Ah my mom does stuff like that as well, at least I think so?
Might as well go for it, no harm in trying right? even more if I don't even have to do anything with it.
I have a depression and problems with stress, my childhood was horrible.
I give you permission to work on that ^^
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So, you actively practice it, and are partially skeptical at the same time? Why? Do you really feel the flow of energy? Or the personal energy field somebody has? I have already met some people who practice reiki and they ensured me they did, i even got to practice trying to feel it myself. I think the fact that therapists believe that they feel the energy (from my skeptic point of view, i don't mean to offend anyone) may have a lot to do with autosuggestion, too.
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As I mentioned in another comment in this thread, Reiki has nothing to do with "feeling" energy. It claims to work regardless of if you feel or notice it at all. Some people say that they do feel something, which is great for them, as it reinforces that it works, while others feel nothing; both are acceptable, and Reiki will work the same on both types of people. The reason for my skepticism is that I am still new to Reiki, having only been practicing it for a few months, and most of that has been studying; I haven't been performing Reiki on myself for more than two months, yet I do feel that it's working, albeit slowly.
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I see, I was speaking from my personal experience. Anyways, I think it's great that you can keep being skeptic about this practice, you have nice empirical thinking and openess. Hope that you can help someone here, your initiative is certainly nice :)
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That would be very generous of you and very much appreciated. I went to a woman like 20 years ago for a bunch of sessions for anxiety, and a few years ago someone offered to give free ones too, she only gave me one session which i felt even through a distance, she offered to give more but then she just didn't reply back anymore. But i am very much a believer in this kind of stuff.
Really hope you don't overburden yourself if you get many demands. Also wouldn't pictures for you give you a better focus?
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Pictures would help, but of course I'm not going to ask strangers for pictures of themselves in mass like this :P As for overburdening myself, on of the great things about energy healing is that it's possible to send it to many people at the same time.
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I was looking for massage courses and ran across it. My Reiki course was done online, at Udemy.com. You become certified by learning about the techniques, becoming attuned to the energy, and learning from a Reiki Master. The process for performing Reiki in person is channeling energy from the universe through your body and into the patient by placing your hands on or above them; for a distance session, it is done by using a surrogate (such as a stuffed animal), visualizing, using a photo, or whatever technique you feel will work adequately.
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Interesting. Not gonna lie, I'm doubtful of any kind of online course, but I do respect your dedication to it, and I don't doubt that it could make people feel better.
"Just knowing someone is trying to care for you can make you feel better!" is what my mum would say ^^
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Huh. I guess that makes sense?
Oh, nothing as... normal as this. We're talking ear candling, and that Chinese(?) bee-venom one... apitherapy, I think it's called? Supposedly able to cure actual physical ailments but they really just sound like bad ideas, there are so many ._.
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As far as I can tell, the best thing to come out of reiki is Emily Rosa's debunking of it, becoming, at age 11, the youngest person ever to publish in a medical journal. Good for her!
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That probably depends on what practitioner you ask. Quotes from people who do claim the energy can be sensed in some way aren't hard to find (Wikipedia gives one, although of course that's secondary information). Admittedly I'm not familiar with the method as taught by the founder himself, so whatever you know may be more "pure".
More to the point, double blind studies of the effect of "transferring energy" (in various forms) on healing have also shown there isn't any (again, I'm lamely quoting Wikipedia here, but I do trust the process of scientific study enough here). Is it possible for people to benefit from it through placebo? Undoubtedly. That, of course, doesn't make the proposed mechanism behind it real, or the placebo itself worthwhile, especially not if it takes the place of effective treatment, which unfortunately does happen.
Vitalism (in all its forms) is a lot more interesting as a topic of study on human psychology, how we think about how life and the body work (and why), rather than how things actually work, the details of which are in some sense much stranger. Life energy isn't real (where I define reality as "everything that sticks around when you stop believing in it", per Philip K. Dick), but people can easily be convinced it's real, because on some level it aligns easily with our natural mental models. I think that's interesting.
Needless to say, yes, I'm skeptical, and just to be clear, none of this is intended as a personal attack on you. :-)
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I see what you're saying, and it makes complete sense that you would be right; in fact, depending on my state of mind, my opinion on the "reality" of "life energy" fluctuates. That said, I do think that it can be scientifically verified as 'real", but it would be after a few more technological advances and scientific breakthroughs, assuming we aren't computer code.
