That's pretty common to be honest, but it all depends on which people you are trading to.
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In all markets there are those that overestimate the worth of their own offer.
The obvious solution is to find a trader who knows what they're doing, and is able to barter to properly.
There is of course the problem that for every 100 people who decline, there will be one impatient person who would accept. That's what they rely on to make a slow but certain profit.
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Yeah the other day i was looking to this guy who was selling borderlands 2 GOTY and i was wondering how much he would sell it for i mean i know it's been for like $12 for the past 2 weeks in certain sites but i wanted to see how much he wanted, so when i asked he answers me like he was offering me the deal of a lifetime...
How does $30 sounds?
And i'm like wait what? That's how much it costs on steam... Hell i could buy it right now for $12 are you serious?...
He then was like if you trust those pages then buy it from them... (at this point i didn't reply because he was too stupid to insult...)
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If you're of age, I would suggest getting a job!
The effort and time required to do this is laughable when compared to even a minimum wage job. I personally haven't tried listing my Steam trading on my resume, but I don't think it'd go too well.
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Of course, getting a job will be more productive and will bring more profit 99% of the times, but trading is free, and if you're going to practically live in the pc, you might as well use a bit of time to trade, and no, it wouldn't go well, at least not if you'll be doing 1:1. On a personal note I think laughable is a bit too harsh.
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Most things are about profit. If you want to get an item you require/want, then you're the buyer and the seller is the one getting the profit. There are cases in wich people don't want to get profit, like my fellow Settrender below me, but even so I think NerdHouse shouldn't consider 2:1 trades "silly".
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This is so perpetuated that even when I explicitly state 1:1, I sometimes get people offering two of their cards for one of my cards. Yes, you read that right: they're voluntarily offering more.
And when I counter-offer picking just one of their cards, they go "wow you're so nice" blah blah blah. No, I'm just being fair.
So frustrating.
So glad most of my card trades are done via SCE. I hate interfacing with humans sometimes.
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The reason there is often because of the resale value of cards on the marketplace. Some cards go for as low as £0.03 / £0.04, whereas others float forever at the £0.15 mark. That might not seem like much but it adds up to enough to buy an indie game just on traded profits, if they sell straight instead of crafting badges.
In this case, "fair" is often the monetary value of the market at the time. I mean, if you could sell a card on the marketplace and get enough money for four of another, trading it for one other low-value card is actually quite generous. Had the cards been physical medium then they would have expected 1:1, but in digital where you can get a quick and easy reference on hard price it isn't often the case.
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1:1 trade is based on price, not quantity.
Those people asking for 1:2 are not asking for equal value. They're asking for double value.
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Between SCE and STM, I've eliminated most of the human interaction in card trades. I too find it quite laughable to expect people to trade cards 2:1. I'm guessing the only ones who would do such deals are those who can't access the community market. I'd rather sell my 2 cards and buy the one I need, keeping some $ in the wallet rather than giving them to some greedy person.
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I never got that really either, unless the cards cost 4 cent, it is more profitable to sell those 2 cards and buy the one you wanted. But by doing 1:1 trades, you could help other complete their badge, and maybe get ourself a badge in the process too.
Me personally, I have pretty much had it with card trades anyway, not enough of a thing to actually talk to someone abut the trade, and too impersonal to send a trade offer and having to think about whether or not to consider it expired after 2 days or not.
So, I just sell all cards now, and if I really want a badge, I'll just buy the cards.
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If they decline your first offer, you can either raise your offer, stay firm or walk away. Best case for the seller, you increase your offer or at least stay firm so there is no reason to accept the first few offers. Chances are you're not going to walk away since you initiated the trade and obviously have interest in whatever it is.
There is the chance you find someone who simply has extras and just wants to trade. If you're looking at someone who has tons of games to offer, then chances are they're doing more than just getting rid of extras.
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With me that has been a problem i found this guy he has like 10 copies of the game i want so i make him a decent offer (granted it could be better but it's what i have) he doesn't even answers me asking for something else or something he just declines and moves away and i'm like...
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I see guys like you popping up in trades all the time, and it's the same misconception over and over again.
If you're going to trade for a game you have to understand 1 thing, the seller might have gotten it from another source then that 1 recent sale
Just because a key for a game was a few bucks on nuuvem or amazon recently does not mean the trader selling the game got it from there, in fact there's barely anyone selling keys from retailers on SG, most people just buy some games during sales on steam and then add a few bucks onto it depending on how rare the game is in the trading community.
