It's time for something a little different.

Each of the following giveaways have a special rule attached with full support approval, so read carefully:
"Winners will be re-rolled if they have not posted at least one picture of their fridge interior and a brief description HERE. Pictures and descriptions must be posted before the giveaway ends. If a winner's picture is blatantly fake (i.e. various watermarks, sheer ridiculousness) said winner will be re-rolled."

Now before you're all, "OMG WAT DOC MAN HOW DEW I DOOO THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!??" Simply read the first reply in this thread to view my own submission (HOLY SHIT HE LEADS BY EXAMPLE) :D

And with a flourish, here are the giveaways!





  • All giveaways have varying CV restrictions less than $100

  • Giveaways end in two weeks-ish (plenty of time to get that CV up!)

  • Posting an image is as simple as uploading it somewhere (i.e. imgur), copying the image source, and typing it into the thread like so: [text]no space here(image link)

So, what's in yours?


*Edit: Thank you all for participating! BONUS GIVEAWAY IS LIVE! (same rules apply, all previous submissions are valid)


10 years ago*

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Turn monitor to side

Let's see here:

Top side is the freezer, houses flesh, starch, and fiber.

Below that are some empty pots and pans, a huge melon, and some vegetables I'll never touch in my life.

Directly adjacent to it are expired Popsicle sticks and sausages, Cinnabon and some deviled eggs.

Right below that are your condiments. Came with the fridge, which was a big plus.

That's pretty much it.

10 years ago

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My Fridge almost empty T.T

  • Top: Just one an ice cream (Fresh Milk).

  • Second:

    1. Top one is half water melon, an apple juice, fresh milk & one bit cake.
    2. Three tomatoes & 1 big cake.
    3. Empty.
    4. Bottom one is veggies.
  • Fridge door:

    1. Top one is an apple, three egg.
    2. 2 bottle mineral water, baking soda.
    3. A lot of mineral water.
    4. Bottom one is 1 bottle apple syrup, 1 big mineral water & 1 koko crunch cereal.
10 years ago

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why you place cereal in fridge..? i think it will make cereal dampy..

so you love cold water to... like me.... :D :*

10 years ago

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Because it's more delicious <3

Yeah~ i love so much cold water :3

10 years ago

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Awesome thread. Now I know where in the world everybody lives.

10 years ago

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single/bach fridge :) just some meats, cheese, eggs, fresh vegetables (tomatoes, onion, garlic, lettuce, cucumber) + cans (corn, beans, tomatoes), jam, milk, butter, sour cream, only two beers already, few jars with something-something like pesto, pickled caper flower bud, liquid spices etc. Of course there's mayo, ketchup, mustard and horseradish sauce. And a few types of leftovers...;]

thanks for tasty thread =]

10 years ago

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I would like to enter, but i think that there is intelligent life already inside my refrigerator. In any case, ill smell horribly and since im about to sleep, i dont want to vomit before.

10 years ago

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This is my fridge. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

Uff, some beer, a few eggs, joghurts, many marmalades, and whatever other things my girlfriend happened to buy :)

also cheese, big and small gurken (don´t know the english word), some chocolate (because hot), butter, quark, pudding, meatstuff and milk. i think that shoulf be all ^^

10 years ago

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gurken = augurken i'm guessing = pickles :D

10 years ago

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yeah, pickles sound good, thanks :)

10 years ago

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Salute, sir! o7

I shall add picture with description shortly, not at home just right now :>.

PS. That's sth nuts! :O

EDIT: photou

My fridge so empty :(. I am living on bags so there are only mustards, ketchup and juice :D. What a shame...

10 years ago

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My fridge - taken with a real potato!
Freezer top - Frozen ground beef, frozen water bottles, waffles, hot dogs, butter
Bottom - Crab racoons, SpecialK flatbread thingys, frozen provolone, more meats + chicken, bread
Door - otterpops, more crab racoons, frozen juice

Fridge top - Juiceeeeeeee (go through a lot making mixers), pudding, jello
Middle - Chips ahoy, mtn dew, pepsi, sierra mist
Bottom - lots of cold water
Door - creamer, red bull, apple sawce, more snakpaks

10 years ago

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I don't have a functioning camera... is it still possible to enter? Contents of fridge with 2 roommates: milk (in Canada it comes in bags!), couple blocks of cheese, some havarti, those Babybel cheese wheels, 2 cartons of eggs, pitas, almost done margarine, new unopened margarine, package of pepperoni sticks, lettuce, 2 oranges, 4 apples, celery sticks, broccoli, an avocado, cheese slices, yogurt, some bread crumbs or something I don't know it's my roommate's, pasta in a tupperware. BBQ sauce, ketchup, mustard, honey mustard, salsa, homemade relish, strawberry jam.

