Just got a friend invite (Steam).
Don't know the person,
no information given in the profile,
Steam level 1,
just 1 game (which was free for a short time, not long ago),
oh, and it appears he/she/it never even played the game.

Could there be any other red flag still missing?

10 years ago*

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I usually add these people, just because I find blocking them is cathartic.

10 years ago

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I usually offer them to buy some drugs.

10 years ago

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Unfortunately, studies show that active methods of purging emotions--such as, for instance, accepting a bad steam friend and then blocking them, or in my professional research, killing a prisoner of war or civilian--merely reinforces the behavior and promotes further outbursts.

While other studies show that performing similar actions, but in a virtual world--ie: blowing away pink demons in Doom or sending your NOD forces to annihilate a civilian village--does not reinforce the behavior.

Therefore, as a historian, my recommendation is to play Brutal Doom.

10 years ago

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I don't know.
I have been using a lot the Purgatory in Facebook. I call that when I have a friend invite from someone I don't know (and don't really seems like a real person) and instead of clicking Yes or No... I just let the untouched invite getting digital dust.

10 years ago

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It's more fun if you pretend to buy into their story and lead them along.

10 years ago

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Usually those are not people, so it's not like they'll feel depressed when you block them.

10 years ago

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Really doesn't look like a person.

10 years ago

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You don't have to add them to your friends list to block them.

10 years ago

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nope lol

10 years ago

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Scammer? Where? Or he's a Rat Kid D:

10 years ago

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And not even a "Hi".
Just added me. No idea where he saw me. He isn't in any group, that I can see.

10 years ago

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I've got many invites like that recently, mainly from "private profiles" with Nyan Cat avatars. Nothing more than bots spamming you with links including misspelled "community" part "because his friend is interested in things from your inventory" and this kind of shit. Just wait and see.

Or it's a lonely soul looking for a friend! Who knows. :D

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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^ This. I also find it funny when they mention CS:GO items as I mostly have some 0,04-ish skins. :)

10 years ago

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Yeah. I believe they're some sort of bots.
Just one game? Ok, everyone have to start. But NEVER played?? And still, first thing to do: add strange people!

10 years ago

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I bet they are bots as they never answer. I used to report them, now I just don't add them. They're not worth our time :)

10 years ago

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I usually accept them. Who knows, maybe one of them will give you a free key, and expect nothing in return? (happened to me) Until you are communicating through Steam, and you don't open any links, he/she can't get any info from you.

10 years ago

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Heh I may have gotten a friend request from the same person. Has one untouched game (that you could get for free awhile ago), is level 1, and I dont see any groups. Im curious what they want in my inventory because I dont think I have anything besides garbage lol.

10 years ago

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i've received one from the account called "Trade". it chatted me and asked me trade with his friend and used a bogus link which contained an unknown downloadโ€ฆ.Unfriended that bot faster than you can type this sentence...

10 years ago

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This is not uncommon. I get around 15 random invites a day, usually from people with level 0 accounts. Just block them because they are more than likely just phishing bots.

10 years ago

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Just got another invite.
Another(?) person, also no personal info, level 1, just one game (a different one) that was free for a short time not long ago and never played, no groups.
Both with 6 friends before me.

10 years ago

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So far they are:
[unassigned] (profile /76561198153869202)
Androlen (profile /76561198153927567)

10 years ago

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Yes, I got invites from those bots too, instablock.

10 years ago

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That's not how links work [text].(url) without dot in middle.
And don't callout.

10 years ago

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The last 3 or 4 months i have been getting 1-2 of these a week. I wish valve made some sort of restriction for making an account, like a required retail cd key for any game to make an account, won't stop them completely but will cut back a ton of them.

10 years ago

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Well, There are tons of free games on Steam, so I don't think it would be right to do so.
But yeah, it would be nice to get rid of the mindless bots. If they were at least thinking machines that enjoy playing...

10 years ago

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Well they need to do something drastic to get rid of the majority of the scammers, and the only real way to do that is to require some form of real life thing to make an account. Besides, how many people do you know that started using steam before getting a game that used it. Let the cheapskates who only play f2p games suffer a bit so paying customers like ourselves are not forced to deal with people trying to scam us on a near daily basis.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Um... What about people who just want to have fun playing in f2p games?
Maybe they could use a code verification program to register their account, so that they can create them.
I mean, even a baby can create a steam account now.

10 years ago

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i get like 10 of those every day... just ignore/block them...

10 years ago

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And of course, i post in this topic and get an invite from one of these assholes.

10 years ago

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he/she will eventually link you to a shit url similar to steamcommunity.com but misspelled. Phishing site from russia most probably. Don't login through it, obviously. :P

10 years ago

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Confirm private profile and not a Steamgifts/Steamtrades user (Yay Enhanced Steam!) or real life friend





10 years ago

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What is Rinse? And why bother with Report? xD

10 years ago

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What is love?

10 years ago

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Rinse don't hurt me?

10 years ago

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Repeat don't hurt me...

10 years ago

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report is useless, steam doesn't give a single f. about phishing bot

10 years ago

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Yeah i have the same thing steam level 0 private profile, no idea why they are adding me

10 years ago

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They are either ppl or bots, that give you fake/phising links.
With context like "i would like to trade my expensive 100-200$ item/stuff LINK for your something" or "my friend wants to trade with you here is his profile LINK, add him".
Never open the link, usually they aren't clickable you need to copy/paste them in your browser or if they are clickable i suggest you don't.

10 years ago

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Just stop accepting friend requests tbh. If it's important enough they can leave you a comment. The phisher/beggar bots are really out of control right now to the point where I get at least 10 a day.

10 years ago

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The more you trade/populated on sites,the more you get. Also i found just denying their friend request is same as block expect you can add him later(but not he unless you block him then unblock). Same goes to people i didn't wanted.

10 years ago

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i love to add them to insult them (forever alone)

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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4th level profile.
No information given.
7 years on Steam.
4 games (paid).
And have NEVER played any game...
Damn you, bots!!!!

10 years ago

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Red flags:

  • [unassigned]

  • Level 0 or 1

  • Only one game on the account, usually with extremely little playtime. TF2 is usually not in the library.

  • Same avatar as another bot you've gotten. Or Steam avatars.

  • All friends are relatively high level Steam users.

  • Account created very recently (you can check this in various ways, SteamRep is the best)

  • Either in no groups, or in one group that you're also in.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

10 years ago

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Yeah! Most bots are this way.
Don't forget "no information given".
So when I saw a 7 years, level 4 bot, I kind of freaked out.
Is it possible the same bot is that long "boting" around? Or can they cheat the time somehow.
And the games the bots have... (probably were free for a short time) Damn! To think a bot got games I would like to play. Games NEVER played, wasted... :/

10 years ago

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I have "no information given" on my profile but doesn't mean I am a bot. I also have a 9 year badge as well.

10 years ago

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I assume you have played at least one game, in 7 years.
As the title says, I talk about "red flags". Not undeniable proof.

10 years ago

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7 years means that someone's account has been hijacked and they're now a bot. This isn't a "make an account, then wait 7 years to scam people" thing.

10 years ago

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Sounds reasonable. But the part of (only) unplayed games.

10 years ago

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It could. Hidden inventory, red steamrep at steamrep.com, trust below 0 at backpack.tf...

10 years ago

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