Going with the theme from my last topic, I want to know now what the most disturbing game you ever played was.

For ANY reason.

Aliens Colonial Marines. And that's because the only disturbing thing about it was the price I paid for it.

4 years ago

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the suffering... available on G.O.G for pc. some of the speeches the convicts said were fucked up, like the dude in the electric chair.

manhunt... some of the most brutal murder scenes for its time. dont get on pc as rockstar is selling it broken.

back in the day i got them both at the same time. what a great month of gaming.

4 years ago

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thrill kill.... had some scenes that were so disturbing it was removed from the american market. ps1

thanks to the internet and my trusty boot disk i was able to play it.

4 years ago

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rule of rose. ps2

4 years ago

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Lmao, i immediately remembered this game but couldn't remember the name :D It felt good to see on the first comment :D

4 years ago

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The first Homefront.
Horror games are scary but they are just fantasy.
Homefront on the other hand could happen, I mean, it shows a real possibility of everything going to hell.

4 years ago*

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Which one?

4 years ago

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Hmmm, why?

4 years ago

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Observer is a clear winner for me: so much body horror, rendered with gruesome realism. It's a very bleak look at the future.

4 years ago

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I have the game and have been wanting to play it for a while since I love terror games. The thing is, i like the psychologycal one, like Good old Silent hill and can't stand too much gore (things going into the eyes to be precise). Do you think I still should play it?

4 years ago

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There is definitely a psychological aspect of the horror present in the game, but the body horror stuff is way more prominent. So if you can't stand gore, perhaps this isn't the game for you.

4 years ago

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That's odd. I remember the main aspect of Observer being pschological (suspense / mystery mainly)?

4 years ago

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I dont know, most of the time you are walking around in the building and there are a few audiovisual walking sim sequences. I wouldn't call most of it psychological, since you are mostly just an observer (hence the title).

4 years ago

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I meant more that the horror was based on suspense, and the unnerving stuff is 'psychological' insomuch that the threat to you is somewhat indirect (depersonalisation) rather than overt physical attacks. Unless I'm misremembering certain sequences, the gore aspect was secondary to the fact that fatalities occurred in the shape of murders, rather than explosive action-porn or exaggerated torture or brutality. I mean the crime scenes / corpses were suitably gruesome but I don't remember them being full blown 'gorn', if that makes any sense?

4 years ago

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I agree with all of that, but I still feel like the body horror part of it was more prominent. Maybe I spent to much time wandering inthe building. To my mind, the dehumanising aspect of the narrative was much more present in the realistic environments than in the abstract dreamlike worlds we ventured into. The lack of any real threat and suspense also removed some of psychological horror. Parts of it were quite scary, uncomfortable and unnerving especially the basement part, and it's very interesting to think about how that future works, but you would definitely need the stomach for some of the stuff you can find in the rooms.

4 years ago

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Thats it. you just walk around with some lovecraftian stuff to be found around, the only "horror" in could recall in the game was a talking head, and... well maybe some mummies of some kind of creature. Thats basically all. Some people can found those disturbing though

4 years ago

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It's more that Szabe suggested Observer might not be a good game for people who don't like gore, but I remember the amount of gore was relatively minimal, insomuch that it wasn't an exaggerated splatterfest, and took the shape of more murder crimescenes. The horror aspect was more in the full awareness you're personally scouring the memories of the deceased, and that the boundaries blurred. A kind of metaphysical threat compared to the usual 'you gonna die'.

4 years ago

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Beautiful Escape: Dungeoneer - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2010/11/30/wot-i-think-beautiful-escape-dungeoneer/

You play as a serial killer. It's really good, but also really disturbing.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

4 years ago

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I'm generally not into playing disturbing games (I don't like horror, for one), so I guess Spec Ops: the Line maybe.

4 years ago

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"That" scene is still on my mind as well.

I think it is one of the best FPS stories of all time.

4 years ago

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That game has some really nice mindf*ck moments!

4 years ago

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I don't play disturbing game that often but i guess mine would be Corpse Party

4 years ago

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Zenoclash cause the general vibe is so weird and unsettling. Also CoD because its disturbing how popular that trite shite is

4 years ago

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Tomb Raider 2. That fucking butler.

4 years ago

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Lol! I locked him in the freezer >:)

4 years ago

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Fatal Frame, japanese horror is too much for me.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

4 years ago

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Superman 64

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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The Shattering mainly because of how quickly seemingly-normal scenes turned dark... enough to give me whiplash tbh. It's also scary to see how far one could possibly go when falling into a deep dark hole (figuratively).

