What do you think of the sale
No idea. Played for a couple of hours altogether and got 1 card for joining and 1 card through playing. Still have 2 remaining.
I'm not putting in 6 hours or something for the other 2 drops.
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How do you mean?
I know your socre and gold goes up even if you don't have the game running. I also know you could have the game running but not click anything. Haven't done the second one as I've been helping out with medics etc.
Either way, game running or not, it's not producing more than the 1 card for starting to play and the 1 card through gameplay.
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From what others said, i do believe it drops 3 cards maximum a day, i played a few moments myself, upgrading everything (the element bonus and automatic boost helps) and such but i got 3 cards yesterday and 1 card today also with just being afk and let it play for itself. If you a pc on the whole day you can just let it run.
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I'm in the sate boat. Asked on reddit and a couple of people said they got drops while idling the game (it was playing itself) and couple of people said they got drops only while playing so i don't know, it says i have 2 drops remaining and all i know is that i got one card when i slicked play and one card after furiously clicking the 10th level boss to death adn nothing since and i've been playing and idling on and off the whole time (waaay too much free time)
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Same here, got a card while I was trying to join a game and another in-game. Still 2 cards remaining and no third card in sight... And we're past lvl 270 :(
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I play several hours and never get a drop, a friend who join to the game by pressing the green button get 2 cards few seconds later. In my badge progress since yesterday say i have to card drop remaining. Still nothing. This event is pretty buggy and is a trash.
BTW i craft a badge for The Binding of Issac and oly get an emoticon and a wallpapper but no card from summer sale. I think an elephant me pee over me.
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I got 3 cards while idling during the first 4-5 hours since I've launched the game for the first time but nothing the last 16 hours. So I guess it aplies this 3 card per day rule...
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I crafted 2 badges before and they had the limitation set to yesterday at 10 AM. However, it was exactly the normal restriction period until the sale, I have no idea if the restriction was "when the sale begins" or "just your usual trade limitation".
I won't craft any badges now, I have 4.78€ and I want CS:GO, so right now I'm idling like crazy :D
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The trade limit isn't specific to the sale cards. It applies to any item purchased from the market and any items created with items under the trade limit. Basically if you craft a badge that has one or more cards that are still under trade lock (1 week from purchase) then the items dropped from the badge will inherit that trade lock.
You probably had most of those 50 sets sitting and waiting for over a week which is why the content from them wasn't locked.
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No idea...but if you spent $10 or more you will get cards from Steam Holiday Sale 2014 .
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I got 1 card a short while after joining and another one when I logged into Steam this morning and got a new inventory item notification. But after that I have got nothing and I'm almost level 125
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so far only got 2 cards drop for today
waiting for third
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The "Drops remaining" is actually kind of weird on that badge. It counts how many drops you've received. Meaning if you make a $10 purchase and drop a card that number will go to 2 drops remaining. Also everytime the monster game drops a card that number will go up.
Basically its a count of all the dropped Sale cards you've earned (cards from crafting don't seem to get counted).
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NP. I guess it could be useful for people under level 5 who are earning cards but can't actually get the drops until they reach 5.
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Play the Monster Summer Game
If you’re Steam Level 5 and above, you’ll get a Summer Sale trading card at random intervals while playing, up to three per 24-hour period. (If you reach Steam Level 5 before the end of the sale, you’ll be granted the cards you earned by playing the Monster Summer Game).
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Hmm I wonder where my additional summer card from crafting a badge is. According to steam (quote): "Craft a game badge. Starting June 1st, crafting a game badge earned you a Summer Sale trading card rather than a coupon, so if you crafted a badge in the last week you’re already ahead of the game. During the sale, each game badge you craft will get you an additional Summer Sale trading card."
I did get that card rather than a coupon - check.
I did not receive an additional card - meh.
I also heard some folks didn't get any from crafting a badge at all.
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Then why don't they just write it like that? "Craft a game badge. Starting June 1st until the end of the Sale, crafting a game badge, will earn you a Summer Sale trading card rather than a coupon for each badge you craft." Damn, seems like we even need to do the marketing by ourselves now, hehe.
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Now at me says 0 people playing 135 games in progress wtf
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still waiting for cards to drop :\ it says 4 unlocked on the game page and 4 to find on the badge page, yet I have none in my inventory.
am I missing something or it's a bug??
EDIT: nevermind, in the same moment I made a purchase all the cards appeared in my inventory ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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Hey Guys i was wondering how to get these drops i had in the badges page,it says that i have 2 drops but i don't know how to get them
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