7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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dad obviously :D

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Drunk erectile dysfunction

7 years ago

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I want to become a Chinese King so I can have 100 wives, jk I live in a communist country so I prefer single, I don't want my kid to grow up and brainwashed by the government like I used to be. If I can travel to another country and live there, sure I'll marry
Edited : Sorry for my bad English

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Marriage doesn't necessarily mean kids though.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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A couple can also live together and have kids, but without bothering to get married.

7 years ago

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Indeed. Or get married and don't get kids :3

7 years ago

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so no point in marriage, especially if you get divorced you lose everything

7 years ago

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Plenty of other reasons then kids to get married. And although I'm no expert in marriage or divorces, isn't there ways to ensure people can't fuck each other over too badly in case of divorce?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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You can sign a prenup, but if you divorce and have kids, the kids will most likely go to the wife and you've to pay for it. Well that's the case in most western countries.

7 years ago

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Well that is true, I was however talking about if no kids were involved.

7 years ago

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Prenup it is then, problems solved ;)

7 years ago

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Where do you live?

7 years ago

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in Vietnam :D , I'm South Vietnamese descendant

7 years ago

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brainwashing couldn't have been that bad when you can still post things like this

7 years ago

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100 wives = 100 mothers-in-law. You don't want it. Trust me. One is more than enough :)

7 years ago

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But surely you can just have them executed as kingk

7 years ago

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If I was a king those mothers-in-law would have to kneel and lick my feet lmao,why do I have to affraid

7 years ago

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Single and ready to mingle.

7 years ago

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Like those are the only two options...

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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That is the most unintentionally funny poll I've seen in a while.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I don't wanna marry, but having a kid would be nice.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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he's not a guy, buddy.


7 years ago

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there are no girls on the internet. (on internet, girl = Guy In Real Life)

7 years ago

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The Internet: where men are men,
Where women are also men,
And girls are FBI agents

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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That's exactly how my last online date went.

7 years ago

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he's not your buddy pal, i'm not your pal guy :P

7 years ago

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You can also just live together without getting married...

7 years ago

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Yeah, exactly. But just the one kid.

7 years ago

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I've made peace with being alone forever.

7 years ago

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Engaged but in no rush to get married.

7 years ago

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I had no idea-- congratulations!

7 years ago

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Aww thank you! After being together 9 years he finally popped the question last year :D

7 years ago

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11 kids to make my own football team, obviously

any hot steamgifter grl wanna make this dream a reality? text me

I'll let you design the dresses and maybe name the kids (although we will mostly be calling them by their dress number). I'm naming the team tho, no discussion on that.......... text me

7 years ago

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A sloth football team? Don't want to crush your high hopes.. or do the other teams in your region consist of turtles or snails?
Though the goalie might be good.. with these long arms.

7 years ago

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way to trample on my dreams you giant meanie!

7 years ago

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Well, if you can play "Maybe I'm not your son, but Manuel Neuer"* with one of those kids, you should be satisfied.

*based on a running gag caused by a Coke Zero spot with him

7 years ago

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I've been married for over 30 years.

7 years ago

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My honest respect. Congratz!

7 years ago

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Haven't you been married for a long time as well?

7 years ago

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7 years this year

7 years ago

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Well, currently I prefer my single existence, but in the end marriage and two-three kids were great (since it would mean that we'd really match, otherwise I wouldn't force it).

7 years ago

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Married, no kids.

7 years ago

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I would like to be married with my man in the future, but he prefers "cohabitation", ugh...
And no kids. I hate don't like kids.

7 years ago

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My wife hates kids too :P

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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You don't like stranger's kids, maybe you will like your own Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
Or not... kids smell funny.
jk i love babies and they love me \o/

7 years ago

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I think that kids would ruin my life, which is comfortable right now.

7 years ago

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That makes sense tbh πŸ€”

7 years ago*

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Just a relevant quote from a movie :)

"You know what I think? I think from the time we leave our parents house until we have kids - that's the only time your life is completely your own. You know I think I had about a decade of that. It was great. It was just like one long, flowing... a day, a week, a year, there wasn't much difference."

7 years ago

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married with kids

7 years ago

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i am engaged for 17 years
not married and no kids

7 years ago

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My girlfriend is like my ferrarri, I don't have one.


But to answer the question, yes I want to be married and have kids, but sadly girls have unrealistic expectations, and they want only good looking\rich\asshole guys :(

Whenever I see a grill crying in the news because her boyfriend\husband always hits her, I laugh, since f...ing bitches deserve it.

TL;DR: real girls are unfair, 2D > 3D

7 years ago*

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her boyfriend\husband always hits her, I laugh, since f...ing bitches deseve it.

