Very sincere and serious talk intended by OP. No trolling or provocating, please. Even though this is definitely not one of the best communities on the Internet I'd still hope to be having a sincere discussion.

Now people start panicking over the 21st of December for no reason and I simply can't stand it how people fail to do their research and seriously believe in one of the many "oh the world is going to end" hypes.

So, who of you, after doing research, still believes in the soon to be "end of the world as we know it"?

1 decade ago*

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1 decade ago

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No, it is not made to provocate. I'm 100% honest.
Yes, humans will destroy the earth but it will be in billions of years.

1 decade ago

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Nah, I don't believe we will destroy the earth. Destroying planet is pretty hard thing to do, human life on it sure. All life less likely, the planet very likely not.

1 decade ago

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The ACTUAL end of the world actually is predictable. We are not to blame for it, though.

1 decade ago

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What do you mean by "end of the world"? Total annihilation of universe or "just" Earth? There are theories that Universe won't be expanding indefinitely, but when it reaches its limit it'll shrink back to the state in which it was during the big bang, and then everything will start again.

1 decade ago

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just Earth.

1 decade ago

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Then I think that if it gonna die prematurely it'll be due to something big from space, it would be hard to find something big enough, strolling through our solar system, to smash whole planet to little pieces, but it is possible, but probably something this big will be spotted soon enough to send on it a drilling squad with a nuke ;)
To be totally clear: I don't believe in this 21.12 mumbo jumbo.

1 decade ago

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mambo jumbo
If I wouldn't be as lazy as I am now, I'd +rep you

1 decade ago

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There's probably nothing big enough still loose in our solar system to smash the planet to bits as in totally annihilated. Even the collision that formed our moon wasn't big enough to demolish the Earth completely. Everything else that is big enough is already in a stable orbit. Of course we are talking about the planet itself and not the life on it. There's still a lot of debris floating around that can wipe out life here. The planet would survive though.

1 decade ago

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Very much incorrect. Our solar system has an actual Meteor Belt. Any body big enough to impact or affect gravitational influence can knock something out.

Also, I think people underestimate just how much space garbage is out there, as there really is extra-solar debris entering our solar system all the time, and billions of fragments flying around. Our planet gets hit by meteors daily. DAILY. Those meteors are clearly not stabilized. Do you have any idea how large our solar system is? There are billions (conservative estimate) of meteors freely flying around our solar system.

Don't you remember that meteor slamming into Jupiter not that long ago? The size of it, and the impact, would have annihilated earth. One thing is certain, space is chaos. We think stability, because we see it at such a small perspective, and in such slow time. The universe is billions of years old, of one explosion/expansion.

As for the moon, earth and the moon didn't just come to each other fully formed. The formation of both these objects was violent. A collection of debris that came together. Where two gravitation chunks of in the same area started sucking up matter, and based on velocity and other physics i don't personally know, ended up orbiting the earth. Well, thats one theory. Its possible they were the same mass, then shattered (Like a doomsday meteor strike), they then split, and slowly absorbed the remaining matter.

1 decade ago

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Also, it doesn't have to be a very large body. A relatively small body traveling at a great enough velocity could be equally devastating.

I believe the Jupiter thing you're referring to was the Levy-Schumacher comet breaking up and crashing into it. (I have no idea if I spelled that right, btw.)

As for the moon, current theory holds that the nascent Earth collided with another, perhaps Mars-sized, planetoid, combining with it. The matter ejected from this collision orbited and eventually coalesced into the moon.

1 decade ago

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Universe is probably there atleast if we talk about it on long time scales...

1 decade ago

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You cannot simply manually destroy the universe.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Nukes are totally overrated~
That's just my two cents.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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In general. It's okay.

1 decade ago

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This shit is way worse than any disaster anyone ever actually thinks or talks about normally.

1 decade ago

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I've heard about it from my friend. Quite disturbing...

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Earth will actually be inhabitable like 250 million years in the future even without humans being involved so if humans plan to destroy earth in billions of years then i fear they miscalculated.

