General explanation:
My normal fridge broke down about a month ago, but as I got it for free and it was empty anyways all the time and opening it always made me feel depressed, I sold that piece of trash for 20€ and got this neat little thing.
Just look at it. Are you impressed? You better should be. Opening this badass never makes me feel depressed anymore! Even with just one bottle inside it looks full and healthy. It gives me the illusion of being a rich motherfucker, with a full fridge. Deal with it.
Now, let's take a look at all the goodies I have. A godlike body like mine is hard work and only the right food choices will help me maintain it.
See that? Carrots. You heard me. Carrots are fucking god tier food (and cheap). You know, coming home after being at work all day, then after work go hit the gym like a pro, impressing everyone around me (why else would they just sit and look at me with big eyes, huh?) and then after a workout even batman would not survive, you eat some of those carrots. Hell yeah.
What's that? You've seen right, that's some tasty Yoghurt to the left of it. You wanna mix things up a little? Just dip those carrots into the yoghurt and feel like the biggest badass on earth while munching on them. Hell yeah.
Now let's get to the bottom of things.
Milk. The white stuff everyone loves (except those who are lactose intolerant, sucks for you bro). Now, after I'm done eating those yoghurt carrots I get a glass full of this badass. The drink of killers. Hell yeah.
Right beside it, Relentless, only energy drink actually worth something. Drinking that when I'm gaming, fragging like a pro in CS:GO. Hell yeah.
The door .. this is reserved for the things I really need to survive.
White bottle on the top: A goddamn great Chardonnay because let's face it. I'm a classy and fancy lady, yo.
In the middle: Vodka, imported straight from Mother Russia, approved by Putin and delivered by a bear.
Green bottle: Some cheap wine because I was broke after that bear mugged me and needed something to drink the shame away.
That's it for today fellas! Hope you enjoyed this exciting ride.
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Simple freezer
Brief Description: Ice cream, breakfast sausage, tater tots, smoothie mix, concentrated juice mix, bread, fries, waffles, cheese
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So despite the fact that many posts in this thread are sentence fragments and are grammatically incomplete, lists won't suffice eh? Actually, others posted lists as well but they garnered your approval, so I guess you just don't like the cut of my jib. Ok Professor Miley, you want actual grammatical sentences? Well then, here goes. The side of the freezer door contains smoothie mix and concentrated juice mixes. The top shelf contains tater tots, shredded cheese, and ice cubes in a bucket. The bottom half contains breakfast sausages, bread, waffles, and ice cream.
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At the very bottom, in the drawer I have an assortment of various vegetables; bok choy, siu choy, eggs, cucumbers, zucchini, oranges, avocado.
Above that I've got more; green onion, bean sprouts, leeks.
One level over that I have some packaged rice noodles, vietnamese noodles, soup in a container.
In that tiny hole of a layer I've got rice in a few containers, and some spaghetti sauce.
Then we reach my level full of root beer, tofu, dessert tofu, margarine, gaterade, other drinks.
And on the side door, I have various cooking sauces, dipping sauces, and drinks.
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Here is my fridge
It's a little empty, I havent gone shopping in more than a week. I only have left:
some cheese
ketchup and tomato sauce
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LOL (:P)
As promised, here it's my fridge:
It's not much. I live alone with my brother so we have few things. In the freezer you will find frozen meat (turkey and chicken) and vegetables. In the middle just common stuff, like fruit (grapes, bananas, apples), cheese and butter, some tomatos and avocado. And in the lower part more vegetables (carrots, etc...). In the door there's just eggs, cream and some minor stuff. We don't drink alcohol, so you won't find beer, just milk ^_^
I added a paper with my name in the fridge as a proof that it's actually mine and not fake pictures.
