Mrs.Nichelle Nichols just died at the respectable age of 89. For those who don't know her, she was one of the crew members, as Lieutenant Uhura, starring in the original Star Trek series with William "Captain Kirk" Shatner.
She was also part of one of the first ever interacial kiss in american TV, back in 66 when segregation was still an official fact in the USA.
Thank you, Madam Nichols. May you be remembered and rest in peace.

Mandatory gib: Y r 0 P 8 (it's Everhood)

2 years ago

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Did you watch the original Star Trek series ?

View Results
Yes, as my first Star Trek experience
Yes, by curiosity after watching newer Star Trek series or movies

Sad to hear that. Precisely I'm watching the original series these last weeks when I don't have anything else to watch.

Rest in peace.

2 years ago

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I haven't watched any of the newer movies or series, but I watched the entire original series last year. I'll probably watch the older movies and The Next Generation series in order as well, but I haven't started them yet.

2 years ago

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She could be considered the original person of this pictogram.

2 years ago

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Rest in Peace.

2 years ago

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A life well-lived by the sound of it, at least.

2 years ago

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Unfortunately things happen in 3s .... during July we also lost David Warner and Paul Sorvino, both had guest appearances on Star Trek.

David Warner most might remember as the professor from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Secret of the Ooze. He starred 3 times in Star Trek, twice in 2 different roles in OG Star Trek movies, and once in Next Gen.

Paul Sorvino on the other hand most, most would remember him as a gangster in the likes of Goodfellas, etc. He starred in Next Gen as Worf's brother.

2 years ago

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Rest in peace.

2 years ago

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Modern Star Trek sucks bad with all the unnecessary left-wing politics, identity agendas and Trump bashing nonsense.

2 years ago

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I haven't seen the new Star Trek series, maybe they're too heavy on the politics commentary, I don't know, but having watched all the series and movies up to Enterprise, I can say with no doubt that Star Trek ha always been left wing.

2 years ago

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I followed all Star Treks.

TOS didn't have the first interracial kiss for nothing, so you are right that was always there.

However Discovery really tried to push alot through, it had to have a black character as a lead, a lesbian actor and some non gender kid, and in Strange New Worlds hinting at a lesbian couple, you didn't see that in the 80-90's, but it's probably also just the time we live in.
And Picard i would say was just like TNG and not that political.
What did change was that until the movies and the Enterprise series Star Trek was always kinda soapy (why many soap actors played in Star Trek), now just like the movies, the focus is more on speed and action (especially in Discovery).

A quote from Nichols:"Gene's whole vision was that minorities weren't on set because we were minorities, we were on set because in the future, our diverse world would all be working together as equals. I understand that everyone needs to see role models that can inspire them and talk to them and represent them, but I believe that we need to move to a future that transcends race, gender, or anything else. We're all people.".

2 years ago*

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However Discovery really tried to push alot through

Because the other ST shows were "woke" by their time period standards. The future they were painting back then was a future sprouting from the 1960ies. And just like they wouldn't do a show about the future where computers look like 1960ies tvs, they couldn't do a show about the future that was thinking like the 1980ies.

A quote from Nichols

Exactly. And she didn't say that to justify the hatred towards the new shows. It's the opposite.

2 years ago

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While I also consider the new shows terrible, you really can't be a Trekkie at all if you never managed to register that radical progressiveness is the DNA of Star Trek. Always was.

You remind me of the "fans" of Rage Against the Machine, who were upset that they "became political". There really are people out there who wonder why one of the most political bands expresses opinions on politics. ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ

2 years ago

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you really can't be a Trekkie at all if you never managed to register that radical progressiveness is the DNA of Star Trek. Always was.

Thank you! Every time I read some radical right winger sob in his beer about the good ole Star Trek, I'm laughing my ass off.
Roddenberry was a liberal. He wrote a show in the 1960ies about a utopian future with a black female character, a Russian character (in the middle of the cold war), an Asian character and the first interracial kiss on television... and William Shatner.

Now tell me how the 21st century made Star Trek "political" lol

The new show are bad because they are badly written. Only the season one of Picard was half decent and they screwed the pooch after that.