1 decade ago

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I researched it a lot...I don't see the possibility and even if it was to happen in all honesty we as humans had enough time here probably....I mean look at the damage we have done.

So in other words, nah don't think it will happen and don't care if it does, we had a good run.

1 decade ago

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Thanks for having a brain. We need more people like you.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I agree, I don't see why people are getting so fussed about it. I mean, if it REALLY IS going to be the end of the world, then what's the point in panicking, or whining, or crying, or whatever? Just accept it, if you've had a good life then be thankful for it, and if you haven't, don't worry, it'll all be over soon!

1 decade ago

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People don't think this far, my dear.

1 decade ago

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I do admit though if I really thought it was the end I would party HARD.

1 decade ago

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if it genuinely was the end I'd go out and rape all my love interests that I can. Also, please go on Steam :S

1 decade ago

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Can't, not at my main comp :-P.

1 decade ago

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Oh okay.

1 decade ago

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Finally another person who knows science.

1 decade ago

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Speak for yourself! That's why you didn't get elected!!! I'm not ready to go out yet!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I'm bit stressed, 5 billion years is not a lot...

1 decade ago

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Of course not.

1 decade ago

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I thought it was half a billion years until the CO2 levels drop and all life dies from starvation?

1 decade ago

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Bacteria will still function.

1 decade ago

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pfff, close enough

1 decade ago

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Well, the whole "end of the world on that specific date" thing is stupid. Sure the world(as we know it at least) will probably end when the greenhouse effect gets strong enough to kill everyone. Or when the next nuclear war starts... or the dozens of other possible reasons humanity will kill itself.
But there is no indication of that happening this or any of the following years.

What I DO worry about in terms of the whole 21 December thing is that a lot of people do in fact believe the world will end then(like they believe in a bunch of other crap). And humans have the annoying habit of being harmful to everyone around them when they feel their lives are threatened. My advise is make sure no-one can get into your house for a few days after that. Don't want any fanatics getting to you. :P

1 decade ago

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Yes, people will most probably commit suicide or go slightly crazy (remember Y2K?)

1 decade ago

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Im even tired of thinking about it if the world is gonna end or not. Guess some people are going to hype this to get attention, but if they think twice about it they believe on their own that this is just a marketing gag I think..

1 decade ago

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Thank you for having a brain

1 decade ago

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Research as in "using common sense"? Or were you thinking of something a bit more involved?

1 decade ago

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By the current standards of humanity, "using common sense" could be written as "research"

1 decade ago

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That's great it starts with an earthquake...

1 decade ago

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"not one of the best communities on the Internet"
That's asking for trouble ;)

As to your question. This is oddly relevant

1 decade ago

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I love this video

1 decade ago

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Well, really, the Steamgifts forum community is an odd bunch of people. I would not go as far to call it a wretched hive. There's genuinely nice people around.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Actually, some individuals do believe in that crap.

1 decade ago

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Nobody functioning in a normal state of mind*

1 decade ago

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Yes, exactly.

1 decade ago

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No, the world won't end. Or does the world end every 31.12.?

btw: Heute habe ich über einen Kommentar über "die Welt", die ab heute Geld fürs Webangebot verlangt, gelacht: "Die Maya hatten Recht: die Welt geht unter, nur das Datum stimmt nicht ganz!" Da kann ich wohl nur zustimmen. :D
1 decade ago

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The calendar ends on every 31.12. to commence a new one on the following day.

Geld fürs Webangebot?! Furchtbar!
1 decade ago

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When the real world is gonna end I just live on in the World of Warcraft. Oh dammit

1 decade ago

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Sorry, I don't listen to fan-made songs. I'm not fond of vocal music.

1 decade ago

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Wait a minute. You mean to tell me people actually believe this shit?

1 decade ago

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Yes, my dear. How unfortunate.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Nah not really. If they did, they would have quit their jobs a year ago and spent all their money, or any number of other otherwise irresponsibly stupid things. But they didn't, so their belief in the world's end is marginal at best.

