This website already calculates your ratio of wins. So here's an idea I'd like to throw out there; people with the lowest ratios should have the highest chance of winning. This will stop people from winning 100 games/80 entries or anything insane like that and will ensure that everyone will eventually win at least one game. Now how will the website be able to give you a higher chance of winning some of you may be asking, well the answer is simple: the lower the ratio the more entries you get into a contest. If said contest is giving out more than one copy and you're chosen more than once it disregards the extra wins and gives them to a different person.
I'd like to know everyone's thoughts on this idea and how possible it would be (I'm not sure of the coding that would go into this)
Edit: Reading your very kind comments has brought a separate idea.
Say there's a certain game you want more than most other games. You have 300P because you haven't entered any giveaways lately, well you can spend extra on that one game for more entries, which will take away chances to enter other giveaways but you'll have more chance of winning the game that you want.

11 years ago*

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That makes it less fair.

11 years ago

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Everyone has an equal chance to win every giveaway. This will never change.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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So much this

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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+and beyond

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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And my axe!

11 years ago

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Is it possible for to show us the source code to prove that "Everyone has an equal chance to win every giveaway"? :)

11 years ago

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like you know RNG and stuff

11 years ago

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Nor should it change. Anything else wouldn't be fair.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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+20 Skyrim's

11 years ago

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Putting any sort of handicap system on a complete random, completely fair giveaway makes it unfair by definition.

11 years ago

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Fucking this

11 years ago

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That comment is only 1 day old man, that is illegal.

11 years ago

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That comment is a butterfly. Perfectly acceptable.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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no man.

11 years ago

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How about the more giveaways a person makes, the higher chance they get to win something back? How do you feel about that idea?
Yah, somehow don't think you'd go for something like that.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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We have something like that, aka contributor giveaway

11 years ago

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then people would whine that they gave 20 bundle games and they cannot win valve complete pack or something :P

11 years ago

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What about being able to let people who have won X or fewer giveaways to enter as an option? BUT who would want that

11 years ago

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You can already do that - if you make a private giveaway. Just make sure to formally get mod approval first.

11 years ago

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Funny you say that, everyone has the same chances of winning according to the giveaway itself.
If that's not fair, then i don't know what is.

11 years ago

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That's the stupidest fucking idea ever. Random is the fairest possible system. Also..."more fair"? Where did you learn English? The correct form is "fairer" cause it's a short adjective... You can call me a grammar nazi, but just say "more fair" out loud. Does it sound alright to you?

11 years ago

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"More fair" sounds fine to me, I do however fail to see the relevance here...

11 years ago

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Sorri. I agre peple aroun the world shuld learn proper inglish becaus its the vest languaje ever. even god uses it

11 years ago

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Ha, ha funny....NOT. Yes, it's the global language and people should not butcher it. I'm not a native English speaker either. If I can talk and write properly, so should everyone that tries to communicate in an international environment like the Internet.

11 years ago

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Yes, it was funny. Deal with it.

11 years ago

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butt hurt much :(

11 years ago

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"I'm good at something, so everyone else should be too"

11 years ago

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"More fair" does sound alright to me, both forms are acceptable as far as I know. Correcting someone's language is fine, but being overly zealous about it doesn't effect positive changes.

11 years ago

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That was more of a P.S. The main statement of my comment was that his idea was bullshit. This ting blew way out of proportions because of all these twats criticizing me for nothing. And no, "fairer" is the only correct and accepted form. More is for long adjectives(more than 2 syllables) like "beautiful", for instance.

11 years ago

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"Fairer" and "more fair" are both correct, but have different meaning. Fairer and fairest is the comparative forms of the adjective fair which means "beautiful", as in the quote: "Magic mirror in my hand, who is the fairest in the land?" On the other hand, more fair and most fair is the comparative forms of the adverb fair which means "clearly; openly; frankly".

The comparative form "fairer" can be used for the adjective meaning of "just" or "equitable".

In this case, "make this somewhat fairer" is more accurate, as the word fair here is an adjective.

