Bioshock/Bioshock 2, because the remastered ones are crap.
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But original games are included in remastered versions. You get both when buying and can choose whichever version you want to play
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Ran better than the originals for me. I was actually able to enjoy the games without constant crashing.
Although that may be only because I run a Windows 10 now.
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Not only do they still constantly crash, they also delete your saves when they do.
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Played the remastered versions like 6 times in a row to get achievements done.. They where still bugged the last time and the 100's of crashes i had didn't help either.
I think there was a minor fix for the old games to workt properly but at least they didn't crash 24/7.
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They look pretty beautiful, especially the last one.
I can't see much difference among racing games, though. They seem too complicated and sometimes too focused on time trials (which, for me, oppose to the concept of "racing").
By the way, I suck at all.
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Too complicated? Time trial focused? Bro, those aren't racing games then, whatever you played, they gave you a bad impression and bad taste, I actually don't know any racing game that is like that. Blur, Need for Speed, Burnout, Flatout, Carmaggedon, Twisted Metal, Road Rash, not complicated and no time trials. It really depends on A game, not as whole genre and differences there are my friend, quite some differences in between the franchise's and I don't mean just graphically.
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I've only played Revenge in the Burnout series (AND LOVED IT!!!) and a small handful of NFS (UG2, MW Black Edition, Carbon, new MW, Hot Pursuit) and they're definitely my type of racing games...I suck at games like GT where they're more like racing sims...FYI MW Black is my #1 NFS game, slightly beating out UG2...
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If Revenge is the PS2 version of the Legends game on PSP then yeah, it's the best one in the franchise that we both love, thae music, cars, tracks, locations, crash mode, takedowns, takedown camera, fast paced smooth satisfying gameplay, love it dearly. Wait, you played those but you didn't play the first need for speed, second, Porsche unleashed, hot pursuit 2, 3, UG1,? Shame, they defined NFS before those you played did, which are also fantastic, they all are, all are worth playing. I too dislike, hate the official, proper, legal, boring racers. You should try out Pursuit Force, I'm sure it will be in your alley.
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Looking back over them, Porsche Unleashed was my first one and I LOVED trying to unlock all the different models, and I think I played a little of Hot Pursuit 2 back then as well...but yeah, I missed the rest of them until a gf introduced me to MW Black Edition, then I chased up UG2, then Carbon, then regretted getting the second MW because it felt too much like a Burnout game rather than NFS...not that there's anything wrong with Burnout at all, I'd just have rathered it actually feel like NFS since that's what it was branded, and I got the newer Hot Pursuit rather than the original, my 4 year old loves for Legends, I THINK that was a different game to Revenge but released around the same time...I did a brief bit of digging and I don't remember cops being involved in Revenge, I DO remember reading somewhere that it was the first Burnout to feature Traffic Checking though?
Pursuit Force looks kinda familiar, was there something like that on PS2?I remember playing something similar with my eldest son...oh, and I also LOVED Rage Racer on the PS1
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Did you guys forget to play the Midnight Club series? MCR > NFS
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I'd love to have a copy of Blur on Steam, but seems only way to play it now is via a retail disc copy.
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Blur was a pretty big loss. I was looking into buying it a few years back, but it was gone at that point. I wish we'd get warnings before games get taken down. Or, sorta like Dirt 3 and GRID, where they were given away for free, almost signaling that the end was near.
Last time I checked, there were people online still playing it. Luckily, you can still buy used retail copies and a handful of new ones. And it was released for the 360/PS3 as well, which can be cheaper. Not sure if you still need a key for online to work, though.
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+1 for Blur
What already says a lot about the game is that I recently played a few rounds online when I had my 360 plugged in and in Multiplayer there are still (the same ?) 300 people playing like there were 5 years ago.
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I have Blur on CD, but i wanted it on steam. Playing online Destruction Derby is awesome
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Removed from Steam? Damn son, that is hard...
I still have a physical DRM Free Copy or in other words I have a CD with no need of Steam.
I´m glad I bought this game shortly after the release
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Escape from Butcher Bay got removed due to Assault on Dark Athena having EfBB in the game.
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If it can't be bought, I think we can consider it as removed
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Depends. Games with a store page but no option to buy it are known as "Purchase Disabled" and if it doesn't have a store page, it is called "Removed". Granted these are standards used by the RGC group, so it is nothing set in stone, but that is what we generally go by.
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I remember Planescape started like that, as if it was a temporary disable, then it was removed completely
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wait! why would they ;_; ????? that game looks beaut
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Because EA would rather it only be available on Origin, so they get 100% of the profits, I think. :(
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Aww :(
Thanks for reminding me i need to finish it though. One of my first purchases on steam
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Well, it's a pretty rad game, and if you don't mind putting up with the platform, it is available on Origin...
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Only the complete edition includes the original and thats not the version they sell.
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I'm pretty sure the game is included no matter what, you just have to change a "False" to "True" in a config file for it to be enabled.
