "back" in Europistan playing
that piece of trash COD or whatever. Next day activating games locked in SEA Region > again with VPN > 5 min later "back".
My guess it will be sanctioned sooner or later, but certainly not by banishment for casual vpn-activation users.
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Still, I would not be willing to risk my account to save a couple of $$. If people are ready to take the risk, that's their problem, not mine.
Considering the numerous measures Steam has put in place lately to destroy trading, I would be surprised if they started tracking down VPN users more closely.
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i'm just saying it's not a valid excuse because your excuse is something against the ToS. you're the one who said "couldn't i give my login to my trusty russian friend and have him log in bla bla bla".
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I wasn't asking if its within the legitimacy of the TOS ... more like if it causes any problems in activation/usage later on.
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i can see that and i'm telling you if valve will smell something out of ordinary, you can't defend yourself with that excuse. using vpn and giving your login info to a local from a locked country is the same thing to valve. so there is no need to mention that. if you're okay with vpn, then use vpn. "what if i was there" or "what if my cousin who knows my login info lives there" won't get you to anywhere.
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You don't seem to get it but ok ...
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(much like bold font, part which should not be missed) ...
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Not sure if it's related. I got a friend who created his account here in the Philippines then eventually went to Saudi Arabia.. Since it's much cheaper to buy here than there, he asked me to log his account and made me buy and activate the games. It's working fine so far maybe because his account was originally made in this region..
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Okay, so as far as I know, you only get banned, if you are using VPN too much, and the system recognizes it, BUT don't even try it, since VPN is bad, and Volvo will find it out, and ban your account forever. I have a friend, who used VPN once, and he still has his account, but I wouldn't encourage anyone, since Volvo is zero tolerant with VPN.
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I feel as though there is more risk than reward. You stand to lose more than the amount of money you save if they ever decide to ban you. Plus if they don't ban you outright once you do it, you live and game in constant fear of the ever looming hammer of gaben for that one VPN activation/purchase.
And when he comes for you, in girth and gaming glory, Lord Gaben with smiteth thee, and all we can say is "i told you so."
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So how does this vpn bans work ? i am considering buying MKX.Traders are saying it's vpnrow.They say it means it has row subid ( don't know what that is ) but have to be activated through vpn.All of them have pretty much good rep.SO what is the deal ? Does anyone know of any confirmed bans using vpn ?
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