Delete the username.
Edit: Try not to care. If you want to handle $1 bundles in a different way, you have to handle extreme discounts ($0.01 games) different too. CV-rules would be quite complicated and most users would not understand how it works anymore -> frustration -> leave SG.
You will always see users that (seem to) have abused the system, but tbh why care? If you just want CV, but the cheap bundles. If you want to giveaway great games, do that and you will win great stuff from WL/group GAs, you will be in, because you gave away good games and behave decent.
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It is NOT calling out, because he didn't break a rule. So i see no problem with the example (he isn't the baddest one i seen... i took one from the middle/upper middle).
I delete the example when anyone from the support tell me a reason or rule for that.
Waxlor didn't done that... so i think it is ok and i need a example... -i not posted 20.... would be easy alone from the last times of my GA winners....-
Irgendwie muß ich auch erklären was ich meine und der eine ist halt als Beispiel da (es gibt weitaus schlimmere... hab extra einen genommen den sie nicht gleich lynchen^^).
That not all can be handled with the bundle rule is clear, that the rules can't avoid all is clear.
BUT the $1 Bundles getting each month more disgusting then the month before (much too much make it the 10 copies+ way...).
I had from 19 winners 6 that counted in the category of 5-10+ copies of the $1 Bundles. It's not only "sometimes" one. AND in my Thread i use group or sgtools protection with a 0.5 real cv ratio. They go around that 0.5 real cv ratio with there pushed Accounts.
I can raise the real cv ratio but hit then a lot of users that don't do such "optimizing".
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Sehe mehr das Problem, dass der Nutzer (wahrscheinlich) Blacklists sammeln wird. Ich glaube die meisten aktiven Forennutzer verstehen die Problematik.
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Verdammt dann hätte ich wohl doch die ganz Üblen posten sollen :-DDDDD -grinsend-
Scherz beiseite.... ich hätte bei nen paar BL jetzt echt keine Schuldgefühle. Ich werde garantiert auch einige bekommen weil ich mich traue gegen die Praxis was zu sagen. Denn das ist von einem gewissen Teil auf sg nicht gewünscht (ich hab mir mal den Spass gemacht und eben geschaut ... +3 in der knappen Stunde. Unter anderem von einem Lvl10er wo ich mir erlaubt habe zu einem "who cares?" ein "a lot of users" zu antworten. Andere Meinungen sind nicht beliebt... :-DDDDDDDDD).
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Maybe you can just give the link to the bundle on fananatical that is the $1 bundle instead of username of user for the example...
So. Use
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Well if they do care to read the rules it ain't excactly nuclear science. But i you don't care and you only here to join giveaways then it's damn sure you won't understand anything. I mean i understood how CV works before i even created or entered my 1st giveaway, cause i went in the trouble to read this, this and even this. So the only way to not understand it, is to not care to understand.
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Sadly it does because most don't want to spent 5mins reading or don't care to do so.
And just to be clear i never intented to undermine your point or something like that. Wish you a spendid day. ^^
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I remember support reply - that was not a bad idea
Rather than 1% I would make it 2.25% (15% of 15%, a double bundle status basically) if the discount is at least 99.25% (when the price is still at least 95% off after bundle value is applied). It would be even more painful to explain how the system works though.
As for me i see only one solution - removing levels ^^
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I mean ... hes making giveaways ... and winning some equally awful games in return ..
Not breaking any rules by the looks of it ...
People still getting 100% value from humble monthly games, and getting like 200$ + worth of CV after spending 12...
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He is one example. I picked one in the middle/upper middle not the worst ones (don't wanted start any witchhunt against the exampled one ... so i decided to take one in the middle).
And sure he breaks no rules (that is the reason why i can make a example) ... but i (and i am not alone) don't like the "account/level pushing with the combination of slip around real cv ratios and other secuirty measures"
You are right with the humble monthly and that is anything that should be changed too.
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Good to see we are on the same page here .
I'm really not the kind of person who can come up with a solution to the problem sadly :)
But will be nice if something is done to i guess Combat the people who try to abuse the system . Thats for sure .
Problem is that if the 1$ Bundles get some kinda special treatment , whoever came up with it and the people in charge of the site should be ready for what will follow after ... Which may be doing something about Humble Monthly next .
