Two things stood out to me:
I thought Mike's conditioning would be better.
And Jake was clearly pulling his punches by halfway through, which was a surprising show of respect somehow.
Not sure how I feel about all that. But I am sure that Jake Paul needs to stop fighting geriatric boxers and boxers he outweighs significantly if he actually wants to prove himself.
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I mean it was purely for show and I think Jake was going for popularity numbers. I'm sure Mike wanted to be in the spotlight again. I mean it's really really hard to get back into shape over 50. If you have maintained then it's not too hard to keep it but getting it back is something different.
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IDK man. I'm over 50 and it doesn't seem so difficult to me.
Plus Mike has never stopped working out tmk.
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WWE is at least honest about it being more about a show and acrobatics, than actual wrestling. And it's hella entertaining, as it's usually not youtuber millionaire boxer beats an 58 year old. But I guess enough people made a lot of money on this, that it was worth organizing.
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Pro Wrestling is fun okay! And sometimes even brilliant (recent Bloodline x Cody stuff).
But These 2 morons dont even compare.
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I have only heard of Jake Paul by name, so I also don't really know who he is and have no interest in finding out. I didn't even know this was happening until someone in my house was watching it. I watched it because I wanted to see what would happen with Mike Tyson. I thought Tyson was going to put up more of a fight in the first few rounds and then not have the stamina for the later rounds, but it looked like he showed up for the paycheck and didn't want to fight. He mostly stood around and didn't attempt to throw many punches. It also looked like Jake Paul felt bad and didn't want to beat up a 58 year old legend, so he held back a lot. I haven't seen many boxing matches, mainly I have just watched some of the historic title fights from the 50s - 80s, but this was the lamest fight I have ever seen. Actually, I don't think I would consider it a fight. It was just a big money making opportunity for everyone involved and a big disappointment for everyone watching.
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It also looked like Jake Paul felt bad and didn't want to beat up a 58 year old legend, so he held back a lot.
He probably didn't want to kill a legend for thumbs up and a paycheck. I doubt that would have improved his profile.
And the whole thing was obviously for show on both sides anyway.
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nope, it was a professional fight that went on their records. i think the only difference is that the rounds were two minutes instead of three.
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Only reason I even knew this match was happening was because of a Flashgitz cartoon:
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This Jake guy is a boxer. A real one. Probably kind of a mediocre one, also. That puts him over 99% of the population.
Mike Tyson is old, like 58 years old. He was fighting somebody half his age.
They were all basically for the money.
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I don't watch boxing but I don't get how it's still legal to have guys who are built like fridges pound each other bloody for entertainment (and a lot of money changing hands in bets ofc). I don't mean make it illegal but these guys should be wearing head gear at the minimum.
But ofc that would invalidate the circus appeal.
What happened to Ali is not uncommon and there are worse fates even. Our brain was not meant to rattle around our cranium over and over.
Speaking of which, I recently watched a show called La Màquina about boxing, I recommend it.
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It's bread and circuses. Politics 101, it's been implemented for thousands of years and not likely to change. Just another way to keep us in line. And after all people are willing to do it for money and they know the risks.
Have you watched Concussion? It was centered around football but it's the same idea.
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No no no.
Before the Match there was a Mike Tyson interview with his son who is a journalist.
After the interview, Tyson turns around and walks away.
Thanks to the cameraman, we all got to see his Bare ass, as he was partially naked.🫣
The commentary transition post this is hilariously awkward hahaha
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straight from the get-go i was of the opinion that jake paul had no means of winning (in a larger sense). either he beats a 58 year old man in a boxing match, or gets beaten by a 58 year old man. both are pretty shitty. i mean, that 58 year old man is mike tyson, but still.
and yet, he absolutely managed to pull it off. he clearly pulled his punches and didn't allow himself to knock down mike tyson. with ten seconds left in the match, jake paul dropped his arms and bowed to tyson. virtually nobody wanted to see tyson get clobbered, and he didn't. that's a win. from a quick mcgoogly-do, it looks like jp was paid $40m and tyson got $20m. that's a double win. with the match being so high profile, now a lot more people know who jake paul is. win #3.
so, i guess, good for him. he's still a scumbag though.
and the match was boring. seems to be a theme with these kinds of strange fights..
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I dunno if true, but I've heard that he was the one to approve all the judges, and also Tyson wouldn't earn those 20 million if he KO Jake in the first round, he earned more for a longer match... So the time (and age) were on the Jake's side. He made sure upfront Tyson doesn't KO him early... And that proves it was just for taking money and making a show. Two of them are prob. smoking cigars together right now.
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I know most people probably don't care but just wondering what people think either way.
I grew up with Mike and know basically nothing About Jake other than he's some kind of social influencer person or whatever. I knew due to his advanced age him winning was pretty slim at best but still I was hoping he would have somehow pulled it off... without ear biting.
I didn't watch the fight so I don't know how it went nor would I care to because boxing is a good way to cook your brain and if you don't believe that look at Mohamed Ali. The mechanics is rather simple and has actual data behind it. It's not the actual punch so much that does the damage but the rattle. So headbangers are enjoying brain damage as well. Woodpeckers are protected by oddly enough wrapping their tongue around their brain.
Happy holidays!
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