You are not going to get a girlfriend if you don't have empathy.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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People who choose an abusive relationship, and then stay in it, are deserving of pity, but it's difficult to empathize.

7 years ago

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Whenever I see a grill crying in the news because her boyfriend\husband always hits her, I laugh, since f...ing bitches deseve it.

I'm sorry for whatever happened to you to get you to the point where you could write that, but it's one of the worst things I've ever read on Steamgifts.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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If you hate grills so much, have you considered a stove yet?

7 years ago

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But using a grill adds a nice flavor to everything :(

7 years ago

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Every time when I see those news, I'm following the same logic. Nobody force them to be with those assholes. It was their own choice. I'm with you in this one, don't listen to the herd mentality. I know you won't anyway so last suggestion was unnecessary as this sentence.

7 years ago

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There are several reasons as to why one doesn't leave an abusive relationship. Maybe you should look it up. But it's always easy to judge situations based on our own (outside) perspective, right?

Also, "don't listen to the herd mentality" when your point of view is exactly the "herd mentality". How ironic! :)

7 years ago

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I was talking about choosing to be with that person in the first place and decide to marry or be in a relationship in an extended period of time. I wasn't talking about psychological dilemmas happening after facing violence. No it is the herd mentality to feel sorry about those people. Because when ever I say something like that or similar every body turn their faces towards me and tries to correct me. Its the general reaction to these news to feel sorry for them.

7 years ago*

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Wait, I'm not sure I understand now. Are you against marriage or long period relationships? Or you believe they first met when he gave her a beating or something?

7 years ago

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No I'm not against anything. I'm just saying that if you're going to marry someone or decided to be in a long last relationship you should be sure of that person. Those woman or man in those news decided to be in a relationship with screwed up people. I mean how can you not know that until they beat you up to death? I'm just saying I don't feel for the guy who rides his bicycle hands up and falls down just for that.
PS. I like to push people's buttons so I start a argument with a sociopathic but logical statement and almost everybody falls for that. And I gained 2 blacklist in the meantime :D

7 years ago

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Reading this I am confused as well. Abusers generally don't show their true side at the beginning of the relationship, it's only after a period of time that they start doing abusive things. And they usually do a good job of isolating their victim so it's hard to escape.

7 years ago

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If they are that good, I can't say anything about that. I mean after 2-3 years of intimacy and they don't even broke once till they go berserk. I'm not very knowledgeable about statistics about these situations. But when I see the news and hear the behind story the guy was always kind of creepy or an asshole looking in the first place.

7 years ago

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"asshole looking". OK.

7 years ago

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variations of this

I mean you know what I mean don't play the high horse "don't judge a book by its cover" game. Sometimes its kind of obvious. And you can get somethings out from their looks too. Because when you choose clothes and outlook for yourself, you express yourself even if you don't mean to.
And I wouldn't ask for directions to these guys. But someone out there sleeping with them.
But its my limited experience with the news from my own country. And here there are a lot of uneducated or poorly educated and violent assholes. They are not smart enough to hide their real face nor to plan whole thing out. Again all I saw from the news was these guys not mastermind psychopaths.
And to be clear I'm not defending them they are wrong and they are criminals.

7 years ago

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I would disagree. Abusers do show their nature in the beginning, but the problem is that many women neither recognize nor react to the 'red flags' shown in the early stages of a relationship. The same thing applies to men, which is how decent guys end up with horrible women. Blame the lack of education, and blame the ineptitude of people in picking a partner, but don't say it's impossible to see it coming.

7 years ago

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I think that 'nice guy' approach isn't exactly whats going to get you a wife and I really have no idea where you look for girls if everyone you've ever met could be considered as 'bitch'. If you ever get past that grieve and go outside of your school/work/local bar/basement and actually talk to people you may find out that women are humans too, or maybe you look only for blondes with huge boobs and ass, tons of make-up and sh*tty attitude so you can whine about them in internet.

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7 years ago

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you may find out that women are humans too

ahahahhahahahhahha nope, they are cancer, and they make you feel dead inside

or maybe you look only for blondes with huge boobs and ass, tons of make-up and sh*tty attitude so you can whine about them in internet

nope, I don't really care about boobs and ass, a girl should just have a decent face (that doesn't look like she was hit in the head with a shovel) and thats it; my 100% perfect ideal girl type would be a small (in height), petite girl.

By the look at your avatar (pink + has hearts) and your "real" name on steam, nice try trying to save face for your cancer gender, girl, its always easier to blame men for everything, its not my f*cking fault that 99% of girls have their heads up in space.

