I personally prefer dota a lot more simply because I find it to be a harder and more complex game, among many other factors. But I'm well aware that some people think otherwise, but there's something that any impartial judge can tell easily -- Icefrog nerfs heroes way better than lol does it. When a dota hero is nerfed, it still remains useful and doesn't die off in the competitive/pub scene. Its different for quite a few lol 'legends' though.
(Obviously there are a lot more differences, but lets not incite hatred here)
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I totaly agree with you in start league of legends was game that u compare to dota now i cant becouse every time new champion comes out he is fuckin op after 2 weeks he is fucking usless. I dont even wann talk about runs that is sometimes cheating.
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The reviews of LOL were written when the game came out and that was when it was full of bugs and glitches (according to many reviews).
The scores of a game never prove anything. You may detest that game but some may like it. In short you just go for what you like and not what people tell you to listen. I never played Dota 1 but I tried Dota 2 and liked it (because i like how the models look resemblances to Warcraft 3). I also tried LOL and I find it didn't suit to my taste so I cease to playing it.
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To be fair, a couple of months ago the Dota score was 44 because of the diretide fiasco.
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I played dota since 2008 and I stared playing dota2 2 years ago. You found "empty" games in dota 2 because you played with lvl 1 guys, that know nothing about dota 2. At my level, people are talking and playing like a team. Of course....if they are russian players...they can be lvl 200, they will ALWAYS ruin your game.
Dota 2 is also less atracting for those who never played dota before because it's too hard to play and there are MAAAAAAAANY things to know about the mecanics(i play dota and dota 2 for 5 years and i get stoned when i see there are things about mecanics i yet don't know.
I know almost nothing about LoL, just that it doesn't have cool graphics and i always make fun of my friends that are playing this game
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And stil....on twitch, LoL is ALWAYS beating any game at viewers...i think that's because it's easier to play...
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Not exactly, more the simple fact that it's far more popular worldwide.
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Yeah, LoL was the first fairly accessible moba game in the scene and it was easy to get into, that's the main reason for it's popularity.
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I've played a lot of Dota 2 (Started with Dota) and LoL, and although my vote goes with Dota, LoL is better in certain aspects.
Dota has one of the most hardcore learning curve in any game, even now there are some heroes that I have a fear of playing because of how bad I got bashed the first time I played. The community is more unforgiving than the LoL community (Many may disagree with me, but this is how I feel based on experience), making it almost impossible for a new player to join unless they are willing to invest at least 50 hours just playing with AIs. With 32 million people, LoL also has a much faster game search time, whereas I have once queued for 20 minutes before a successful game in Dota. Dota servers (Especially here in Southeast Asia) are extremely unreliable with frequent crashes that will hopefully be fixed Graphically, Dota clearly beats Lol, but what truely makes Dota the better game is that it takes true technique, teamwork and strategy to successfully win a game, which I believe that Lol (with completely imbalanced champions) lacks
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From what i can see, all you said you dont like about the games, are just the people playing it, not the game itself.
I played both games a good amount, right now im playing Dota and havent played LoL in a few years, so I cant say much about it.
But there are a lot of subtle difference that makes me like Dota a bit more.
First of all, you dont have to unlock heroes to play them.
Second, i dislike the idea of talents or rune system LoL has, that just makes you less viable for a different build before the game even started.
Every hero in LoL has 4 active skills and 1 passive, while in Dota there are some heroes with only 1 active skills and the rest passive, but there are a lot more items with active properties (blink, slow, burst, speed, etc.)
This makes the combat a little less spammy, and you dont get a clusterfuck of colors on the screen while playing, also you have to be careful since you can run out of mana pretty quickly.
Well, have to go to class soon so I cant write a lot more, but keep in mind you just mentioned problems with the community on both sides (which in both cases isnt the best of all the gaming world). But still both games good and play what you find more fun, thats the reason to play games, right?.