2 years ago

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And TNG was literally dripping with philosophical-political progressive topics. But I guess right-wingers can't notice Picard criticizing capitalism when he is doing that while fighting the Borg.

2 years ago

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But I guess right-wingers can't notice Picard criticizing capitalism when he is doing that while fighting the Borg.

lol yeah plus the internet wasn't there to tell them that it was baaaaaaaad.

If TOS was on right now, it would be called "woke" on every social media available. Twice on reddit. What with the commie agenda and the forced diversity and the feminazism.
Uhura would be one of the most hated character on tv.

2 years ago

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The new show are bad because they are badly written. Only the season one of Picard was half decent and they screwed the pooch after that.

Also there's simply waay too many of them. First there was Discovery (which is still running AFAIK) and despite having a few cool moments I still haven't decided if I like it or not. Then there was Lower Decks which is mostly entertaining and at least brought a new perspective to the franchise. Then there was Picard which failed to hold my interest after a few episodes in my first attempt to watch it and now there's Strange New Worlds... all within what... 4 years?

Who has time to watch all that? Typical case of too much of a good thing....

Edit: I forgot Prodigy - which just further illustrates my point ๐Ÿ˜…

2 years ago*

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Strange New Worlds is actually supposed to be the first show doing Star Trek justice. At least that was the first feedback I heard. As Paramount+ isn't available in Germany yet I can't judge it myself. Till then I'll keep my hope under control. ;)

2 years ago

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I'll probably give it a go soon then but I'm currently doing a 3rd runthrough of Stargate Universe.

Also when it comes to Sci-fi I seem to be in the minority...
Despite it's flaws and some completely intolerable characters I think Universe was the strongest Stargate show and despite the main storyline being lacklustre Enterprise (2001) was almost the perfect embodyment of modern Star Trek to me.

2 years ago*

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Can't argue with that, you are (hopefully) the minority. ;)
The idea of Enterprise had potential but with Archer and Tucker the show had two of the imho most annoying and unlikeable lead characters of any show I've seen. While Tucker wasn't always bad, Archer just is ... the worst Captain ever. In any reality.

2 years ago

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It's been a while since I watched it but wasn't Tucker basically just a rehashed Tom Paris? (a pretty boy from an old military family)

Archer just is ... the worst Captain ever. In any reality.

No, that price goes to Colonel Young from Universe.
Archer had a dog on board. He must be a sweetheart ๐Ÿ˜…

2 years ago

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Strange New Worlds is actually supposed to be the first show doing Star Trek justice

That's what the IMDB bros thought because there was a white guy in the captain seat. Sadly it seems their hopes were dashed after the first episode lol

2 years ago

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While the ratings dropped below 8.0 mid-season, the first and final episodes were widely praised. Oh well, I shall judge myself somewhen early 2023. xD

2 years ago

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I think this white guy, white woman, asian woman ok... I loved that she was actually from the evil parallel dimension thing is getting old...

I wanna see a Star Trek show with a non-human captain ๐Ÿ˜

2 years ago

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I wanna see a Star Trek show with a non-human captain ๐Ÿ˜

I was actually surprised they didn't do that with one of the 20 shows they are having. I guess the limitations imposed by SFX makeup are just at play.

2 years ago

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I guess the limitations imposed by SFX makeup are just at play.

I don't know. If the SFX are good enough for an alien first officer (who is more distinct from humans than Vulcans are) why not a captain?

In my opinion the backstory of the first officer (and his people) was one of the stronger parts of Discovery as far as I've seen it.

2 years ago*

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I don't know. If the SFX are good enough for an alien first officer (who is more distinct from humans than Vulcans are) why not a captain?

I think there are two things that could be problematic for a lead actor in this case:

  • the number of hours poor Doug Jones spends in the makeup chair and in post prod rerecording his lines because the makeup got in the way means less hours available for actual camera work, making the whole thing too unreliable for lead characters
  • even with the amazing advances of the current prosthetics tech, it really takes Jones's talent and experience to be able to emote with so much latex and makeup hiding facial expressions. It probably wouldn't be viable with a protagonist they are trying to get people to relate to.

I'm all for it though. And I agree his backstory is really interesting so that could definitely add a depth to a captain chair.

2 years ago

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You're making good points there. I'm probably taking SFX and prosthetics for granted and not considering all the hard work and hours that go into it just because the end result often looks amazing.