Sure there's the occasional guy who has no idea what his stuff is worth so he sells it either for way too much or way too cheap, but generally it's safe to say that almost everyone has about the same price for the same games especially when comes to really popular games like BL2.
It's a bit odd to expect people to sell you a game for a cheaper price then they paid for it themselves, that's also probably why you're getting rude responses from some traders (those traders that you called "stupid" in an earlier post) they just don't feel the need to explain to you how this works since you seem to assume they're greedy right away anyway.
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No i mean this guy tells me he is selling me the game for $30 the price is not the important thing really is how he said it like he was giving a great offer, also i do know some people do that they buy it on a steam sale but really would you pay the same price the game is normally worth right now? Not saying i wouldn't buy it at that price i just wouldn't buy it from a guy also the game he was selling me was not a gift was a key...
So doubt he bought off steam...
In steam the price of the game is actually $30 the flat price without discounts or price change...
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just look for another trader. what's the big deal?
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so you can't pay 1 cent more than its store price? you cheap bastard!
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[quote]You go try make a deal with a person you are giving alot more what the game is actually worth but the person refuses because his game is still too expensive...[/quote]
So how much do you think BL2 is worth? maybe the problem is how much you evaluate the game.
It's really much of how much you value the item and how much profit they wanna make. If he finds your offer ridiculous he's just offering you a ridiculous counter proposal. Or if he's a guy who only goes with keys but you offer him cards/gems, he maybe doesn't want to tell you no directly and hope you just renounce trading with him.
When you're often trading and specifically just ask for keys but there's people coming and trying to explain to you how gems are so much better than keys or convince you of accepting their cards or whatever they're offering, sometimes it's just faster to tell them an absurdly high price rather than declining politely X times before they give up.
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Well this applies to everything in general, i just used borderland as an exemple coz it was in your first post....
I never had a problem buying, if the guy post a price and i think it's too expansive i just don't add him. If someone post a price and i think it's reasonable i add that person, give what he wants for what i want.
The only problems I had were when i'm the seller, i post a price for example 5 keys, people will add me and tell me i only have 3 keys, but i give you 5, 6, 7... gem packs. They may think it's more than what i asked in the first place, but i see this as "not what i asked". So i politely decline or tell them the "deal" is not valid anymore.
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Good example is the stuff from the Origin bundle, people bought (some people bought hundreds) them for lets say 0.20 eurocent (I think it was even less), now go on the steamtrades section and see how much people want for example Red Alert 3 - Uprising or Dead Space.
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The worst is trying to find Batman Arkham City/ Asylum that isn't for an arm and a leg. The cheapest I could find was like a tf2 key a piece I think but they were in a bundle for less than a buck for Asylum and City was in the second tier...
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Just because it was in a bundle once, doesn't mean it now goes for 50 cents from then on.
Especially if the bundle has ended long ago there is no trader who will give you that low of a price.
It's all about supply vs demand. You missed the bundle, so don't expect to get the game for a bundle price. The longer it has been, fewer copies are out there, so the price goes up again.
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You have to take it on a game-by-game basis. For instance if it is Trine 2 Complete you have to consider that it was in multiple bundles (including the lowest tier) and also 90% sales on Steam. Which does significantly devalue a game for trade purposes in the eyes of many people.
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Trine 2 Complete has not been the only offer i tried trading Alan Wake Franchise when i had it for cheap games i wanted 1/1 but each person answered me with the same saying the game was a time ago very cheap and so they didn't wanted to trade for that...
I am just using this as reference but it happens with alot other games it is not just us who are cheapstake like you said but them who are think hold the most expensive thing in the world...
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I'm not attacking you, you don't need to defend yourself. I wish you luck with your trades - I know I got Dead Rising 2 Complete for the Alan Wake Franchise a while back and I wish you similar luck!
And I also know from experience if you have low trade rep it is hard to get decent trades because better traders will ignore you and scammers and lowballers will target you.
But it isn't up to you to decide what a game is 'worth' - if other people don't agree then you just have to walk away. If something consistently isn't working you just maybe need to re-evaluate what you are doing rather than complaining about other people.
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Has there been mention of any names? No.
I am not defend myself but actually trying to make you see the point the games are merely an example nothing more...
And i have not Alan Wake anymore i end up trading it for a Tropico 4 Complete since i was trying for a year to find a decent trader so i decided to make the first trade i got...
And what is worth is only as big as one or the other puts it...