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Nope, that unlocks dresses/weapons. Whilst it does add the original to the menu the files for it aren't included so you can't actually access it.
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Oh that sucks, I guess you can just arrrrr the files and put them where they need to go. I remember seeing a thread where diehard fans were helping each other get the game working as "complete".
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I agree, it's such a beautiful game <3
The buy otion got removed once, I guess because a lot of people didn't understand how to add it to their library? (It was during, or shortly after a sale and the reviews got flooded with complaints about keys not working etc.). So maybe, origin just didn't want to deal with the steam customers anymore? ^^" If so, there's hope it'll come back one day :3
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'The store page had been removed a few times as well and then put back really weird
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you can get it for like 15 dollars on g2a, i did that
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Whoa, they actually removed Ghostbusters? That's a shame for those that didn't already own it, it's really quite good.
I used to own a copy years ago, no idea what happened to it, but bought it again on Steam during the last xmas sale since thought I might eventually play through it again. Plus, some people were saying it might get removed, guess they were right.
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Sanctum of Slime is gone as well though you can still buy the DLC.
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You can still get it for cheap from traders if ya interested. Hasn't pasted the base price if I remember right.
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Not that bad tbh. Lowest b/o I've seen is 40 keys which is $80 US. Might be able to get it a bit cheaper than that if you are willing to look around, but it is on the mid-lower end of removed games when it comes to value.
Outside of the very common removed games, they tend to cap around the $100-150 mark. Very few peeps are willing to spend more than that, and folks (not surprisingly) get highly selective at this point, which means only a few games can break past this point.
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Planescape: Torment was never on Steam though .... Do you mean Neverwinter Nights 2?
From the ones that I've played (not many tbh) I would say Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection but that is mostly due to nostalgia. You ... already know which removed game I want the most :p.
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I remember seeing Planescape: Torment page on Steam with no price some years ago, pretty much like it's happening with Alice: Madness Returns right now. I remember reading something about that Steam had removed it due to copyright expiration or something
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I just looked it up and it [never went on sale].( Doesn't really count as removed if it was never available to begin with :P. This was actually pretty common back in the day, and there are a few other games like this.
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Dunno what that page means. I've seen some people asking for a re-release on Steam. Did I see an illusion?
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It was never actually sold on Steam. Therefore it was never removed since it was never really "there". What you saw was the equivalent of a "coming soon" sign.
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Scratches is the saddest case I know of. Probably one of the best horror point-and-click adventure games ever, it's now unavailable for any kind of legal purchase due to some stupid copyright issues: the license has expired, whoever owns the rights just doesn't care, and a guy who's actually developed the game, Agustin Cordes, classifies the game as "abandonware". Actually, he's even written the following:
Personally, I wouldn't mind if you downloaded the game for free.
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And I own two editions of this game on CDs :P And yeah, while it was a huge hit in the tiny (particularly tiny at that time) adventure lovers community, it got mixed reception from other gamers and journalists (actually, as far as I remember, it was often bashed for the sheer fact that it was a classic adventure game, as pure as possible, when everybody around was screaming that the genre should have died as quickly as possible). Scratches felt like a breath of fresh air back then, when point-and-click had long since left mainstream, and it was still ages to wait before companies like Wadjet Eye or Daedalic emerged. Sure, it's slow, it takes its time to build up tension, but I didn't find it boring at all.
Also, why would you even mention Amnesia? I was talking about psychological horror, not about those tedios and boring hide-and-seek games based on jumpscares.
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Searched for a video since I didn't know the game, and it reminded me of MYST playstyle, a true gem of a franchise.
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Well, both are first-person adventure games, but that's about all. While Myst is all about puzzles, puzzles and puzzles one more time, Scratches is more narrative-based - although you'll have to interpret the story yourself based on multiple documents. Unlike Myst, puzzles are inventory-based here. Also, Scratches pays close attention to building the atmosphere, while Myst is cold and empty (especially the first one, the situation changed to some extent later). I'm not trying to say that something is better or worse, it's a matter of taste, I'm just saying that they are different.
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True. Myst have a nice story too about the Ages and the lost civilization that created them, but you really gotta take your time to read those books and listen to dialogues. It would be a nice movie/series if done properly.
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That's it, I'm buying Cyan anthology the next time it's on sale. Haven't actually played the first two games since late 90s (and I was a kid back then), they deserve a second chance.
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I played realMYST a while ago, they did a great job making it a free roam 3D
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Are you waiting patiently as an Asylum backer like me?
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No, it was back in my pirate days when I still found it weird to spend money on games including crowdfunding (shame on me and all that, yeah). Of course, it's one of my most anticipated games, and I'll buy it on release, but I'm not a proud backer of that glorios procrastinator.