Many thanks for the chance! I'm entering for Lords Of Shadow 2 (:D)
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Just some banana juice and alcohol(egg liqueur, averna and latte macchiato liqueur)^^
My little one
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Haha, no racks at all? Dormitory? I dig the little bottle
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I have 2 of them :D first
About the first, it has 2 stores, one the freezer is where are the frozen meat, fish, and some ice cream. Also if I close the door, there is a mechanism to get cold water and ice cubes. In the other store, normally there is no order, because vegetables usually go to the last floor, and other products are randomly placed around other levels like yogurt, chocolate, butter, mayonnaise, etc, but pills, juice, milk, soda and other bottles normally always go to the door storage.
and second
The second fridge is located in the Kitchen and normally contain products of "priority" need, some sauce, cheese, food from last dinner, etc products have no order too, except bottles that go into the door storage, it has also a freezer, but it shut down, because with one in the other is enough.
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wowza, I'm in awe. Double-pro fridge game up in here
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On top; 1 cartoon of Eggs, near it a packet of sausage and a pack of Labne.
Below, a box of Yoğurt and 1 month old salad.
Below it, one lemon in a pochette.
Below, my cat, Luna.
And there are some veggies in veggie room but freshest one is 3 months old.
And some random drinks,mayo,ketchup,ranch and some sauces on shelf.
1 pack of frozen Döner,1 pack of Schnitzel, 4-pack pizza ( 1 pizza = 1 dollar, I'll probably die from it ), and ICE.
It's a 15 y.o. refrigerator which I bought for 70$.I went to the shopping and bought almost all of them today.It's %90 empty all the time.Well it's a single-living student's house, what were you expecting ?
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Here's my fridge
as you can see, it contains food :O
oh, you want a better description? ok then..
door, from top to bottom: eggs; cream, mayo, jam, a yogurt; margarine, parmesan (it's in the white bag), spray cream, tomato sauce; various types of sliced ham
inside, from top to bottom: a cake!, another yogurt, some pickles; a little mortadella, a roll of pastry, cheese; more cheese and ham; fresh fruit (mostly peaches and apples); veggies
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A married mans..!
Well, weird request but I’m in….
Nothing much to say actually, seems like you can from where someone is just by looking at his/hers refrigirator..!
Upper Shelf: (Which is not open in the photograph) is mostly alcoholic bavarege..
1st Shelf: Mosyl cheese, butter on sorta thing alike
2nd Shelf: Mostly leftoves from past days
3rd Shelf: Mostly vegetables and drinkeables
4th Shelf: Vegetables which didn’t fit into the lower shelf
5th Shelf: Vegatable…
Door: Sauces, eggs, drinkables and medication!
Nothing much to say about a married mans refrigirator I guess!
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Freezer Door (far Left):
Freezer (Middle-Left):
Main Fridge (Middle-Right):
Fridge Door (Far Right):
It should be noted that I have a second fridge as well. But it's pretty boring. I can add it if you want.
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By levels:
lard, jam, olives, ajvar (most people probably have no idea what it even is) and even more jam in the back.
various yogurts, curd-like cheese, tomato sauce and some pudding, bourbon vanilla flavored
cold water because I'M DYING HERE, half of an onion stored in a container, spread cheese, margarine, local bacon, salami and fresh pasta
some prosciutto wrapped in paper, container with some regular cheese and salami, flavored sparkling water and half of sweet melon
fondue mass, even more sparkling water and probably some of the last cherries this season
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My fridge (I know, I need to clean this out real soon.)
Freezer: Ice, Ice cream, wieners, Pina Colada mix, wafers, ice packs and froze blueberries.
Fridge: Various leftovers, some of them probably good for the trash can. Milk, juice, soda, cider. (I don't like beer.) Condiments, margarine, BBQ sauces, dips, pickles, cretons, pack of lettuce for my daughter's bearded dragon. Pepperoni, ham and bologna for sandwiches. Left drawer contains yogurts, purees, puddings. Bottom-left drawer contains milk, and bottom-right has veggies.
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No, it's actually an ice pack. Great to soothe a little girl's pain.
