It Potato or Poh-taa-to?
I own the game and have about 60hrs on it.
It's true that the updates are not often, but you can see that the game is very polished and it's nice to get back once in a while to check the changes (even though I haven't played it since middle 2018). When they got the arcade update, that got me many hours of gameplay.
Hope you give it a try if it ever gets out of early access.
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I like this game very much. I finished it twice. Everything that was available at that moment.
I haven't launched this for a long time, now a lot of new content has already been released, so it's time to return soon and replay it again =)
I liked the story mode more than the roguelike mode because the tower was difficult for me. Maybe they've fixed it now.
I really recommend this, there are no early access bugs. It's just an unfinished story.
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I just got Secrets of Grindea in a trade a few weeks ago, was surprised when I got the offer (hasn't been in a bundle since the groupees one years ago). Not sure now if I want to play it or continue to wait for it to be done though...
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I bought it and played the half finished game. It was fun but man the content was short and the updates were ultra rare. I saw its rating drop from Overwhelmingly Positive to Mostly Positive. It's seen some updates but seems like it's still far from complete. I would suggest you to keep away.
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No Man's Sky for me.
Wishlisted since 11/26/2015 (months before its release date) but never purchased because... well, the launch debacle, and the lies about gameplay content, and the VAST differences between the trailers and the actual gameplay footage.
It's been as low as $24 on Humble (with my discount) and is again now... but apparently I'm not willing to pay $24 for it. I think if it ever drops below $20 I'll pick it up.
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"No Man's Sky" was the oldest game on my wishlist for many years. The reason is the high price. I have been waiting for a discount larger than 50% for a very long time...
But at this sale, I gave up and bought it 😄
The developers don't want to make a bigger discount, so I decided not to wait any longer and make myself a Christmas present 🎄
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i played it at launch and was (obviously) huuugely disappointed, but it's absolutely worth playing now. they've added so much since launch, and even more major updates since i last played. i've beat the story once already, but i wanna go back and check the new updates and get the couple of achievements i'm missing.
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I've bought it not too long ago for 12€. 20$ seems like a reasonable price for me.
I sunk 160 hours into it for the achievements, although the game is not for me. Yes the opportunities are amazing, but i really miss a story or really anything that would make this game memorable. And the game mechanics of explore, build, improve get old very fast.......
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Isn't there a story about an ancient civilization or something?
The thing that drew me to the game in the first place was the exploration of the unknown. You never know what each planet is going to look like -- one could be 90% ocean, another could be 95% desert -- and you never know what animals you might find on each planet.
But then I saw gameplay footage, and the planets and animals looked NOTHING like they did in the trailers. Left a bad taste in my mouth. I know the game has been hugely improved, but I can't quite get past that -- at least not to spend more than $20.
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There is a sort of overarching story that feels like a very long tutorial, you have to follow to fully unlock all possibilities in base building or exploring. I won't spoil the story but I found it underwhelming.
I am torn on the story/tutorial - on one hand many features of the game aren't as intuitive as i would like them to be and need an explanation and the complexity and variety of the game is mindboggling. And on the other hand the slow progress and continual unlocks makes it feel tedious.
And then there are single player missions on space stations that could be absolved by a tamed monkey.
The planets are definitely a highlight. There are eleven unique types of biomes that occur in different frequency each with their own flora, fauna, minerals and characteristics. Exploring each one is great fun for some time.
Overall I can't recommend the game for everyone. If you are looking for an exciting story you will be disappointed. If you are however looking for a Minecraft-like experience in space, maybe with friends, with near endless possibilities then this is the game for you.
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huh, what's the story with that? i've owned it for a couple years now and never saw it called anything different. i thought it was just clever wordplay like prey/pray. both have totally different connotations. one positive, one negative.
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This is an article about what happened.
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dear diary,
today i learned how stupid trademark laws can be.
much love,
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I guess it should be Day-Z.
At one hand it wasn't so different from your story. Always waited for the right deal. But the main reason I still haven't bought it yet is because the few friends who would play this game, already did and I see it as a better-with-friends-game. Also it is hard to convince people to try it, if it costs what costs. Hope, I was understandable...