TL;DR: great bait grill

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Seems like both, doesn't it?

7 years ago

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Id say judging from the attitude youre giving on here, that it is actually your fault girls dont like you. Instead of shifting blame around ("Girls always blame men for everything!", while youre blaming girls for not liking you), Id recommend spending some time doing some introspection, but what would I know? Im just another of those dumb broads out there blaming a man

7 years ago

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Id say judging from the attitude youre giving on here, that it is actually your fault girls dont like you.

I don't have this attitude with girls IRL, but venting is always needed. I'm so nice to girls, that compared to that, every girl is a f.cking .sshole.

Its funny how girls and chads are defending girls lol.

7 years ago

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I still stand by what I said. Instead of just blaming all girls for being assholes, take the time to see if there is something you could be changing to get girls interested. Or dont. I hear MGTOW is awesome. Whatever helps you sleep at night bud lol

7 years ago

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Im not blaming them, I just state the facts, every girl looks nice from the outside, but inside they are rotten. (like this apple http://i.imgur.com/2fNhCFi.jpg)

I can't change my looks, I can't get rich, so girls will never like me lol. And I don't wanna become an asshole. (because girls in my country only choose guys with any of these 3 types (good looking\rich\asshole)

Also yeah, everything is my fault, even the last time when I saw a cute girl on the bus, I tried talking to her, and when I asked her name (after giving her mine) she didn't give me her name. (or her name is "Sorry I Don't Wanna Know You").

And of course I'm like this, you know sometimes men's biological clock is ticking too, and suprisingly some of us has feelings, and you know its f.cking annoying and also heartbreaking that I try over and over and over again, and change my looks, etc. over and over and over again, but for what? always getting instant rejected, or ghosted.. And after ~50 of these, people starts to break.

But I know, retard Chads like you can't understand some people's pain and suffering, all of you are always like "dude, try to change, its so ez to get a gf", and its f.cking annoying.

TL;DR: you Chads will never know, how painful it is to have 100% rejection rate (especially when the only thing you want in life is a loving wife and kids), and no matter what you do, nothing changes. So stop trying to be an assh.le and a "Cool" guy, f.cking chad.

Still too long?

TL;DR 2: f.ck you Chad

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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LOL Like I said, whatever helps you sleep at night bud

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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10 Years married and still very much in love, she is my best friend and we've yet to have a serious argument about anything.She was my first 'real' girlfriend and she'd never even kissed another guy before she met me. My advice to anyone looking for a happy relationship, don't be selfish. If you both put the needs of the other person first it builds a bond and trust that cannot be easily pulled apart.

7 years ago

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Very interesting, congratulations. It will not be too blatant if I ask you to tell the story of your acquaintance with her? (It's always interesting to know about the happy stories of which in my life there is no)

7 years ago

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I'm happy to tell the story, it's certainly the happiest story of my life.
We met online actually. I was recovering from a long illness and had nothing better to do so I started writing to people in other parts of the world. It was the early days of social media, so people were open to just making new friends and I wrote to a lot of different people and we'd chat on instant messenger or AOL or whatever and it was fun. Never really intended to lead into any kind of real life relationship because the distances were huge. But then I saw her profile and I knew if I opened a conversation with her I might not be happy to remain friends only. Her profile picture was her and her dog, and it was the same kind of dog we had, so that was literally my opening line. "Hi there, 'm not a creep or anything, but we've got the same kind of dog. They are awesome." Within 2 weeks of talking we were both keen to meet, but we were still young and not exactly rolling in money so it took 11 months to get together the money for me to fly across the world to meet her.
After so long of talking, we had pretty much already decided we wanted to be together for as long as possible, so once I saw her in real life it was only a few hours before the awkwardness of the first meeting was gone and we were talking like we had been online, but now face to face. So I spent a month with her and her family and asked her to marry me 'unofficially' during that time. Then we made it official when she visited me four months later, and then after 6 very long months she moved to my country and we got married.
At the time online relationships weren't very common so people thought I was a bit weird, but I think it why worked so well for us. We both found it easier to express emotions without the other person right in front of us, and talking was all we had for nearly 2 years so we knew each other so well by the end that it just carried over into real life. Sorry to hear that you haven't found that connection, my advice is to not be afraid to get to know the other person really well before starting a relationship. Make sure they know you're interested, but let them know you are interested in them as a person first and a lover second.If you don't like just spending time with each other outside of 'doing things' it's not going to be easy to have a strong relationship.

7 years ago

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Wow that's just WOW, you guys are perfectly together I believe. She is a real treasure, but you're not less. How can you persuade her leaving her country to go with you, and gain the trust from her family too?

