It's really annoying to see so many honest people not winning keys in massive giveaways (like ApolloX, Stop Online, to mention recent examples), only to see tons of people regifting the keys they won on that giveaway.

But there's something a lot harder to track, and I've seen cases like this, and it seems to work like a charm for them (no, I'm NOT recommending it):

  • The person creates fake accounts on Steam
  • Then they create SG accounts for those Steam accounts
  • They enter tons of giveaways, especially those with higher odds
  • Lastly, they regift them on their main account, and nothing will happen to them because it's only possible to check this if you have access to the steam activation keys.

It's frustrating, to say the least. I try to report them, blacklist them, but I hardly see any punishment being enforced rather than a short suspension after regifting a few games. I think SG is too lenient. Not reading the rules is NOT an excuse for not following them. I'd say AT MOST 1 single warning suspension before a perma-ban.

9 years ago

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Should regifters get a harsher punishment?

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fake accounts need to have $100 worth games before they can enter SG

9 years ago

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its too litle you can get an 100$ dollar of account with a 2 dollar bundle sometimes

9 years ago

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Nope. Bundled titles don't count towards that, haven't for a long time. I know I got in with mostly bundles though, so maybe back when I joined, but the Steam group page has many people complaining they can't join.

9 years ago

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No, it's far easier to get that "$100" account. For example, mine. I only bought Borderlands 2, Witcher 1&2, Orange Box and CSGO - all during a sale; and Borderlands & System Shock 2 via Humble store. So I spent about ~$28 buying non-bundles (half of which are bundled on this site), rest was bought on Humble Bundle and L4D2 I got when it was free. So I spent around 45$.

9 years ago*

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I never said it wasn't easy, as the value can be done during sales, just that bundles don't count.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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With valve complete pack that can go down 75% to $25 on sale time to time, it's instant register on SG. Not considering cheaper region that can go below $25
Luckily, few people will realize that

9 years ago

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yeah, but would you spend 25$ for the chance to win a few bundle games? i wrote something about that HERE.

9 years ago

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Nah, not me. But i know some guy who would do it.
A guy have 6 multiple account here and each account already won like 10-20 GA. Well that guy already banned here for good, but still roam freely on SC with all those account last time i checked.

9 years ago

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if it's only 10-20 GAs/account, he probably spent more money for those accounts than he got out of them. ^^

9 years ago

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Happy caky

9 years ago

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aha then thats good i remember once i read at a post that some poeple could cheat the system like that maybe its not the case anymore

9 years ago

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How about the free weekends on steam, where you get expensive, non-bundled games on your account. If only for a few days. Do they count towards the 100$?

9 years ago

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They do.

9 years ago

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We temporarily disable these games for registration value though. Of course by the time we notice it, some new accounts have already been registered using these games, but it could be much worse.

9 years ago

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Good to know. Otherwise you might get a flood of new users.

9 years ago

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Technically, yes, but Support can add those titles to a list so they don't count during that time, and should someone sign up thanks to those, they can be found and banned until their account value is to the required level.

9 years ago

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But it still can be done with a new bundle that haven't been added to the list yet.

9 years ago

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Or people dumping their won keys (like Stop) on other giveaway sites.

Yeah they just take a suspension and move on (with other accounts).

9 years ago

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IMO, inevitability of punishment is better than just making in harsher.

If someone marks game as received, and after sync its not on their game list, at very least is should raise big red flag for support.

9 years ago

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but Steamgifts sometimes can't detect activation like DLC, GOTY etc

9 years ago

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True, but it shouldn't be hard to stop red flag mechanism in such situations.

No system is perfect.

9 years ago

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Yeah, mechanically that's fairly simple to do and would probably be a good idea.

9 years ago

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why do you think people create fake accounts for SG? they need 100$ non-bundled value on each account for this to work. think about it. you would need to win a lot, before you get your investment back. like - a lot.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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you would need to win a lot, before you get your investment back. like - a lot.

That's because you see it as an investment.
Steam allows multi-accounting, so everyone could reach 100$-value
and then could stop buying games for the first account and move to the 2nd, 3rd, etc...

With a proxy this wouldn't be noticeable, so...
I wouldn't be surprised if there are a lot of 2nd accounts here.

what it's hard to do (and what would actually be an investment) is reaching level 3 or 4+

9 years ago

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so you think people deliberately scatter their games library over several accounts just for the possibility to win a few shitty bundle games? come one... i doubt you will find more than a handful people who are willing to do this.

