My friend said "Fear The Wolves" was gonna be the best battle royale game ever and I thought it was the dumbest thing I've heard today. I was wrong.
Unrelated question, can you send someone bad energy ? Like make them feel terrible, unhappy, depressed ? I'm not looking for a spiritual assassin or anything but there is someone I'm not allowed to punch and I'm desperate.
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Yes anyone can send bad energy (you too).
And normaly he can do it "better" sounds wrong with bad energy but you know what i mean but each one that do that pays a price for it.
Question yourself if you REALLY feel better when you wish anyone bad things.
Not in the first few minutes, i mean days or weeks later.
Did it feels then good ?
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I spoke from sending bad energy ... not Darth Vader Powers :-D grinning
We don't know Trump in Reallife, we don't have really "problems" with him yes sure he is a dumb, greedy, asshole that have much too much power for such a little brain BUT did he harm you or anyone around you in a direct way ? don't have much anger and such stuff on him.
I don't think that you can reach the Master degree without any teaching.
But i think too that you don't get it from a $10 online course
I think there is very clear what i think over Reiki and Online Reiki:
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When you take energy from around you and focuse it on anything you take a small part of it for yourself. So when you play around with bad energy you take a part for yourself too. Similar as the rest of stuff in a pipe after the stuff you wanted to flow throught it are gone.
It will lead to nothing good at/in yourself.
If you can get sick or how sick i can't answer. I am only at a beginner level and don't have the intention to go higher at the nearer future. Maybe a Reiki Master can answer that question.
I don't think that good energy can cure deadly stuff or bad energy can cause deadly stuff.
From my point of view good energy helps that you feel better, that you haven't pain or lesser pain, that you have the energy to change things in your life, that you have the energy to go to a doctor or clinic and can life with the often bad stuff they tell you. Such directions.
When i feel that anyone take a lot of energy that are far away from the normal energy sucking/needing of people that are only exhausted at a special point i give them the advice to go to a doctor. That feels right for me.
And the most important thing is to do or use only the things that feels right for you :o)
And the bad energy let the (bad) karma happens/strikes earlier ^^ to say it short Or in longer: Maybe anyone feels sick, don't have energy, don't sleep well, have bad emotions and feelings, trouble with the partner or other people that harm this one in any other way -normaly in the way he harmed other ones-. So it, often, came back like a Boomerang^^.
But again i am a beginner -i use Reiki since 9 years, 8 from them on Level 1-, i am far away from knowing all (and i don't know a Master that knows "all" :-D).
I am very often curious where are the limits of anything, what can you do/don't do and all around such questions.
Curiosity used in that way leads to "moving energy/changing yourself or the look/view on anything", pleasure, satisfaction, knowledge. Maybe frustration too but the main feelings would be good :o) at least in the most cases
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Friends of our family had a neighbour, and they always had disputes about fences, trees, ugly garden decor. One day they had another yelling match, and the male friend of the family said "Drop dead" and walked away. About 20 minutes later an ambulance arrived, the neighbour was dead.
Arguments cause heart-attacks, our friend knew he didn't have special powers, but still the guilt of having said that was a heavy burden for the rest of his life.
But a little injury can sure give a nice feeling, pesky little brat :)
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Kids are much more direct the adults with there emotions. No/lesser filters, pure emotions (good and bad ones).
He done shi*, he got punished, all good.
You remember back on that time and feels how it was as you were a child.
All on it is complete ok and don't get me wrong... i think too that he got what he deserved -a injury that normaly should changed his behavior...-
And to think that way as a adult is not bad too^^ ... but it is possible that you have bad feelings too when a adult broke his nose for "broke a toy". I can't explain it better but i hope you understand what i intent to say with my words
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I guess why not, it can't hurt at maybe someone will think about me with good intentions then :D
Some general good mood, putting up with shit, keep doing what you want type of thing is all I need, considering everything I'm in a very good spot of the past years.
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Sounds interesting ^^
I tends to have positive energy, but my body feels heavy and tired due to lack of sleep because of my hobby XD
If it's not bothering you, I would like to receive some positive reiki XD
Thank you ^^
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Hi Alex,
because we are steam friends i think i can be direct, without harming you with it.
First of all i think you are very courageous to write that in a thread at sg.
Not the typical "target group" here^^.
And i like that you offer help for different people.
I haven't readed all that were written in the thread. I will do this over the next days, step by step, because it is so much and i want say sooooo much :o)
I have a Level 1 Reiki certificate from the Reiki Alliance.
You wrote from a online course of the that brought you the Level 1+2 Level in a few months.
From that small infos i know that this way is clearly the wrong one. That site is the wrong media for such things and you didn't know anything over the teacher (or at least i don't have readed anything over that -please remember i don't have readed all right now-). You don't wrote from which Reiki Group the teacher is/learned from. It give big differences by the techniques. As example have the Reiki Alliance no standard handle positions at the backside of your body. Other Reiki Associations have other standard handle positions that would be teached.