10 years ago

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borrow from a friend? plenty of time before the end of the giveaways

10 years ago

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//edit: Okay, managed to get this just in time.

10 years ago

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Ok, so This is my REFRIGERATOR. It consists of 2 pieces, a normal fridge on the right and a freezer on the left.

First of all, the top shelf. i have some fresh eggs there from our own chicken. They taste MUCH better then eggs from the store… really. U can see 2 chickes running here! We have a total of 8 chickens.
2nd shelf we got some yoghurt with different flavors, some cheese to put on my spaghetti & some cottage cheese.
3th shelf i got some leftovers of other days. If I don’t feel to cook, I just warm these up. Easy as that.
4th shelf mainly sauces. Underneath that shelf we got some place to keep fruits and vegetables fresh. We got some oranges, apples, few carrots and tomatoes.
On the right side we have some meat for breakfast and a few regular drinks like milk, water and orange juice. On the bottom I have 3 sorts of beer. Jupiler, Leffe, and Orval I guess.

Now the freezer side.
There is not much of variation in here. Some icecream (Cornetto & Magnum) and frozen bread when I need one. The rest are vegetables we got from our own garden. We even got so many last year, we had to buy 2 additional freezers to stock them.

1st additional freezer: Some more icecream! And frozen vegetables
2nd one: is finally empty. I can start playing Farmville in real life again in a few days now we got the space to stock them. HellYeah.

10 years ago

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Major props for the fresh eggs, the lady and I have been talking about getting a few chickens of our own ^__^

10 years ago

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strange rule :D well, I guess beer is important :3 description: pretty empty (of "real" food :p), but important things are still there, coffee, beer, milk, a bit of cheese, dulpo ( wohooo :D )aand thats it. dunno what else to say :P

10 years ago

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I'm not very good at writing so I can't talk much though. This is our house's fridge. It has everything you ever want from a fridge. Eh... it's really a beautiful fridge? Every vegetables you see in there are all harvested from our house's backyard, so no chemical, 100% good health, you know. It also has an auto ice-cube making feature. It also... eh... can kill bacterium. Um... very energy-saving, I guess. It's large so it can even store enough food for 4-5 days straight.

The only thing that still bothers me till today is that it's truly expensive but my mom keep insisting to buy :T But it's really beautiful fridge so let's keep it in our house for 5 more years then.

10 years ago

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My humble fridge :-/
Most required for a single man: some sauces, some canned shit, butter, eggs, juice, wine, wine and sunflower-seed oil

10 years ago

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Top: Cream cheese, bread, butter and tortillas

Middle: yogurt, apples and some leftovers

Botton: potatos and tomatos

Top: more cheese and some candy

eggs and fresca

middle: tomato sauce, water, mayo, butter

botton bbq sauce, tomato sauce, wine, green tea and iced tea

10 years ago

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thanks for the giveaways! My fringe http://imgur.com/8V6Dwrm.jpg

Middle: yogurt, Speed two units, Milk, and Untable Cheese

Door: wather, Fernet

10 years ago

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Well there's my old fridge

On the top you can find Coca-cola, Levite, Limonade and some more drinks.
On the middle of the fridge there's caramel, lots of jams, cream, Casancrem and many more.
Just in the bottom you can see corns, Cheese, butter, and some liver? (this is actually what my dogs eat) And at the end on the last shelf we have milk, pears, more livers and that's it.
On the door there's my insuline, chocolate, cheese, some sauces and more stuff.

Also thanks for the giveaway, that was fun and a little shameful <-<

10 years ago

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here it is clicky

Top: eggs, basilica souce, apricot and strawberry marmalade, tomato paste

Middle: a half lemon, ajvar (a very, very cool souce!), butter, cream cheese, canned tuna, some leftovers, another kind of cream cheese

Bottom: apples, bananas, carrots, lemons

Door: Some painkillers (i know it's a little bit weird..)mayo, milk, tomato paste,

10 years ago

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A bit overdue for a shopping trip but you can see, a fair bit of bottled water (been having local issues with the water shutting off) true canadian bagged milk beside that, the ultra rare (around here anyway) Crush Lime (mostly known for Orange crush and their cream soda) a bit of cheese and apple sauce, half empty jar of pickles and near full bottle of mustard, all topped off with an expired bottle of rubbing alcohol that I use for cleaning.