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^i agree
first i played dota1 for 7 years then got bored because of the maphacks and tried lol
but paying for some starting skills and heroes just killed the joy for me
(why the hell do i have to play 200 games to unlock just one hero? if it's so that i learn the game first why the hell are you letting me pay to unlock it? All about the money... )
now with dota 2 and no maphack i'm playing it since 1.5 years and i'm loving it :)
(it's all about money on dota 2 too but at least it's just cosmetics)
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and consider dota 2 on user reviews that most of them are 0 lately because of the absence of diretide.
it was down to 4 lately but even after that it is still higher than lol :)
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I prefer LoL. It's easy to learn, hard to master and that's exactly the type of games I like. Yeah, the community is really toxic, but I play with my friends most of the time. It's really better when you have at least one person to play with, since you don't take the other teammates so seriously - feeding, immature players, trolls? Just laugh at them and keep playing, it's only a game after all. Also, the worse your teammates are, the better you shall play.
Also, read the 70 score reviews - to quote some "Graphically dated." (that's just retarded), "...team mates make or break many matches..." (totally valid review), "A solid and promising free-to-play multiplayer RTS that seems to have been released a bit too early." (reviewed years ago).
All of them are outdated and written by retards.
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I prefer Dota because it's a team work game + u don't have to get a first blood to win the game + it's a variety of ways to end the game + it's more complex....i don't know why, after i tried LoL (2 times played only) i find it very easy to play and to kill heroes + in LoL u don't have to last hit in game to make money...it's just easy to play it after u try Dota 2.
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what about crying kids with COD? are they real men?
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i dont count COD as fps, COD is casual game for casual crying kids,sop according to that, not they arent real men. they are kcrying kids like u said D: real fps are games like quake or unreal tournament. no casuals here
@down i guess u dont know what are u taling about. in dota 2 pro players have usually about 20y, and they are in the scene for about 5-7y so they started as kids..
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The average age of moba players is usually higher than fps player, imo
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"who never seemed to load in (one thing I hated with Dota2)" - that's because some people have wood pc's...it don't happened often really.
"I was lucky to have English team mates" - on EU servers it's normal...not all of us learn english in schools, that depends of which country u are or school etc.
"nobody spoke at all, no discussion on who is on what lane..." - in Dota 2 are Nuke, Carry, Tanks, Support, Disabler, Initiator, Lane Support, Escaper, Pusher, Jungler <--- all those heroes category have their part in game, so u have to know which hero can support another hero and the HERO who can be a mid lane hero. Not to much to spoke...that's why Dota 2 it's more complex, u need to learn every hero of what he can do and when to choose it against "who" and "when".
"Dota 2 got a score of 90, opposed to LoL only achieving 78" - imagine that Dota 2 was in beta and receive that score...LoL wasn't in beta and receive that score. It's not that I'm a fun of Dota 2...but it's just that it's much better then every moba game released until know.
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you really wanna compare user score on metacritic? Did you know dota 2 score went down because of people keep spamming, "give diretide" which sounds childish to me. LoL is way too easy, its like playing any single player game with easy mode.
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Dota got a better score because their f2p model is way better. The Artstyle is different with better graphics. Dota is more complex allows, user created content. The meta isnt strict.
BTW the user reviews are so low for Dota because of the diretide fiasco. The users dropped the score down to 3.9. So yeah dotas user score was 9.X before that happened.
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Played League of legneds twice. Only enjoyed it somewhat with freinds, when they stopped playing so did I. Dota 2 I've played for 50 minutes. 30 minutes of that was getting bored and confused trying to figure things out. The other 20 was opening it up years later and accidently leaving it open on the main menu while I fucked off else where. Since then it has remained uninstalled, never to blight my hard drive again.
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I didn't click with either game, until I got a group to play a match together, you can't really know which you prefer until you play it coordinated, then you can actually see which is more enjoyable.
I'td help if you found a Champion/Hero you like and enjoy too.
Thats how I gauged it.
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I haven't played in a while so my opinion might be outdated. I think you should try and play with a full team of friends (or "friends") on voice chat: the problems you mentioned would be solved.
I personally think they overall are the same game with a slightly different flavour. Team play is essential in both games, despite what kids think about being "better than everage" and "carrying the team". DotA feels more defensive while in LoL the attack is usually favored.