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Well, that's where things get interesting. I don't think we're computer code as such, or if we are, that it doesn't matter (and I say that as a programmer) but I definitely think life (and by extension consciousness) is pattern, not energy. There is still much more to learn and discover about what, exactly, life is (and how it comes to be, and by what rules it plays), and even more about what makes persons. But I don't think "vital energy" is going to be making an appearance in those discoveries, and certainly not the kind that can be transmitted remotely somehow.
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I'm one of those people who also believes in different planes of existence, astral projection, and spirit guides (not necessarily angels in upper energy planes or demons in lower energy planes though), so it's only natural for energy healing to follow for me. I totally understand where you're coming from though, since it's the way I see some other belief systems. It either clicks with you or it doesn't, and these just stuck with me since I learned about them.
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What I find fascinating is that the New Age is close to half century old and somehow it is still kept alive. There is an astonishing amount of people here in the Western societies who literally got bored out of their minds in their good life.
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Gullibility and the need to externalize blame will always exist, as will scam artists that are eager to use those tools for an easy profit. Heck, the "Land of the Free" has not been free for a long time, and is led by a scam artist.
Look how well chiropractic is doing, and that's as much of a pseudo science as reiki, or reflexology.
Don't get me started on tarot, horoscopes, religion... :P
Send me your thoughts and prayers, and a 10$ donation...
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I have a somewhat chronic ear infection that just flared up again (had it first show up last fall, and then it came back a few months ago in the spring, now back again). In the past I had to use antibiotics to treat it, but really cannot afford to see a doctor again just to write a script for ear drops.
So, I would appreciate any help you can give.
I would consider myself a moderate skeptic. That is to say... I believe in certain energy / spirit / occult things, but I do not have a strong opinion one way or the other about Reiki, or about your personal ability (no offense). So, I'm open to the possibility anyway that you can be of assistance.
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It would have been nice if your life had no problems.
The spirit of worrying about the health of others and wishing for improvement is wonderful.
Will teach you how to do "Reiki"! .
However, the acquisition cost is expensive.
Such a thing became popular.It became a bad problem.
Such an act is called "inspiration commercial law" and it is subject to monitoring from the police.
And in Japan, it fell down.
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Wouldn't hurt to try skeptic as i am,
i have a computer addiction problem which affects my life, i managed to get over it somewhat but it still lies there and it still eats up so much of my time(i now have a full time job and am a student in computer science, but my "free time" computer basically won't let me have any time to hang out with friends or even go for a jog).
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Thanks, would even add i want to lose around 15-20 kilograms(hence the jog comment in the end of my previous comment).
and i hope you'll manage to get over it as well.
don't you have a master degree reiki users that help you achieve the same kind of thing you are trying to help others achieve?
i assume they would help the students due to the fact that it would help them with any sort of doubt students may have and in addition it helps them in general?
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Having another Reiki user assist would enhance the effect, and even more if they're of Master level, but it isn't necessary. As far as I know, not being one myself, the main benefit of being a Reiki Master is that you become attuned to more symbols (there are 3 that you become attuned to at Level II, which are for extra power, emotion, and distance/group) and you are able to teach and attune others.
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lemmie rephrase,
you're a level 2 reiki practitioner, meaning you must study by yourself or in a place designed for it, and you probably know others, some better some worse than you,
what i meant is if someone is better than you(master level for example i don't really know how it works i pretty much know the term "reiki" from yu yu hakusho),, wouldn't they help you using their energy to help put you into balance regarding "Yeah, I'm dealing with that too, but haven't tried to do anything about it, even though I know I should"?
just out of curiosity.
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or it means s/he paid ten bucks and watched a youtube video
totally awesome that in one place the web page says 5 hours of videos, and somewhere else on the same page says 8 hours. likewise, one place says the manual is 250 pages, and somewhere else 160 pages
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For the record, that is the course I'm taking. I would like to add that I did buy it during a sale, but not this one. With all that said, Reiki isn't something that needs to be studied for many hours, unlike a language or other academic pursuit (of which you can learn many, including programming, deep learning, calculus, and more for only "ten bucks and a youtube video").
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i give you my permission.
