Good deal ?
Sweet purchase. PS3 has some great exclsuives (even if some have been ported in the last year or two).
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Yes, I'm quite happy with this purchase. I think the owner was a PC gamer too since almost all of his games are exclusives.
The only game I already have is Dark Souls but since I installed the Steam Link, I have some dreadful lag so it's only worthy for strategy games. So I'll definitely start Dark Souls again on the console.
But I'm really curious about all the Naughty Dog games, Demon's Souls, Journey, Red Dead Redemption, GTA V and Ni No Kuni.
I couldn't be a happier person right now :)
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Yes, The Last of Us is a phenomenal game. Red Dead Redemption is great too. I'd suggest when you got finished with those trying out the God of War series. ^.^
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You won't regret it for sure, plus almost everything is cheap now and PSN has some great sales here and there.
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Only 40gig is terrible. I have 120gig and I have to delete my games when I install some new games. The psstore has some pretty good sales during holidays so I end up buying a lot of digital games. I guess you can get an external drive.
And yeah PS is worth it for the last of us alone already.
I just started gaming in pc so I've been neglecting my ps3 for months
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Thanks for the input!
I was considering the idea but I'll see.
Since I'm a big Steam user, I don't think I will use the PSStore at all.
Do you think 40GB is too low just for installing physical games (+ updates and DLCs) ? I never used a PS3 so how much of a BluRay runs from the BR and how much from the harddrive ?
Cheers !
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Well some assassin's creed games took up to 6gb (wtf). Others didn't require much space at all. And bluray? You mean to tell such an ancient piece has bluray and mine doesn't :p? Anyway my friend had a 60gig I think and she played on it for almost a decade. It's up to you to decide. Btw when I bought dragon age inquisition it was "23" gb if I'm not mistaken. But I had to free 40gig just so it would install! That's crazy and I still don't get why.
Anyway I still think every household needs a ps3
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You can use an external had drive in case you run out of space.
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40gb would end up being on the tight side, requiring you to frequently memory manage. I would recommend dishing out 30 or so euros on a cheap 300+gb hd. It's super easy to replace (i believe instructions are even given in the manual), and it'll make your life that much smoother. Also opens the option of playing free ps+ monthly games.
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Turns out, the previous owner had already upgraded the HDD to 750GB.
I discovered it while checking how much disk space I had left after installing GTA V. 680 Gb ? WTF? I had to open the box to be sure and there were the gigs.
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That's pretty fortunate! You got yourself a great deal mate!
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That's easy to replace, just look for a laptop hard drive for cheap, unscrew the thing and put it in. I still have an 80 GB one that I want to replace, but most of my games are on disc anyway, so I keep postponing it. That, and I also own a Vita and a PS4...
Bottom line, if you look for a tutorial on how to replace the HD, it's super cheap and easy to do.
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PS3 had tons of exclusives. Play the Uncharted series, for example, despite how many people like to bandwagon-bash it. You can also check out the Ratchet & Clank anniversary release, which is R&C 1, 2(going commando, I think?) and Up Your Arsenal, all PS2 games. A Crack In Time was my personal favourite, story wise and gameplay wise. 122.50 Euro(?) is pretty good, I think? Google says that's 174.92 in Canadian, so yeah, pretty good. That's just above 50% off of release price(I think it was 300?)
There's a lot more good PS3 games you could check out, but I can't think of some more good ones right now.
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Bidding is always an awkward moment. But I evaluated the console at 60€ and all the games at 60€ too. Since there was very little crap (I don't think I will play Zumba and SingStar Dance but who knows?) I thought it was a pretty good deal for the games alone.
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It's the PCMasterRace spirit talking !