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Adorable! I bet it was much better than The Sims 3, which is still on the store
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+1 So sad I wasn't able to win it on here, now I will never have it. :'(
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+1 and Godfather 2, EA doesn't even let you buy them from Origin and PS3 version is the best one in terms of content. When Mafia 3 was announced, I was hoping EA would get onto making Godfather 3 to rival Mafia 3, turns out Mafia 3 is a aborted child of Godfather, Godfather 2.5 when it comes to gameplay, open world.
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That's not how licensing works, EA can't decide to make another Godfather game and just have at it.
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EA said they have no plans to make another, Paramount said maybe. But that was back in 2009, if EA still held the license they'd still be selling the previous games.
So no, they almost certainly can't just make anotehr game at this point.
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One of the most expensive removed games of the trade market. Over 700 euros, if I'm not wrong. I wish it will be sold again someday on Steam just to end that kind of insanity
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It's a masterpiece and the fact it's not on Steam anymore is criminal.
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I have the 3 CDs here, so I'm good. Really underrated game, one of the best soundtracks ever, awesome story and gameplay.
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This is one I would like to play someday.. Too bad they removed it..
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This is actually one of the easier removed games to find a copy of.
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First game I owned and completed for pc. Still have the disc copy lying around somewhere.
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The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
Played it on PS3 and loved it realy wanted it on Steam after i got gaming pc but it was removed by then but luckily got a Steam key from Gamestop :)
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Games i don't own i most want would probably be Dirt (The first one) Mafia & The Godfather
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I got it from g2a for like 15 bucks like a week ago
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The first's a lot better IMO, but only on GOG.
(IIRC the second forces you to be in the same area as your companions at all times, which is very annoying. Tons of fun and deep campaigns exist as mods for the NWN series.)
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In the first, you play only one main character + a companion, isn't it ? A little bit less tactical I suppose, and the fights must be less intense :/
Loved this music <3
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+1, Neverwinter Nights 1/2 I really regret not having on my library... played a lot of NWN 1 back in the days when I pirated games...
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Get Stardew Valley. I have both games and Stardew is nearly copy/paste from BtN.
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I've played them all back in the day :D
My favorite was world of illusion and the great circus mystery with minnie mouse, it was fun!
And of course I liked Mickey mania I want to play it now ;-;
Quack shot was ok, but not my favorite, Mickey fantasia used to creep me out I don't remember why though.
There is a NES game for Mickey, I loved that one sooo much it called dream Balloon, have you played that one?
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You mean this one?
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Its back!!
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Its back!!
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Its back!!
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Don't forget games that were replaced by worse versions:
Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition (replaced by '20th Anniversary World Tour')
Darksiders II (replaced by 'Deathinitive Edition')
DOOM 3 (Replaced by 'BFG Edition')
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Doom 3 wasn't replaced by BFG Edition both versions are avalible
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Huh, well it was removed at one point a few years ago (there were some legal issues regarding the tech used in the lighting engine), guess it came back since then.
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I don't consider "20th Anniversary World Tour" a proper replacement for Megaton Edition. Randy Pitchfork can go fuck himself with a steel spike.
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why tho? i know whats the beef with randy but the game is the same but with extra levels isnt it?
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It's a broken cash grab. The top negative review states the issues well.
Basically Megaton Edition was feature complete and you were able to use all the older fan made content for the game as well. You can't do this at all with the "new" one. Megaton edition was two distinct versions of the game in one package.
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Damn you seriously cant use mods on that version? i am glad i have megaton edition (or atleast an older version of Duke 3D, i think it was the one in the 3d realms anthology)
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There are fan made maps for the new one (workshop content), but they just aren't as good as the old ones due to issues with the new engine: lighting, sound, etc.
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Avalible on Gamestop for $19,99
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena wich includes Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
Can only be purchased in U.S. but the key is ROW i used VPN to buy and worked perfectly :)
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My Man. I got it a couple of months ago for some 25 c from one if those serial website.
Still hating Codemaster for the never to be resolved cliffhanger.
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OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast and Sega Rally Revo, two great arcade racing games.
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+1 Too bad it glitched so hard when you played it on Win10
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FUEL is one of my favorites that is not longer available. I just enjoyed driving around the big world, with some races mixed in.
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You and me both. I don't know who runs Codemasters but they're a complete idiot who doesn't truly want my money.
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Maybe it has something to do with GFWL? The game still runs though even on Win10, I just had reload GFWL on my new PC to make it work. Unlike alot of games, it's relaxing in a way, just driving around the landscape, seeing if can get from here to there.
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In your opinion, what's the best game removed from Steam? Why?
Feel free to mention more than 1 game, comment why Steam removed it/them and/or tell how to legally get it/them nowadays (maybe the most important info).
It's certainly not the best one, since I don't know most of the games removed by Steam, but in my opinion one of the good ones was Planescape: Torment. I remember people compared it to Fallout 2 because of the various possibilities of both RPGs. Actually it can be purchased on GOG.
Edit: Planescape: Torment Enhanced Edition is on Steam!
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