That Reiki Master/Group act not in a right way and you can't learned all you need/should have/know. Online is it impossible to learn all AND the timeframe fits in no way. But i think it would be, very?, cheap at this site.
Between Level 1 and 2 "must" lay a bigger timeframe -lets say at least 3 month... better 6-9 months- and in that timeframe must the Level 1 use his Reiki. The master degree should come after Level 2 at least 1 year later.
The prices should be around 120€/Level 1, 600€/Level 2, 5000-10000€ Level 3 (Master). As a Master of the Reiki Alliance you can teach others, to Master Level too, at other Reiki Associations you don't have the right to teach other ones to the master level. They must then travel to the Associations base and will be teached there (and only a very small people circle earn anything). I know such things because my female Reiki Master was first at the Master Level of a different Association but changed after she get told that she can't teach others to the master level.
My (ex ex ex...) girlfriend had done Reiki. I don't thinked it helps and let her do her "crazy stuff". Wanted nothing to know or hear about it. She often questioned me about helping me with my (daily) bowel pains. I refused over a year -yes let anyone help me is not my strongest side :-D-. After that i accepted at a evening because i only wanted that she shut up and i have silnce and peace (with a lot of pain you are not every time nice^^). I thinked she do it, it will bring nothing but after it i can say i have tried it. After a few seconds the pain was gone and i was shocked. I tested it from that day one many many times with her and it always worked (and i was not open from the beginning for it... i was the opposite of that :-D). Then i started to examine it -Prof. Masafor :-D-. I wanted that she send me energy to a part and don't say me which one and after i wrote it down she should tell me at which point she sended it. That it is not to easy i made more exactly stuff like the forehead, the knee and such ones. Each time she send me energy and i wrote it down it was 100% compliant. 23 from 23 tries, made at 2 days. So i had then the thinking that this are a bit much of "coincidents". Then i started to experiment because i said when she can do it i can do it too (without any initiation, training or whatever else^^). And yes i had done it. You feel when anyone needs energy (illness, problems at a special point of the body, working much too much and such things), the (feeled) temp of yourself raises you start to sweat. And a bit of the energy you take from around you, you use for yourself. That is the right way and let you feel good.
I gone to Reiki Meetings with my (ex ex ex...) girlfriend -mostly each 2 weeks 1 time- that had a Level 2 degree and knows the female Reiki master for many years. Was a friend of her and later from me too. In that year i paid 2 times 5€ for the room, electric., tea, candles and such stuff. In the end i made more costs than gave^^.
The Master teached me different things besides it. At the beginning i made a big "mistake" it was not really a "mistake" because i done it knowingly with the will to help my girlfriend (the intention was good, the choosed way not). I gave her Reiki -energy from around-, gave her energy from me (bad idea but i thinked she need it more then i and i was not so important for myself then she was) and took her stress, bad feelings, anger and such stuff. Sucked it up at the same time as i give the energy (nearly as a blood washing machine works weary smile). After that she was happy, free, "10 years younger", with power and such things. She said that i have done anything else but can't named it. I had light breath problems, pain in the breast, feeled sick, very weak and such things. The female Reiki master came at the evening over for a tea and talk and said after 1 min. that anything is wrong with me and what i had did. I told her i gave Reiki nothing else. After she seen my girlfriend she said she know what i have done and that this is the wrong way to solve HER problems (much too much work -waste of energy without loading her energy up with a bt of relaxing time-, anger and aggression as examples). She must do it by herself (at least the first/main steps). She was not nice, washed me my head and made clear that i done a very risky thing that can cost me much more then i imagined. You know the fact that, a lot, think they know it better when they start with anything. I was one of them :-D. The master took down that waste and solved the problem.
Since that time i never took anything (bad) from someone on myself.
She teached me to feel the Aura of people and that people can expand or reduce it. Mostly, clearly, reduced by ill people. I checked that ones with writing down at which point i feeled the Aura and she done the same. It fits each time with around a accuracy of +/- 2cm.
She teached me that you should not always give, anyone, the energy and time for free and should get from time to time anything back. That must not be money but "the energy must flow in both directions". So it is not bad when you demand/want anything -maybe that this one looks at a other time on your child, that you get a few fruits from there trees in the garden or whatever else.
After a year i got the initiation to the first level as a present from my girlfriend.
It changed nearly nothing.
Each one can practice Reiki (on level 1).
The only difference is that the teached (initiated) ones can do it a bit better, but a unteached one can come to the same level with practice, practice, practice and practice (exception are the above teached specials).
