And yet I'm still struggling with the last part of the previous one.
Judging by the trick used for other parts I'll probably make a facepalm once I get it.
Ps thank you for Mad Dagger. I just wanted to check what kind of bundles you used and hit an unowned title
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Oh, I agree, the cv is pointless, it's just that I kinda got burnt out giving away my bundle leftovers...
It's a lot of work making giveaways, and nowadays bundles seem to be 95% early access unplayable junk, asset flips, fake games for the +1 and so on... So currently I save my leftover keys until I can use them in a puzzle like this one. :)
That way nobody has to pretend they are excited to win whatever random thing is in the current indiegala / groupees / gogo / otaku / whatever bundle, and I don't have to type a bunch of replies when I have no clue what the game even is. :)
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I do agree with you. I still check the games though before the giveaways. That way i know where to give what. If it is a good game inside a pile of thrash i prefer to give it to Playing Appreciated or with higher level.
Forgot to say thanks for the giveaways and even though i am from Greece i have no idea what the password is :P
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Here's a generic puzzle thought...
Some puzzles are "What's my favourite colour?" - it's possible to solve those by random guessing. But if you see people quickly solving a puzzle that's obviously impossible to solve with random guessing, you're probably overlooking something, wasting your time on irrelevant stuff, heading down the wrong rabbit hole, etc. Nothing to do with being smart. :) Many things are trivial once you know how to do it... :)
Good luck! :)
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Everything is easy once you know how to do it lol.
But to be able to change perspective in order to systematically apply different approaches to solve a problem you either need to be smart enough, be gifted at it or be experienced. Unfortunately I'm neither (which in my case with the disability I have makes it so much harder for me).
IMO puzzles like this are only for the lucky ones who have what it takes to solve them, not everyone have that.
Either way it's very kind of you to create this givewaway. Thank you! 💖
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Ahh, yes, experience definitely helps with this puzzle, since I'm not clever enough to invent a new puzzle idea each time I make one. Also I'm lazy. :)
So if you've seen one of my puzzles before, most likely you'd know exactly what to try. If you have the time to search, you could probably find an old forum thread with a puzzle explanation that would make this one completely obvious. :) I'd probably be accused of plagiarism if I weren't copying myself... :)
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You might be in luck, then! :) And maybe check the link to the other currently running puzzle i.e. if you're bored... :)
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It's all Greek to me..and to everyone else actually ;)
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We'll keep it between you and me, don't worry..
and the whole of steamgifts but they don't read descriptions remember?!
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Oh, I was serious..I have no idea what it says and it looked like Russian I think
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I think he meant whether I was serious about Greek. In any case though, I was..(You can in fact find the works of Homer online, just search an exact phrase from this and it'll come up..)
PS. Still haven't solved this and I don't think I have the mentality/patience to do it right now. Hope the reward is crap or I'll be beating myself about it later..
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I'll probably beat myself up later too if it actually is good. Goodluck on it, I'm going to stick to the jigsaw and dungeon puzzle giveaways, this is one that fraggles my mind
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Oh, I know what it is, and where it came from. :) I mean, I had to copy it from somewhere... :)
Thought his asking about Russian was a joke way to bump the topic, since Google will tell you what's going on... :) Lev Davidovich Homer? :)
Hmm, some people would definitely say the rewards are crap. :) Steam ratings go from "Mixed" to "Mostly Positive" if that helps. :) And there's even a hint to the games somewhere, but with all the other stuff in the message it's unlikely anyone will notice. :)
Generally, I try not to waste people's time making a puzzle for bundle leftovers - that's what the key dumps are for. :) Although, hmm... Turns out one of them was in a Humble Monthly last year, completely forgot about it. :(
Oh, in case I forgot to mention this puzzle guide, it's worth a look. It would be very unlikely for me to invent an original puzzle idea, so you can be sure whatever's going on here is mentioned in that guide... :)
Once you notice what's going on, this puzzle's a complete joke. If not, it's completely impossible... :(
Hope you're not thinking about it too hard! :)
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I was..
Hey, Humble Monthly isn't (well, "wasn't") too shabby.. Just wait until next year and then you can say the same observation and it'll be true! (Providing there will still be a Humble Monthly by then..)
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Ahh, this might sound like a silly reply, but here goes:
How the heck would I know? :) Steam doesn't give me a notification when someone redeems one of my leftover bundle keys. :)
I suggest trying some, you never know! What could it hurt? :)
But a batch of umm, 192 keys, posted in a public forum, 15 hours ago? Most likely they were all redeemed 14.9 hours ago... :)
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Sorry for not clarifying, the question wasn't intended for you, but for the users. I tried 10 and got "Too many activation attempts" message, and that's why I wrote it. And bump - although your quizes actually seem too hard.
EDIT: Thanks for the puzzles and giveaways - thought i said that in the first post...
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Ahh, sorry, that makes sense... :) Pity nobody answered, though...
Trying to redeem 10 bad / already-used keys, or redeeming a total of 50 good keys to your account gives you a cooldown for one hour, during which you can't redeem anything. So if you tried a bunch of those keys, and then immediately bought a bundle, none of your bundle keys would work. Or if you won a giveaway, you'd think they gave you a bad key... After one hour everything goes back to normal.
No problem, well, itstoohard but hopefully it's not too hard... :)
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Ok, the short explanation is: go read the other explanation, it's the same thing. :)
But I should probably put something here too... Umm, the Greek stuff is just the Odyssey, it's nothing to do with the puzzle. Did it fool you? Sorry.
Did the 1 August key drop help? The one with the BIGHINTs in it? Oh, didn't notice that? Seriously? Umm...
