For me, definitely Astro Boy/Mighty Atom/Tetsuwan Atomu. I always thought it was all just some basic dumb-kid stuff only likable because of bad English dubs for the cartoon and the poor production value. Boy, I sure was wrong. I read Pluto by Naoki Urasawa (a reimaging of an Astro Boy story) and my entire perspective changed; now I'm a big fan of Osamu Tezuka and read whatever works I could (in English, which is only a tiny %). Plus I love the history involved in the creation and how it changed so many cartoon industries.
[The American Astro Boy movie is still pretty awful though]
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Fun fact is that despite it's cheerful/childish artstyle (blame Walt Disney for being such a big inspiration for Osamu Tezuka), the original stories covered some pretty dark themes at times. The parental abandoment that Astro/Atom suffered, a genocidal maniac here and there..
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For sure! I think it's always really interesting to see Tezuka's Disney/Fleisher style characters in such depressing and dark stories like Ayako, MW, or Phoenix. But yeah, heck Astro at the robot circus being forced to kill robots is just pretty dang disturbing in the books.
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Jester's the best, only second to Nott!
... Critical Role and D&D in general, for me. Before the start of this year I bristled at all the rules and math (two of my least favorite things) and loudly proclaimed that I wasn't that kind of nerd.
Flash forward to now and I have my own dice rituals and I've been practicing strategies for important fights beforehand and I've drawn my criminal monk like five times bc I lov her.
The only thing not to like about Critical Role is that it takes me like five or six days to get through ONE episode bc I only watch a little at a time.
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Be glad it's 5e; AD&D is a clusterfuck in comparison -- it could mean pouring through books to find the proper chart. They did a very good job with the internal logic to 5e -- you tend to see the same mechanics over and over again, which can make running things simple (but robust if you wanted it to be).
I also like Nott much more than I thought I would (but I don't have a crush on her). Excited to see the cartoon when it's finished!
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It also helps a lot that my DM, a longtime friend since we were teenagers, is very flexible and knows what to play up and is always fine with gently reminding me of pertinent rules and doing math for me when I get too excited.
Remembering everything was so daunting at first, but now that I'm into it and the systems make more sense, I'm even considering playing a necromancer for my next character (mostly because Jester made TOLL THE DEAD look cool as fuck)!
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I don't remember it very well since I read it like 15 years ago and he killed a few millions of characters. He probably does.
Sadly Greed Island is "that" arc where nothing happens for like 500 chapters which plagues every shonen, apart from Jojo maybe.
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It's been so long I dropped this series I no longer care about it. Besides I'm not really into shonen manga / anime anymore, aside from Jojo (despite being insanely long this series manages to stay fresh since each arc has different main characters).
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Me too. I was burnt out from all the hero medias and thought it was usual shounen fair so I put off reading it for years. Then I saw some really good fanarts and discussions so I ended up reading the manga and later watch the anime too. I don't usually watch anime especially when there's a manga but it's animated so well and the action is really good. I hope season 4 will streamline the plot because that arc was pretty long and messy in the manga.
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The first season of The Exorcist series. I mean, you can't get any better than the original film. Period. (Okay, maybe The Exorcist III... only because it was based off Blattly's sequel, "Legion", and Brad Dourif was brilliantly deranged as always.) Moreover, Blatty with no longer being around, I didn't think a reboot or a series could even compare. Alas, the season finale sucked. Nor did I ever get around to watching the 2nd season to see how it measured up.
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I wind up not liking a LOT of shows after it goes on for a few episodes so finding one that I do like these days is a rarity.
That being said, a lot of those shows I liked like that have ended. Such as People of Earth.
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Looks like I'm gonna be the first to say Dark Souls. Since I do like fantasy stuff, a buddy of mine figured I might like it and bought it for me. I'm typically not into the super-difficult stuff, I don't wanna be The Guy, it just frustrates me and leaves me feeling angry and worn out, which isn't what I play video games for.
