As the title says, tomorrow is the day of all days ... I'm getting fired from a job for the very first time in my life!
I'm excited. Are you excited? You better be

So, currently I'm still working as an assistant of management in a hotel. I was getting along with my boss pretty well but a few weeks back we had a fight. Basically, she was just having one of her retard moments and I was unlucky enough to be the only one around at that time. Sucks for her I don't take it easily when someone tries to fuck me over by trying to force work on me I don't know anything about or that isn't even supposed to be part of my work (Jek, do the taxes for 2012, you have time until tonight 10pm).

Since then she's just searching for reasons to get me fired, even got the IT guy, which I'm luckily really good friends with, to spy after me, because according to her I was sleeping and watching movies at work (Lol no).

Anyways, thanks to my buddy I know about all this stuff and also know she wants to fire me tomorrow. Which is good, considering this work was my only source of income and I still have to pay rent and for uni. I found a new job pretty quickly, way better pay and working conditions.

So now, celebrate with me! Feel free to bash you bosses here too

So today I went to work all happy and stuff, doing my work and waiting till she arrives. First thing I did in the morning was filling out how many hours I worked and put it on her desk. She arrives just like nothing happened, tries joking with me and stuff, I don't react. Don't talk to her, only when it's necessary.

The end of my work day: I go to her, tell her I'm gonna go drink a coffee and that she should look at my paycheck while I get my things. I come back take it, look at her and just flat out ask how she thinks this should continue. She gets all defensive, trying to tell me some bullshit story about how things were rough for her and she is sorry. Well guess what, things are rough for everyone, still i'm not going into work all mad and try to fuck up someone's day. Especially considering I got paid not nearly enough. I wouldn't even be able to pay my rent for next month if it wasn't for a great friend of mine.

She still tries finding some bullshit excuses, I just cut her off and tell her that I do not take it kindly when people treat me like that. Funny thing is: Some employees are leaving and this means I would be one of the very last people who are fit for the job. Who know the system and can actually solve problems.

She literally begged me to stay.

Sucks for her I don't intend to :)

10 years ago*

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As far as I have seen from your posts here in the forums and your GAs your seem a great person. Fun, helpful and giving. Great qualities. I don't know if karma is a real thing but if it is, this could be a great example of it. I am glad that you found not only a better job, but you found it soon enough that you didn't have to go through all that emotional mess you would be if you were looking for a job for a long time. Or you would be fine I don't know! Anyway, I am glad for you and I am glad that I see people that deserve something good, sometimes they get it. Good for you and keep it up. :D

10 years ago

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Aww man, thank you very much :)

Don't idealize me though, I have many faults :D

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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ask your it friend to do counter surveillance and let just say some strange pic come around ;p

10 years ago

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lol good for you that you already found a better job

you should quit before she fires you to make it more fun :D

10 years ago

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Get as much of those free mints, coffee packets, free shit as you can before you leave. Not too much though, maybe find someone other than her to give you a reference from there

10 years ago

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Glad you were able to find something ... and better. Not everyone is so fortunate.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Yeah, good luck with the new job! Hopefully they'll value you as a human being and not just a "worker/slave".

10 years ago

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Where to begin....

10 years ago

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good luck on your new job!

10 years ago

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Make sure you take her down with you, because you won't be her last victim. If you are gone, she will look for the next one and people aren't always able to defend themself and/or deal with it.

10 years ago

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This is an important post, in my eyes.
Before you disengage from the company, make sure you make a formal complaint. Keep it neutral and professional, explain your side of the story and her behavior that followed, and send it off.

Then as a final point, anybody you are on suitably friendly terms with within the company, make sure they're aware of the general situation without making it seem like you're trying to sabotage her dishonestly. The more people who are aware of her behavior, the harder it will be for her to repeat it without gathering gradually more and more attention to it. If she's going to burn bridges over nothing, then people should be allowed to see the fire so they know exactly how far to trust her.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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lol wat? How come?

10 years ago

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You played on the job without inviting your boss?