If you look at the original Steam keys, you might notice IHATEREADINGSOGIVEMEGAMESINSTEAD which is the solution to the itstoohard thing, or I HATE READING SO GIVE ME GAMES INSTEAD if you like your spaces. :) That's the whole puzzle.
Simple, eh? So you get DARK SOULS: REMASTERED, DARK SOULS II: Scholar of the First Sin, DARK SOULS III Deluxe Edition, and finally, one more giveaway for The Miskatonic. Fun, eh?
Hope you enjoyed yourself, and hope I think of a better use for bundle keys next time! :) Thank you for playing! :)
Original message:
Oh, hey, you love to read, right? That's why you're checking the steamgifts forum!
You're not hoping to gobble up an entire key drop by yourself before those other people take everything! :) And certainly not looking to win every private giveaway you can find for the precious +1 wthog! :)
Unfortunately I'm lazy, so I made yet another dumb puzzle. Sorry about that. And you'll have to find the password to reach the giveaways, so be sure to read all this stuff carefully!
Yet another dumb puzzle? Yeah, if you turn out to hate whatever's being given away here, there's a different puzzle going on here instead. Possibly a bit of reading required there, too.
Once you've finished reading all this stuff carefully, go here for the treasure! It'll shimmer you blind!
Στην Λακεδαίμον' έφθασαν, μες τας σχισμένα όρη,
και 'ς το παλάτι ετράβιξαν του ενδόξου Μενελάου·
τον ηύραν 'που 'ς το σπίτι μου με πολλούς φίλους είχε
γάμων χαραίς για τον υιό και για την θυγατέρα.
του Αχιλληά προς τον υιό την κόρη του επροβόδα.
'ς την Τροία πρώτα υπόσχεσι και λόγο του 'χε δώσει,
και τώρα τέλος έβαζαν οι αθάνατοι 'ς τον γάμο.
με άλογα, με άμαξαις την έστελνε εις την πόλι
των Μυρμιδόνων την λαμπρήν, οπού 'ταν βασιλέας.
από την Σπάρτην έμπαζε τ' Αλέκτορα την κόρη
νύμφη του μεγαλόψυχου υιού του Μεγαπένθη,
'που υστερογένην έλαβε από δούλη· της Ελένης
τέκνα οι θεοί δεν έδωκαν, αφ' ότου είχε γεννήσει
την Ερμιόνη, 'πώλαμπε ωσάν την Αφροδίτη.
'Σ το μέγα δώμα το υψηλόν έτσι εσυντρώγαν όλοι,
οι γείτονες κ' οι συγγενείς του ενδόξου Μενελάου,
τερπόμενοι, και ανάμεσα κιθάριζεν ο θείος
ο αοιδός, και ως άρχιζεν εκείνος το τραγούδι,
δυο χορευταίς 'ς την μέση τους πηδούσαν κ' εγυρίζαν.
'Σ τα πρόθυρα ο Τηλέμαχος ο ήρωας ωστόσο,
και ο λαμπρός του Νέστορα υιός, τ' αμάξι εστήσαν.
εβγήκ' εμπρός κ' είδεν αυτούς ο μέγας Ετεωνέας,
ο επιμελής θεράποντας του ενδόξου Μενελάου,
και του ποιμένα των λαών εστράφη να το είπη.
σιμά του εστάθη κ' είπε του με λόγια πτερωμένα·
«Μενέλαε διόθρεπτε, μας ήλθαν δύο ξένοι,
'πού του μεγάλου του Διός το γένος ομοιάζουν.
ειπές αν θα τους λύσουμε τ' άλογ' από τ' αμάξι,
ή θα τους προβοδήσουμε 'ς άλλον να τους ξενίση».
Τότε ο ξανθός Μενέλαος εβάρυνε και του 'πε·
«Μωρός δεν ήσουν άλλοτε, Βοηθοίδη Ετεωνέα·
τώρα ως μωρόπαιδ' ομιλείς· και δεν θυμάσαι οι δυο μας
απ' άλλους πόσα εφάγαμε δώρα φιλοξενίας,
ως 'που να γύρουμεν εδώ και ο Δίας να μας δώση
τέλος εις τα παθήματα; αλλά τ' άλογα λύσε
των ξένων, και άμα μπάσε τους εδώ να γευματίσουν».
p.s. In a mostly ignored postscript it was claimed that the underscores were to increase legibility, the circled characters Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ Ⓔ Ⓕ Ⓖ Ⓗ Ⓘ Ⓙ Ⓚ Ⓛ Ⓜ Ⓝ Ⓞ Ⓟ Ⓠ Ⓡ Ⓢ Ⓣ Ⓤ Ⓥ Ⓦ Ⓧ Ⓨ Ⓩ Ⓞ ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ were anti-bot protection, neither feature had anything to do with the puzzle, and attempting to use them as the password would be taken as a sign of foolishness.
p.p.s. In an unexpected display of honesty it was revealed that the claims in the previous postscript were actually true.
p.p.p.s In a final postscript a pity giveaway was disclosed, allowing those who were able to read but unable to solve the puzzle the opportunity to win something.
Good luck! :)
Edit 1 August:
Since so many people are stuck, let's try a BIG HINT... :) If it's not big enough, I'll try to find a bigger one tomorrow... :)
Edit 5 August:
Ok, yes, these giveaways are finished, but I'll have to wait a few days before writing a puzzle explanation, for no reason at all... :)
Thanks for playing, and remind me in a few days to explain everything, in case I forget or just get busy and blow it off... :)
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