It's similar to how many religious people fear death, despite their faith's doctrine insistence in a wonderful, eternal afterlife.

1 decade ago

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a YEAR ago?!

1 decade ago

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You don't have enough assets overall to sustain yourself for a year? I'm not just talking about money in the bank, but also the combined value of your car, home, and so on. Because you could easily take out loans and sell assets.

If you're an average American or Western European adult, you could easily do this. The only problem is that if the world didn't end, you'd be broke, homeless, and in a massive amount of debt.

Assuming you truly believe the world is ending and you truly believe it, go out with a bang.

1 decade ago

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I just don't care.

The World won't end, the humanity will disappear because of:

  • Nuclear wars
  • greenhouse effects
  • who knows if there are aliens?
  • plague
1 decade ago

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Just wait until North-Korea is able to strike the US. Today they have proven that they maybe could hit the Pacific, but in 10 years?

1 decade ago

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Why would NK do that? They've already been able to hit their sworn enemies in South Korea and Japan for decades and they've decided against it.

It's stupid; mutually assured destruction means NK would never survive it, and in all likelihood their opponent would.

1 decade ago

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Why would you want to contaminate the south, which you want to conquer? They fear the USA. And the US is inclined to not attack people who have ICBMs.

1 decade ago

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I like it. Stupid people kill them selves. We give them Darwin Awards. Life goes on... with less stupid people polluting the planet.

1 decade ago

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I feel bad for all the children that have ignorant parents that give up their kids savings accounts and college money to spend on some bullshit items or shelters they may or may not ever use. How can you think so short term if you have children?!

1 decade ago

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Oh shit! Didn't think about THIS at all :o

1 decade ago

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Yeah, saw a show about it, also a lot of people were buying expensive items on credit, since they were certain they would never have to pay it off in a few months...good luck with that debt...

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Do not worry, Dikembe Mutombo is on the job!

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Measuring error.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Yes, and after many days of checking everything they found out that it was an error, I don't remember what caused it, but I'm sure that they admitted that it was mistake.

1 decade ago

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It was a measurement error caused by a loose cable in the testing equipment if I recall correctly.

1 decade ago

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Yes, you're right. This cable was connecting computer with GPS.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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People that believe in "the end of world" are stupid.

1 decade ago

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But of course. It takes an intelligent person to realize when people are stupid.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I will be hanging out with friends with a stiff drink in my hand and listening to this a time or few as well Best Song Ever

I just hope when it really does happen we have some warning so I can do the same for the real end of the world as we know it.

1 decade ago

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Some warning? By the time the world will be ending, you'd be long long dead. And the entire race of humanity would have gone extinct long long ago.

1 decade ago

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Key words... "As We Know It" ;)

1 decade ago

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I quoted the title of a TV Tropes article.

1 decade ago

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Mark 13:32
"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."

What happened with the Mayans went like this: Mayan is whistling while chiseling runs out of rock "Hey guys, I ran out of rock... Eh, oh well... It's not like anyone is gonna look at this and think 'It's the end of the world!' They'd just be plain stupid..."

The end...

1 decade ago

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quoting the bible

1 decade ago

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"Hell" (Psalm 9:17, 7th word, KJ21) ya I quote the Bible!

1 decade ago

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Quoting the bible is bad and you should feel bad.

1 decade ago

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It's not bad unless used out of context, I was jokingly using it with hell, but the thing about no one knows the date or time was completely sincere...

1 decade ago

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Our time measuring is faulty. It's our way to do it. If we were Jupiterians, we would not even use the one we have now.

1 decade ago

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OOoorrrr... The Bible is right and no one will ever know...

1 decade ago

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The bible cannot possibly be right.

1 decade ago

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Or is it? I don't want to argue with you as it's dang near impossible to convince people to convert over the interwebs...

1 decade ago

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+1. Don't see the difference between what he quoted and what he made up about the Mayans.

1 decade ago

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I don't think posting soft-core porn here would go well... And I might better to refrain from commenting about it anyway...

1 decade ago

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What soft-core porn?