Not really any adictions (well smoking but i dont want to quit tbh) but it would do me well if you send me positive vibes, been trying to find a job for 8 months and still cant land one and i am wrapping up my thesis as i present it august 6, anything helps
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s/he paid ten bucks and watched a youtube video](https://www.udemy.com/reikicourse/)
totally awesome that in one place the web page says 5 hours of videos, and somewhere else on the same page says 8 hours. likewise, one place says the manual is 250 pages, and somewhere else 160 pages
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My story? I have been sick for a little over twenty years, and things gradually got worse as chronic illnesses took over and spread around, becoming systemic, and attacking other things at will over time.
Too big to explain in detail, even in this long bit I have. Some of my... eh... 20-some-odd probs, maybe 8 or 9 rate "severe impairments".
Have a bump, and I strongly encourage any type of peaceful or calming help you can offer, especially right now if you would rather deal with specifics, or just the lyme disease in general, and the chronic fatigue and mood issues I have had lately. Lots of pain too, but I can move a little still. ;)
I am open to it if you'd like to give it a go as much or little as you think might benefit. There are many healers that have done great things with just a belief from the recipient. That's key I think... how much will I allow it to be true, and accept that possibility?
I'm going in 100%, so I'm ready!
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I have had more energy in the last few months, so it may have helped along with whatever else I've been doing to try and get healthier.
I cannot say one way or another, but I remembered my post here, and acceptance of help, occasionally, and thought about it helping in an energy sense, as I imagined it... The less I believe in something, or hold back anything, the less potential power that energy can have... so I believed it would work as much as I could. I think it's a key factor in a lot of other areas, and not just medicine/healing, as far as my own beliefs and potential sabotage if I'm not letting go of all reservations as close to 100% as possible.
Sorry I didn't update sooner. I will say it continues to be overall good with my energy even almost two months later. Whatever the case, I will take it! I'm not really worried about any specifics or exact reasons. If I feel a little better, then that works for me. Probably going in circles, but I also believe your willingness to help, and my willingness to accept were two key factors on some levels that are/were at work to make it all happen, or have a huge contribution in things having a better outcome overall.
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Permission granted.
Want my Father to have clarity and peace when he does pass away (He's 89 and probably has a few good years left 😀)
I need solace and a little peace of mind regarding where I'm at in my life.
working through emotional numbness
living a health healthier lifstyle
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If is it not much of a burden to you, maybe I could benefit from your goodwill. First to say I'm a not believer of pseudoscience, but heck, one can't just go around thinking everything one doesn't understand is a gimmick, so why not ;). In my case I don't have psychological disorders, just this weird "syndrome" called dermatographia, basically my skin bumps with hives if I apply moderate pressure, yeah, I can write on my skin :D, and while it doesn't make me feel ill, I don't consider this a normal thing and I want it gone if possible. Thanks a lot if you make a place in your mind for me.
May the force be with you always!
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Thank you very much! I'm not expecting a miracle tbh, but if something good happens I'll let you know :D
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That's some cool skin condition tbh. We had really fun back in school with one of our friend who had this skin condition.
What we did is hold his hand and quickly write something vulgar or the name of his secret crush. lol.. He had to wait several hours to fade away the embarrassment. Oh the fun we had back in the days.
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For my fortune this dissorder just started some years ago, but I can imagine how annoying would it be to suffer it on school XD, atm it just bothers if I scratch my neck or face in public, not really a big deal at the end, but is a really curious syndrome since the cause is still not known.
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I'm a massive skeptic for this type of stuff. But in this case, in this thread, you're obviously not hurting anyone, so feel free to do your thing. Even if it didn't work, maybe the placebo is enough to help them.
Well, if you have enough energy to give out, I could use help with losing weight. It's been going okay, but it could be better overall. If you have vibes to send, feel free to send them my way :D
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Well, I'm not sure how else I could've been not believing of this other than being as loud and obnoxious as a few here have been by being sarcastic and borderline angry at someone who offered something of theirs, even if it might not be real.
Placebo is an incredibly strong drug, so sometimes things like this are almost as good as modern medicine. When trying to destroy things, make sure why you do it and what the actual benefits can be. I'm also a skeptic, as you can see, but if I just wrote these things off, then I'd just be blind to the obvious benefits.