I'm already robbed daily by a thing called Steam :)
I think my console will die with 40GB. When I'll be finished with these games (maybe I'll buy a physical copy of the 3 God of War games), I'll get me an old PS4,5 to play Bloodborne :)
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Well Gaben is almighty no doubt there:PI also heard that those old versions of PS3s have direct support for PS2 games so that might be another good aspect of it.Hope you enjoy it!I am also looking for a good discount to buy Bloodborne since i already own PS4 have high hopes for summer sale:D
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I got a used PS3 at the end of 2014 because my laptop was getting too old to handle newer games and I liked the idea of getting to play games on my TV more. But I ended up selling it again and buying a new desktop PC instead - I'm just not much of a console player and never will be. :) I think your purchase was a pretty good deal with all those games.
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I really want to play The Last of Us. But since I'm normally just playing at the PC (unless I play with friends, then it is the wii) and it is the only game I have to play on a PS (that I want to play, I know there a more games only for PS), I don't think I will ever buy one or play it :(
But if it is ok to switch (at least for some time) to a console, than i guess it is a great deal! So have fun playing! :)
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This was exactly my frame of thoughts when I got it.
Damn good games.
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just for the games alone most of those are excelent and exclusive, may get one myself... since retro compativility isnt a thing
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Great deal. I only use mine for ps3 exclusives, and you already have some of the best ones, especially ico and shadow of the colossus hd. Should look to get the yakuza games if they would interest you, they were the games that I bought the console for
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Pretty sweet deal even though, fatties aren't the best models out there :3 I see here a few titles, that I'd love to finally try out myself (yes Ico, I'm talking about you). ^^
Also, in case, you'd like to expand your PS library, then for the love of everything that's holy, play Metal Gear Solid. Please, Trevor. ;-;
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Oh yes, MGS !
I've watched some "best PS3 games of all time" videos and they were constantly referring to MGS4. I don't know if the game will click with me (9 hours of cutscenes ? Are you kidding ?) but I may give it a try.
Two other games frequently referred to are Ratchet and Clank : the Capsule of Things or something, the God of War series, Heavy Rain and Little Big Planet.
I may try to find physical copies or get a bigger HD although if I play with the PSStore on top of Steam, I'll end up broke.
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MGS4 is one huge, ridiculously emotional tribute to the entire series. Sure, I wouldn't have anything against some more gameplay elements, but at this point I was too focused on mourning my favourite characters to actually care that I'm basically experiencing a interactive movie with a occasional boss fight/stealth section every once in a while.
From the others that you've mentioned, I've only played GoW. I get why people enjoy it, but honestly it felt rather slow and tiring to me. I'm much more of a DMC/Bayonetta fan when it comes to hack'n'slashes.
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Promised ! As soon as I find it at a good price, I'll play MGS4.
And Bayonetta made me think of Vanquish. I'd like to try that one out too.
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It was more like: Hi, this is obviously young Liquid (and we really couldn't be more direct about this), but for some reason we're going to try to pretend like he's not, cuz RIZYNZ
And about the Sahelanthropus thing - it's just one of those moments where TPP tries way too hard to do a reference to the previous MGS titles.
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It's definitely a great purchase, especially at this price, but I may add, if you have never played before, you realy should buy The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Legendary Edition, one of the best games i have ever played and runs realy good at consoles. Oh and you also should play The Last of Us yeah that's for sure, and also the Assassin's Creed franchise, especially Black Flag, it's a realy good one :D
Well, summing up, congratulations for your new acquisition, I'm certainly sure that you will enjoy it !
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The only last gen console I had was a Wii, a gift I received from my girlfriend.
I was pretty happy with it but I'm a PC gamer. Not a fanatic but PC is where I game. But I still watch and read console game reviews.
Now that the PS4 has been released for some time, I thought I could get me a cheap PS3 with some games. I have a brand new HDTV. Now I can console.
I'm more interested in the PS3 since the Xbox 360 exclusives are not really my cup of tea (or am I wrong?).
I was just browsing on ebay looking for "playstation 3 Dark Souls Prepare to Die" and this is the combo I found :
The previous owner had some good tastes. I still don't know why he sold it.
The bids started at 80€. We were 2 bidders.
I won at 122,50€
I think I will not play on my PC in the next months.
EDIT : turns out the previous owner had already installed a 750Gb HDD.
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