ITs sad tho , when people throw few $ to get quick lvl 4-5 just so they can leech games ... sometimes not even for the acc they are making the giveaways for .
Sadly the name calling rule is a thing so cant give examples ...
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I think it is important to raise the voice and say "anything goes wrong here".
Then can the Admin (cg) and the Sup Mods/Mods/Supporter take a closer look on a few things and think over it. And then maybe come up with "let us, together, think on a way to change anything". Only that way can anything change to a, hopefully, better way.
I think i know a few examples for your thoughts (my BL is 500+^^). I look sometimes closer at the winners or the entries in my GA's :o).
When you think anyone uses multiaccounts then report him. I done the same (more then once) and a few got a perma ban from it.
Ps.: At Steam in the Profile comments the "Calling out" rule from sg is not active^^.
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And ... we base the value of a game based on the completely biased opinion of a group of people ?
What bout niche games that warent really apealing to wide audience , yet ware really good for the target audience ., but the general public hated them ?
Or the so called weeb games which people love to hate on nowadays ?
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They are interesting thoughts and it would be great to handle the Shoverware/Archievement Spammer "Games" a other way then "AAA" Games.
But i think your thoughts still needs more clarification of a few things because i see a bit of Bloom3D's thoughts too.
As example what happens to "not very well known games", what happen with "csgo/pubg" (they will raise then in worth to 3000% with all that Csgo/pubg heroes :-DDD -giggling-).
And the Jump&Runs (Platformer) Games are always higher in the ratings (i don't know why). There i seen the next problem with a "equal" rating.
But combine the price with anything else would be great !
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To mess with all the kiddies who try to make it as their first giveaway without actually ever delivering the game.
Plus both should be actually F2P, considering both games are making money through their (hopefully soon illegal) internal gambling system anyway.
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To mess with all the kiddies who try to make it as their first giveaway without actually ever delivering the game.
That part doesn't follow; CV status only applies when a giveaway concludes, and the users posting those giveaways are either doing it out of confusion over how the site works, or out of deliberate intent- so the change wouldn't affect their considerations in any way.
(Although isn't CS:GO ungiftable now?)
Probably'd be best if they removed it from the game list then, yeah.
Then again, does that extend to previously purchased gifts? They may be keeping it around for the sake of lingering gift copies.
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The option to block the ones that give a game X 10+ times (but i know would difficult to made it possible to choose that game with a dropdown list or a textfield or anything like that^^) would be enough :o). But we can dream^^
I don't think over "what is in 10 years with the game(s)". I not want only "Game Pearls".
But between normal/middle/OK Games and the Shovelware, Archievement Spammer or complete broken games (that maybe give cards) are very big differences.
In the $1 Bundles can be good/ok games too, so it is hard to judge only by that. But it must be possible to avoid that EXTREME acc. pushing that grows from month to month.
The Bundles sites that say buy 50+ copies of crap bundle X and you get it, much, cheaper don't help too.
It floods sg with crap stuff (i hided in the last week over 300 games without looking under level 2 requirements and only a bit of time).
The most of the users trade the "game pearls" because they get not enough on sg for them.
I think it is too much "crap" on sg and it is supported from the cv system that is at the moment active.
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I don't speak from ONE Bundle.
I spoke from ALL $1 Bundles (and similar stuff). Because i am not very long into the Bundlestuff an sg a don't known all of them. I know 3 or 4.
Only 80 copies for lvl 10 ? Are you sure ???
80 copies from $1 Bundles (not only that one) is nothing for the ones i seen in the last 2 weeks.
Ps.: The global plan is that i rule the world -MUHAHAHAHA- :-D
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Right that is impossible.
I seen a lot that use EACH $1 Bundle (and similar).
So a very clear acting/behavior of that users.
And because i don't see a other way at the moment a "start BL them from my side". But that can't be the solution..... i dont want believe that.
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There was a similar discussion some months ago about CV farming (link) and most users voted for "Let them exploit!". So I guess the chances for a change are low. None the less personally I would agree that everything with 99+% discount should give 0CV.
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I am know for fighting with bad chances too :-DDDDDD -big grinning-
Because a lot don't interested on anything (only a little part look in the discussions and from them 68 hash brown poll votes) and a lot use the $1 Bundle/Software Bundle etc. possibility to push there accounts it is clear that such a poll go in that direction.