9 years ago

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Well, it doesn't take much effort, really. Just make a second account and buy games there, like you would normally do.

9 years ago

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sure, doesn't take much effort. just money. you need 100$. let's say you buy everything on sale, -75%. then you still need to spend 25$ for the account - just to have a level 0 SG account, with the chance to win a bundle game every few months. totally worth it! xD

9 years ago

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I spent more than that in the Halloween sale (I think it was the Halloween sale). I could have easily spent that money on an alt account, I don't think you understand where I'm going with this.

9 years ago

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I said that is easy to do, that the 100$ limit is easily bypassable and that I'm pretty sure that someone does it.
Is that sad ? probably
Is that worth it ? I guess not

9 years ago

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and i say it's not easily bypassable. you suggested something most people are not willing to do. i mean, who wants to switch accounts all the time, just because game x is on account y? nobody wants that. and i am sure, only very, very few people on this planet are willing to accept this inconvenience, just to win a few more bundle games on SG.

9 years ago

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it's not cutting a leg, it's just a second account.
a lot of people have seconds account for multiplayer games, I know a lot of people that have more than 1 account for csgo, they could buy a few games and have a second account here too. (we are totally ignoring free-weeks)

I totally can't see how is that so problematic, every time there is a giveaway on indiegala we see tons of GAs for something like 1 cv... do you think these people wouldn't remember a second userid for the chance of winning something ?

9 years ago

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ok, let's try to do the math.

you have a second account. you use that one for CSGO, like many people do. that means you have 14.99$ on that account. you need to buy games for 85$ to be eligible for SG. let's say you buy games for -75%. that means you need to spend at least 21.25$ real money in order to use that account for SG.

you will mostly win bundle games (maybe you will never win anything but bundle games with that account, unless you invest a lot more to level up). bundle games are worth what - 20 cents on average maybe? could be accurate. many bundle games are worth less than 10 cents (for instance IG happy hour). some are of course worth more. i guess 20 cents is a fair assumption.

so you would have to win more than 100 games (21.25/.2=106.25) in order to get into the winning zone. how long does it take for a level 0/1 account to win 100 games? a year? two? three? ^^ even if you are as active as possible and enter lots of forum giveaways, you will still need an extreme amount of time to win all those games. and of those 100 games, a lot are probably not what you wanted the most. i am sure you're better off, if you take that money and buy the bundle games you really want on steamtrades.

i calculated with 85$. of course it gets more expensive for everyone who doesn't already have a second CSGO account...

and i didn't even take all the extra work into account (switch accounts, use VPN, enter all giveaways twice).

sorry, it just doesn't make sense to me.

9 years ago

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Let's say that Gary wants a second account to leech more.
He already has an account worth 150$

Considering those 25$ and investment makes no sense in terms of maths, Gary sucks at math.
If Gary likes those games, he doesn't need to win more than 100 games, he spent 25 bucks for the games.
let's say that he bought 5 games, 10h per game, probably in a month he won't need to log in again in that account.

Gary uses Chrome, he installs Opera, sets a proxy and he uses opera for his second account.
Gary has a new account on SG, he probably won't win something interesting.
Gary is probably a jerk too, but that's another story :c

TL;DR if someone wants a second account, he doesn't need to "invest", he could buy a couple of singleplayer games (something you can play in a couple of weeks) wait a free weekend and signup

Sorry for my crappy Engrish :v

9 years ago

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Unless Gary starts giving away games on both accounts, thus stays at lv0, chances are he won't win anything, so Gary is just wasting his time managing 2 accounts at a time.

Really, any decent game that has no level (or very low) prerequisites has like 15k entries. You won't win anything except cheap bundle games. And if you keep regifting, you will probably have your account closed after a couple suspensions.

9 years ago

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now add dozens of cards form free games from dozens of accounts - now it makes sense ?

