well, that's my fridge... XD
humble fridge from Indonesia... ^_^ and that is my personal fridge in my room, not my family fridge...
PS. Sorry for the poor image, taken from my old phone
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Well.. first of all im argentinian so my english is not very good =P.So i will use google traductor for some of the things... .. This is my fridge...
In the freezer you can see some raviolis and meat... hamburgers... Breaded steak (and vegetable)
Then you can see a coca-cola... some milk and... "Dulce de leche"(this on is argentinian so i don't know how you tell it)... Egs...A LOT OF EGGS!...
Some vegetables....and that.. Well my fridge is kinda empty...The good things that we have a minimarket so we got a lot of frigdes...i can upload photos of all the fridges that we have in our shop if u want =P.
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I'll start with the door: At the top we've got butter and eggs. Under that, milk and cream cheese. To the right, I've got mayonnaise, pesto, lemon juice and some sort of milk. Under that, s'more lemon and some beer. Finally, the bottom shelf on the door has some water, bread and one can of beer.
Now the fridge itself, at the top we've got some leftover vegetables, and rice. THe small compartment under that has all the cheeses and hams.
The shelf under that has got some sauces, water, leftover rice, bread and a few cans of stuff.
Under that, some more prepared foods, salads.
Under that, chocolates, puddings, cabbage. (I know, they totally belong on the same shelf)
Finally, the drawer compartments at the bottom, the left ones contain vegetables, right ones fruits. That's it!
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[Nah, not again one giveaway you have to work to accomplish!]
[No, too lazy, demotivated to photograph the refrigerator.]
[Ohh - ok, because of Castlevania...]
Ooops ...it's time again...
I love googling and shopping for technical/PC widgets and stuff, but I hate shopping for food.
If filled (sometimes even stuffed to burst), the standard equipment contains some batches of cheese (more important) and some sausage-cuts (less important),
margarine, some eggs and milk.
Also some vegetables, usually tomatoes, broccoli, paprika and radishes.
Some frozen pizzas and ice cream not to forget.
In times of big need, like this one, my nutrition is temporarily completly based on my choclate depot, which I normally don't place in the fridge.
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Shelves from top to down:
1) Apple juice, pickled ginger, mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, honey, yogurt.
2) spaghetti (it's there because of bugs. If I spaghetti outside the fridge - they infest it. It's just a disaster, don't know what to do). Also some cheese and cucumbers (I take it to work as a lunch)
3) Butter and small pan with food for my cat.
4) Some drinks (non-alcoholic), more yogurt, tomatoes.
Below you can see a container with some onions.
Also, there is some eggs on the door. On a lower shelf of door there is cream, liquid smoke flavor and cheap wine.
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My fridge
Waited till my roommate bring some food from his home so that thr fridge would not look empty.
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The gibbas are really nice but I really can't get myself to do all the work you ask for. I mean, want a pic of the fridge, sure why not? A making of commentary of the fridge's contents? thanks, but no thanks. It's a fridge for gossake, a staging area for stuff I'm gonna eat or freeze. Not a work of art, not a meaningful composition with any theme or specific purpose, most likely the intersection between the set of stuff I need or want and the set of stuff that was on sale this week.
Now I've been overlong and I suppose you couldn't care less about this, anyway and that's OK, so let's leave it at this: thanks for all the very nice fish I won't be entering for.
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Right now the selection of items is looking pretty dry, we are getting a double door fridge soon though so when that happens a large shopping trip will be done and it will be stacked with stuff. Thanks for the giveaway.
Top shelf: Various cooking sauces, salsa,branston pickle, cheese butter and jam.
Middle shelf: Eggs, baguette, spiced cheese slices.
Lower shelf: Grape soda, plantain, more eggs, frubes.
Two draws: Lots of veg and a few muller corner yoghurts
Side door: Semi Skimmed milk, Champagne, mushrooms, peparami and some instant rice.
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Uploading this picture, I've realized that I have to make an urgent purchase....
