indeed, While webhosting and domains can be cheap, the time and effort required to make the webpage, design it, create shopping carts, and code any JS or anything else that you would use on the webpage would amount to quite a large sum. If you hire someone to do it, expect to be paying them at bare minimum 25 dollars an hour for their time.
once you have the website up, and hosted, you would have to stock your page with games, even if you got deals with publishers and developers, you would still have to pay for these things up front. This would range in the tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands.
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I can do most of it myself, and while it may not look very nice or have extra features (Such as carts) it would be functional and cost me the money for domain and games only(I can host myself). As for stocking it with games, I plan to start small, get users opinions on what is most important to get first, and eventually, after a year, I will have at least a few copies of any games people want.
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By the look of it i dont see any great profits (if any after all) to worth all this fuss.
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I think it would be imperative for you to have something professional looking if your going to open a webstore such as this.
People have very little faith in web companies and businesses that look like they were put together by a 15 year old, no offense to you or anything as I don't know what your skills are. That is unless your targeting ignorant old people who have never used the internet before (probably nobody that would be buying games). Anyone who has grown up around the web knows how to spot scams on the internet, and having a professional facade will increase your user base exponentially.
if you don't think you can make a cart, there are plenty of free things such as paypal that allow you to create cart systems with little to no knowledge on the subject, they even have for dummies faq's, granted it does not look as professional, it definitely is more professional than one without it. A cart feature would work wonders for making your webpage look trustworthy, thus engaging more customers.
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Paypal, good idea.
The site wouldn't look to bad, it would be more... minimalist than full of graphics and interesting features that server no point other than make it look better.
I am not incapable of looking up how to do stuff, and I have a bit of experience with php, javascript and mysql, so I didn't mean that there wouldn't be a cart at all, it just wouldn't be a priority.
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And even if he has the money, how he will get games at their lowest price?
Wait till they go on big sale again?
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I plan to get users opinions on what games should be first priority to get onto the site, and I don't plan to start buying random games that go on sale and hope that people buy them. If more people want, for example, gmod than those who want COD: Ghosts, I would buy lots of GMOD first, and I don;t plan to only get these through steam... Humble bundles can help with that, along with other similar websites such as GMG. Once I get it started, it starts getting popular, and I know how many people want certain games, I can make it work.
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To acquire such database will require quit some time.
I think your best start would be the bundles. Buying 1$ bundles and selling each game of the bundle for 1$. But you have to take the copyrights in consideration.
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Thats the kind of thing I was thinking of, what made me think of the idea is bundles. Yesterday I bought the above average humble jumbo bundle, but already had GMOD and Sanctum 2, so I sold them for a little under the steam sale price, and that payed for then entire bundle for me. The problems with ebay are numerous (Tonns of large fees, possibility of stuff not being payed for, etc) so a dedicated website would be perfect.
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This is why I asked for suggestions, I can't think of everything, and it was just an idea.
Instead of buying lots of excess keys at first, I would get the number of people who want a game, so if 500 people wanted gmod, I would buy 500 keys (Although I would have to do it a few keys at a time and wait for them to be bought (Dont have $1000s...)
For the second point, I dont really know, it would be something that is hopefully not going to happen often for the older games such as GMOD and CS:S, they have a steady cycle of sales, but for new and expensive games like Ghosts, it would be a risk. I dont see them dropping to much very soon, but that may be a problem later.
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very good points, the only way it could truly work would be if there are contracts with developers and publishers that stipulate they will give them keys or games for whatever the lowest price has been and will generate more as per need. This would be bad for their business in the long run however as they would be cutting in to their profits on other game stores that have a set msrp.
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Well, my suggestion is :
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Anyone can buy a ton of keys from devs/publishers directly. Problem is, you need the money to pay for it right there and in a large amount, 50 is the lowest I have seen for a dev purchase. New release titles from AAA's require at least 100 or more.
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Unless you have a lot of websites under your belt already, you have no bloody chance of doing it.
Unless you have designed and built at least a few commerce sites, you wont stand a chance.
Not only do you need to be able to code and properly use website encryption and security, but would have to make your site compatible to use at least 3 different APIs. You would also have to have start up funds to be able to process any scams, and any legitimate commerce.
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The payment would mainly be through paypal, using their own systems, bitcoin would be using coinbase, the same system used by the Humble Bundle, and I plan to start it small without accounts, carts or any non paypal or bit/altcoins. No payments will go directly to me, and paypal is currently the most trusted online payment system.
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Don't forget about PayPal fee, which is more then 30 cent per transaction. If you want to make couple cents on each game, you will need to sell a hundred of keys per hour to make even 10$
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Unless you are prepared to do it properly, I would suggest not going through with it.
