Hey everyone!

I have been a moderator here on SteamGifts for the last few years, but for a (long) while I have been significantly less active, and I unfortunately do not see that changing anytime soon. Given that, I am stepping down from my position.

I won't be leaving SG altogether, but you'll probably see less of me as time goes on.

As is customary when posting anything on the forums, here are some giveaways:

While there have been ups and downs in engaging in my duties, it has overall been a pleasure to work with and for you all.

Thank you sincerely,


1 week ago

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Thank you for your service my man... Time flies, life goes on...

6 days ago

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Thank you very much indeed.

6 days ago

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Good luck.

6 days ago

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Thank you for the tremendous contributions you have made to our community.💐

And may you continue to have good times in Steamgifts.🤗
Frankly, isn't it impossible to fill the hole that you and MSKOTOR are leaving? I am concerned.🕳
However, meny of the community participants will probably take over... I hope it works out.

6 days ago

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thanks for your good work.

6 days ago

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Thanks a lot for all your work, Gaffi :)

6 days ago

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Thank you and Best wishes :)

6 days ago

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Thank you for volunteering your time here!

6 days ago

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Thanks for your time and work here, Gaffi! :-)

6 days ago

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I have been lurking on SG for a long time now but thank you for the work you've done and enjoy retirement!

6 days ago

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best of luck for the future and thank you for everything!

5 days ago

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Thanks for making the site better. Hope to see you around!

5 days ago

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Wish you the best!!

5 days ago

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Closed 20 hours ago by Gaffi.