Top shelf: pizza dough, pie dough and a pot of fresh tomatoes
Middle shelf: two bottles in champagne, a bottle of marc, another coke, an isotonic drink, an ice cream and mincemeat
lower shelf: Jam, butter, cheese and yogurt
More lower shelf: Corn, juice, peaches, hamburgers and cheese
Top drawer: Ham, turkey, cheese, chicken and beef.
Drawer lower : Apples, carrots, tomatoes, courgettes,
lettuce and grapes
Freezer: Hake, peas, pizza and homemade croquettes.
Thanks for GA!!!
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ma fridge is full, mum bought stuff
Top shelf: mango, apples and some veggie
Second one: yogurts and 2 ketchup, one spicy one normal
Third shelf: kinda messy one, we can see pineapple juice - jam - cheese on the left (i guess)
Fourth shelf: moar cheese one single apple (i ate it now) moar yoghurt
5th shelf: peahces in the box and meat and gnocchi on the right - yup im italian -
Bottom: looots of veggies and fruits, we can see lemons oranges cucmbers
Door: milk - eggs - beer - moar pineapple juice - cheap wine for cooking - small bottle of jalapeno hot sauce - 2 chocolate snacks in da fridge cause it's too hot for them outside
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i start my weekend mornings with eggs & bacon and/or pancakes, so my fridge holds lots of eggs.
on the top shelf there are some chickpeas, wiener, sliced salami and chocolate (Milka) flavoured philadelphia cream cheese.
mushroom for eggs & bacon (also: red pepper flakes, basil and cheese), there's also a bottle of beer hiding next to the cucumber.
door holds milk, almond milk, juice, maple syrup (for pancakes) and various hot sauces
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i propose the next topic to be: post a pic of your undies drawer.
i'm looking at you SexyJesus.
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Bad quality since real camera is at sister.
There alot if different cheese and other stuff for bread.
Otherwise there's basic indridegents for food (creams, eegs, etc) and snacks like yoghurt.
Most notable missing from image is any meat, usually there are, but not right now. (Mostly in freezers)
On door there are some medicine, liquid butter salad dressning and milk.
Bottom layers has some salad and potatoes (can't really be seen).
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Not really all that much in my fridge, but sure, why not.
The door is completely empty, aside from a couple of chocolate eggs from Easter
Fudge Brownie ice cream that is just about empty. Probably good for one more serving
4 pounds of 81% lean hamburger. Honestly, this is what most of my meals consist of.
Bag of french fries that are over 6 months past the expiration date and should probably be thrown out.
Promised Land Dark Chocolate Milk (<3). Promised Land is seemingly the only milk I can drink without getting sick
Lemonade Minute Maid. It's what is left of the 12 pack that my parents didn't drink when they last visited.
Mountain Dew. Yes, I do the Dew!
A pound of hamburger that is de-thawing for dinner in 3 nights
A Pork steak that has been marinating for 2 days that will be my dinner tomorrow night
Mushrooms that usually go with my hamburger. Only a few left though, so the remainder will be going on tomorrow's steak
Oscar Mayer Ham, because sometimes I am too lazy to cook, and just want a ham sandwhich
Cheese Drawer
A quarter of a head of lettuce.
An entire bag of onions that just never get cooked with. Another thing my parents left with me the last time they visited.
Door consists of a couple different salad dressings, mayo, ketchup, mustard, butter maple syrup x2 (1 is almost empty), chocolate syrup, pickles, and some biscuits.
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Let's see...
On the first shelve we got some leftovers from yesterday's dinner :P
Second shelve more leftovers and that aluminum thingie is a carrot cake :P
Moving on... We gotta have some Fresh Fruits
On the bottom it's the veggies area... on the side there're the drink, but tbh I only drink water :P
Nothing fancy sadly :(
And thank you for the great gives!!!!
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Well, it's some chicken with apples down there. Milk, jam, honeycomb, vegetables, eggs...
There's some cake in the box I believe. Or maybe the cake is a lie?..