9 years ago

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Actually it is very easy to bypass. Consider the fact that games from free weekends are shown in your library. Add the fact that bundle list is not live updated. So hypothethically - buy a cheap bundle before games get added to list and make an account. Or make an account during free weekend with free games worth 100$+ like it happened during dawn of war retribution free weekend for example (game and standalone expansions worth 100$+). Or possibly combine both - during any free AAA weekend add one or two bundle games that are not listed yet to your account and voila - with 1$ or less spent you have account worth 100$ even if only for max few days these few days are enough to register on SG. And even if your value drops later on your account stays ;)

9 years ago

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And even if your value drops later on your account stays

If we notice an account with less than $100 of games, they get suspended until they meet the requirement

9 years ago

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yup, but you have to notice such an account first - it must bring attention to itself, got reported by someone etc. I remember seeing such an account (admitting to use DoW free weekend) suspended, but he created some silly forum topic. But I guess if someone wants to make alt multiaccounts he would try to stay off radars most likely rather than bringing attention to himself.

That all being said - like I mentioned, it was all hypothethical - do I believe some users may use it to get their main to get registered to SG? Sure. Do I believe a lotof users use it to make alt SG accounts? Not really, as there are easier ways to spot multi-accounts - for example all of them using same IP or using the same proxy-pool, cross checking friend-list etc. I've seen few examples of such accounts, including some idiots trying to use them to farm CV (with missuse of GA feedback) - but there's a loooot less of them I believe than normal accounts just using bots/scripts for their own account sake

9 years ago

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ok, i admit there are certain loopholes (which could easily prevented, imho). but the circumstances have to be very specific (like the DoW weekend), if you want to create a second account for nearly no money. i still think this is the exception, and not as common as some people here think.

9 years ago

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I don't believe it's as common as people suggest either, as seen in my comment to Tempete above ;) I just commented that hypothethically it is possible and sometimes it does happen, but I personally still do believe it's not a common thing and such a big problem that people who bot/script and regift on theirt main accounts ;)

I don't believe there is some grand scheme with giant multi-account bot network - rather there are simply a lot of lvl 0 idiots who are too lazy to read the rules, they win their first GA from featured GA and think "oh great, now I can regift it, level up and will be wining a lot more!".

9 years ago

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why don't you just check the 100$ requirement during the weekly sync? wouldn't that solve this problem completely?

9 years ago

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We can't automate this, because it relies on some judgement from us. We don't literally suspend everyone not meeting the requirement, because there are users who legitimately registered long ago, then lost value over time with games being added to the bundle list.

9 years ago

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well ok, that makes sense. you could of course do it anyway to get a list of possible abusers for manual inspection. but i guess this would mean quite a lot of work.

9 years ago

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You don't have to switch accounts at all, just family share them to you mrain account and they are all in the same library screen.

9 years ago

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i mean, who wants to switch accounts all the time, just because game x is on account y?

You'd be surprised how commonplace it is. One account for CS/TF/Dota/LoL (or heck, sometimes one for each, and maybe several for each), one for the bad games, one for the 100% candidate games, one for card farming, sometimes up to five for card farming (after all, this is why Archi's card farm program exists in the first place)…
Having more than one account is very commonplace, having up to half a dozen is far from being unheard of. And none of these have even touched VAC ban evasion or trade embargo/ban evasions.

9 years ago

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One account for CS/TF/Dota/LoL (or heck, sometimes one for each, and maybe several for each), one for the bad games, one for the 100% candidate games, one for card farming

honestly, i just refuse to believe that a significant amount of people does that. an extra account for cards, sure. maybe one for csgo, because of VAC. but one for bad games? and an extra one for 100%? who does that? ^^

9 years ago

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Anyone who is registered on Playfire or Raptr or any kind of social gaming service that tries to reward you for in-game achievement completion.

9 years ago

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Indeed. Not to mention the amount of time required to win enough giveaways to make the "investment" viable. If you're prepared to sit in front of a computer for hours, mindlessly pressing buttons, there are a multitude of more lucrative ways of spending that time than entering Steamgifts giveaways..

Only someone who put zero value on their own time would even consider such an inefficient and boneheaded venture...

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9 years ago

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you forget about "bots" or simply a scripts for massive multi-entering ;) As much as I don't believe it to be such a big problem as some people in this topic suggest, hypothethically all it would take would be what? 1 min per day per account? Log in to account you got for free or almost free using Free Weekend and bundle games not yet on list, 1 click to spend all your points, log out, log in next account ;)

Still considering how small is chance to win for lvl 0 account entering public GAs only - I don't believe a lot of people would be doing it, nonetheless it wouldn't take hours like you suggested - just few minutes per day ;)

9 years ago

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Are they a thing? Wow.


