What's your favourite Obsidian RPG?
Kotor2 is probably my favorite RPG of all time. God tier writting.
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Because KotOR1 was Star Wars, even had "I'm your father" moment.
People just want to play as Luke: beat Emperor, find someone is your father and let your friend get into princess' pants.
KotOR2 is so not-like-movie-Star-Wars, for most people it simply was too heavy stuff, when what they want are cute little bears.
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Wow, amazing GA. Thank you! I guess, New Vegas even though I almost didn't play it and still need to do it.
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Yeah, when I get it :) I wasn't rushing for it thinking that I always can buy it during sale. And then when I was sure about it, Bethesda changed their price policy. -66% for GOTY while it was -75% all the time before is too much for me, even though the game is totally worth it. Maybe this winter sale I'll buy it even with lower discount, I don't know... I just don't like Bethesda xD
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И да, ты забыл добавить в опросе Armored Warfare [keking intensifies]
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I would say New Vegas (NV) showed the strength of Obsidian's storytelling; this is due to a variety of reasons. Obsidian staff are former employees of Black Isle Studios (original creators of Fallout). These "staff" worked under two company banners on Fallouts 1,2, and the doomed Van Buren (VB). VB was basically a canceled "Fallout 3" game with the plot of NV it appears. It ran on the Jefferson Engine, which was also intended for another canceled RPG, Baldur's Gate III: The Black Hound.
Imagine Black Isle, and later Obsidian working like mad between 2003-2010 to flesh out the plot of what became NV, which boasted a masterful plot with countless references to Fallout lore and past events.
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You are welcome.
Also check out the mod for a game in the poll, Dungeon Siege (the first one, though).
The mod is called Ultima V: Lazarus. It is a remake of the '80s classic RPG "Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny", using the Dungeon Siege engine. It has received praise from critics, unlike the most recent games by Ultima's developers, Tabula Rasa MMORPG & Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues.
The mod is pretty cool, imagine Ultima getting the Fallout 3D makeover. A dream come true!
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shame for the region lock, yep they are a great studio i love almost all of their games. its funny you say that about KOTOR2 because thats precisely what the writer of KOTOR2 trough about star wars and what lead him to write KOTOR2 the way he did.
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I am so sorry for the restriction, but that's just how Steam works now... It allowed gifts from Russia in the past. What a shame.
I guess I technically could buy the key on Humble Store, but, gosh, $45 is too much, I'm not used to such videogame prices and I cannot afford them.
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its allright, im region restricted aswell. Good game taste tough :P
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Damn you reminded me that I got 75% of the way through the first KOTOR then my PC died and I never played again (this was like 8 years ago) even though I did like playing it....back then I had limited use of a PC so did not want to replay the like 30hours I already did.
And funny enough I am part way through playing New Vegas now....have not gotten round to playing more yet.
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Obsidian are the best! Thanks for the chance at Tyranny!
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My biggest caveat with the game would be the combat and class/stat system in the game.
e.g. I just can't understand why a Berserker or any other class has to pump so many points into intelligence just to be better at "AOE" attacks. This just really kills the immersion for me.
Or how the combat just feels so much worse and repetitive than in the Baldurs Gate or Icewind Dale games.
It still is a great game I guess, but I was very disappointed by it.
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Haven't played any yet (I'm very much behind on the whole 'everyone should've played this game' list), but excited about this game anyway ^_^
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Большое спасибо за раздачу. Мне тяжело выбрать что-то одно, потому что все игры замечательны. Кроме Alpha Protocol - она очень плохо сделана и как я ни хотел, пройти не смог.
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I think obsidian make great games in general and can't wait for Tyranny. I picked Fallout New Vegas for your poll but really it's because I could only pick one, I mostly love all their games.
Edit to correct my lapsus, i obviously meant new vegas not fallout 4, sorry
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I meant new vegas, it was a lapsus. Actually I like new vegas a lot more than I liked Fallout 4, ESPECIALLY writing wise.
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I know about it, that's actually the reason I've been following obsidian since the beginning, because the original fallouts were my favorite games. ;)
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I love those guys oh so much. It's only natural that I almost died from hype attack when they announced their brand new RPG called Tyranny. I love each and every one of their games, especially KOTOR2 and Pillars of Eternity, but New Vegas is certainly takes the first place in my book. It's also my favourite Fallout game.
And they even made me adore something from Star Wars! The truth is, I never liked SW, it always looked a little bit simplistic to me, all that feudalism in space and talks of Light and Dark side. But KOTOR2, the game that questioned the basics of SW philosophy and showed the player that the existance of the Force might not be such a good thing was so brilliant I played it a dozen times or more. Such magnificent plot and polished characters! Brilliance!
So, yeah. Obsidians. Best RPG developer around.
Do you agree? Or am I delusional? Probably. But that is the nature of my fanboyism.
Here's a giveway of
Tyranny(Ru/CIS restricted).Update
As Tyranny's release draws near I think one meek fanboyims thread with one giveaway doesn't do Obsidians justice.
That's why I hereby announce an OBSIDIAN PARTY! I'm gonna give away almost every game that's been made by our Obsidian gods, including one additional copy of Tyranny.
TyrannyPillars of EternityThe White MarchFallout New VegasKOTOR IISouth Park: The Stick of TruthDungeon Siege IIIThose giveaways are public, but restricted to level 2. (Also, RU/CIS as well. Sorry for that, workers of the world, but Steam just works that way). If you haven't reached that level yet I encourage you to try your luck in private Tyranny giveaway above.
Update 2
Almost all gifts have been sent, but the OBSIDIAN PARTY is not over yet! Private Tyranny giveaway is still going!
Also, to spice things up a bit, here're two additional Pillars of Eternity giveaways. One is public, and the other is for the people in my whitelist.
PublicWhitelistUpdate 3
Thanks for participating! Tyranny is amazing, by the way. Enjoy these great RPGs!
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