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Hadn't checked my wishlist.. Looks like my three oldest wishlists are actually free to play games that I never got around even playing.. PlanetSide 2, Only If and Raceroom racing experience. and those are from 2015..
Guess I have to clean up my wishlist :D Thanks for creating a discussion that made me realise about what kind of crap I have in my wishlist
First non-free2play game that still is on my list is Rising Storm 2 : Vietnam. I suppose because I just wanted to try it out, but not so much to actually buy it. So I was probably hoping for a bundle (which seems like I never got), but kept it there not to eventually forget about it completely
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Apparently mine is Universe Sandbox Legacy, added on 6/3/2013. I think originally I wasn't sure my computer could handle it, but now I think the big thing is that it isn't sold through Steam anymore, haha.
EDIT: I have tons of stuff on my list, mostly because I don't have money, and I tend to add pretty much everything that I think I might be interested in, lol. :P
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Same here. I really can't justify spending anything more then 10 EUR for a single game.
So it's bundles for me or heavily discounted games I really really want. So anything that doesn't go in bundles or doesn'g get good discounts gets in and stays in my wishlist.. for example every call of futy game in existance... seriously - over 10 year old game... constantly cost 20 EUR
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Haha, yeah. I got a $20 card for Christmas, so I got a couple games, but I was mostly looking for games to play with my sisters and brother-in-law who are visiting for the holidays.
Still had a really hard time buying Boomerang Fu for only 20% off ($10.49 I think), but it is quite a bit of fun.
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In order from oldest-
Dying Light
Dead Rising 3 Apocalypse Edition
Wow. Really? Starbound is my oldest wishlisted game? I never realized that.
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I really need to play Starbound again, think I played 150+ hours during early early access, but haven't played again, haha...
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Mine was a couple of months ago Fable Anniversary I think (2014?). I did a purge of my wishlist, so Lost Ember is the longest at 23rd Nov, 2019.
I decided I'll re-add games if I feel like them at the time, once I skip too many sales of a game I'll remove it for now.
I have a lot of games to play already so I'd like to keep my wishlist under 50 if possible!
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i wipe out and reconstruct my wishlist regularly since i started to use ITAD, but the current permutation's oldest entry is Darkside Detective 2, added 8/20/2020.
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Empire TV Tycoon - Added on 10/31/2015
Honestly not sure why i haven’t bought it still, i guess i’ve just been focused on many other games haha.
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Dreamfall Chapters, Added on 7/4/2014
It's one of those games I'm just not willing to pull the trigger on until it's 5 bucks.
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Fantastic game. My favorite of all-time in the genre.
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PULSAR: Lost Colony since 2015, at some point decided not to buy anymore Early Access games, unfortunately this appears to have been there for over five years at this point. Seemingly still being developed though, kudos to them.
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It’s been on my wishlist since July of 2013. It’s a game that I’m positive I will absolutely love. However, I’m kinda hesitant (lowkey terrified) to get another game that I’ll sink 1,000 hours into without blinking.
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I'm not convinced that Rimworld has fully released me from its grasp yet, and once Caves of Qud or Cogmind escape early access they'll be next up. Project Zomboid is never gonna leave early access but it's already good enough to replay, the zen of scrounging enough to customise a one-man stronghold.
I've had my eye on Kenshi but the price point never quite drops far enough, and the jankiness combined with the graphics gives me that general anxiety it won't properly scratch the base building roguelite itch, y'know?
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Epic just feels... wrong...
Maybe it's because of the hate bandwagon? I mean there is even a Reddit subreddit called r/fuckepic. They are always talking about Egs doesn't have features, but let's be honest.. Nobody hates something because of "not enough features". You simply wouldn't use it, that's all.
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Let's just say, I'm not a fan of exclusives. That's why on PC. Using Epic, as a customer, literally gives me nothing (no, I don't take bribes; not on the internet and not in the real life).