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I guess I've just seen too many desperate people throw away their last dime grasping at straws being held out to them by people flogging placebos.
A placebo is great for mild mental conditions and slight inconveniences. Unfortunately it's often the terminally ill who are in denial and have not come to terms yet with their fate that are also targeted by snake oil sellers.
I'm not saying reiki is among the greater evils, but it's still an unproven idea that gets legitimized and thus opens the doors to all kinds of placebos that are way worse.
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Unfortunately it's often the terminally ill who are in denial and have not come to terms yet with their fate that are also targeted by snake oil sellers.
Strongly disagree here. You're very much underestimating placebos. Those terminally ill are those people that most benefit from this type of stuff.
Placebos in oncology (mainly cancer) - Article from JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Placebos in Parkinson's: Article from Nature.
Placebos in drug trials: From the NCBI
The thing is that these spiritual healing things and stuff like crystals and whatever healing stones aren't bad just because they exist. It's the people behind it. Same with OP probably. I doubt that OP wants to fool us, I think they want us to actually feel better and be happier. But when you have these charlatans that hook the parents of missing children to keep paying them to talk to their kids spirits and try and help with finding them, that's where I have the issues. Even a proper medical practitioner can be an awful human being. Those that want their paycheck for minimal work, inadvertently causing dozens of preventable deaths. Those that get paid by medical companies to push certain drugs over others for gain.
Greed exists. But what you're doing now is blaming an extremely useful part of medicine for having scumbags that attach themselves to it.
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If an alternative health professional requires you to have a referral from a proper doctor then sure.
Alternative health is often like an uber though, no licensing required, no minimal skill required, anyone can just go and do it and no organisations check up on them.
There are 30+ alternatives to regular healthcare (with hundreds of subgenres), all promising things that are unproven, and none really regulated. There's thousands of people making a living off of that, with a smile on their faces.
Most of it starts with kindness, but somewhere it goes from freebies and low cost alternatives to 90$+ sessions and 6 room practices in the suburbs.
I'm all for research, not for wild growth.
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Well, the reason why I advocate for this stuff is because I've seen it work. That's actually the reason why I also mentioned those healing stones in specific. Both of them were for addiction. One of them bought a crystal for her addiction to alcoholism. It was an issue for around 10 years (I'm just rounding it up from 8-11 years) and she didn't want to go to the doctor due to the stigma around it. She got the crystal after a bad binge and over time she started drinking less and less. She's not out of the woods yet (well, you'll never be out of the woods with addiction), but she's doing very well. She attributes it to the 4 stones she got. Different minerals with supposedly different effects. Now, I'm 99.99% sure that those stones were nothing but placebo. But the fact is that she got better, she believes it and nothing else worked. That's what did it.
Anyways, she recommended it for her friend, who was depressed and had a weight issue. Again, after that she started slowly losing weight and she has thanked her multiple times for recommending the stones.
Again, it's placebo, but it got them out of their respective holes towards self improvement. Those stones cost around 20€ each. I know that because I bought one of them for the first one.
It's a ridiculously cynical world view to think that all well wishing people turn corrupt if given the chance. Maybe you're right though. Maybe we are all scumbags that should never be trusted in any situation. I think that's less of a problem with the actual topic, but something rooted deeper than that.
Everyone can get addicted. Like that woman who bought around $30,000 worth of healing crystals and spiritual healing sessions and then went bankrupt. Or the number of spiritual massage therapists that were exposed for groping people. But that is everywhere. Bernard Madoff, who was one of the best hedge fund managers, turned out to be the head of the largest ponzi scheme ever. Or the nurse who just flat out murdered people with lethal doses of drugs. Or the countless priests who molested kids. Or the teachers who have sex with their underaged students. Or the police officers who take bribes and take part in organized crime.
Look, maybe I'm too optimistic, but I don't think that most of these people want to deceive people.
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Don't get me wrong, I believe in placebo, but yes, I don't trust the human element behind it.
Placebo is the oldest medicine there is, faith and hope are strong tools, unfortunately it's also very corrupting.
I know I am a very negative person, but when a medicine only works if the lie you build around it is convincing enough, that in itself gets my hackles up.
A sugar pill costs 0.5 cent to produce, the elaborate lie surrounding it makes it expensive, and where there is a monetary gain to be made...
