Damn, and I had plans for a 'Bah, Humbug' Very Bundle Christmas.
Well, maybe I'll donate the keys to your topic later.
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The descriptions for these giveaways are priceless. I hope everyone entering takes a moment to read them!
edit: And my charitable thing I am doing this year, instead of buying baubles and shinies for people, I am donating to charities in their name.
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Thanks for the giveaways! Not entering any because I'm sure there are people here that want them more but thanks anyway :)
Every Christmas I go shopping with my church group and help get presents for children in our community (usually a couple families in our super small town) that wouldn't get anything otherwise. We usually grab a few things for the parents too but mostly just the kids.
If Santa were real, I'd really love for him to bring me Starbound. I know it's only in beta right now but I've been looking forward to it since I heard about it.
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Trust the French one to be the only person interested in my philosophical discussion!
Sadly, being a bit of an amateur biologist and psychologist as well as philosopher I get very confused. Consciousness, i.e. my capacity to acknowledge, engage with and reflect on my sense of self, my place in the world and the things I do, seems from an evolutionary perspective to be an adaptation to and thus protection from environmental change. After all, if a creature adapted to cold climates suddenly ends up in a hot one due to rapid climate change it must simply merely run to colder places or die. It can't conceive of, build and run air conditioning units. If that is the case, then consciousness is merely an illusion of self, and has little control. After all humans are, still, despite their consciousness, run by predominantly unconscious decisions - there is lots of evidence in neurobiology and psychology to suggest this. If that is the case, while I may be thinking, or at least consciously aware that I am thinking, there is always the chance that my brain is simply tricking me into believing I am thinking when I am not. If that is the case then I am not, because I am not thinking therefore I think therefore I am does not stand. If I am actually thinking then I am, actually.
On balance of evidence it would appear that I am, but since I don't know what am is, I may not be. I can only work on my frames of reference with regards to reality and there is no certainty that this represents an objective reality. In an objective reality we could simply be ludicrous AI dreamed up by the ruling race of bus tickets on a planet simply known as Cnutholos - We just don't know since our only reference is our own conscious perception of reality and for trouble with accepting what your consciousness thinks see the paragraph before this one.
So, in short. I most likely am, but may not be and what I am, if I am, may not be what I think I am - with a small possibility that I am not.
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Far from being the only one methinks.
Where should I start… Are you new to Cartesians works? What books have you read so far? Speaking about Cartesius you should know who is he and what values he believed. It would be grave sin to compare animal to human (yeah I know we are animals, but he didn't believe this). "Res cogitans" or consciousness is one of the three substances that Cartesius presents. And the only being created by God (who is absolute) who has res cogitans is human being. So as a creation of absolute, endowed with consciousness… we can be only alive.
Also it's kinda contradiction… you used in the same sentence name of Cartesius and phrase "I am thinking"… in that very moment all things written later became meaningless. You proved that you exist in first sentence. Cogito ergo sum.
So if you want to think like that Cartesius is totally out, let's change philosopher… hmm… or maybe instead of wondering about existence issue… maybe… just maybe… we should assume that at this particular moment we exist and at the same time we do not exist). It is riddle and we kinda can't solve it, because we would have to first open the box… just like in Schrodinger's cat paradox.
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I think my joke is getting too serious now. I am not a philosopher, and this discourse has been one satirical joke about philosophy itself. :P
Sorry to disappoint anyone.
And to clarify, to the best of my knowledge and with my greatest perception of reality - I do, in fact, exist.
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Thanks for the giveaways, but more importantly, thanks for your giveaway descriptions.
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Thank you for agricultural! I was curious to try it, so thank you for giving me small chance to win.
Also don't listen to Cartesius! He is NUTS! Come with me to the dark side of wisdom, come Nietzsche awaits! You are making giveaway just because THE DRAGON say so! Each day we are battling this great dragon whos name is "Thou shalt". And on every scale of this majestic dragon there shines a golden "thou shalt." We are fighting this great dragon so it means we are alive!