The launcher is barebones, the customer support is fast but sucks (it's worse when comparing 8 year old Steam support - from my experience), they are not improving their store and instead focusing more on bribes, their owners says that gamers doesn't matter but developers do (well, actually, publishers) and many more hypercriticality means I'll rarely use that store. (Still, I like to claim free games, I even do it on Indiegala store, lol).
But I'll never insult or abuse anyone who uses it (as long as they treat me with same respect or all bets are off).
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I'm not a fan of exclusives
Yeah, I think the same about that. I always wanted to play GoW games, especially the last one but sometimes PC is not enough :(
I don't take bribes
Just curious, what do you mean by bribes?
The launcher is barebones, the customer support is fast but sucks
Indeed, launcher is pretty bad. I don't think its worse Uplay or Origin, but its pretty bad. Never tried support tho.
their owners says that gamers doesn't matter but developers do
Really curious, where did you see this?
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Btw, it is The Last Night for me.
The game haven't released yet but I am almost sure that it will be awesome.
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I've had Tales from the Borderlands on my wishlist since 2015. Even though I'm saddened about Telltale saying adieu, it just wasn't super high on my priority list, because either I've been too broke or too cheap waiting for good deals/bundles. Hopefully it will return to Steam eventually like TWD's Final Season did! 🤞
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I was surprised at just how much I loved it, despite not knowing a tonne about the Borderlands universe at the time. Found the characters & humour great. Definitely worth playing one day if you can. :)
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But... but... but how -90% discount was not enough for a $10-priced package in 2019-2021?
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the last night (added in 2017, not yet released) followed by crash n sane trilogy (added in 2018) too expensive for me.
I had until recently torchlight 2 and arkham city, both added in 2013, but bought arkham city, and epic gave away torchlight so I removed it from my wishlist
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Tabletop Simulator 2016-07-03 - Considering the cost of dlcs and not enough friends that'd play it with me, hasn't been cheap enough for me to pick it up for fun.
Next are INSIDE, Subnautica( both were free on Epic sooo...) and Uboat which didn't get too good reviews unfortunately, I wishlisted it early in EA.
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The Legends of Heroes: Trails in the Sky. 5/1/2016
Waiting for a better discount. Used to be Euro Truck Sim 2, but finally got it for myself in the recent steam sale.
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Thimbleweed Park since 2/4/2017, lowest it's been is 7,99€ and ideally I'd like to buy it at around 5€. I also own it on Epic when they gave it away for free so I'm not really interested in paying a lot for it. I don't dislike playing games on Epic and I completely disagree that the launcher is "clunky" (if anything it's overly simplistic), but I've played most Tim Schafer/Ron Gilbert games on Steam and it would suck if it got a good discount or bundled while I already played it on Epic.
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what's broke about it? i've had it for a few months but haven't got around to playing it yet. i've only heard good things.
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Such basic things as broken fullscreen where the game downscales the resolution by 1 unit (e.g. if you have 1920x1080 you'll get 1600x900 or something like that) - and this can be fixed just by using borderlessgaming app - and several technical issues like Global Illumination (you can't turn it off in-game), which results in noticeable performance issues.
The environments have low-res textures from PS3 era, but the game somehow managed to run worse than The Witcher 3 for example.
All in all, I wouldn't recommend playing it without the FAR mod by Kaldaien and HD textures mod.
In terms of story/gameplay it's good, though. It's just that SE are lazy retards as they never fixed any of the issues but updated game once to add paid DLC (and then convert the game into GOTY edition, again, without fixing anything).
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When I had it, it crashed 4 times on me before I managed to save it the first time. And first save point took awhile.
I refunded and haven't re-buy it until today. I beat and got all ending by playing cracked copy... after countless crashes too, of course.
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I'll start with mine:
GTA V - Added on Dec 6th, 2014 - Still not purchased because, No Regional Pricing and not good enough sales.
It was free on Ep!c and I did claim it but the "launcher" is too clunky to use, there are no achievements and I generally dislike their practices so haven't played yet.
Waiting for 75% or more discount.
Edit: Some awesome games guys! Keep it coming and someone will find something interesting to add in the wishlist (Like my wishlist where I add everything remotely interesting)
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