Trading where? You have no feedback here, so that only leaves some of the trade forums outside SteamTrades and, which, unless they are CS/TF2 related, aren't really safe in the first place.
Oh, and this site uses markdown, not BBC. Formatting is square brackets for the link title, parenthesis for the link itself.
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That's why I almost never go first, specially for valuable items.
Never been scammed.
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I've been scammed for total of 13 TF2 keys through out my trading career.
First time: I was searching for a CD-KEY for COD BO II (since they were a lot cheaper than the gifts duh..). The first scammer we will call him Reek. He was impersonating a dude with 400+ reps but i was noob at the begining and i trusted him=8 tf2 keys gone.
Second time: My fellow country men ( we will call him Stink ) sweat talked me to give him 5 TF2 Keys for 20.00 BGN (10.00 Euro).
Then the restrictions come up and i did not have SmartPhone so end of trading. It was good I achieved my goal to get GTA V without paying for it. I get it with my TF2 KEYS profits. :)
I hope you will get over it soon.
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Currently using WinAuth. There is a lot of people in Steam which are experiencing the following:
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Jeha, interpreted that as you can't trade because you have hold.
The whole Authentificator is bullshit ^^ Just wanted to give a tip. ASF or SDA even help you confirm trades or marketlistenings in bulk. So for me it's not that much difference (as long as the other one has it).
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If you use winauth at the moment. It should be a piece of cake to import that into ASF (you import the values from winauth, so you don't even get the 7 days block) and that should be like 2-10 minutes depeding on how fast yu can follow the instructions ;->
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Jeha, so far I have managed to not get scammed, but sometimes I trust people to much. But I don't trade for >1€ in most of the cases.
Calling out in the forum is not good, but if this guy has a profile here (and you have some proof (chat/trade history) you can leave a -rep and report him on steamrep as well, so others don't get scammed.
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You even said that you saw that he had an unconfirmed report, so you should have avoided to trade with him. Try reporting him on steamrep, if you have proof of your discussion with him and -rep him on steamgifts. Don't let him get away. He's a thief and thieves need to be punished. ;)
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Hrm.. I looked at your trade thread. Thought maybe I would trade to build feedback but I don't see anything to trade for and all you want is DS3. I grabbed it from funstock with a coupon for $46, so at minimum you'd probably want to save up for that, I guess.
Good luck.. and be careful.
I would just sell/trade keys to the people who have HUGE feedback here to be on the safe side if you have no feedback at all. For now, at least..
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Sorry about your scam :/ I got scammed once but I only lost pretty much 15 USD. If you gave him keys I would recommend using them up right away, I did that and so the scammed only got the 15 dollars. If you want Dark Souls you should try G2A. I haven't done it before but my brother says everyone buys keys from their because its such a low price.
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They are cheap because they open retail copies bought in some 3rd world country with ridiculously cheap prices and just sell the Steam key from it. Or then people are selling games bought with stolen credit cards or scammed from game devs by pretending to be a famous YouTuber or something. Or some other reason, but any of them make it a grey market at best even if not black.
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Looks like you got your Dark Souls 3, based on your profile. I guess that's good. :)
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got a friend that's letting me family share it right now, so kinda.
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Sending half of it 1st and half of it later is a super common scam that started at least 7-8 years ago (got to know about it when I started trading in another game).
When you think about it, if you send half of the payment 1st to a random guy, the risk of losing it is the same as sending the whole payment to a random guy 1st. If you are going to feel bad (even a little) never send half the payment 1st. [The scam is trying to make you feel more comfortable with giving 1st, because it is only half of what you might potentially lose (even though it might be alot, your subconscious mind will think it might be ok losing it).]
Always try to stop and think logically before a trade, and do not let greed take over. (if a deal is too good to be true, you need to think that there will always be another time and don't go for a risky trade, especially when you are new to trading).
Anyway there might be a few pointers to look about for that is discussed here: (have a look if you do plan to continue trading)
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sorry that you got scammed
And thx for the giveaway
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Been trading pretty safely for a few weeks, slowly trying to paperclip up in order to get Dark Souls 3 and/or have enough for No Man's Sky, and was overall pretty happy. Then comes this guy, we'll call him Scum, (because calling out scammers isn't allowed or something? not sure, not looking for trouble), and he adds me, i check him out, seems to be legit in what i find. 1 unconfirmed report, everything else is fine from what i can see. He makes a decently reasonable trade for ds3, asking about value from a bunch of games and csgo keys i had been stockpiling, and some cards. We haggle a bit, and eventually scum says he's good with it, and to do the trade. I send half of it, including some of the better items just to do trust, and then what do you know, immediately blocks me, goes private profile, the works.
Anybody else have a sweet story about getting scammed recently? I'm pretty much giving up on getting either game now, as he nabbed most of the stuff of value i had. :/
Anyway, giveaway from what i have left because hey, at least making someone else happy is good.
Edit: i can't bbc right now, so here's link:
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