But, out of respect for the giving of a gift, I decided to give it a try. And I hated it soooo haaaard. I got out of the asylum, took a left turn, and ran into a couple of skeletons in a graveyard that stomped me mercilessly over and over again, which made me give up in a huff. I was talking about it with some folks at work a few weeks later, and one of them said I went completely the wrong way, so I decided to give it another try. And I hated it soooo haaaard again. I managed to get through to the Undead Parish and just couldn't force myself any further. I was nothing but jangling nerves by that point, I wasn't having fun, and I just couldn't seem to beat anything anymore without grinding forever, which was also a whole lotta not fun. So I gave up again.
Then, about a year or so later, I was looking over my games trying to decide what to play next, and I saw Dark Souls still sitting in the list. What the hell, I thought, maybe the third time is the charm. And if it's not, I felt I could well and truly put it behind me once and for all. But strangely enough, the third time really was the charm. Game mechanics that had seemed alien to me before suddenly sprang into sharp relief. I went with a light, agile build for my character rather than the armor-heavy style I had been trying before, and it felt far more natural to me. I learned and came to terms with the fact that if there's a way to game the system, do it, because sometimes that might be your only viable way forward in DS. Finally, I made my peace with the idea that I was going to die a lot. And as a result of all this, I was finally making progress and enjoying myself.
It wasn't easy, but I finally took on and beat all but maybe a handful of the bosses and went on to finish the game. I have yet to play any of the rest of the Soulsbornkiro games, unfortunately, but I now look forward to beating them too, something I could not have possibly imagined saying before.
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Working! (anime: All three seasons, and the movie).
I don't even know how I found this one, but I went in not sure what to expect and loved it. I'm not sure why, it's not particularly good - I suppose the comedy was up my alley, or my expectations were so low that I was surprised by how fun it was. Plus, while the three seasons are basically just the same gags being repeated over and over again (with character development), unlike most shows, it actually has a satisfying conclusion in the final episode/movie, instead of being "open-ended" (and I appreciate that because screw open-ended endings).
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You're telling me you were not immediately enraptured by the bara tiddies?
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Quite a bunch. Heroes (later it sucked), the OA, heck even one punch man (i lost faith and interest in anime long time ago).
Heck Brooklyn 99 even. Didn't knew it was a sensation (isn't here in brazil) and never liked the comediam that plays peralta (i dislike him less now, he worked as peralta but still is the weakest on the cast), so i went in expecting another dumb american comedy and... and... its pure love now.
Recently Star Trek Discovery. I dont like it 'that much', but i was expecting to hate it and stop watching and its at least mildly amusing, but that may just be my hunger for more sci-fi.
In games i think warframe is the only one that comes to mind. Its been ages since ive played (i didn't check on the new mmo-like open world update yet), it was back when the game was younger and the gamers as whole looked bad at anything f2p. I was ready to ditch it and in a blink i had 90 hours in it. Then 300... idk at wich point i stoped, but i burned out.
I could also include Team Fortress 2 sort-of. I mean, i knew i was going to like or even love it (bought on launch) but i had no idea how much, or so much. Being more of a fan of rpgs and only retro oldschool shooters i was expecting TF2 to be my favorite go-to multiplayer fps (wich it is), but only that (not much of an mp fps guy); But heck it ended up being one of my favorite top games of all time, side by side with holy relics like Fallout. Not even Half Life 2 is that high for me, and heck, HL1 now is lower on my ranking then tf2.