But when you look closer on the poll you see that MORE want a change to 0CV or 1% (202) then say "let them exploit" (180).
I think because of that the chances to change anything should be not so small.
[and yes i am a statistic fan]
I don't have anything against the ones that made that in a small size ... give other stuff away too .... really no problem with that but in the last 2 weeks i seen A LOT that only or near only give that stuff out and are level 4 - 6 (so around my level.... and then look into the stuff i gave away... i think not the beaddest.... and then you can realize very clear that anything don't fits -you can take other users accounts as "good" examples too i named mine only because i know what i gave away :o). It should not be seen as i only think on me or my advantages-).
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I hate the buck bundles. Not because of farming, or for helping people who might not have resources raise their level - but from a user standpoint, just because of the endless clutter. Like, oh! a train! - oh no, it's all from this or that dollar bundles, click click click click cripes.
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Yes i should and yes i know it ... you and many other of my steamfriends tell me this VERY often :-P
At the laptop (that needs a fresh windows installation (and all other that comes after that^^) it is wasted time.
But with a bit of luck i have in 2 weeks a PC that is better then the Laptop -no hard quest :-DDDD- and when i Installed there all i need i will install ESGST too
Also noch 2 Wochen durch halten und dann kann ich die Züge auch zerlegen^^.
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we should also bundle monthly
ban developer keys
give 0cv to giveaways with more than 5 keys
give 5% for bundles instead of 15%
remove sent:won ratio and use real cv instead (so people can't hide behind numbers while they leech expensive games ^^)
or we could just stop bothering about others farming levels for nothing, because they really mean NOTHING at all. even lv10 giveaways are rare and filled with $1 bundles, so it's useless to "invest" money to get free stuff later.
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Then other things besides 1$ bundles should be tackled too like for example farming in very small private groups and regional giveaways because in some regions the CV is really a lot cheaper and it's so much easier to level up than in other regions. ^^
Also if some users don't like the idea that people who use 1$ bundles to level up can enter their giveaways, they can easily rectify this by using things like WL, BL, SGTools and such. And with recent changes to the SG profile one can easily look at how much bundled and unbundled games a user has given away. There are rarely unbundled games in a 1$ bundle so it's just that easy to check and hover with your mouse cursor over the gifts sent number on a SG profile and see the numbers of unbundled, bundled and no value giveaways someone has given away.
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All can't be changed in one rush.... but a start should be done...
Sorry to say that but NO "it is not easily to rectify this by using things like SGTools". I wrote a comment to knsys about implement a sgtools possibility and bring up a rule that i can use now (that hits very very very much other ones).
Talgaby wrote it for me:
(level < 5.7 and and num_sent 2.25 >= real_sent_cv) or (level >= 5.7 and level < 7 and num_sent <= level 35) or (level >= 7)
It separates into three:
1) under level 5.7 (roughly 400 CV). The average CV per game you gave away must be over 2.25$. This means that you had to give away games with at least a 15-dollar price tag, on average, or had to include some non-bundled games. This is around 0.08 dollars above the average of the best one-dollar bundle.
2) If you are over that level but under level 7, you couldn't give away more than 35 games/level, meaning if you bought the same cheap bundle 10 times or all the cheap-ass junk bundles, you had to grind more games to get there. This way, those who try to maximise CV/bundle at the cost of spamming cheap shit will be excluded.
3) You are over level 7. Not even dropping 10 copies of all 1-dollar bundles can get you that far.
I don't want use such a hard rule that hits a lot of people that i not want hit. I feel not good with it.
Knsys would not implement the possibility and give me other advices for looking at the possibilies in his custom rules.
I need time for that so can't say if he give a advice that is better then talgabys first thoughts.
And yes i started BL the winners of my GAs that level up only/near only with $1 Bundles AND give a lot of copies.
It hits 6 from 19 winners last time.... and that bring me to the fact that much much more with that "problem", at least for me, joined my GA's.
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No, don't looked so close on it because the rule was a first thought and not anything that i wanted to use in that way. You see it on my new GA's. I added a other rule but not anyone against the $1 extreme Bundlers.
I must think, talk and experiment much more to find a solution that fits for me and don't give me a bad feeling because i kick so much innocent ones out of my GA's.