9 years ago

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yes they are - one of such scripts used to be advertised on the forums even ;) also remember comment of fellow contributor doing a little "experiment" - he simply asked all his low lvl winners with leech ratios whether they used some sorrt of auto-entering - and over 50% of them didn't even had problem admiting it that yes they use because why would they waste their time or let their points go to waste ;)

9 years ago

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Ugh. I don't know whether to be impressed or appalled.

9 years ago

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using a bot it's a viable way to leech

View attached image.
9 years ago

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I pointed out one such case to support, both accounts now banned... :D

9 years ago

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Me too. A main account that had two apparent alts activating their wins on the main. A month or so later all three banned.

9 years ago

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That's really easy to achieve with a few IG's happy hours, for example.
^ Not true. =)

9 years ago*

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But bundle games do not count towards that $100 so these bundles are a non-issue.

9 years ago

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Oh, I think it wasn't like that when I joined. I'm certain I hadn't spent $100 directly on Steam when I joined. Sorry for the wrong info!

9 years ago

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it hasn't always been like that. i don't know when they changed it, so that bundle games don't count anymore, but at some point they did.

9 years ago

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Really? This I did not know. How is the value of games in your account calculated?

9 years ago

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AFAIK, the value used for CV calculation is applied (US store price as appear in the Steamgifts database), except games on the bundle list are counted as $0.

This can theoretically allow someone to join on a free weekend or during one of the price bugs if their value is temporarily inflated to over $100.

9 years ago

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I wonder if that isn't what I did. As I said bellow, I'm now puzzled how the account I had at the time would have passed that test.

9 years ago

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If you have a second account for card farming, or "smurfing" in competitive games, then you can use that as a second account on SG. Most suspected cases I've seen of second accounts have been clear card farming accounts.

9 years ago

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farming accounts have only bundle games, right? you would never activate a game that actually costs some money just for the cards. so that can't be true. smurf accounts - well, how many people have enough on their smurf to get the 100$? i am sure many people have a second (or third) account for CS. but how many have 85$ more value on that account? i can't imagine too many people with a second 100$ account, really. you guys act like those are everywhere. i think it's probably just a very rare exception.

9 years ago

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I wonder if games that are free counts as "bundled", or if that's a loophole, because I'm looking at a farming account that was used to enter one of my giveaways recently (through a leaked link), and I'm seeing a lot of free and a lot of bundled games, yet the person was able to register 2 weeks ago.

9 years ago

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Yeah, if bundle games really don't count at all I'm trying to figure out how I managed to sign up. I only had perhaps 30 games at the time, and I think most of them had been bundled.

9 years ago

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interesting. that would indeed be quite a loophole. now we need a mod to say something about that.

9 years ago

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There is certainly some kind of a loophole somewhere because I've been noticing increasing numbers of accounts with only a handful of free games entering giveaways. I was assuming it was something to do with the refund system as the problem seems to have gotten worse since then, but I don't actually know.

9 years ago

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oh, refunds. right, that could be a problem. one which would also be solved by making the 100$ check every week with the lib sync.

9 years ago

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This might seem like a stupid question, but what exactly is smurfing?

9 years ago

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It's when you have a secondary account for multiplayer games. Smurf accounts can be used for a variety of reasons, some "better" than other. Some people use them for practice and trying out new things, so that they don't hurt the rating of their main account when they learn a new character or team, some use them so that they get paired with people of a lower bracket so that they stomp them, some people use them so that they can cheat and not risk their main account, and some use them just to play around and not have to worry about being serious all the time (again to not hurt their rating). Some professional gamers also use smurf accounts so that they don't have to worry about being recognized.

9 years ago

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Never actually though about that possibility. Thanks for the info! :D

9 years ago

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It's easy to get a $100 account during a sale + bundles (look at my account for example).

9 years ago

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again: bundle games don't count.

you won 1 game in 4 months. would you say, the amount of money you need to create an account like yours is worth the amount of games you win at that rate? ^^

9 years ago

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You could do it with a friends account. Regifters are often unpunished, unless they do it blatantly obviously (like 1000 copies giveaway and an hour after it ended they are already regifting it). 2 or several friends level up 1 account on SG and they can play the games won on that account using family sharing.