I don't take Metacritic seriously; it hasn't been "just" a collector of reviews in a long time now. It's the most abused site by publishers and fans.
It's still a great and fast way to find negative reviews, which I prefere because they usually better highlight the true characteristics of a game. I might actually like what another person disliked, but it will tell me exactly where a game has its rough edges, those features you can't ignore. :)
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You have zero clue about League then, microing is present in League aswell, and pretty much required for higher tier ranked play.
Of course one would expect people to present the diehard "Dota 2 is hardcore, League is inferior casual shit" argument.
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one should present arguments in favor of his opinion, yes?
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Except it's not something you can just "present" to someone who seems to have no clue what he's talking about. Stutter-stepping, move-attacking, all kinds of micro is present in League, usually for different type of characters. But you won't know unless you play it yourself.
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I played LoL for 2 years(starting from ending of S1), it was a great game, tons of fun, no trash-talking stuff each game, good balance at that moment and... everything was fine. Masteries was really disbalanced, since there was 3 or 4 perks for AP Carry and... meh, i'm played mainly Fiddle tho.
When S2 came, i was like "OOOOH NEW HEROES HEEUEHEHUEHU GUUUUD!", but that feeling died, when they began to do really bad stuff inside. They began to just nerf everyone, creating new heroes(from ending of S2) on conveyer, just with no new stuff inside. Stun - Slow - tons of damage - winthegame ults. I really like Yasuo, with his Wind mechanics, but it's not enough to press Download button for me right now. From ending of S2 - i quitted LoL. Ranked games are pure luck based, who will pick first stuff from list (Jax, Morgana, Lee Sin, etc), nah, you know the result. Too much trash-talking from players on your team, who is just punishing you for every mistake you did. Plus - permament meta-gaming stuff just pissed me off. I don't like this so much, when over 400 games you're always doing 1x1x1x2 lanes, with no good roster. If you're picking Karma/Heimer(pre-rework), you're just getting "OMFG SRSLY? OKAY I GO TROLL" instantly.
I'm not a Gold or Diamond player, but i dislike LoL right now so much. They actually killed all, that i saw as "fun" stuff. Killing anti-meta characters(AP Rengar, MS Hecarim, AP Gangplank(Siv HD stuff)), nerfing already overnerfed characters (Shaco as example) and just creating a pure rule of the game - If you don't play meta, you will get your ban in 1 week or sooner.
That's why i prefer DotA2 more. I don't have much problems with Russians or other guys in my team, even if they feeding.
Just keep calm, don't flame any1, purchase wards, sacrifice yourself to get some kills for your carry, win the game.
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This, LoL started to decline when it was bought by the chinese and Riot convinced themeselves they are gods and we should be ever greatfull they allow us to play their game.
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I do agree with your statement. I played LoL for 2 years and in the end only custom games were fun to play, especially ARAB (All Random All Bottom in Dominion). Now I'm done with MOBAs
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So, firstly, I have played both, I originally first played Dota 2, and while it was okay, I was never really into it, then I tried LoL and thoroughly enjoyed it, but the community is what makes me not play it anymore, it's plan crap, always got intentional feeders, and just rude people when playing LoL.
But I always considered LoL better than Dota 2, mainly because when I played Dota2, I was lucky to have English team mates, and to even start the match, It seemed like most time I was waiting for people, who never seemed to load in (one thing I hated with Dota2)
And I even tried a match a little while ago, but it felt so.. empty, I mean.. nobody spoke at all, no discussion on who is on what lane, just.. nothing at all, and for that, it just felt boring..
I don't know if it's popularity has to do with the whole "Dota 2 items" thing or people are just genuinely enjoying the game.
Reason I bring this up, is that while on MetaCritic I noticed that Dota 2 got a score of 90, opposed to LoL only achieving 78, and I just couldn't see the justification for why Dota 2 received substantially better score than LoL.
LoL - 78
Dota 2 - 90
While the user reviews are quite close to one another, Dota2 still leads..
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