1 decade ago

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No visible penetration or other human to human contact below the waist, generally.

1 decade ago

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I didn't ask WHAT IS softcore porn; I was merely asking WHAT softcore porn he was talking about.

1 decade ago

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No clue what porn you are talking about... But okay... Whatever pops into your mind stupid little public schooler... HOMESCHOOLED FTW!!!

1 decade ago

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Private boarding schools ftw eh.

1 decade ago

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THE SONG OF SOLOMON to be precise...

1 decade ago

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Okay... So, a song that a man named Solomon wrote is soft-core porn... I must inform my pastor immediately...

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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It won't end. We are moving towards an end of society as we know it, but that discussion is for a different time.
Seriously though, I came into this thread expecting some REM

1 decade ago

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What's REM?

1 decade ago

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See my link earlier in the thread... Sucks though I can't locate the original video where they did the flash cards of the lyrics.

1 decade ago

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Hold on, I remembered, REM = rapid eye movement. A sleeping phase.

1 decade ago

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Lol sorry silly American here. REM

1 decade ago

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Oh okay. Also, lol at mobile link.

1 decade ago

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Lol, yeah. Posting from my phone at the doctor's office.

1 decade ago

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"Now people start panicking over the 21st of December". Who are they? Just bunch of crazies. For others it's just another funny hyped-up flashmob, another topic for dinner.

1 decade ago

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Talking about dinner, I'm hungry. Mind if I come over?

1 decade ago

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To me? Sure, you're welcome! Go buy ticket to Russia.

1 decade ago

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Hey, Russia is awesome c:

1 decade ago

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I think this whole "the end of world" thing is annoying. I swear, there will be more topics about it than... something else I can't think of right now.

1 decade ago

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You mean the "Why no DOTA2?" topics? Will be hard to top those...

1 decade ago

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To whoever reads what Argyle31 just wrote, please do not interpret it as a challenge.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I can say from my own research and experience that the end of the world is real and that is the real date, but it is very misunderstood.
The "end of the world" reffers to the end of a way of thinking and opening a higher consciousness in people who are willing and ready to recieve it, also an end of old patterns of thinking. The world also "ended" in the year 2000 and back then it was also a entering into a higher consciousness for the people who were ready at that time, but we evolve constantly. It is misunderstood because many people are extremists without knowing it. I highly recommend the read of a book called "The power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle, it is a useful read and it helps very much in understanding more of life and nature. The truth was also recognized more than two thousand years ago when Plato said that "The whole Universe is a Single Living Being that embraces all living beings within", but people don't fully understand it's meaning because frankly they don't want to know, they think they are satisfied with their choices, but a huge lack can be observed in their lifes. There are only three ways of living: "In spite of", "Ignorant" and "Wonderful". If you chose to wonder of the beauties of nature, you yourself become wonderful, as in wonder-full. Life is magic already and wonderful, yet people excpect to recieve "godlike powers" from "somewwhere else" because they don't see they already have "godlike abilities". All living beings are life itself, because: Which is life if not that which is living? And life in essence is Consciousness. Consciousness is all in essence.

1 decade ago

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One can look at a tree and say in ignorance "just a tree"(as in just a prop, a resource, an object), but one can also look at the same tree with a wonderful perspective and realize that if we don't JUDGE the tree from our own limiting concepts, we realize that we don't know who or what a tree is, in fact if we analyze it, we don't know who we really are. Sure, you know your name, abilities and physical properties, also you know your history, but all those have nothing to do with who you are. The subject is not it's attributes and properties or posessed objects, the subject is pure consciousness. But that's about to change for those who are willing that change, for those who are tired of ignorance. They will soon realize that the tree and the man is the same Living Being in the ultimate essence. A immortal living being that is Life itself. Life is formless, yet it has all the forms; Life is shapeless, yet it has all the shapes; Life is infinite, yet it has all the finite appearances; Life is timeless, yet life has time. Life is colorless, yet has all the colors.
How? Because life is not only its manifestations, yet life manifests. Life is consciousness that manifests choices of life.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by metoxys.