9 years ago

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Some users already have 2 accounts with enough money to register here
Accounts used for card farming can easily surpass the 100$ along with people who joined the site on a free weekend on steam.
When i cared about that particular rule, i used to check some accounts, found 3 users who left me a bit suspicious.
I successfully reported one of them who is banned and one of them was banned for other reasons

I alone with the little info i could check, noticed 3 of them
and since they already had those accounts for other purposes , it can only turn into profit

9 years ago

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Don't know how it is today when creating a account here, but:
Why not just make a little, at best randomized, quiz about the site rules in the account creation?
So that would be a way, to at least force people to read the rules once...

Maybe that would help, cause these people may think that they won something and can do whatever they want with it, so they just regift it to be able to enter higher level GAs

9 years ago

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wouldn't that maybe scare off people who just want to have a quick look at the site? this is work, you know. ;)

what about something like that after your first win? that's the time when it really matters. i think even a simple message ("don't regift. and btw, here is a link to the guidelines") would suffice.

9 years ago

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Your right, that would scare people off, but I saw a few website with such quizzes about their rules..

Another Idea would be, that you can't create a GA for something you've won, unless you synched your account and the website saw, that it's in your account (like the check if you already own something when you want to enter a GA)
I know that would be a lot of work to code something like that, but that way people couldn't regift something.

9 years ago

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but that doesn't work with everything (=>DLC). in theory it's a great idea, and we heard it quite a few times here. but you have to add a lot of extra rules for specific items. see how sgtools handles it. there are so many false positives (games that appear to not have been activated).

9 years ago

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Not sure if it's a good idea to show it after you've won. It seems to me that you would need to have read the rules before entering anything. So maybe just show that message when you enter your first GA or something.

9 years ago

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and then 8 months later you win your first game - and don't remember the rules anymore. ^^ i just thought, it might make sense to show the message at the exact point when the rule is needed. you win the game, and then get a reminder that you have to activate it on your own account and cannot regift it. makes sense to me. of course, that doesn't prevent people from entering stuff they don't really want. but that's also not against the rules, so...

9 years ago

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Makes sense. But I think they should also know the rules when joining one. Maybe just two messages :p

9 years ago

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agreed. ^^

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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While it's true that every account needs a value of $ 100 to be able to have an SG account I still agree with you. Regifting needs harsher punishment. As well as gifting free games. I was reporting a handful of free game gifters lately, only one of them even got a suspension, although all my tickets were marked as checked and all the giveaways were deleted. I don't even understand why they were not getting punished at all - or are some people treatied different than others, I don't know?!?

9 years ago

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Maybe it wasn't the first time for who got suspended

9 years ago

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a free game was not free before. this could simply be a mistake. you have a game key, and make a giveaway right after it became free without your knowledge. sure, most of those giveaways are from people who got the game free. but you also can't expect anyone to always know which games are free. so there is the possibility for false positives. and that's why punishment should not be too harsh.

9 years ago

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These giveaways were for "Omikron: The Nomad Soul" when Square Enix gave them out for free a few days ago, so it was clear as day they were free games.

9 years ago

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so you want to tell me, there is 0% possibility that someone bought the game before it was free and wanted to give it away on that day (and no one told him the game was free then)?

no, there is definitely room for error. i was in the following situation several times: i wanted to give away a game from a bundle. it was not in the list, so i learned it must have been free at some point. i didn't know this. so it's not that far fetched, that at some point this might happen to me again at the exact day the games becomes a free game.

also, what harm is done, really, when someone gives away a free game? they shouldn't do it, i agree. but it's not like they murdered someone. i don't see why there should be harsher punishment for that. just make sure they don't get CV for it, and they stop doing it themselves. if someone repeatedly does it, give him a small suspension. that's how i would handle it.

9 years ago

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Those who knew the game knew about Bowie's involvement in it, so there was some chance that they had some keys and wanted to make some GAs in memory of him.

9 years ago

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Free games come in such a flood that it's way easier to just delete the games and be done with it (and even that is time consuming). Applying individual suspensions to each user would be a nightmare, and then dealing with the inevitable unsuspend request tickets from all those users...

9 years ago

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"my suspension was unfair" x100,000

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9 years ago

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Aah, I guess that explains it... Thanks for your answer, bobo!

9 years ago

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We just need warning messages when creating / entering giveaways for new users.
It would be really helpful if they see right on the creation page that they cannot create giveaways for free games, games for other plattforms or using wrong names (as many do when a game was given for free).
Same goes for the giveaway pages.. New users (+ users that didn't win / create any giveaways yet) should get a notification that they have to activate the key on their own account or otherwise they might be banned.