I'm surprised there hasn't been more entries, maybe a lack of fridges.

10 years ago

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My families fridge.
Lots of condiments(Ketchup, Mustard, BBQ Sauce, Mayo, Jams, salad dressing, sugar free syrup), leftovers and probably some stuff in the back of the fridge that will probably go bad.
I stood as far back as possible to take the picture, to try to get some of the stuff in the doors. (The Milk Jugs, we drink a lot of milk. lmao)
There is a nice freezer below but didn't bother to open it for the picture.
One thing I never learned how to do, is how to make a clickable link like everyone else :S

10 years ago

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Nothing really special in my families fridge :D

  1. at the top are mostly different butters
  2. Some salad and several different cheeses
  3. BOCKWÜRSTCHEN (sausages), marmelade some bread and many kinds of sliced meat (correct wording? :O )
  4. yogurt, more salad and chocolates
  5. at the bottom cases are mostly different sauces
  6. in the side is milk, orange juice, lemon juice and Maggi
10 years ago

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Haha, I love the little polar bear and snowman ^__^

10 years ago

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Here ya go ^^

On the first shelf, we keep milk, water and, ocasionally, juice. Some olives, too. On the second one, we keep cheese and beer (in the back). In the drawers, we have cheese and butter. On the last shelves, we usually put leftover food, fruits and lettuce. In the last drawer, we keep vegetables and flour.

Now, on the door, it doesn't show on the pic, but we have eggs above the apples. We also have margarine and sauces, mostly used for cooking.

10 years ago

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Man those giveaways was way to tempting to skip. or is this some kind of fridge fetish thread :]

So Here is my familys fridge.

As you can see we have milk, juice and all drinkable stuff on the fridge door. so we can easily take them out since we drink alot!

At the top there are Cheese, a bit leftovers and some kind of eatable leaf :].

on the Middle shelfs there are leftovers and some Philadelphia, Swedish kaviar <3, and ofcourse Fanta!.

On the bottom there is some more milk and leftovers! and in that box there are vegetables (Tomatos, Cucumbers and so on)

As i said, this is a fridge of 5 people in one house ;)

10 years ago

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This is my fridge.
On the door i have eggs, some jars with zacusca, mustard, jam, some milk and buttermilk.
In the fridge i have: more jars, salami, baloney, ham, bacon, sausages, many types of cheese, soup, fruits and vegetables.

10 years ago

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Its a bit boring.. but hey who cares!

Image, Sorry if it doesn't load right(let me know!)

thats right 30% of the total contents is some form of drink!
DrPepper for when I want a soda, Water for when im just generally thirsty(something about my tap, I don't like the taste), and apple juice for other times(I should probably check its expiration date.. it might have passed

then the barbeque sauce.. whether im coming, or just lathering it onto my food, its amazing stuff

Parmesean cheese for the days I have pizza.. or spaghetti

Grape jelly for when I want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich

Mustard.. do I need to explain?

.. now that random black olive.. after viewing how my picture turned out, I noticed that, and I threw it away(there was leftovers from a Papa Murphy's pizza wrapped up right there(this spot is reserved for leftover pizza)

the towel on top is there because my fridge produces condesation right there otherwise, and I don't like dealing with an extra moist fridge

and yes, my fridge is missing the middle door shelf, it was broken when I bought the place and I didn't feel like replacing it(will likely replace the entire fridge later this year(during holiday sales), make it match the rest of the kitchen).. knowing my fridge would likely be this full almost 95% of the time.. there is occasionally lunch meat/cheese in the drawer

I did buy eggs.. once.. by the time I went to use them they were so expired the floated in water

I was to lazy to do seperate freezer shot, has a few pounds of frozen chicken, beef, pork.. and a broken ice maker

10 years ago

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Well you asked for it so here is my FRIDGE.

The contents include among others:

  • various vegetables and fruit at the bottom.

  • sodas & beer on door and top shelf

  • dairy stuff allover the place

  • Ice cream and frozen goods in the freezer

PS. Sorry for the bad quality, I had difficulty holding the doors and taking the pic.

10 years ago

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