Oh I had the brackets reversed
So, not much going on there. The big pot is some quick stew the girlfriend put together, just some beef and potatoes really. There's some organic orange juice (girlfriend is allergic to something inorganic oranges are treated with) and the juice without the label being shown is some Simply whatever Lemonade with Mango. Booze, water coke, there's some broccoli and a head of lettuce, some grannysmith apples, some watermelon (probably needs to get tossed, sadly).
Yup yup... nothing exciting, but hey, this is a fun little giveaway idea :P
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my refrigerator
i'm a student, and was my test time, so i have no too much to cook.
Some pizza, chicken and peppers. And the drinks are water, milk and juice.
The light is cool ¿no?
Sometimes is the fridge is plenty but is so rarely. I usually don't have too many food
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ah you're from spain yea? I remember the first time I saw someone with that water bottle at work, I thought they brought a vodka bottle in..too bad it was just h2o haha
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Okay, since I was nicely given permission to use my freezer since my fridge died about 6 weeks ago here it is. First thing to note: When the fridge broke everything that could be frozen was taken from the fridge and put in the deep freeze. Some of the stuff has been in either place for a while!
Okay on the left, Pic 1, you will see a bag of fresh peppers... sadly had to freeze it because it would have spoiled. Under it you will see a steak, it isn't very appealing looking anymore sadly. It had become lost at the top of the fridge and kind of turned brown. Might try cooking it to see if it is still good and feed it to the neighbours dog.... either it will like me after that, or it will get sick and stop barking all the time, either way is a win. Next to that is an open box of turkey burgers. They were buy one box, get one box free. Not pictured is the other box. The open red box you see is a box of hamburger patties, also were buy 1 get one free. Then focused in both pictures are a bunch of Shrimp Pizza with a pink 50% off sticker... they expire in a few days, but hey they are frozen and should keep. There are 8-10 of them in total. In the second picture you will see if you closely a ham (you can see the nutrition facts on it only pretty much. To the right.. more old top of the fridge stuff. If you zoom in you will see those hot dogs expired in 2010. Those white popsicles... I have no idea when or where those came from.... at all. The white cornered bag you can see is mixed berries, under there are actually wild picked blueberries too. That green box that is open is also from the top of the fridge and belonged to my grandmother who died almost a decade ago.
If you go under the layer you can see, you will find a turkey, some fresh caught fish that was frozen from last year. There are some TV Dinners too. I can't really get any deeper than that without risk of thawing the stuff on top. I have no idea what is further down. I can only assume stuff that is older than me. I can assume there is very very old corn on the cobs down there, because I think I see the whispy bits from one. I can also make out what looks like very freezer burnt blueberries. There is some kind of roast that is pure white, not sure what it was. A lot of this is making feel bad due to the waste of food. Also I really need to empty out the ruined stuff... neighbours dog better be really hungry.
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so my friedge is full of think that may or may not know if they are good or fresh or even eatable
yeah it looks full but still i always eat sandwiches it's better that way
my freezer look ok it looks prety full but i have there my secret stash of thinks that i can prepare in the microwave+ MY ICE CREAM
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Here's my refrigerator at the moment:
Not much to say really. I'm in the process of emptying it because there's a couple of spills and it's time to clean it. Sorry it's not more interesting... like a fridge completely filled with nothing but beer..... ;)
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So here's how my refrigerator looks now
Top (from left to right) - cake, sauce & pineapples
Middle - some vegetable and dinner leftovers
Bottom - Milk, Soybean milk, cereal, dried cranberries & blue berries. (for breakfast!)
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This my fridge Not much there, just food. What else have you expected? I like food. I eat it everyday.
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It's pretty sparse and empty since I usually don't shop till the end of the week. On the top is just milk, juice, and a watermelon. On the middle is just a carton of eggs, some vitaminwater energy, and a small bit of leftovers. I ignored the bottom since it was completely empty.
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gonna steal your fridge's identity, yo
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Emptier than I'd like, but I buy my groceries daily, so there's that: Empty fridge
There is not much to explain really, but I'll try.
Top shelf there is a melon (there was at least, it's now part of a whole melon), some tomato bricks and "serrano ham" (I don't really know what it's called in english, but it's this).
Just below that there is just some milk. Under the milk I currently have an open can of tuna, a bag witch a couple lettuces, and a bag with chocolote sweets we call morenitos over here.
On the lower self there is a pot with some leftover legummes on the right, a bag with cherries on the left side and tupperware with chicken stew leftover. In the boxes at the bottom there are just some olives, sausages and fruit.
On the door side there is mostly water, more ketchup bricks, mayonnaise, drinkable yogurts, ketchup, margarine, cheese, and eggs over there on the top which you cannot see.
I think that about covers it :x
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I got a fridge, and even have stuff in it. If I just find that damned camera. Hmmm.
We got us Milk and Cream, we got coleslaw, we got us some home made pie protected from the open air by a milk bag, we got a bowl of fucking homemade soup.
We got cheese, and onion, fake cheese, margarine, eggs, more margarine cause it was on for a buck fifty, and we have frosting.
We got a shit load of salad-related veggies, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, romain lettuce, a bag with dirty stuff from the garden, mostly tiny potatolettes.
We got a bunch of fucking beef and a bag of even more garden-veggies, mostly carrots.
Then there is the door. We got Mio bottles with Soy and Vinegar in them respectively, we got the even more goddamned cheese slices, we got homemade apple sauce, and various condiments, tomato juice and more condiments, we got the kraft parmesan cheese we got table syrup, cranberries, Ketchup... and finally the dog's medicine.
That fridge is fucking filthy, aw yeah.
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bump..everythings the same except no more apples, milk, & oj
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Bump because the people who have joined the bonus GA are being selfish and choosing not the bump the thread themselves; something that will be noted for SGv2
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Nothing spectacular, I'm afraid. Some cheese, some milk, some eggs, couple of cans of assorted vegetables and stuff, lots of jam... :-) Oh, and ice, there's approximately one ton of ice up in the freezer.
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It's time for something a little different.
Each of the following giveaways have a special rule attached with full support approval, so read carefully:
"Winners will be re-rolled if they have not posted at least one picture of their fridge interior and a brief description HERE. Pictures and descriptions must be posted before the giveaway ends. If a winner's picture is blatantly fake (i.e. various watermarks, sheer ridiculousness) said winner will be re-rolled."
Now before you're all, "OMG WAT DOC MAN HOW DEW I DOOO THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!??" Simply read the first reply in this thread to view my own submission (HOLY SHIT HE LEADS BY EXAMPLE) :D
And with a flourish, here are the giveaways!
All giveaways have varying CV restrictions less than $100
Giveaways end in two weeks-ish (plenty of time to get that CV up!)
Posting an image is as simple as uploading it somewhere (i.e. imgur), copying the image source, and typing it into the thread like so: [text]no space here(image link)
So, what's in yours?
*Edit: Thank you all for participating! BONUS GIVEAWAY IS LIVE! (same rules apply, all previous submissions are valid)
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