For example for me Torchlight 2 could be worth $15 because i paid $12 but the game is usually sold for $20 but the guy that want's me to trade it to him offers me a game that is usually worth $25 but he paid $7 for it and either way i reject him because the game has been too low before but that was months maybe a year or so ago...
What i am trying to say we put the price we want and sometimes some people do not understand that they are in a way overpricing what they have because in their heads they have gold...
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Yeah, clearly it is up to everyone to put the price they think is best on things. But if the trade doesn't happen is it because you are overpricing or them? Is the gold in their head or yours? If over and over trades don't happen is the problem you or them?
For you Torchlight 2 could be worth $15 because you paid $12. But it has been in many sales for $5 or $4 - so was he really so unfair in offering you a $25 game that he might have bought for $7?
If someone says to me 'well my game is worth $x because that is it's price in the store right now' or 'my game is worth $x because that is how much I paid for it' ignoring any sales or bundles that it has been in while saying 'well your game is only worth $x because that was its sale price and I'm sure you bought it then' then I just block them. Because that isn't fair. And somehow I have still done hundreds of trades.
If you are going by sale prices you have to go by sale prices or bundle prices all round. If you didn't buy a game on sale that isn't anybody elses fault and they shouldn't be expected to pay more for it.
It isn't my place to judge and you can hold out for whatever prices you want - but from the examples you have given and from the problems you are having maybe it is worth trying to see things from other peoples points of view rather than just blaming other folks greed?
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You are just stating my point and yet you are not realizing it lol it's really funny but i do not have a problem i do not lose sleep over someone who rejects a trade if he/she doesn't want it i move on i delete them and go with my life like always...
But anyway this is becoming too boring for me so imma not going to answer you anymore is obvious you do not understand my point even tho you are making it yourself..
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I did realize that I was stating your point in the sense that I was trying to make you think about it from the perspective of the other people who clearly think that it is you being unreasonable. Which was my way of tactfully suggesting that maybe you should consider that it was yourself that was the problem with regards to not making trades.
But as we are no longer speaking and tact is no longer an issue - I'll simply say that the problem here is blatantly just you being very greedy. I'm sorry you don't understand that or many other things. I'm sorry you are unlikely to get Borderlands 2 for a $1 bundle game.
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I think more recently there was a really good deal on Batman games from Nuuvem (region free) and there are also a lot of cheap keys from that, as well as I think a few deals from Bundle Stars.
But given that the WB bundle was a long time ago, that at least Arkham City was in a tier for significantly more than a buck, that there hasn't been a deal as good since, and given that they were good games with high demand I think it is unrealistic that people should expect other people to hold keys for them for years just to sell for the price they bought them or less.
Supply vs. demand exactly like you say - and having done a lot of trading I don't think a TF2 key is an extortionate price for Batman games. Sometimes you have to ask if everyone else is overpricing or if it is just you being a cheapskate...
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You cant call everyone a "real" trader that is trading on sgtrades...have some experience too, last one is a bit in contact for a game i liked to have and wanted to touch money, cause i have lots of unbundled Steamgifts in my i talked with her about a deal..she said she will think about it..and after 2 days and no response..i ended up buying the game myself...was tired of waiting...yeah i know ppl want to make a bit extra cash when they trade, but i must say some ppl are real dumb and think they have the holy grail, just because some ppl are interested in one of their items...
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I agree. For instance, Mortal Kombat Komplete and Injustice are (not sure if sale is over now) $4.99 USD on Steam, but throughout the sale people were selling them for 3 keys ($7.50 USD).
I also hate the opposite of this though. If something WAS on sale but it is no longer on sale, then why shouldn't the price go back up eventually? For example, if I bought something cheap (but it can no longer be bought for that price), I shouldn't have to sell it to you for the SAME EXACT price as it was during the sale. I still have people asking me to sell them the Nuuvem Lego keys for like 4 ref each. That may have been fine when they were on sale, but the cheapest they come out to now (Steam sale) is like $5 USD each.
Other factors I take into consideration are how often its been on sale, and for how low. But that's just me. I always find it odd when people are asking for 5-6 keys for Payday 2 when it has been as low as ($3.50 on Nuuvem) and like ($5.99 on Steam). But that is just my opinion.
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Has this happened to me only or has anyone had this happened too?
You go try make a deal with a person you are giving alot more what the game is actually worth but the person refuses because his game is still too expensive...
When in reality you can find it very cheap but have no money to buy it...
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