11 years ago

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You're wrong. I do not know where you learn English from, but English is CONSTANTLY evolving. Did you, for an example, think that "don't" or "won't" always exist? Nope, they branched off of slang that was used so much that is was accepted. Double negatives do not cancel each other out, ain't is a word, cool does indeed mean neat, and fag does indeed have multiple definitions that include cigarette, a derogatory word for homosexual and/or as an insult, etc. Evolve with us, Yoda. You do not have to be short minded forever. Short maybe, but not short minded.

11 years ago

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Hmm, let's see here.

You act like an absolute asshole and get worked up over nothing of real importance, typing up multiple sentences (calling that part of your comment "more of a P.S." even though it forms the bulk of it, which means it isn't even a post-script at all - especially since it's part of the same paragraph and not even stuck at the end of your comment in its' own paragraph, FUCKING IDIOT, HOW DARE YOU) denouncing the OP as if he committed serial rape or so - while you're wrong, even; both "fairer" and "more fair" are both equally correct in the sense of both usage and grammar - and get people replying to you saying as much (albeit in a polite way), then go on to call all the people criticising you for acting like such an enormous douchebag (because, you know, you're wrong and all, besides acting like a dick for no real reason) "twats criticising you for nothing".

I don't really think you understand the concepts of "logic" and "reason", nor "causality" / "cause and effect". Either that, or you're simply a self-aggrandising imbecile that thinks he can do no wrong, even when all the other guys in the room are pointing out the error of your ways in a far more rational and fair way than you were acting in your original post. Or hey, maybe it's a little of both.

P.S. People like you are part of what's wrong with the world.

11 years ago

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As someone who speaks English as their first language, I'd say that "more fair" is perfectly acceptable. Fairer maybe the more traditional term but more fair would be fine these days.

Also I'm sure that calling people "twats" just because they're discussing grammar with you is going against the "Be considerate of users." rule outlined in the FAQ/Guidelines.

11 years ago

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It would be "fair" in some terms but, Giving those who don't win as much will make the system sort of unbalanced. And as Carmah was saying those who contribute should be able to win more as well. its hard to make a standard ground for both of these arguments so its best to leave the system as it is. it has served well so far and the point of a raffle is no one gets any advantage, its just plain luck.

11 years ago

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I sound so much like a downer but I'm just trying to put in the facts. if any one has a better reasoning other then for there own personal gain, Reply to this.

11 years ago

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I was just thinking that people probably put up some giveaways because they won a giveaway and want to give back. Therefore if a system like this was put in place more people would win meaning more possible giveaways.
Also this website would become way more popular because more people would win.

11 years ago

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Or more leechers would come crawling here since they are guaranteed to win something then.

11 years ago

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so, you want to change fair chance of winning to somewhat fair chance (witch is not fair at all) ?

11 years ago

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Depends on which side of the fence gets you more wins.

11 years ago

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That would make the whole thing kind of unfair. It's based on luck and it should stay like that. Stop trying to be smart.

11 years ago

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Well, as far as coding, it should not be a problem, but the thing is, the site ONLY calculates your ratios, but that does not have anything to do with the giveaway itself or how the winner is calculated. Its random.

The person with a low ratio will always have the same odds of winning that one with a high ratio, that is as fair as it can be, allowing people with lower ratios to win more often is not fair at all and you will make a mess. Let me explain.

As it is current, most users enter only to the giveaways they are interested, which means lower entries to the majority of the giveaways, this users would have a high ratio in your system, due to lower entrances, thus, they would have less chances to win the game that they actually want.

Having said that, they would have to spam entrances in games that they are not interested in, (Lowering the odds of ALL the users in the site due to massive entries) just to keep a low ratio, and eventually, they will most likely win a game that they DO NOT want.

So yeah, that mess up everything, and no, i dont want that.

11 years ago

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Interesting... I somehow deleted my comment.
Oh god how I hate mobile.
Something about fair and not meaning what op thinks.

11 years ago

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Hahahaha "yeah dude, something something not what fair means something bla, yeah, that."

:P :D

11 years ago

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Website calculates ESTIMATED wins: the more people in a giveaway, the less chance per individual. Obviously, public giveaways will usually have a big number of entries.
You want a bigger ratio ? You can solve puzzles, or even better: enter a private giveaway group. It is very easy as long as you are nice to others on the forum, and, of course, as you are an active contributor creating giveaways. Nobody wants to feed a leecher...