7 years ago

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Well luckily, she was from my part of the world originally, but her family had moved away when she was in high school. That was also probably why we found it so easy to talk to each other. She hated her new home so she was happy to move back again. Our families already knew we were talking every night so it wasn't a surprise for them to hear that we wanted to get married and they already knew we must be serious as no one gets into a long distance relationship if you don't plan on one day living in the same country.

7 years ago

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Now I have goosebumps. that's Red String of Fate. Everything just fits together perfectly, like the universe supports you two. Have a wishing happiness from me to both of you, I wish somedays I will find my perfectly other half like you too.

7 years ago

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Very warm story, I wish you happiness and long pleasant years of life ^.^

7 years ago

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Thank you! :-)

7 years ago

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I don't mean to be weird or anything, but it's kind of freaky how similar our stories actually are. I replied to you in the first place because your initial message sounded a lot like my relationship (The whole feeling of it at least). It's a very great story to read, and because I have been in a very similar situation (I met my wife in a videogame), I can almost feel how great you guys must have felt meeting the first time :)

7 years ago

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Haha no worries, I know our story is not unique in the online world. I know a lot people nowadays who met online and have really strong relationships. I think it's because the key to a good relationship is communication and when you meet someone online that's all you have for the first part of the relationship so either you get good at opening up to each other or nothing comes of it. If you have been talking for a while and then decide to meet you're both already pretty sure that you like this person and they like you, so already you've gone past a lot of the barriers other couples have initially, "Does she like me? Are my jokes lame? Is it too obvious that I'm interested in her?" It's always nice to hear someone else had similar experiences in meeting someone awesome.

7 years ago

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Yeah I think you make a good point. And I know as well that these stories are not particular unique anymore, but they're still pretty far and between. Of course it's easier to run into people in the same situation on the internet, but I personally don't know anyone else in the same situation. Not to this degree at least.

But I agree as well that you do get past a lot of barriers by talking online first. It's also a bit easier, for me at least, to be a bit more balsy and "test the waters" so to speak. As the insecure shy guy I am, I much prefer this method, as you tend to fall for the person behind the exterior first, and not vice versa.

7 years ago

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In my case I always had lots of friends in high school, male and female, but I was more like the 'class clown' making jokes and being funny, and I could never switch it off to express an interest in a girl, because it just felt awkward. But as you say, online it was so much easier. It only took a couple of days of talking to her before we were flirting and within a few weeks it was easy to express a mutual interest, whereas in the past there were girls I'd hung out with for years that I wanted to ask out but just could never do it. I'm really glad I never did get up the courage as it worked out pretty well for me in the end.

7 years ago

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Oh yes, definitely no regrets here either. Everything led to that moment when you made first contact and everything just took on from there :3

7 years ago

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Ah, the days when immigration was simple and easy.... How I miss them.

7 years ago

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Haha well we're not in the US, so rules are probably different, but even so it has been funny to see the rules change over these 10 years. First year it was a just marriage certificate, the next year it was also a doctors report, then a radiological exam, then also a signed police statement telling our story and financial proof of support, then interviews with a immigration officer. It's stupid that those who genuinely just want to get married and build a life together have to jump through all these hoops just because of all the idiots who commit fraud. It's like DRM... punish those who are trying to do the legal thing.

7 years ago

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My dear, that is awesome, I envy you :D

7 years ago

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Thanks, I know it's rare to find someone you click with so well, so I really do value and treasure her.

7 years ago

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Other then not being married for 10 years, that sounds pretty much like my relationship as well. It's wonderful, isn't it? :)

7 years ago

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It really is! There's a sense of belonging, where it just feels right to just be with that person, no matter what you're doing.

7 years ago

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Indeed. There's no better way to say it then how you did. Everything just feels right and comes naturaly. We really have to do anything to keep these rare creatures happy :o)

7 years ago

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she'd never even kissed another guy before she met me

Or thats just what she told you, I hear things like this so many times, its statistically impossible.

7 years ago

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Hehe. Well my attraction to her was not based on her history, and based on the awkwardness of the first time she kissed me, I tend to believe her story. She had no reason to lie, I was already in love with her. It's rare, but not everyone jumps into bed with the first person they meet. I had only had one girlfriend in high school and we never went beyond kissing. So yeah, I know we are weird by todays standards, but it worked out alright for us. She's the best lover I ever had, and I'm hers. :-D

7 years ago

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That's so great-- you've very lucky! =)

7 years ago

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Yes I know how lucky I am...

7 years ago

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Married to my adopted daughter

7 years ago

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Is that you Woody?