Each one that make Reiki are nothing "special" and each one that think and act as they are "the holy grail" or talk as "she/he have healed anyone" have very big mental problems-. We are only a better "tube/pipe" and can bundle the energy around us a bit better with our (opened) Chakras -that will be done at the initiation and after that you can do it easier/better/stronger (thats the difference between initiated and not initiated- (at the hands, the forehead, the breast..). People from india -and other asiatic countries- knows Chakras :o)
I give a part of my family, relatives and friends from time to time Reiki. Each time when they don't telled me anything before i started and i feel there is anything that take a lot of energy they said me "oh yeah i worked 14 days each day 12h+" or "i was by the doctor and i have the fresh problem XYZ there" and each time when i said in the past "you took a lot of energy at that and that point, please go to a doctor and let them look", the people had there a problems that are found by a doctor (kidney stones, bladder inflamation and such things). So nothing with "coincidences".
The Reiki Master had Anatomy knowledge and had always said "that point are the bladder, the kiddney" and such things. I don't habe the knowledge and can only say at this point you take a lot of energy, go to a doctor and let him look at it. Sometimes a bit frustrating but i think i will learn a bit more about Anatomy in the future -when i have solved a few bigger things in my life that are more important-.
When anyone can advice a online site or a book for it i would be grateful.
In the next bigger town you can have Reiki in different wellness clinics and a thermal bath. In germany you can't, nearly, do anything that are not approved (with a lot of paperwork). They take 60€ for each 45 Min.. When i give a full Reiki Session it is mostly around 1h.
I will scan and upload a few things (certificate and such things) tomorrow. Too sleepy right now.
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I know a friend of mine, who goes every month to Reiki. I've always been skeptical about this kind of stuff, because I think it's just a placebo at best. But you're welcome to change my mind, if you have time or will to do so. There are few things I'd want to fix. My right shoulder and arm have tendencies to hurt at random times. I can't lift heavy things with my right arm. Also my face, hell boy, I'm the ugliest mother trucker you could ever know. That's because of my nose, which is always swelling and red from acne and stuff. I'm like Rudolph the reindeer, without being the deer. Last thing, I'd want to change physically is my bad eating habits. I've let myself gone to the level, I hate myself. I've been depressed for few years. I even found a girlfriend, but that helped only for a while.
Thank you for your time.
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I'll gladly accept some positive energy sent in my direction. I've been having this back pains for as long as I can remember and would be nice to have some of that pain alleviated. Usually the cervical area is the most intense, and probably doesn't help that work keeps me strapped (figuratively speaking) to a chair around 8h a day (not every day) and when I'm home, if I want to get on the PC, I have to, again, sit on a chair, which is vicious cycle for my back.
I'm pretty much skeptical when it comes to energy related therapies, but there's no harm in trying, I guess.
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Reiki does work but it is a bit old energy.
World changes too fast and Energy you use for healing should be updated too.
It might be why you are not rally feeling it.
I also got Reiki but never felt it even I believe in energy and "stuff"
After I got Cosmoenergetica I really felt it.
And it changed my life in many ways.
Right now I am a practioner of Cosmoenergetica.
When I got initiated into Reiki my "master" just initiated me.
What if you have cources orblokages in your chackras?
You can't initiate correctly when person has them.
First you have to prepare the person energetically.
So if you are interested please consider other things too.
Family Constalletion is also very powerfull.
Then there is Seraphim.
Dekksha (I probably mistyped)
If you want to venture into a spiritual jorney Reiki is just a good starting point.
By the way for the skeptics.
I had a Peruvian lady who had 4th level cancer.
(I live in Turkey, she was at Peru)
She was supposed to die in a couple of weeks so I accepted her.
(I don't usually work on people who have 4th level cancer)
It's been half a year she is still alive.
I cured my grandmom's extremely bad shaped kidneys in two sessions.
They were so bad doctor couldn't give pills and only suggested to drink water.
Energy theraphy does work.
But first you really have to want it.
Energy will not let you play with it.
You really have to want to change. Get better etc.
Because in aspiritual point of view you want these experiences.
And only you can decide to change.
So a healer cannot force heal someone.
Etc Etc
Books suggested:
journey Home
2150 AD
A guide for organ problems
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To be honest i felt nothing much (as opposed to a personal 1 on 1 treatment someone gave to me years ago), and actually i am feeling more bad healthwise in the last month (but i also drink alcohol which offcourse isn't good and will stop when it's my bday next week), plus the stress.
Hoped you could have atleast helped someone though.
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Reiki is a Japanese spiritual/energy healing technique founded by Mikao Usui. The term "reiki" means "universal life energy" in English, and works by a practitioner becoming a conduit to send energy to the recipient(s).
I have recently become a certified Level II Reiki practitioner, and will soon be a certified Reiki Master. As a Level II practitioner, I am able to send Reiki over any distance, heal emotional imbalances, and also heal past trauma to affect current physical or emotional pain.
Is anybody here interested in receiving Reiki? Skeptics are welcome. Nothing would need to be done on your part, aside from giving permission. You are more than welcome to list addictions you want to quit, things you want to change about yourself, injuries or illnesses, etc.
I will do my best to answer any questions or address any comments here, and you may also add me on Steam for quicker responses.
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