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When anyone, like you, make such easy sentences and cut of a lot of facts and things.... yes then it looks that way.
Each one that know me and my words would see the BIG difference.
Anyone say anything that you (Tzaar) don't like you complain. Too much complains...... (and as a hint... you are not the sun)
Over and out. Each sentence with you is wasted lifetime (and i am dumb that i always forget that)
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Then to think of the time these ones are taking to create each and every GA... that is commendable in itself.
It’s actualyy a nice way to allow those who live on limited income to become a solid community giver without making them hurt financially...
Then too once they get that extra level(s) for making those cheaper GAs they still have to spend a lot of time entering soooo many GAs to win back anything.
For those that invest all the time making these GAs... we should be commending them instead of finding fault.
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I agree that too being an unemployed person currently searching for job it's difficult to giveaway some high quality gibs.all I can currently do is GA games from fanatical, humble bundle sometimes if some good bundles in other that it doesnt hurt my financial commitment I set aside for gaming.But again different people have different opinions:)
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It's just levels, stop worrying and try to enjoy the fact that there's an internet community that revolves around gifting games to other people where almost nobody knows each other irl. Remember that a large chunk of interpersonal interactions in other sites is basically just drama, don't complain about the palm-trees not being green enough when you finally come across an oasis in the middle of the desert.
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why do you even care about other people gaining CV
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Levels are overrated. If you care about rewarding contributors, use SGTools. If you care about rewarding specific crowds that aren't necessarily contributors, you can target them in other ways - by joining the right groups, managing a whitelist or creating puzzles. Did I mention levels are overrated?
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No, using sgtools against the entering of the extrem $1 Bundle givers is not possible. Or at least not in any way i know (and i had help from talgaby that should be seen as a sgtools "expert").
A 0.5 real cv ratio is a joke for them and raising it hits only the ones that give normal bundle stuff.
The the group exists that problem too (mostly bigger there).
Whitelist helps, right. Jigidi Puzzles are good thoughts. Thanks
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Actually that's something I'm curious about as well. I haven't done an SGTools giveaway for ages but maybe if we collectively bug knsys about it, he might add has not given away X as a criteria for custom rules. It's kind of irritating to see people who get the majority of their Real CV from 3 copies of Clickteam Fusion + Spriter and then some Dollar Bundle shovelware sprinkled on top to up the Given numbers.
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I talked to knsys...
I would be happy over each one that raise the voice. Maybe he will do then the work (i don't know how much work it would be for him) or think on a other way that help the ones that want do anything against the cv "cheating/boosting".
Yes it is "irritating" and frustrating, at least for me. Why i should give good stuff when the reward is lower then for shovelware or $1 Bundles ? It not rewardsGAs of "good" games.
I seen in the last 2 Weeks at least 20 that extremly pushed from the $1 Bundles (i dont speak from 5 copies or from only one $1 bundle, i speak mostly from each $1 Bundle and all in all 30 copies and such things...). That can't be the right way to have a good amount AND a good quality of GAs at sg.
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If you're specifically interested in using SGTools to prevent those who create multi-copy-low-value giveaways, the most effective thing you can probably do is require a certain percentage of non-bundled giveaways. Either by num_sent_nonbundled/num_sent or by real_sent_nonbundled/real_sent_cv (or both). It's very unlikely that users who try to gain level this way would invest a significant amount (if any) in giving non-bundled games. I suggest that before you start creating giveaways that employ this approach, do some profiling to identify how many non-bundled games these users gave compared to same-level users where you don't give many multi-copy-low-value giveaways.
Edit: I just checked the link and saw that knsys suggested something very similar.
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Why the hell does it matter if (s)he gave away 5 huge AAA titles or 50 small, bundled games? You might not be aware, but this site should be about the good intentions, not about SOMEONE constantly trying to trashtalk others for "not contributing enough".
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You cut in your sentences/statements a lot of my sentences infos and explanation.
So i must think that you don't want understand my sentences.
I don't speak from giving much. A little bit is ok too. Not everybody have a lot of money or want give a lot. Both is ok.
When giveaway stuff then not only the $1 Bundle (and similar like Software Bundle etc.) that only are buyed for the cv/level boost.