Little Nightmares due to its scary portrayal of what seems to me to be three (if my memory serves me right) out of the seven sins. It's never not disturbing to see a little girl in a yellow raincoat getting eaten alive again and again (I died wayyyy too many times during that part of the game) by grotesque, gluttonous characters.

Diablo because it's a pretty disturbing game overall, story and atmosphere-wise. Not to mention, I played it when I was much younger so the effects are definitely amplified.

4 years ago

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Little Nightmares is definitely an AWESOME game, and i can't wait for the second one.

Btw, you can listen to this before sleeping for guaranteed nightmares

4 years ago

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Is there going to be a second one? I really hope so.

4 years ago

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I believe there was mention of another game, though I think there was some kind of short animated series or other media stuff to come first? My memory is pretty foggy on the subject, because it's been forever since I completed LN and that's when I did my feverish googling, haha.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Probably Condemned: Criminal Origins.

There has been 'better' but that was my first game that truly freaked me out.

4 years ago

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It was a wonderfull geme

4 years ago

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I thought The Count Lucanor would be a cute game, with its graphics style like an old Zelda game, a young boy as the protagonist and all...
But slowly, the darkness and weirdness settles in.
First goats start walking after you, then they perform blood rituals, then a man/boy (who acts like a pig) gets gutted on the ground, a severed head talks to you while goats dance next to it, stuff like that...
It gives gory consequences to your actions as a player, and the story keeps going in a downwards spiral.
And just the attitude of the protagonist to this whole madness, it's quite chilling haha.
I must say I wasn't expecting it and I found it quite disturbing ^^. Loved the game :)

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

4 years ago*

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Doki Doki Literature Club
I know i deleted her, but... stick with me for a moment, but what if she only wants me to THINK that? What if she hid somewhere in the corners of my drive? Watching. Making sure I don't cheat on her.
I'm never playing another VN on this computer. Not taking any chances.


4 years ago

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After playing this game I decided horror games are not for me.

4 years ago

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but Only Outlast for me, that game is really sick! I'm ok with RE games though.

4 years ago

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I managed to play through first part but when I tried 2nd, it was too much for me. So I quited horror games entierly.
By the way, silent hill was really nice, right dose of scares.

4 years ago

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Condemned 2

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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horrible graphics, p2w, hardcore mode only(no respawns or save points), easily abused and so on.

4 years ago

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Sad but true

4 years ago

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I'm a wimp, so any horror game really, lol.
But Hello Neighbor was particularly disturbing for me. I won it here and I swear, I really REALLY tried to play it but after almost 4 hours I couldn't figure out the wacked out gameplay and the stupid jump scares just fried my nerves. I think I was under the house at some point? Why was I even breaking and entering into a super suspicious neighbor's house? Stranger danger anyone? Man, I don't even know, it was weird and I don't know why everyone really liked it.

4 years ago*

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It is as if Luis Buñuel made a video game

4 years ago

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You were always such a kidder, Steve.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Amnesia: The Dark Descent

I'm still getting nervous hearing the title music. Had several 'Holy Sh*t, nope I'm out'-moments.

4 years ago

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Every horror (or even remotely adjacent to horror) game freaks me out to some degree.

Body Harvest for the Nintendo 64 had a really eerie atmosphere that got to me. It might have been the first open world game I ever played, and while I didn't understand how to play it at all, I understood + really disliked thinking about the concept of big, bug-like aliens showing up from out of nowhere to destroy towns and murder civilians.

The original Dead Space probably made me yell out more than any other game ever has in a single playthrough, although I don't remember specific moments from it the way I do the Resident Evils and Silent Hills. The single loudest yell a game's ever got out of me has to be P.T., though. That one got me good.

4 years ago

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  • Sanitarium. This game was so weird and dark back in the day. You find yourself locked in a sanitarium with no memory of who you are. You just know you must escape at all costs.

  • Postal. Just get your guns and go for a killing spree around the neighborhood. One of the most controversial games of all time.

  • Diablo 2. A cruel and bloody tale. Remember that little town you saved in the first Diablo? Remember the palace?

  • Pathologic. This is even more disturbing now considering the current events. Get into a secluded and decaying town and face horrible crime, murder, hunger, and madness while you're trying to survive a deadly plague that might kill everybody in a few days.

  • 2Dark. Play as a detective trying to find out what happened to his son and daughter that were kidnapped many years ago. Things get really nasty and gruesome as you learn that a secret ring of psychopaths has been doing unspeakable things to children for decades. The story is as cruel as they get.

4 years ago

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