If this is implemented, I agree on harsher "punishment". Otherwise, it's definitely not enough to have the RULES on the FAQ page where hardly anyone looks at, it seems.

9 years ago

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agreed. imagine a message like this: "you won this game a few days ago. are you sure you want to give another copy of the same game away now? you have to activate all gifts you win on SG on your own account!" would help so much already.

9 years ago

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Most regifters are warned. Exhaustively. They just don't give a rat's ass.

9 years ago

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there are many who say they didn't know they could not do that.

9 years ago

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All of the Apollo4x regifters had at least one comment explaining it was against the rules.

9 years ago

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that does not refute my argument. i saw so many people already stating that they didn't know better. a message would help. not in all cases. maybe not even in most cases. but it would help.

9 years ago

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I'm not trying to refute anything... everything that comes to help enforce the rules is a welcome addition...

9 years ago

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Or instead of throwing common sense out the window and just winging it,they could read the rules/faq.Like a judge will tell you ignorance of the law is no excuse to break it.This excuse will never fly with me,as anyone who joins a forum or site the first thing they should check is the rules,if they are to lazy to do that why should be slap them on the wrist?II did not know you could not re-gift.

They do have a message it is called a F.A.Q. you got to be kidding me that we have to hand hold these people to read the rules.If they are to lazy to even look for a F.A.Q. what is to stop them for just making a a GA and not even read any warnings,and again we should not need to put up several ways for them to learn the rules when one is clearly posted.

9 years ago

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Agreed. Rules are there for everyone and not just for the people that read the rules. But if you are new to this site, it might not be so obvious as to where to find the rules. It would be good if they at least get a message when trying to enter something that says something like "read the rules before entering anything" with a link to it.

9 years ago

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If you are unsure of something the best thing to do is ask,post an off-topic and ask...

In this case i am not sure how hard it is to miss the F.A.Q. posted at the top as i said that should always be the first thing you look for and if you can not find one ask,it better to ask and look a fool,then not to ask and be a bigger fool.

I mean you can put a warning in before they post a GA or enter or whatever,but if they can not even be bothered to try find out the rules then they deserve to be punished.It all falls under you should find out how things work before you try and use something.If not then i am sorry but i feel nothing for someone who can take the time to enter and create ga's without even bother finding out the rules.It would be like entering a contest without reading the rules,you win and you get told you are not eligible because for you to qualify you had to be from the area.To find out you where not,so you blame them because they did not post it in big red letters it is for local residents only or someone told you verbal before you signed up.

Though i suppose for the sake of maybe they should add some big red warning thing,then again Steam did that for trades to help prevent people from getting scammed,and how did that work out for them? lol

9 years ago*

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I agree on that, but other people might "suffer" from it though. If someone makes a giveaway he wants that game to go to someone that will actually play it. If someone regifts it or sells it, it won't go to the person the creator wanted. And of course there will still be people that won't read it.

Also, you might think it is normal to read a FAQ first, but someone who has never been on any other forum or online community, might not think of that. All he knows, is that he can get free games here.

9 years ago

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Yes it is normal,if someone think it is not normal it is because they do not care about finding out the rules,i meant it should be common sense every site has some kind of rules,hence why most have you sign a EULA before joining the site and such.If all he sees is free games and skips using logic and says hey what are the rules for getting these free games,then yeah they deserve to be punished.Look it may seem harsh but it just how i feel,people do not have to agree with me just as as i do not have to agree with others.

Again they can ask about the site,there was a time when forums and sites had better ways of dealing with this,but being how this site is setup and the lack of support now it would be hard to do much about it,I remember when you use to join a forum,before you could do anything in the main forum,you had to introduce yourself,and when you did you where pointed to the F.A.Q./Rules and you even got a P.M. in your box and people still broke them.Point being is in the end,sure some still broke the rules but you had no excuse for it.

9 years ago

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let me ask this way: how does it harm you if we try to make sure people follow the rules? how does it harm you if we add some messages, for example? if it leads to more people following the rules, then in my opinion this is a good thing. with no down sides.

i mean, what's more important to you? that people follow the rules? or that people get punished, if they don't? i think reasonable measures to get more people to follow them is absolutely something we should do, if possible.

you mentioned the law. but in many cases, the government tries to make sure you know the basics of the law. you learn stuff in kindergarten, school, or your driver's license test. they actively try to make you aware of certain laws. they don't just assume you read up the law books yourself when you get 14 or whatever.

