I recently traded with one dude. Gave him my humble bundle link game and received steam key for the game I wanted from him. I activated the game and now, 2 days later i receive this message:

Basically it says, that due to a problem with the payment method guy who traded with me used to acquire this item it has been removed from my account.

  1. Was the guy a scammer?
  2. Is there anything I can do to get it back on my account?
  3. Is there a way to check steam key I've gotten was paid for legitimately and won't get deleted from my account in the future?
9 years ago

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  1. Talk to the guy.
  2. Talk to the guy.
  3. Contact Steam support and ask them.
9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 years ago.

9 years ago

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You will need to remove this, because calling out is breaking rules itself.

9 years ago

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There was someone trading stolen keys, his profile is a mess of negative reps right now. Doubt he will give a damn about refunding you (he is claiming his account was hacked), and Valve won't do anything.

9 years ago

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  1. Yes
  2. No, Steam is not encouraging trading, and since it was for Steam key, Support won't help you.
  3. No, at least not yet. i've been thinking on a system like Origin's, which first checks what kind of key is that, THEN asks you if you are going to activate it, but Valve didn't implement such thing into Steam yet. Also: Check the price of the game, If a stranger asks a cheap bundle game for a 15 EUR one, be cautious. I recommend you the Enhanced Steam browser plugin, and also check who are you trading with. If you are trading with a private profiled user, ask him/her to change their profile public or the trade. If they refuse, immediately refuse the trade.

EDIT: Apparently his account was hacked, but as long as he/she can't prove it, I wouldn't forgive him/her.
EDIT 2: Maybe if you (who were harmed) contact him, he may post some proofs, but still Support won't give a damn ****

9 years ago*

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yes x3. valve doesn't care much for traded keys.

9 years ago

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I am generally very cautious when trading.
I am also using Enhanced Steam and always check their reputation/Steam level.
Guy had over 30 positive feedback, 0 negative and 31 Steam level. Why would I not trust him?

It's the first time I got scammed too. I guess the only way to prevent it, is to not trade for Steam keys.

9 years ago

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Guy had over 30 positive feedback, 0 negative and 31 Steam level. Why would I not trust him?

well maybe because those positive feedbacks were not old enough and he was accepting bundle games for a non-bundle game that didn't have a deep discount yet. not even mentioning the endless supply. none of those gave it away to you?

9 years ago*

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To be safe I requested him to give me the key first, since I have much higher Steam level, he agreed. I activated game first. I thought that once game is on my account it cannot be removed from it.

9 years ago

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Do you believe in Santa Claus too?

9 years ago

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Well, for what I've heard there were cases where people got their Steam giftable copies revoked as well. It really doesn't matter if it's a key or Steam giftable copy if it comes to scams :/

9 years ago

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There were cases where a guy with over 100 reps scammed people. That's sad.

We all get burned someday, no matter how careful we are, I think.

9 years ago

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if only someone tryed to warn us. o wait http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/LfO4M/psa-scammer-on-steamgifts-and-steamtrades-using-a-stolen-credit-card

"she" got suspended for that post

9 years ago

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So I got scammed and there was no way for me to prevent it.
Seems like a pretty flawed system to me...
Besides, what store gives you keys before making sure they got the money first?

9 years ago

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None. But some jerks will do a charge back to avoid paying, or use stolen credit cards, stuff like that.

9 years ago

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No you got scammed because you where too greedy for your own good and traded a near worthless bundle game for a brand new non bundled game that hasn't been discounted yet, ever.
Say you go out and buy a brand new Mercedes for 200 dollars from some random guy that turns out to be stolen so the police come and take it back from you, are you going to blame the police? the judicial system? don't blame the system blame yourself this could have easily been avoided if you didn't try to get a deal that was to good to be true.

9 years ago

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its like when you buy a ps4 for $50 in the wallmart parking lot just to find out its full of rocks.

9 years ago

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What system is flawed, exactly?

9 years ago

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  1. Guy buys games with stolen credit card
  2. You activate the stolen game on your account
  3. Purchase get revoked.
  4. The game is removed from your account.

The system is working as intended.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Really hate retarded comment all bold all caps like this.

9 years ago

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Really hate retarded people with anime avatars.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy !!

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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wot the... u win this time !!!!

9 years ago

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until next time licious..