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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u need to quit before she can fire you. esp if you already have a new job. dont let her have the satisfaction nor the mark against you. it may not seem like much but trust me its better this way.

even better. before you quit or she has a chance to fire you. make it look like you got a phone call and then tell her corporate office just called and said she is fired and its over the 2012 tax paperwork you sent to them the day prior..then before she can say anything just say oh well im out of here too and quit. this way she either has to call them to confirm it all and she might slip up and spill the beans on herself. OR she leaves thinking she is fired and then gets fired. or she does something crazy and this thread will self destruct in 7 days.

or just fax the tax stuff and then quit and never say anything lol

10 years ago

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bring her flowers to thank her for fireing you :)

10 years ago

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Damn, that's hard. Sorry to hear that

but still, tomorrow you can be a gentleman/lady and gracefuly tell her to fuck off.
they expect you to freak out, to panic, to make a scene. But this time you have the high ground.

and remember what is best in life:

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women!

10 years ago

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Work is for pussys!

10 years ago

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Good luck with your new job

10 years ago

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Your boss is not "fucking you over" by "forcing work on you". Your boss can ask you to do anything she wants so long as it is legal, and unless you have signed a very explicit contract that stipulates the contrary, you are expected to do what the boss asks or they're fully in their right to fire you.

10 years ago

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Sure .. bend over and shut up..

10 years ago

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Only in a right to work state, but there is a thing called human decency. Most job stipulations don't allow any less than 6 hour breaks between shifts, be that corporate or state ruling.

10 years ago

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Like I said, "as long as it is legal." The OP didn't say anything that would suggest his employer was violating the law with her requests.

10 years ago

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I see. So what you're implying is that if you work as a janitor in a hospital, your employer has the right to fire you if you decline to attempt open-heart surgery on her behalf?

The funny thing is, if you do the taxes wrong, you're in a heap of legal shit and prosecution is one of the possible outcomes, as well as a fast-track excuse for getting fired. If you know nothing of the companies finances, nor it's methods of tracking and handling them, nor anything of business-grade tax shit... then the only sane thing to do is politely decline when an authority figure tries to pressure you into doing this duty that was not agreed upon as part of your role.

I'm pretty sure it qualifies as fucking them over.
Besides, "having a right" in a legal or illegal sense does not automatically equate to moral or immoral. Legally someone can walk up to you in the street, curse in your face and do their best to play on any traumas that they know you have, but you are not legally allowed to punch them in the face for it. Right and wrong is more than just a binary flag of legality.

10 years ago

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Asking a janitor to work as a doctor would be illegal (most likely criminal negligence, though possibly other charges).

A) We don't know that he was being asked to do the final tax work. He may have only been asked to do something preliminary.

B) If the taxes were done wrong, the responsibility would fall on the company. He would not be held criminally liable.

Lastly, I only mentioned legality as a caveat because I knew some people would come up with ridiculous situations like you have (janitor performing heart surgery). Yes, there is more to morality than whether something is legal or not, but it would be quite a stretch to argue that someone is being immoral simply by asking someone to do a task that was not initially stipulated when they were hired. That is, in fact, common in workplaces worldwide and most people realize that the job description they may have when hired may not be an exhaustive list of the tasks they will have, especially when they are working in such a low-level, non-specialized position as it seems the OP was.

10 years ago

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My "ridiculous situation" was plainly intended to show that scope is a factor, and allowing yourself to be badgered into certain tasks carries a threat of repercussion when improperly performed.

Yeah, flexibility is a thing, but just as it was not automatically implied that it was the final taxwork, it was also not automatically implied that they were simply refusing to accept a reasonable request. There is a deficit of information that makes a guess in either direction pointless, and going for the default of "everything is the fault of the complainer" in that blindspot is pretty obnoxious (and a staple of the memetic judgemental asshattery shown by lesser people you shouldn't aspire to mimic :P).

Yes, a boss can ask anything that isn't illegal, but an employee can also decline when the task moves beyond a certain boundary of reason. A lot depends on the fine print here, and really even if the OP tried to be neutral about the situation it's still a fresh wound so there'd probably be accidental bias.

10 years ago

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I agree there is a deficit of information, but I disagree that I am simply blaming the complainer by default.