(sad they've been dragging it in the mud for years now)
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Got 2
1st was friends. I honestly just started watching it since it was so popular and had the netflix scare of being removed. Since its old and never talked about with people my age I never really expected to become addicted to it. I just thought it would end up like all my other shows where I just watch them for the fact I started it and didn't want to stop
2nd one is doctor who, at least with doctor 12. I wouldn't say I really like it but I hate it a lot less then I thought. When I first watched it I hated the fact it took 2 weeks for 1 damn story line with 1 stupid doctor. I still dislike the doctor, they went from 2 amazing people to 1 terrible one. However I'm currently watching season 9 and they gave a reason for why he looks how he does. Making me slightly forgive the fact they used an extra as a main character. Plus Clara is 2nd best sidekick after Rose so she helps redeem him
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Dragon Age. I refused to play it for years because my friends went on and on about it and I didn't see the appeal. Fast forward over 5 years later and it's my ultimate favorite game franchise ever.
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Homestuck. It went from: me forcing myself to read "that ugly crap" just to check what it is about, to: my friend checking up daily if i ate and slept, because I got so into it that I spent every free minute on reading.
I know it gained quite a lot of bad rep, but its really quality comic if you give it a chance. Plus, even if fandom was basically dead when i started to read it - I've managed met few really cool people over it.
Just stay away from fanfictions... fandoms are scarry.
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I'm asking seriously. I have a cousin who is really into the cosplay scene and she said one time she went to a convention with friends back when Homestuck was big and one of them had a character that carried a bucket as a prop and that friend was "harassed" (as much as a person can be harassed without calling security or it being bullying) by some Homestuck cosplayers for having it. Now this is anecdotal but is there any reason that that would happen?
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In short - In Homestuck you have alien race that procreate in different way than humans (they have bit of "queen bee" thing going on but with additional steps).
Part of that procreation process is dumping their "body fluids" into a bucket - thus bucket is quite obscene item in alien culture.
And if you need bit of more explanation how did bucket become such a pain in the ass at conventions etc:
Homestuck have crazy amount of content, references, concepts etc. One of topic touched is concept of two words crashing (alien and humans).
Bucket is a way to show how things totally mundane in one culture mean something totally different in other... and also witty way to smuggle dirty joke without being too obscene - something like Judy Hopps from Zootopia saying that "bunnies are good at multiplying" (there is scene in comic where one of characters gets hit with a bucket - what is more or less equivalent of getting hit in face with a dildo, without displaying anything actually indecent).
No, there were no scenes of "filling" the bucked in Homestuck, also bucket itself was mentioned like myabe 3 times in entire comic - comic that is around 10 000 pages long.
But then you have to keep in mint that majority of Homestuck readers (especially those that would draw most attention to themselves) are teens or even pre-teens, probably not too-well-socialized ones... and when you give them option of "dildo-joke" with additional glamour of "inside joke" you get a lot of awkward teens harassing other people with buckets and thinking they're "oh so smart and funny".
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Thanks for the explanation. Yeah, I guess a bunch of preteens would kind of take the joke and run it into the ground, but what's funny is that at their age (12-14) kids around me were already just straight up talking about dildos and dicks and stuff, just not around adults. Eh, kids are weird. I didn't understand them at 13, I still don't understand them at 23.
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It's very incredible work considering it's written by one person (not including all the guest music and art of course), it goes off the rail later on but still one of the best piece of fiction I've consummed.
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I enjoyed Viscera Cleanup Detail: Shadow Warrior considerably more than I think I should have.
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as a show, two men and a half, and big bang theory
as a game, terraria
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157 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by GreyF0xx
I seriously thought Hunter x Hunter was trash. Of course I did, Naruto was my first, my last, my everything when it came to "Shonen that changed my life". I thought Hunter x Hunter's style was ugly, and I still do to a certain extent.. And the character names just sounds like I'm rolling bitter-tasting marbles in my mouth when I say them. Every single character's name sounds ugly to my ears except Gon and Hisoka (and of course the names that are English words like Kite or semi-normal like Reina).
But man, when I gave it a fourth and final try...I've actually found it kind of compelling by itself.
Gon is kind of cute, honestly, and..the creativity in the challenges for the Hunter exam is Plus people die super hard very often whenever Hisoka is in the picture, which I can't complain about.
Still hate that I like it, though!
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