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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That's my favourite quote! Thumbs up for street credibility =D

9 years ago

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  1. He might not be one. Same thing happened to me once and I confronted the guy and he said his bank had some problems since it's closed to outside of country payments. He offered me to re-buy them 3 days later and I wanted some different games for the same price then he bought the games I wanted 3 days later.

So no, he's not necessarily a scammer.

  1. No, unless he rebuys same things again and give them to you. Steam can't give backs revoked games.

  2. No there is not, you better be careful about who you're trading with and make sure they have +100 rep or something and zero negatives. Also check peoples profiles on steamrep.com which gives info about scammers.

Even if you don't get the game back, don't worry. We all been there, I got scammed 4 times even though I'm extremely careful. There are always bad tomatoes. Have a good day and a nice trading career ^^

9 years ago

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He claims he was hacked, and is apparently blocking any of those users that try to add him again.

9 years ago

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At this point, perhaps that using something like "I'm sorry but I have a multiple personality disorder, it was Wenda's fault, not mine!" would be a better excuse than his hacked account one.

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Before the guy says "I got hacked", this is completely unrelated to his Steam account. Steam doesn't sell CDKEYs. So this guy got those CDKEYs from somewhere else, probably a non-authorized reseller or obtained via card fraud or chargeback.

Someone actively "bought" that CDKEY from somewhere, and traded it with you. Then you want me to believe that the "hacker" stole his info, bought CDKEY and traded with you, it's a bit too much. Yes the guy is a scammer, until he proves he's not (unlikely).

9 years ago

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He most certainly is. If he was truly hacked, the guy responsible would have activated the games on their own account to ensure they were kept after the owner managed to recover it. They were instead activated on the account responsible for the trades.

9 years ago

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plus the guy crafted lots of badges during the last 2 weeks. what kind of hacker would be doing that?? xD

9 years ago

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Perhaps, and I admit this is a bot of a stretch, but perhaps this alleged hacker was trying to fuck with the account owner by using his cards to craft badges, thus depriving them of the income derived from selling the cards?

9 years ago

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Most traders are highly untrustable nowadays, even with those with high rep, since rep can be faked nowadays. I'd recommend a site which is trustable but it'd be referring, and takes time to build up currency.

9 years ago

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A trader with high rep build over the course of months or years is generally quite safe. A trader like the scammer we're talking about here who got high rep in the course of 3 days by making too-good-to-be-true deals should definitely be a red flag.

9 years ago

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Oh hey, Never Alone. What a coincidence!

9 years ago

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  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. Buy them yourself from a reputable store
9 years ago

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Just give him negative rep.

9 years ago

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He can just delete it.

9 years ago

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Not on the steamgifts site right ?

9 years ago

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No, I meant he can just delete negative rep comments on his Steam profile.

9 years ago

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You bought a crack gift.

Whenever I buy a flat-screen with no box from some guy in an alley for 20 bucks I don't usually get surprised when the remote is missing.

9 years ago

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Yeah they usually don't have time to grab the controller when they steal them

9 years ago

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Unless they stop for a quick pizza.

9 years ago

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Leftover pizza really hits the spot. I'm sure they appreciate it when they can grab a TV and a bite to eat on their way out.

9 years ago

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oh kurwa :/

9 years ago

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you can cancel your payment to humblebundle .

9 years ago

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@StrangeletPL did you already leave feedback yet on the guy/girl?

9 years ago

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I did not. I was about to, but I noticed that his account is already permabanned on steamgifts.

9 years ago

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He probably got to scam a few more people out of it. Consider yourself lucky that you didn't lose anything too valuable and think this kind of deal may be too good to be true next time.

9 years ago

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If this person did in fact commit fraud, I would like to know what is being done about it if possible. As it is illegal in most countries, most certainly the country this website is hosted in, so that would implicate it in any legal proceedings as it did in fact help facilitate the transaction. I hope the site is following up with anything it can do to help prevent this in the future and to help in any way it can with what happened.

9 years ago

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He scammed you, talk to steam support and report that guy

9 years ago

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it gives you basicly nothing, steam is not supporting any game keys / links trades, purchases and so on, well nowadays they dont support even trades in window if you disable email confirmation, all you can do honestly speaking is to report on sites like steamrep (which also give you nothing and it will take like a year to confirm) and steamtrades, sit in the corner and cry, because there is nothing you can do to reverse trade or get back your stuff

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by StrangeletPL.