I speak only from the ones that only or near only do that GA's (10 copies each $1 Bundle and so on).
I don't speak from the ones that give a few copies and/or other stuff too.
I am responsible for MY words, not for the stuff you made out of it.
You can think whatever you want about my suggestion. Its a free world.
But i have the same right :o)
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I personally thinks that the people that gives a lot of games mantain the site alive and kicking. When I entered, I wasn't able to give a lot of games. I was unemployed, and bought the majority of my gifts with tremor coins,. I was also really happy of winning anything. Seiing the space cat were always a small but very pleaseant surprise. Even the 1 dollar bundles were impossible to buy for me, because I had the credit card on fire.
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Give only a few games is very ok too. Tremor Games too. Buy one or 2 times each $1 Bundle is ok too. But ONLY buy the $1 bundle stuff and nothing else -to push the lvl and raise the cv/real cv very much- is, for me, not ok. I don't want that this people see the spacecat at the end of my GA's and i want a possibility to avoid that.
When anyone don't have the money or possibility to buy other stuff it is better then nothing but from ALL that i seen in the last 2 weeks only one had under 1000 games at steam (most of them had 2000+). All of them trading games, all of them play much csgo/pubg (only as info of the stuff i seen at the first few seconds). I think with 1000+ games should it be possible to give away a few games that are not from the $1 Bundles. Other Bundle games costs, partly, cents too.
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I may be biased given how one of them was what got me to LVL 3, but there's some super-CV bundles that do contain decent stuff.
But more generally, maybe ratings/WL rank should have some kind of weight on CV? I would not simple to balance properly, and obviously like many other things it could be exploited, but broadly speaking it could be a way to give further thanks to those that give away some really juicy games. It's not a change I'm expecting will happen anytime soon, but that's just a bit of brainstorming on my part.
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I understand what you are feeling about, but I dont see a real problem. If you are at a higher level youll realize that most people go and start giving away private, group or whitelist giveaways if its unbundled stuff. And very often they use sgtools, setting something like real CV or the stupid ratio. Most of the stuff I
ve won is bundled, most of the stuff I gave away wasnt. Thats why my ratio is bad and my real CV is 1:1,1. This system has a lot of exploits none cares about
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And I want steamgifts to give CV only to people that are giving away Bully: Scholarship Edition! :P
On a serious note, we all want changes that are good for us, but don't make a positive difference for the site. For example, I would love to see the removal of restrictions from all giveaways. Should cg do that though? Naaahhh.
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Well, why exactly would it be good for the site? Because people won't be able to gain CV so cheap? So what? :/
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Because sg will not flooded with that games.
The cv rating had then, again, a background that say anything over the REAL things (at the moment the cv and real cv is very far away from the real facts by the ones that push it with such things). So it would be possible to give the games to the people you want. At the moment that is very hard to do .... public = too much Bots/Autojoiners and extreme leechers, Groups = a lot -extreme- $1 Bundle Givers, invite only with sgtools check and a 0.5 real cv ratio = hold the $1 -extreme- Bundler not away.
You don't need any levels and cv ratings when each one with $80 or 90 can reach lvl 10 and had statistics that are worlds away from the $80-90.
From all the one's that push themself with only $10 or 20 and then leech "forever" i not start....^^
For more thoughts i don't have time right now. I hope you understand it with the few examples too.
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So what if it's flooded with giveaways? Some people may want these games, but even if they don't, I still don't see a problem.
I don't really care how a steamgifts user gains their CV. It's just like real life: Some people may gain their money or reputation much more easily than others. So what? If you're the hardworking one and you need time for these things, you should be proud and it should be enough for you.
By the way, if you find someone that gains CV that easily, you can simply blacklist them.
And if you think we don't need CV, you can simply give away games the way Cow (below) does.
Now, let's talk about restrictions. Why does this site even need restrictions? If, for example, a steamgifts user should give away a damn lot of games to get to level 10, just like you also said, then they will probably have a lot of games in their library too. So, why should people make level 10 giveaways for them? Wouldn't it be better to give away a game to a person with a low level and a small library? As you also said, level 10 users can leech too, not only level 0 users. Or why people make group giveaways? If they wanted to give their games away to their friends, they could have done it directly. :P
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I have nothing against "flooded with Games" but i don't think "flooded with crap/shovelware games" is the same (50copies from Gogo, partly the $1 Bundles and other cheap stuff that give -for the price- a high cv result).