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

11 years ago

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So randomly choosing people is unfair? How come? It's purely based on chance, it's the most fair way to choose a winner, it takes nothing in account, everybody has the same odds.

11 years ago

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Everybody doesn't have the same odds or chances but everyone has the possibility to have the same odds or chances.

If you have a higher CV value you get better odds with less people entering those giveaways. If you are the members of certain groups you get better odds as less people entering. If you are restricted in the amount of time you can be on the internet you have less odds than the people who can. Everybody doesn't have the same odds. It is possible for them too though.

11 years ago

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The only 'fair' way I can see is to allow me to win everything I enter. That way, once I have won, I sync the account and cannot win the same thing again, meaning you have a better chance next time.

11 years ago

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I like the way you think

11 years ago

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It is already fair, you can't make it fairer

11 years ago

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People really have a hard time differentiating between fairness and equality (I really hope those are the right translations for the words I mean...).

11 years ago

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although both are different words, within this context they mean the same.
Equality = equal chances to everyone
Fairness = Equal chances to everyone. because, if its not fair, it means they didnt had the same chances. As simple as that.

11 years ago

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I'd phrase it differently. Equality of outcome = / = fairness as being fair is giving an equal opportunity, not equal outcome to everyone

11 years ago

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Indeed, but we are not talking about equality of outcome, which we know, its not fair since only 1 or a handful of people win.

We are talking about equality of ODDS, or fairness, which is chosen randomly, giving the users equality of ODDS or being in a fair system..

So again, within the context, yeah, the words are the same, out of context, like you are putting it, no.

11 years ago

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Let me explain what I mean with a picture ;)


Left: Fairness
Right: Equality

11 years ago

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Looking at this picture I have to admit my idea is going more on the right side of that picture

11 years ago

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No, it really isn't. Your idea is very self serving and really doesn't take into account the greater ramifications it would have outside of what it would do for you personally.

11 years ago

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How every Game to me? Then you could shut down the Servers, save Money and energy, you wouldn't have to worry about giveaways you entered, because there are no giveaways to enter and I would be happy to have that much games I'll never play. Isn't that a great idea? I How about..leaving the system how it is?

11 years ago

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Begger. lol

11 years ago

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While I appreciate that you're trying to make it so that people with fewer wins are more likely to get picked, that would open up a gigantic loophole in the form using throw-away accounts to fish for quicker wins.

It is far simpler to have have every entry be completely equal.

11 years ago

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That's not particularly the case since this website has a rule against having more than one account for one person.

11 years ago

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And people always follow the rules. And if they don't they'll get detected, that's guaranteed.

11 years ago

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Nope, its not to boost people with fewer wins, he tries to boost people with many entrances to giveaways. In fact, he is screwing people who just joined, since that system eliminates the randomness.

11 years ago

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The randomness is still there, however people who haven't won will get more entries. The system is still random however the amount of time someone is in the raffle is increased.

11 years ago

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The randomness is still there, however people who haven't won will get more entries. The system is still random however the amount of times someone is in the raffle is increased.

11 years ago

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Wait, think about it though. If this happens, people will stop entering every little giveaway that pops up in fear of decreasing their chance. So people are more likely to only enter giveaways they really want... Who am i kidding no one will read the rule and everyone will just continue to the same thing.
Still, it is not fair as the chances for everyone is not equal.

11 years ago

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That's the worst idea I've ever heard in my life.

11 years ago

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Okay. So... What I take away from the whole OP:
"Hi SG, my name is Chrisc44890. I have been registered here for 6 months, entered less than 500 giveaways, and haven't gotten a free game yet. I've basically never participated in the community at all, have given absolutely nothing to it, even just in chatting with people on the forums. I do, however, still feel absolutely owed something from it. As such, I have this fantastic idea that would help guarantee I will leech free games from you. How do you like my totally fair idea guys?"

Piss off.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Lmao. Bingo

11 years ago

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I haven't entered many giveaways because I only enter for the games I want that way I'm not risking taking a game away from someone who really wants it. Also I'm not sure I want to be involved in a community that becomes hostile when someone has an idea that they deem stupid. A simple no would have sufficed.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by chrisc44890.