There is simply no recipe you follow to become a pro in a multiplayer game. If you train a lot, you will become at least good, but even then there is no guarantee you will be among the best. Real pros are people that are used to play that kind of game since they were VERY young, and sometimes they are TRAINED to become professional gamers. When you are a child you can master something very easily.
My advice is: train hard and you may become good, but if you're not satisfied with the outcome, switch to another game and you might do better.
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Or just watch competitive matches. To be the best just study the best. Analyze the matches,learn which corners you need to keep your weapon ready when turning in,choke points,style of play,even down to the technicalities of your weapon etc.
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Once upon a time, in an ancient forest, there lived a wizard. The wizard had five children, each one named after one of the stars in the sky and a color of the trees.
All five children played CS:Go as much as they could, but none of them could match up with their father's abilities. Their father was pro. Because he was a wizard.
Become a wizard.
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Just dont run, wait. got into Gold league just because i waited most of the time that the enemy would come rushing at me.
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As with every game it's really all about game reading. Of course you also need to know how the game works. Where should I aim (head, body, feet), how should I fire (short bursts or keep fire pressed constantly), do movement and jumping affect my accuracy. This stuff differs for each gun.
Even if you aren't the best at aiming, game reading will give you an advantage. If you know where people are most of the time, how they behave, it's quite easy to be successful as you can surprise your enemies. For now the best would be: Never panic. Stay calm. Don't rush. Don't camp. Get a rifle, aim for the head and fire in short burts of 2 or 3 shots. Don't move while shooting, but between bursts. Shoot, strave, shoot.
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Did I say I'm a pro? So what, Steam says I played CS:GO for 9 hours, 1.6 for 2 hours and Source for 456 hours. It doesn't say anything about how often I played LAN versions with friends and I played Counter-Strike games for more than 10 years. But who gives a crap about numbers anyways, they don't mean anything. Someone can play for 500 hours and be horrible, someone else can play for 3 hours and play extremely well.
The things I said are universal and can be applied to many different games of the genre.
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I showed you those numbers to prove exactly what I wrote: They don't mean anything. If you fail to understand the main point of what I wrote then there is nothing else I can do for you. =)
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Read, comprehend. If you can't do that, please shut up and don't waste anyone's time.
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There is nothing wrong with it indeed. But you need to know when to do such stuff. You need a certain experience in playing the game / certain maps in order to know when and where rushing / camping is appropriate / necessary. It's game reading all over again, analyze how your opponents play to find the best way to approach them. I told him he shouldn't do it "for now" as I'm under the impression OP just started the game. He didn't write anything more than the headline so what I wrote is for what a very inexperienced player should do. If you want to rush you need to have rather good aiming as you'll most likely encounter more than just one enemy. The element of surprise will buy you some time but a certain amount of aim will be needed. And camping itself is only good in certain situations (as well as rushing, which brings me back to game reading). He ain't helping anyone, yet himself, if he just keeps camping in order to get a kill or two. He also won't be helping anyone if he randomly rushes and dies instantly. He won't learn anything that way.
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Okay now I think you're just trolling it's impossible someone is that stupid. I even agreed with what he said.
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Change your name to xXX5killzProXXx so you can be a real pro.
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This. Plus watch some competitions/tournaments on and train your reflexes. There're plenty mini games to train your reflexes.. Also try this "brain stimulation".
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You're missing the point. Your opinion about the game doesn't matter in any way here. Each of the Counter-Strike games has its pros and cons.
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Don't hold fire, fire in short bursts only. Learn weapon patterns, it helps a lot. Find all the good hiding spots too.
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Download this skin FAMAS|DullRose. No no , joking, just do practice, play. Just keep playing. Always make a warmup before competitive, that works for me. :). Good luck, enjoy cs:go. :)
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I'm not a pro but here are some of the things that I've learned:
Look at it like a sport game: Think offensively and defensively. For example, on DE maps, when the ball is not on your court (CT), play defensively and protect the areas where T can plant. Also, be a team player; when playing as CT, when T drops the bomb, make sure you protect and defend that bomb instead of running off looking for a kill.
As for being offensive, the best way to learn is to stay behind someone and act as a "support". If you die, pay attention to the cams of the players making the most kills, you'll often learn their tricks and either adapt to it or assimilate.
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