I don't think the chooce for "cv result" (on the model that used right now) is the right way for give away stuff.
A lot of bad/crap games/shoverware/Archievement Spammer that have maybe cards and that is the only reason why the are buyed and why the people, mostly, enter (for 3 cents yeay).
Its a lot of hiding work that do a lot of people.... i didn't think it is the right way.
Right each user can leech but the intention why the people give away the cheap, high cv, stuff is, often, to get access to more GAs and then leech. And for me it is a difference if anyone give away a "few" good games and leech maybe 100 not so good games or if anyone give away 50 Shovelware and leech 300, partly good, games.
Why make people Group Giveaways ?
I think because they want have better win chances, get maybe better stuff then at the public GA's and a part try to avoid the bots/autojoiners. At least that are my reasons (but there are, often, the extreme leechers and autojoiners too.... and often they give away the same "crap/shovelware" as on public GA's -at least in the most groups i know... i am not very experienced in it and for sure it will give "a lot" of other groups too-).
I give Games to my friends/steamfriends (by the last ones should a bit come back over time...) too but not all.
And you can't see each Group on sg/steam as a group of friends (a nice dream but not the reality^^) :o)
Yes i can BL the ones that gain there CV that way (i started with that a few days ago) BUT a) calculate the time for that b) i done that only by the ones that winning one of my GA and then are looked closer. By 6 from 19 i think at all entries would the ammount around the same (1/3). I think that is much too much for BL (maximum is 1000) and much to much work for each user that want give there Games not to such people.
And last thing... why should anyone give good games when bad shovelware bring the same with much lesser money ?
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I read everything. And I wonder, hmmmmmmm, wouldn't the removal of ALL restrictions, like the high-level giveaways, would fix this problem? :B Like, if all giveaways are level 0+, there wouldn't be this problem with the bundle CV gaining. I hate restrictions, you hate people that gain CV for a low price, so we would both benefit.
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I am sure it would lower the problem :o)
But then we must kick the lvl 0 bots/autojoiners/exploiter ... maybe the extreme leechers and not to forget all the lvl 0 that are not visited sg for years.
And the dark side in me say i should not prefer anyone and should hate all the same level :-DDDD #giggling#
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None, because I don't like this game. :B But seriously, I really don't care. With that logic, cg should ban all bundle giveaways and allow only AAA game giveaways.
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People used to give good games away more often when steam allowed you to store steam gifts in your inventory. ;P
Why would cheap CV gaining discourage you? Do people that gain money easily discourage you from going to your job? ;P Life isn't fair, but if you think you're on the right side, then it shouldn't be a problem to you.
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It's not broken. It's just not fair, otherwise there would be ZERO restrictions on steamgifts. Everyone should have the same chance to win a game. Equality for the win! :3
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Yep! :3 That way, I wouldn't have to buy them and it would help me stop pre-ordering games. >_>
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With that logic, cg should ban all bundle giveaways and allow only AAA game giveaways.
It was supposed to be a joke. :B Also, most of the games I like, aren't AAA games.
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Switch to direct gifting, better than getting CV :)
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Waxlor adviced me to post it here.
I seen in the last weeks very lot of people that push themself with $1 Bundles.
Mostly 30 Games for that price. And all costs $10-20 in the steamshop = $1.5 - 3 real cv for each game (= $45 - 90 real cv).
As example result: lvl 4 with only 3 or 4 $1 Bundles + 4 or 5 small other GA's.
That can't be the way sg should work.
I think the $1 Bundles should be handled in a other way then the normal Bundles.
Such things demotivate me each day more to give Games (real games, not DLCs/$1 Bundles/Shovelware crap) out and i am near on stop my GA givings.
Because a lot don't interested on anything (only a little part look in the discussions and from them 68 hash brown poll votes) and a lot use the $1 Bundle/Software Bundle etc. possibility to push there accounts it is clear that such a poll go in that direction.
But when you look closer on the poll you see that MORE want a change to 0CV or 1% (202) then say "let them exploit" (180).
I think because of that the chances to change anything should be not so small.
I talked to knsys...
Thanks friendly regards
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