What do you think about the streaming language?
Frohen Kuchentag!
Glaube das der Streamingmarkt gesättigt ist. Wenn man nicht eine sehr spezialisierte Lücke findet, wird man keinen nennenswerte Reichweite erzielen. Aber gutes Gelingen
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I think some accents sound even better than native English, but that depends entirely on you, of course!
Just look at that Swedish whateverhisnameis guy! If you wanna be a successful streamer, you surely need something to amuse people. Usually being really excited does the trick (^w^)
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There are likely more potential viewers in English than German, but it will depend on a lot of factors, such when you're streaming, and what game's your playing at the time.
The best advice in my opinion, especially when you're starting out, would be to label your stream EN/DE in the title, and engage your viewers in whichever language works best at the time. As you get more viewers, you can get a feel for what works for you, and decide if it would be best to focus exclusively on one language or the other then.
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I'd love to help you with your question, but I do not even remotely understand the appeal of streaming, I don't want to directly insult it because I know people seem to enjoy watching it for whatever reason, but man it just doesn't make a lick of sense to me.
On a general business sense though, you might want to investigate how many people stream in German, as there may be a sizeable niche waiting to be filled, rather than throwing yourself into the gold rush of english speaking streamers, where you don't stand out.
Thanks for the train!
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I don't like to watch them either.
But cause there are people enjoy watching it, I see a chance to earn money with something I love-
That's the reason why I'm asking here, I have no idea about the userbase and everything and hope some people can help me
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96 %. I'm slightly impressed. Although I haven't checked if you have played some fiendishly difficult games as well. If your goal is to make money with streaming you should give up on that. It is highly unlikely to make a notable amount or even any money with it. And in the end you will be disappointed. If you are just want to try it for fun then go on and chose the language you are more comfortable with.
Other than that a Happy Cake Day.
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Yea, I know. That is the range where you can't afford to even miss one achievement in most games. Still, it is a bit easier to get a high percentage if you play games where the achievements are mostly knowledge locked (Puzzle Games, HOG's, etc.) so you can use a guide.
It is hard to accept to have a game in your library where the achievements are skill locked and you just don't manage to get more than 50 % or less.
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I know. It taught me to accept defeat though. Because, for example, there is no way in hell I'd spend dozens of hours practising Limbo to complete it with less than five deaths, especially considering I swear the very last puzzle is random (and it is a blind jump, so you cannot even manipulate it).
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Fun Fact: I actually thought Limbo to be one of the easier games to complete. Although the five deaths run is annoying (still better than games with NO death runs like Giana Sisters and more). Also while the last jump is blind the moment you have to jump can be determined by the rhythmic on and off of the gravity change. But yea, I had one try where I died five times alone at this last jump.
But I understand the "No way I'm gonna pratice that much"-argument. For me that would be VVVVVV for most of the achievements or the Y's games with the Nightmare Boss Rush. That is not healthy for my gamepad.
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I have a mix of all games, some easy Visual Novels, but some hard ones too.
I usually look at the achievements before I start a game and think about if I can actually reach 100%.
Still have some below, for example Kickbeat....that game is way too hard (for me)
But I'm really proud of my 93% at Path of Exile, even if it is below 100%
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I do that as well. But still from time to time you tend to pick a game which is way harder than one would imagine. And of course if the game looks interesting enough despite its hard achievements. If it is really well done it is also easier to motivate oneself.
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My aim would be, if I have to work again, I can earn enough money with streaming to live a normal life.
Don't try to achieve that from the start. Living from streaming is a lot like trying to live from being a stand-up comedian. You may hit big and earn enough money, but most people are happy if they don't starve to death working (in their case, travelling) 14 hours every day, no weekends. If you want to stream, stream. But the number of people who make a living off it are way under 0.01%. If you are good enough to earn money with it, it'll come naturally.
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Happy cake day!
I suggest to stream in english but maybe do some german events for your german watchers?
I'm asking myself the same question but I got some time to think about it since my upload speed is crap and I can't stream properly with it :P
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Happy Cake Day and good luck with streaming! :) (I'm clueless about it so can't really contribute anything relevant to the topic.)
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If you are not so confident with your English, you totally can start with German, promote your stream at some local website, facebook, etc. Its kind of a test to see how ppl react. In my country there are alot ppl are not so good at English so they're end up making Lets play with first language, still got alot supports, some successful. Then if you ambitious, English is next step, but beware, this job takes time, mostly ppl can't earn much when just start, some ppl spend years to barely got something.
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You should stream in english mostly, but you can talk in german sometimes. this way you can reach the largest audience and still talk to your german fans. thats waht lot of csgo pros do.
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Best wishes for your streaming project! Thanks for the train and ![BUMP!(https://cdn.meme.am/instances/500x/55264364.jpg)
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Hello Guys :)
I just noticed it's my cake day too! Was not even planned :D
I know the most of you are here for the train, so here it is.
No need to read everything if you don't want to.
Still people here? Okay! Let's get started.
I will be honest with everything!
I'm sick for a while now and can't work, means I have a lot of time for gaming.
I don't know when I can/have to work again, so I thought I can use my time and love for gaming to start streaming.
I know a lot of people like to watch Let's Plays and Twitch and stuff.
My aim would be, if I have to work again, I can earn enough money with streaming to live a normal life.
Okay now we are reaching the main point.
Is it worth a try?
Should I stream in english? I think my english is decent, but would it be good enough to start streaming in english?
Would it be better in german?(I am german by the way :D)
A little bit of Info about my gaminglife:
I love all sorts of RPGs, for example Dark Souls, Final Fantasy and Darksiders, sometimes I play stategy games, I love Tower Defense games :)
I prefer games with Achievements and play (most of the time) them till I have 100%, even if I have to grind like hell(like in many Final Fantasy games).
Uhh well, I guess that's it. What do you guys think :)?
Feel free to ask if you want more infos to find an answer ;)
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