I mean even that Discworld show The Watch which tried and failed miserably to adapt one of my favourite discworld novels killed off Detritus pretty early on in the most stupid and canon-breaking way because presumably the prosthetics were too expensive / bothersome.

Also I have to amend my previous statement that Colonel Young from Stargate Universe is the single worst captain in Sci-fi history.

While he is completely inapt on a professional and not particularly likeable on a personal level (would you kindly keep your dick in your pants for fucks sake and stop acting like a child) that price should actually go to Seth MacFarlane as Captain Seth MacFarlane in Orville.

If you feeling comfortable with it I'd be really curious to know why you disliked Archer so much.
If my memory serves me right he appeared to be a level-headed, respectful and likeable officer to me.
Granted maybe more of a military man than the Starfleet we know and love from earlier shows but I think that makes sense for the time period.

Don't worry this is not gonna turn into an argument ๐Ÿ˜‰

Edit: Sorry, I just realized that was Golwar not you. Red avatars plus late hours I suppose ๐Ÿ˜…

2 years ago*

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I mean even that Discworld show The Watch which tried and failed miserably to adapt one of my favourite discworld novels

Ugh. I was expecting so much from that show. They definitely bit off more than they could chew.

that price should actually go to Seth MacFarlane as Captain Seth MacFarlane in Orville.

Heh I'd have to concur. But then again the show started as most of MacFarlane projects do, as a man child parody, so it's hard to compare to proper scifi. It's only later when sooo many pseudo trekkies started hailing the show as the "only true heir to Star Trek" that they started taking themselves seriously. Unfortunately you can't walk back such a character even if you try, especially with MacFarlane.

If you feeling comfortable with it I'd be really curious to know why you disliked Archer so much.

I didn't dislike him that bad. I just felt he lacked a little gravitas that I had associated with the captain seat (I mean since Kirk). He was a little on the lightweight side, which is probably why they pushed on the military side to compensate.
I guess I was just expecting too much and Bakula being a good actor, I just thought they'd have more complexity there than they ended up going for.

Don't worry this is not gonna turn into an argument ๐Ÿ˜‰

Heh I have a special power. I tend to know with whom a discussion is going to turn into a debate and with whom it's going to turn into a fist fight online so I'm not worried with you.

2 years ago

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Hm gravitas... I'll try to consider / pay attention to that the next time I rewatch the show.

While I'm not sure about Kirk (granted TOS is soo long ago it's hard to tell) Picard most certainly had that but in my opinion he was lacking the respect for the common crew I expect from an officer.

Also (and this is just a sidenote) when I was a child and they made the switch from Kirk to Picard I was like

Why did they drag this old man from an end-of-life care facility and drape him on the captains chair?

Took me quite a while to get used to him and his personal style of command but I can't deny he turned out to be probably the most beloved captain in Star Trek history.

2 years ago

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That's what happens when a company gets their hands on a franchise these days but yeah even Disney is not churning Star Wars movies and tv shows at the same rate lol

2 years ago

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even Disney is not churning Star Wars movies and tv shows at the same rate


I think they're trying to make Star Trek appealing to everyone which is NEVER going to work even if they had a dozen concurrent shows.

2 years ago*

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Actually, Disney is producing more shows in a shorter time. Just today they showed the trailer for Andor.
The main difference is that most shows at Disney run for just one season.

2 years ago

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You are right, they have been doing quite a few lately. I forgot about the Mandalorian spin-offs because that's not really Star Wars to me and I didn't watch the McGregor Obi Wan as I wasn't very fond of the prequel trilogy either.

2 years ago

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Did you really need to bring your politics into this thread dude?

2 years ago

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A truly legendary series. To the space, Lieutenant Uhura

2 years ago

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Gene Roddenberry made the right choice seeking a racially diverse cast for Star Trek: representation matters. I remember reading how Whoopi Goldberg sought an acting career inspired by Nichelle Nichols.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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Nice. Thanks for sharing

2 years ago

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Rest in Power, Lt Uhura.

Love it or hate it, her character was ground breaking and Nichelle was a pioneer.
She will be remembered long after she's gone.

2 years ago

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RIP Uhura!

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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