Hmm… hmmm…. a great disturbance in the force I sense... Hmmm… can't find it
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I made christmas gifts for all my coworkers :)
Game from Santa: The Brigmore Witches - DLC for Dishonored
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I've not done anything specifically for Christmas for anyone, yet.. I bought a friend a copy of BF4, and am going to do some giveaways in my group The Streaminators, though :/
Thanks for the Christmassy spirit!
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You know, I ain't gonna lie about what I have done to the universe to make it better. Lemme get this straight here... I am TOTALLY going to let somebody else get some chocolate this year. That's something, right?
Also mr. mystery Santa, bring me Starbound for this christmas. If you exist.
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Race On actually sounds like it will have a good story line, I may have to check it out.
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Thanks for your generosity. Even though I don't celebrate Christmas, I wish you Happy Holidays ^^
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Word just in from Santa - Apparently he was set to revamp his toy manufacturing operations with greater automation and near-slave labor Chinese workers (elves are shit at making iPhones and it seems apparently the overentitled little brats that are being spawned these days aren't happy with dolls or Action Man (which is British for G.I. Joe!)).
However, when the equipment arrived and was installed it was discovered that all it could make was cutlery. As a result, all kids will be getting spoons for Christmas. Spoons, I say! SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONS! Do with them what you will! Look into the back of them at your funny shaped head. Play them like an instrument. Stir porridge with them. Throw them at your siblings!
Fun fact - Until the invention of spoons in 1835, by Epic T. McSpooner of the clan McSpooner (who also invented the spoonerism, and was n astronaut cowboy), it was mandatory to eat soup with a fork. However, McSpooner's lack of desire to wear a bib like a nappy-shitting infant led to him angrily breathing on his fork until it melted together forming a bowl like structure. Thus, the spoon was invented.
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Finally! I'll be able to play spoons with actual spoons this Christmas!
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Very awesome of you, mercer. Sad to not have seen you around, your commentary on your giveaways always gives me a smile. :)
By the way, I'm pretty sure that if you think you're thinking you're thinking that you think and therefore are in fact thinking, if only in an endless looping fashion.
As for something I do nice at Christmas time.... Every Christmas I get together with "Santa" and go elfing (Yup, have an elf costume). This involves doing some charity stuff around the town I live in. There are a few businesses that save up money for holiday charity work, and Santa and I roll out and deliver. We go around the "projects" (Low income housing areas) and pass out presents to the kids, let the parents take pictures with Santa etc. and the last couple years we've hit up the boys and girls club, among other places such as the Elk's Lodge and do the same.
I have plenty of games so no particular requests, you're already giving away lots anyways. It seems as if you added a snazzy Starbound in for people already! :)
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I think I'm thinking, therefore, according to Descartés, there is a possibly that, perhaps, I am, possibly. I can't be sure. I haven't had my existence validated by Steamgifts for quite some time, there is a possibility, of course, that I'm not. But I think I'm thinking, and if I think I'm thinking I think I am. But the fact that I only think it implies a certain level of uncertainty as to whether I am thinking, and therefore my uncertainty as to whether or not I am thinking leads to uncertainty as to whether or not I am, so I may not be.
HAVE SOME GAMES! All $0 CV and end at 8pm GMT on CHRISTMAS DAY! insert bells, choirs, Slade and the inevitable domestic arguments
Apparently, Father Christmas himself, Lord Santa of Clause, has deemed a few of you nice enough and given you a chance to win your chosen gift!
Starbound - CV $30.00
Cricket Revolution
Agricultural Simulator 2013
Combat Wings: Battle of Britain
GTA 2 FIA GT Racing
Off Road Drive x2
Pacific Storm Allies
Trainz: Settle and Carlisle
Trainz: Classic Cabon City
Bad Rats
Plane Collection Wireless
Obviously I've been away, and I could have stayed away to be fair. My life is pretty fully-booked with other priorities at the moment. But I can't let Christmas slip by without me doing my fat-guy-with-a-beard thing and playing Santa. So here are some gifts.
For those of you who want to add something of value to the thread beyond your own soulless greed and desire to collect everything ever on Steam, tell me a nice/charitable/lovely thing you're doing for someone else this Christmas, and what game you'd most like if Santa were real, and almost certainly weren't me because I can't afford to buy it for you.
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