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don't forget to think on the legal terms.. such as is it even legal to resell bundles? or selling games you bought on steam in your site? is that even legal? well.. just a friendly warning thou
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One major problem with buying and then selling at the lowest Steam sale prices is that no matter how low one sale goes, the next one may be lower. If you buy anything during a sale, you would have to re-sell them before they go on sale for even less, or else you either risk having to then sell them at that new price, thus losing money, or attempt to sell them at the comparatively higher price that you paid for at the time, which disregards the entire purpose of the site.
Most of us have surely been there, buying a game at 50% or so, then before you know it, it's 75%. Even though it was the best price at the time when you bought it, there's a little regret for not waiting, especially if you haven't even played it yet. Now multiply that by however many copies you want to buy of it in hopes of selling.
Not to mention that with new games being put in bundles, that could possibly devalue them even further.
Hah, and everything I said has since been already been said before getting around to posting this. Nevermind.
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You need some business plan and some marketing person to help you... this kind of business is not something that you will make money that easy. In this kind of business sometimes you lose more than win, but when you win is very well but without a business plan and some money you will not going that far...
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I already use a site that offers something like this. Tremor games. They buy a ton of games and sell them for pretty much the sale price they got it for. Only difference is you don't pay them with money, you do it by completing tasks and offers from certain sites.
Unless you got thousands of dollars to open up a real site that's on the level of Green Man Gaming, you'll just be a small common trader like you see on Steamtraders, but only with a website.
On a side note, your name is funny. The pronunciation of it in Spanish means "Ass" lol
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You don't sound like you know what you would be getting into. You got no suppliers other than Steam directly.. you'll have to invest on stocking lots of games and expect to run a business while making a very small margin on those. What happens when you run out of copies for a game, and what happens when you're stuck with tons of unsold games while it gets bundled somewhere or becomes cheaper? You can't absorb those losses in any way with the small profit you intend to make, first sign of f*ckup will bring your lil business to it's grave.
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TBH, I think you're being a bit naive to think that you can just get into this business. Doing this alone will take a LOT of time. I mean MORE than a regular full time job. The amount of research you'll have to put into market prices, pricing trends, sale trends, etc by itself is a huge chunk... not to mention website design and maintaining, debugging, customer support issues, advertising and promotions. You'd have to keep on top of the pricing fluctuation for each and every game and be prepared to lose money at a moment's notice.
I agree with PPG113 who posted above... you need experience in this field before you jump headlong into it. People are very suspicious of sellers online so having some reputation under your belt is highly recommended. Not to mention the lessons learned in doing this on a small scale will be invaluable. The fact that you're talking about asking people what they want to see just advertises the fact that you're not at all prepared for this field. If you're looking to invest money then you should already be familiar with the field.
If this is just an idea that you have that you're looking to set up in the next few years... great. Get started on that research. If this is something that you want to get into right away... forget about it.
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It's an unsustainable business model. Your idealism is through the roof so I'm not going to bother trying to reason with you. I was once your age, I get it.
But here's the real deal, you can spend a lot of time on this fruitless venture, act in denial and think you're on to something, and then reach the point when a sobering reality hits you, possibly after you wasted a lot of money and energy and learn that way, or just understand that the real world isn't so simple. What you're doing is against Steam's ToS on a mass scale because it's easyto be mistaken for the fraud is done, even though that's not your intention; and with fees, taxes (which if you did make a lot of money, would catch up to you eventually) loss prevention because you're going to have chargebacks, and paypal disputes, your profit margin is negative and you'll lose money.
And publishers would have little reason to work with you. Basically, it's not going to happen. You're better off finding and studying about whatever passion, and if it's sales and retail, this is not the way to expend that energy.
But again, do as you will. I encourage you to be ambitious, just not over-idealistic and blind to the realities. (suppose I did end up trying to reason with you, but I won't be following this conversation)
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Due to the Steam t&cs, this idea is dead unless there is some other way to buy steam keys at very low prices...
Background: I have little money, and no real source of income, but I had an idea to make money while allowing people to buy Steam games at very low prices.
So what my idea is, a website that allows you to buy steam games through either Paypal or Bitcoin (Still thinking about the bitcoin part) at the price of their lowest sale price on steam + a percentage of the price. This would allow you to, for example, buy Counter Strike: Source, it would be at the lowest every sale price (In this case, $4.99usd) + a small percentage of that cost (Yet to be decided.).
This would allow you to buy games for just above their lowest price even when sales are not on and are not expected any time soon.
For the Bitcoin part, that is just an idea, it may or may not be there and it could be another altcoin, but it would be basically the same, but it would be rounded to the nearest 5c and converted first to give you the price in bitcoins, so CS:S would be $5 or, at the time of posting, 0.006605 BTC.
Please submit 3 games you would want to buy from the site most in this survey: here, I need responses to get an idea of the most wanted games, as they would be the first to be on the site.
So... What do you think? Would you use it if it was made? Suggestions for extra percentage (Please be serious)? Games you would buy? Suggestions in general?
TL:dr; Website to buy cheap games.
-Thanks, Coolo.
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