7 years ago

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being single does have it perks, but I'd vote for some form of partnership (married or other). Having a soul mate who has your back when you need to beats being alone any time.

7 years ago

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Offtopic, but your username always reminded me of this:

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7 years ago

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what a beautiful creature! So nice you link something like that to me! :D

7 years ago

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Together but no married. I don't get the point of marriage...

7 years ago

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Tax reasons? Making inheritance less of a mess?

7 years ago

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Beside the reason i don't like religions, I don't see no reason to get married, its not a religious contract that will judge my hability to love and stay with someone for the rest of my life.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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The whole concept of marriage started with religions. Religious contract or not, that's just something that doesn't fit in my mind, if i love someone and i choose to be with the person for the rest of my life thats my choice and a marriage contract won't make my decision any stronger.

7 years ago

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But being married makes things easier when you end your relationship. When ending a marriage there's legal support for how you split things like your belongings that you purchased together, something that unmarried couples don't have.

7 years ago

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"being married makes things easier when you end your relationship"... Some people would beg to differ!

7 years ago

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Well, there are procedures for how to handle things like splitting your common belongings between two married people who end things, as opposed to two unmarried people who have just lived together for a while.

7 years ago

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Obviously there are advantages but I am sure there are a lot of bureaucratic, time and money consuming procedures and unnecessarily extended emotional turbulence throughout time that one has to pass through it.
Basically they ask you 1 time if you want to get married and 100 if you want to divorce. This last sentence has been told to me by a divorced person.

7 years ago

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Well, that depends on if you can get along after the marriage ends. If you can't, and there's a dispute in regards to who gets what, having been married means that it's not just the two people's words against each other, but rather there being a system to lean back on to resolve the conflict. If you can get along, then fine, it won't really matter, you can till split things as you see fit.

7 years ago

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Of course, but in an ideal system (not in ideal marriages) this should supposed to work in a more simple and less time and money consuming way, tried to point that out earlier.

7 years ago*

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I got that, my point was that you at least have a system in place that protects you when your former partner goes "I want the house, and the car, and the dog, and your grandmother's ashes". It can still end up being very complicated, as every case is unique, and if both of you want your grandmother's ashes, you have to find a compromise, it can be really drawn out. But it's better than nothing.

But the marriage contract also helps if one of you would get seriously ill, or die. This might well vary from region to region, but unless you've signed a will explicitly saying what your partner gets, and you were to die, it's your kids & relatives that gets your belongings, not your partner.

7 years ago*

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"....and the dog, and your grandmother's ashes". Haha!
Nobody can argue about these advantages, they are certainly providing benefits to couples and it's a good thing that they are in existence of course. It's a concrete reply to @Ragecry about the point in getting married, though I insist on "being married..." not always "...makes things easier when you end your relationship". Or at least not in every way.

7 years ago

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"Darling, you're the only one for me. I love you! Please sign this legal document protecting all our financial assets in the eventuality of our unending love ending abruptly πŸ’•πŸ˜"

7 years ago

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We do a lot of strange things in the name of love :P

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Marriage is a social contract between the two people involved and involves the local population bearing witness to the fact that you're a couple. (Some) religions have a say in the details surrounding marriage, but that falls under the whole "how you live your life" umbrella. Government would normally not be involved in matters of marriage except that some do get involved in the dissolution of the contract (divorce), leading to involvement in its establishment (marriage). Of course, if no contract is made, there is no marriage, and there are no requirements of either party. You can't "cheat" on your partner when there is no formal agreement between you.

TL;DR: Religion didn't invent marriage.

7 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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Single is full freedom, independence and countless number of opportunuties. I chose this way many years ago and not going to change my choice.

7 years ago

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before thinking about marriage and having kids you've got to find the chosen one and i didn't find her (or one of them?) yet.
and while i am not too young anymore i still don't feel old (or wise) enough to actually marry and have kids even if i manage to find a hot goddess.
so i guess things like these will get answered as soon as the need to answer them arises.

7 years ago

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The answer is pretty simple.
When you'll meet your soulmate you'll decide if you'll just have a relationship,if you'll get married or if you'll have any kids.
Otherwise you can just relax lonely, and it's not that bad.
There's no objective opinion about having relationships.

7 years ago

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+1 Now someone might think they'd rather be single, but once they meet their soulmate, they might love to get married.

7 years ago

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Single. And this is coming from someone who's currently engaged. :)

7 years ago

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Go on...

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7 years ago

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It's pretty simple. Some people are meant to live a married life and some aren't. There's no right or wrong when it comes to relationships.

7 years ago

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