The way the OP has chosen to phrase his complaint is indicative of his bad attitude in general. Furthermore, he implies, if not outright says, that he met his boss' request with a highly uncooperative attitude. I highly doubt he politely declined, nor can I imagine that asking him to look at the taxes was outside the boundary of reason.

10 years ago

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doing taxes was outside his area of expertise.

10 years ago

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"Outside his area of expertise" does not equate to "outside the boundary of reason".

Someone that can follow directions and do basic math can do taxes. That doesn't mean they will do them WELL (i.e. avoid any mistakes, get all possible deductions / exemptions, etc) but that is the fault of the employer to have someone underqualified handling them.

10 years ago

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by that logic the manager can start cleaning the toilets, cleaning lady can fuck around with taxes and delivery boy starts fixing electronics around the place.

Being employed on a specific job doesn't mean you're a jack of all trades, do-it-all just cause your boss wants that. Unless his job specifications and contract mention he's responsible for doing taxes, I don't see why he'd agree to do them.

10 years ago

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Most people don't have contracts though, and even those that do have contracts don't necessarily have their complete duties stipulated.

I've seen managers occasionally have to clean toilets. At a grocery store where I once worked everyone from the managers down to the bag boys cleaned the restrooms at times. On a couple occasions when I was working a janitorial / maintenance job I was asked for computer tech help because they knew that I knew computers.

In small to medium businesses, especially those that aren't situated in an office setting, it's common and expected that people be flexible. If you can't be flexible there's someone else waiting for your job that can.

10 years ago

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Yes, she was. The tax thing is just one small example on what happened the past few weeks at work.

I never decline any work I know I am capable of doing, nor do I ever decline of helping somewhere out if I can. But after several weeks of getting loaded with work, most of the time nonsensical, with impossible deadlines and getting screamed at when I didn't make it in time, is just too much. Then being forced to work overtime just to not get those hours paid in the end because I couldn't finish it.

Then, let's not forget all those times she changed my schedule without telling me, resulting in me being busy otherwise, just to go to work the next day and being sent home (after I've gotten screamed at) because I apparantly missed work. According to her I am lacking motivation, suddenly stopped doing my work right and all that bullshit. So yes, she is fucking me over. By trying to force work on me I am not specialiced in or cutting money out I work hard for and need for surviving.

Even after several weeks of this hell I tried being reasonable, instead of trying to talk with me all I got was this passive aggressive bullshit. So I went to talk to her. Sort things out. It resulted in her smiling at me and nodding and then just stopping giving me any work at all.

But if you're fine being treated like that at your work ... hey, buddy, I don't judge. Enjoy getting fucked over and over again.

10 years ago

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I'm sorry you had to go through that bullshit. No one should have to be jerked around like that.

However, next time you should be clearer and not heavily imply it was one incident (e.g. calling it "a fight") nor leave your description of it as something like, "Sucks for her I don't take it easily when someone tries to fuck me over by trying to force work on me," as that suggests you are the uncooperative, "too cool for school," type.

10 years ago

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Hey Jek, does Employment Law in your country cover Constructive Dismissal or similar?

10 years ago

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Getting fired in 1month time too :'(

10 years ago

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don't let her fire you, walk in tomorrow and quit.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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Stick it to the man.... er, I mean the woman!!

10 years ago

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My ex-boss was horrible. I was accused of losing money out the till and lying to her about selling something (which I actually did sell). Then was fired for apparently not talking to enough customers, which again, I talked to everyone. Honestly, she just liked abusing her power I think.

Rant over.

10 years ago

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I'm a stay at home dad now and I was a paramedic before that. Right now my boss is my 3 month old and he's an asshole who doesn't let me do a damn thing I want to do, what a jerk. I hear that eventually I'll get a promotion and be his boss but it seems so far away. Before that paramedicine was pretty rad, only had about 3 people breathing down my neck because I did my job well. When they get pissed though, you fear that 5 years in field, CEU's, and 3 years of schooling doesn't get ripped out of your hands, so that sucked.

10 years ago

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" I was sleeping and watching movies at work"

All of the staff does that in my office.

10 years ago

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you had a job? I thought u just collected taxes as a queen :P


10 years ago

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