9 years ago

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Though i suppose for the sake of maybe they should add some big red warning thing,then again Steam did that for trades to help prevent people from getting scammed,and how did that work out for them? lol

So i did post something about if they want to do it more power to them,but why do i want to be nagged about rule all the time when i know them.

Also just for the record i was never against it,i merely think it is pointless as i think most people play stupid and act like they did not know,as there is no real way of proving other wise.So with that in mind i think it would still happen as people would still do it and people would just ignore that the same way they ignore logic in trading and get scammed.

They can do it i never said they could not,but i still think it pointless to add a million ways to warn someone when a simple check of rules should be standard thing to do when you join a site.

I mentioned the law as an example that regardless if you now the rules or not,your still going to be punished,and School and such does not teach you everything,but some laws are common sense,just like common sense should tell you before you do things on a site you just joined you might want to learn how things are done,The same with laws they very for place to place,so it might be best if your unsure of the law you might want to find out before hand.

9 years ago

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What if SG had a warning when you created a giveaway for a game you have already won on SG?

9 years ago

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If USER A re-gift a game, GA will be deleted.

What will be happen if USER A, re-gift another game ?

Is there any suspension?

9 years ago*

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why is he called USER A if there is no USER B? xD

i think he just gets the same suspension again. and if he does that too often, he gets perma-banned.

9 years ago

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But I don't see any suspension for re-gifting in Suspension Permissions section!

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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Aha, It all makes sense now!

9 years ago

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I fully agree with to post / Je suis entièrement d’accord avec se post

9 years ago

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I agree 100%. Regifting should receive a much harsher punishment.

I see all too often people making excuses of "ignorance" for this sort of people, and that's certainly not helping things, either. It's just common sense -- someone sends you a gift, you don't send that gift to someone else for your own gain (in this case, for CV).

I've actually seen one person claim "generosity" by re-gifting their wins (supposedly to their brother and father), and still another just two days ago had the audacity to put "Re-gift" in the description of their giveaway. I've seen wins end up in the trade section only moments after a giveaway ends, and the list goes on and on and on.

9 years ago

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Actually a good solution should be a server log of gifted keys and a security check that either blocks regifting the same key (easier to implement option) or setting the cv worth for the regifting user to zero (possibly harder to implement option).
I'm not here for that long yet but sadly already saw several account selling and regifting keys on other sites as well.

(And I'd even like the idea of general blocking GA entries of a user who didn't redeem a won game. That would limit possibilities of multiaccount users even more)

9 years ago*

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I thought of that at first, but then I realized that would be impossible to track if the regifters would not send the key directly via SG.

9 years ago

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Ir in case that was a gift.

9 years ago

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Its not that simple with new account, bcz $100 (low by me only 100) In last time its very bad, so much newbies who totally dont understand anything and scammers, we really need +100$
better punishment.. Regift? Perma. Not activated gift? from 5 days to 2 months for 1 gift, non activated more than 3? Perma.
Short version: Increase all punishment times rapidly up.

9 years ago

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You prefer tar and feathers or impalement? :B They don't even care about the scammers. Do you think they'll care about regifters?

9 years ago

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We should build a wall between us and Regiftia and make the Regiftians pay for it!

9 years ago

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IMO allow the game to be regifted (clearly that person doesn't want it) and after that punish him for breaking the rules.

9 years ago

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create GA at least Lvl 3 to void some ppl like that :D

9 years ago

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I had them on 4+ and 5+ .

I'm thinking more towards SGT giveaways with all games activated and no multiple wins as minimum reqs.

9 years ago

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If everyone would make GA just for level 3,man this site would be a very small with GA's,as i can only imagine that most people are level 0 or 1.So while that is not the best solution at this point it might be the only decent option to avoid most of those people.Also a lot people that are that level most likely own a lot of the bundle games.

I try and balance it out some myself i give back to 0,1,2,3 level but i never give back higher then my level i just think it is fair imo to not ask people to be a higher level then me to enter mine but that just how i feel.

We all start at the bottom and if it was not for me wanting to win something so i made a GA to increase my odds at being level 1,that i might have never reached level 3,as i ended up like doing GA's so much i usually give away most my bundle left overs here.So it is best to still give to those with no level as sometimes that leads to people like me.