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Alright, just a warning. My fridge has some horrors that shouldn't be shared. I'm a single guy with a shared fridge. Its to be expected, no one wants to clean it. If it makes you feel better, the horrible things aren't mine. :P
Butter, margarine and cheese, along with something in the back corner
A bottle of milk, and plenty of sauces. Of those in the fridge, only the big red bottle of sauce is mine
Everything else I have is either in the freezer (sausages and bread) but the light is broken, so couldn't see squat in the pictures, and there are also noodles and potatoes elsewhere.
I spend more money on games and bills than I do on food. Sorry.
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Here's my fridge, mostly used as a leftovers storage: fridge, door
On the top shelf there's a half empty egg carton, some cheese and a row of jars with asian condiments. And I think there's also a jar of pickles there. Middle shelf houses some leftover salads, a bunch of sauces and a carton of cream. On the bottom shelf there's a small bucket of berries, milk, some bacon and I think that's a radish. Two bottom compartments hide a bunch of vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes, parsley, etc.
Door shows some marinades near the top, a small bottle of vinegar, plus a can of tuna somewhere underneath another marinade packet. Near the bottom there's soy sauce, ketchup, mustard and a couple bottles of wine.
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This is my fridge do I really need to do a brief????
OK, I also have this one I did different photos since I watch this thread and decide to take the picture the past Saturday and I went to different stores to buy stuff, so this is one of the last ones, he!
Top shelf: Gazpacho and salt + "rare things", you life better without knowing. Drugs not included, well not THAT drugs.
Middle shelf: Drinks( aquarius that has been living there for 1-2 years, an ikea xxxberry drink (probably you can find on your country) butter, fresh cheese, quince (under the cheese) and yogurts (those are from LaFageda as they can't be identified) and a pesto handmade sauce.
Bottom Shelf: mayonnaise, olives, jams and more yogurts.
Under that, left side maizena and onions. Right side tomatoes
Under that, meat, fish, cheeses, grated cheeses and a ton of sauces and creams, and you can see some green peas.
Top down: vegetables of all kind.
Middle:Eggs (they came after the picture, so stop seeking them) the plastic bag contains a chocolate egg in pieces)
Bottom: Milk, orange and apple juices and Gazpacho.
As you can see it's very hot here, the day of that picture (a week ago) and purchase of 66% of the fridge content we had 30ºC the last 5 days 22-26º
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Thanks :)
EDIT: The fridge is 30 years old, I use it only to store bottled items (milk, yogurt), 99% of the time. Basically it's there so I don't have to go upstairs to take milk whenever I'm making coffee.
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Top - honey, seaweed salad and butter
Middle - mustard
Bottom - another mustard (this one probably went bad, but hey, unless it's blue and hairy you still can eat it, right? :D) and some red pepper spicy thingy
Very bottom - ketchup and some water
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This is basically the challenge I have every weekend when visiting the boyfriend's apartment: Condiments, cat food, cheese and … more condiments.
(… Sure, the CAT has food, but I gotta fend for myself!)
► Gah! … Every month I throw out those plum & soya sauce packets BUT THEY KEEP COMING BACK!
► Why the hell does he have TWO pounds of BUTTER?!?
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It's time for something a little different.
Each of the following giveaways have a special rule attached with full support approval, so read carefully:
"Winners will be re-rolled if they have not posted at least one picture of their fridge interior and a brief description HERE. Pictures and descriptions must be posted before the giveaway ends. If a winner's picture is blatantly fake (i.e. various watermarks, sheer ridiculousness) said winner will be re-rolled."
Now before you're all, "OMG WAT DOC MAN HOW DEW I DOOO THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!??" Simply read the first reply in this thread to view my own submission (HOLY SHIT HE LEADS BY EXAMPLE) :D
And with a flourish, here are the giveaways!
All giveaways have varying CV restrictions less than $100
Giveaways end in two weeks-ish (plenty of time to get that CV up!)
Posting an image is as simple as uploading it somewhere (i.e. imgur), copying the image source, and typing it into the thread like so: [text]no space here(image link)
So, what's in yours?
*Edit: Thank you all for participating! BONUS GIVEAWAY IS LIVE! (same rules apply, all previous submissions are valid)
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