Just check out the yellow pages, for instance for Los Angeles, there are 1119 acupuncturists listed. To me that's a lot of people earning a living off of an elaborate lie, based on the effect of a 0.5 cent sugar pill.
Acupuncture, Reiki, Chakra, they have a long history, and I understand that the mysticism is very attractive, but the way it has all snowballed and commercialized, it reminds me of curry, döner kebab and Chinese food...it has little to do with it's origins. And then there are the recently (re)invented therapies like cranial sacral therapy, past life regression, reflexology, and 30+ others.
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" It is based on "qi ("chi"), which practitioners say is a universal life force, although there is no empirical evidence that such a life force exists. Clinical research has not shown reiki to be effective as a treatment for any medical condition. There has been no proof of the effectiveness of reiki therapy compared to placebo. An overview of reiki investigations found that studies reporting positive effects had methodological flaws."
also, you too can become a certified Reiki master for the bargain basement price of ten bucks. LESS THAN A HUMBLE MONTHLY
totally awesome that in one place the web page says 5 hours of videos, and somewhere else on the same page says 8 hours. likewise, one place says the manual is 250 pages, and somewhere else 160 pages
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Since you're basically copy/pasting the same message on the comments here, I don't feel the need to do more than copy/paste my response.
For the record, that is the course I'm taking. I would like to add that I did buy it during a sale, but not this one. With all that said, Reiki isn't something that needs to be studied for many hours, unlike a language or other academic pursuit (of which you can learn many, including programming, deep learning, calculus, and more for only "ten bucks and a youtube video").
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Like i said i am a believer, but when you extend it to that i get a little sceptic too, I think that's a bad example (but i am no expert) like even if a few people would reiki a whole country, it's not really helping them, i mean how? There are so many countries that still have so many problems..
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The thing about Reiki is that it works by the conduit directing the energy into other people to balance them at a level beyond what's physical (whether you want to call it spiritual, evergy, or whatever else you prefer), and that lessens physical and emotional problems, or assists with goals.
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Believing in this or not put aside, I want to give credits to you for
thanks for that
and after you've solved all problems of members here, this will be an even happier place with no incidents at all and support can take a long vacation, yay!
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Research (in my country) shows that 80+% of alternative healing therapies users are highly educated. There is a correlation between intelligence and depression.
I wouldn't be surprised if they also claim to be agnostics or atheists.
Human beings don't like responsibility, if they can blame an invisible power, or use an invisible power to take shortcuts, they will.
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I hope you can help yourself or even make money with it. Everyone has got to make a living somehow and if people feel better and you make money then I don't think there's any problem with it.
Maybe you can teach other people Reiki and get paid for it? Spread the profit. Hmm, sounds like a pyramid scheme.
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the problem i'm always seeing with stuff like this is that it's easy to attract desperate people and milk them dry for all they got to send them more 'energy'.
i'm not saying you're doing it or most of the folks are doing it. but it's the nature of the beast that all that 'supernatural' stuff is mostly aimed at people who have either a low education or have exhausted all other options.
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maybe. how would i know?
however i still remember the neighbour's daugther spending 300€ on a tarot fortune teller.
i won't call them idiots since that's too much but the whole family certaily didn't qualify as educated.
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10 years ago the mother of one of my sister's classmate was some reike guru as well. the family had one huge mansion plus another big building as 'convention center'. so even back then it payed quite well.
i just did some spying with google. she's 'reiki master' (seems like the right translation) and they're still doing their thing a few streets away from my place. 160 bucks for 4 session with 45 minutes each. pays for a 1080 ti in no time.
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Reiki is a Japanese spiritual/energy healing technique founded by Mikao Usui. The term "reiki" means "universal life energy" in English, and works by a practitioner becoming a conduit to send energy to the recipient(s).
I have recently become a certified Level II Reiki practitioner, and will soon be a certified Reiki Master. As a Level II practitioner, I am able to send Reiki over any distance, heal emotional imbalances, and also heal past trauma to affect current physical or emotional pain.
Is anybody here interested in receiving Reiki? Skeptics are welcome. Nothing would need to be done on your part, aside from giving permission. You are more than welcome to list addictions you want to quit, things you want to change about yourself, injuries or illnesses, etc.
I will do my best to answer any questions or address any comments here, and you may also add me on Steam for quicker responses.
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