I just think it needs more then a 1-2 week ban but eh just imo

9 years ago*

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About 2% of the registered users are level 3 or higher. So your assumption is right, even if we consider that most likely a large portion of the level 0/1 users are inactive.

9 years ago

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Sadly you can check for re-gifters and so forth but that only catches the ones doing it not the ones that do it the first time.I said it before they need harsher punishment,but man i got some backlash for that lol.At the least it needs to be longer then a week imo.
The risk for anyone thinking of breaking the rules is a low risk ,as usually the firs time it like a week or two ban.

This tells me if i won say a big game like GTA V and wanted the Witcher 3 and traded it for that,i got a 1 or 2 week ban for my trouble.Then all i need to do to fix it and avoid being marked as a re-gifter is to buy the game at some point for my account.I serve my time there are still plenty of chances to win games,now if i was facing 6 month ban or so then i might think twice about breaking the rules just for the sake of having one game i want,if i want to win more games.

I do not buy this i did not know i could not do it,then read the damn F.A.Q. you can not miss it at the top of the site,and it something anyone with a little common sense would tell themselves to read the rules/f.a.q when you join a site,ignorance of not knowing the rules should not be an excuse to ignore them,at least not when they are clearly posted.

I would say harsher punishment for those who clearly where breaking the rules.Like re-gifting a won game,not just giving away a free game as sometimes they are given free just as you make one or shortly there after so those could really be honest mistakes,and since from what i gather free games give no cv,i think the punishment fits that.

9 years ago

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Harsher punishments isn't the solution. Most users who are suspended once for re-gifting never do it again. Those that have multiple occurrences of re-gifting were just never noticed in time.

The issue is more that users are "unaware" of the rules. I believe 3 main rules are shown to new users in a pop-up upon registration, including that games must be activated on their account. People either don't read or don't care, until they get suspended, then they follow the rules. Also, site like GameMiner do not have such a rule, and the practice of re-gifting is pretty standard, so users who came from their first just assume it works the same way here.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

9 years ago

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they will write tickets "SITE IS BROKEN I CANT CREATE RAFFLES"

9 years ago

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They will write tickets for anything and everything. After I found out that somebody who was a software engineer managed to get stuck on the instructions "Press enter to continue", I gave up on hoping people can understand the written word and comprehend their meanings.

9 years ago

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making alt accounts is risky and expensive, since sooner or later you will be caught and get the alt banned (and possibly your main).

i agree that some suspensions are too short, like leaking puzzle info (you get 1-3 days for spoiling all the work someone put in a puzzle?). maybe they should be reviewed by support.

and i suppose the main issue with people breaking the rules is that they can't be caught instantly. if support had more manpower things would work more smoothly. waiting more than a month to get a user report sorted is pretty useless.

9 years ago

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I dare say the discussion (title) is a bit misleading.
Regifting is hardly the problem here - it's having multiple accounts.
The problem you describe is using multiple accounts to donate wins to a main account, thus bypassing restrictions. That is the issue.
Having multiple accounts is already a major offense on SG. So we should look into detecting and perhaps enforcing harsher regulations upon people who deliberately make (and abuse) multiple accounts since this is closely correlated with an intention to do harm.
Your suggestion - harsher punishments for regifters - may or may not touch the problem, but will definitely increase punishment for a lot of users for a largely unrelated offense.

9 years ago

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Maybe turn off registering for duration of massive free weekends?
I've seen a lot of new accounts during free weekend, when we could play 7 (?) games (most of them were rather expensive).

As punishment that should work:

View attached image.
9 years ago*

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How about track IP for the multiple accounts?

9 years ago

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they do that already. you can easily evade detection with VPN/proxy. but if they catch you, you get perma-banned.

9 years ago

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I see, I didn't know this. Is there some sort of system to whitelist my brother from joining giveaways on steamgifts?

9 years ago

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i suggest you write a support ticket about it and explain the situation.

9 years ago

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It's disheartening to see some people using other sites like steamcompanion and to bypass the rule, too. Perhaps if the 3 main GA sites banded together to deal with such regifting, we could see some positive changes. For all I know, they have tried in the past.

9 years ago

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You know GameMiner dgaf. xD

9 years ago

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As if harder punishments ever stopped someone from doing said things. lmao

9 years ago

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