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Picture quality is bad, I don't have a good camera
Freezer: I just make ice cubes there, nothing interesting
Shelves 1-4:
Leftovers from yesterday
Leftovers from 2-3 days ago, salad, ketchup, mayonnaise, meat for sandwiches.
Drinks, sausage, desserts, cheese
Food that spoils in a yeas (jam and such), some drinks (it's half the size of the other shelves)
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Well then, what we have in the fridge?
Milk (two types, because in the bottle for a cat), juice to drink, salad in metal bowl, cheese, meats, eggs, peaches, butter. At the bottom of the drawer carrot. How would anyone asks, alcohol is over.
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Beer and pickles
Not much, just beer, water and pickles
There's more food in there too, but I feel this picture encapsulates the feel of my fridge to the best extant so I'm sticking with just this one picture.
I don't even particularly like pickles.
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From top to bottom: lemon, jam, сanned meat, buckwheat porridge, sour cream,
Butter, Macaroni Babka, pickles,
Borsch (^_^), vermicelli,
Сheese, olives, pate, сhicken dish,canned tuna and vegetables)
Fridge door: eggs,
pasta ,ketchup,
horseradish, mustard, some drugs,
candy and milk.
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It's a fridge in my company , so no beers at all :(
Not really interesting, it's mostly milk, soda & ketchup.
I wish it looked more like a bobofatt fridge.
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My simple refrigerator It's a little empty, I have to go shopping :)
I don't really think there's much to explain :) nothing really that interesting just some beer, cola, milk, cheese, salami and margarine.
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Here's my refrigerator! It's nothing special but I do share it with a cow.
From the top:
The doors: 4 red hot chili peppers, garlic, a bit of coffee milk, eggs, some mustard and other sauces. Also 2 cartons of milk, one water bottle and zelghadis' wine bottle with some wine still there.
Let's not forget the freezer:
(There's also a tiny hidden shelf on the very top for ice cubes that are heavily used since it got so hot)
And that's it! Thanks for the awesome giveaways! ^^
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I'm gonna try to make this as short as possible, and it'll still be really long...
My Fridge Starting from the left, working my way down...
Deep Breath
Left side is the freezer, there are chicken breast strips, various frozen fruit, pancakes, waffles, ice, homemade ice cream, chicken nuggets, corn dogs, ice cream, bread, taquitos, various meals, various meats, and in the door: ice, ice packs, hot dogs.
Fridge: Kool-aid, Water, Tea, Almond Milk, Sauces/toppings, and that pineapple on the side there, eggs, lettuce, butter, more sauces, plus biscuits behind all that stuff, leftovers, and a birthday cake, meat drawer, vegetable drawer, cheese/tortillas/pita pocket drawer. In the door, we have chocolate syrup, apple juice, skim milk, pickles, sauces, garlic, mustard, even more sauces, then salsa, syrup, and Parmesan cheese.
My family of 7 eats a lot of food. xD
I can go into more detail if anyone wants :P
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The inside of a cup of Sunkist in my fridge
It is technically part of my fridge interior! =p
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It's time for something a little different.
Each of the following giveaways have a special rule attached with full support approval, so read carefully:
"Winners will be re-rolled if they have not posted at least one picture of their fridge interior and a brief description HERE. Pictures and descriptions must be posted before the giveaway ends. If a winner's picture is blatantly fake (i.e. various watermarks, sheer ridiculousness) said winner will be re-rolled."
Now before you're all, "OMG WAT DOC MAN HOW DEW I DOOO THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!??" Simply read the first reply in this thread to view my own submission (HOLY SHIT HE LEADS BY EXAMPLE) :D
And with a flourish, here are the giveaways!
All giveaways have varying CV restrictions less than $100
Giveaways end in two weeks-ish (plenty of time to get that CV up!)
Posting an image is as simple as uploading it somewhere (i.e. imgur), copying the image source, and typing it into the thread like so: [text]no space here(image link)
So, what's in yours?
*Edit: Thank you all for participating! BONUS GIVEAWAY IS LIVE! (same rules apply, all previous submissions are valid)
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