Quoting> The government should impose the limits or everyone have the power to check if a movie/game is adequate for him or his children?
The ratings are there for every game for this particular reason. I am not sure if every country enforces the game ratings rule strictly.
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U, PG, 12A, 15 and 18 are enough for films in the UK. Why not games?
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Yea. It should be more than enough while making a purchase. There is enough details on the game box with the rating. Also it is available on steam as well.
For example check the rating from Witcher 2:
You will see enough details for the rating and content in the game (right sidebar).
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Fek censorship. Sleeping Dogs annoyed the shit out of me with that. You can split someone's head open with a buzzsaw, you can crush their skull with a huge electromagnet(?), you can impale them on metal sticks pointing from the ground, there's a scene of drilling someone's leg. But when you go get a happy massage, nothing is shown. Well lol. Violence is okay, but sex is not. GG.
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@Mortado: " In Germany at least makes more sense." as in "yes boobs, no blood"?
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Well, boobs can cause more kids (and hearing all that "not enough kids now, there won't be enough people to pay old-people-pensions" that probably is quite liked effect), violence CAN cause more violence (which we doesn't want). So, it has more sense :P
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I see, I didn't know it.
I'm not sure if I want to check that one out. The book was already to dark for my taste.
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I just handed a research paper about this exact topic =_=' . That's an annoying one, just saying.
Anyway, I don't like censorship. Parents should take care of their kids and get them what suits them. Also, the age verification systems for online stores should be improved. Otherwise, it's just useless. Everyone can get their hands on games of all types and that's the problem. Censoring is not needed, what's needed is supervision. Older gamers can decide for themselves if to buy a game for themselves or not and censoring it will only annoy a large percentage of them, me included.
said a lot of blah blah blah blah but it's my POV :P
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Actually the age verification is required by law. If they dont keep it they might be sending the message that it is open to every age. By confirming your age with the date you are telling that you are of the required age and the website can in no way be held responsible for having mature content in the pages which are displayed after that.
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Thanks for your post Rahul. The law is right to do age verification (despite being ineffective) because it helps the website to not being liable for "wrong content" for children. I guess that a discussion about more effective manners to control content for children is valid, and parents must be aware of what its children play and see. IMO, at least in my country, parents do not give a damn about games/movies their children play/watch, mostly because they do not understand how easily these games/movies are acquired or do not know how this technology works.
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Yeah it is required by law and should be always required. But all we need is to keep children from the free access somehow. If that happens, I believe everyone will be happy :D
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I do prefer some censorship in some games, (for instance the sex is often aimed at a male audiance). Children will often play games that are meant for older ages (I get that the rating are there but practically, children just play these games anyway). For these reasons, ideally, I think it should have the option to put it on and off. Give the player or parent the option to choose.(Not very practical when developing the game though, I guess.)
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I feel ratings are good so people can understand what they are buying before they do, but do not feel censorship is the right course of action, unless there is something unlawful about the game otherwise.
Censorship denies adults who are capable of making a mature and rational decision and would be able to enjoy the content without any ill effects from doing so. What is needed is for parents to properly supervise their kids and for adults to be mature enough to realize what they can and cannot handle. And also for the media to stop blaming games for every bad thing that happens.
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One word: hipocrisy. I'm an artist and know how it feels.
People do stuff and are ashamed of it. They lie to themselves about what the world is, create taboos, create hate on what's pure and true.
They just can't stare directly at what they have been thought not to show people. It's ridiculous. People want violence and repel sexuallity. People drink blood and forget about all the sodomy they desired, hiding behind the words of their God. Pretty much it, censorship is the purest form of hipocrisy.
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I don't get wildly offended by it. I know there are simply things that make people uncomfortable. I get that. Not everybody wants to see somebody get a bullet through the head in a movie or a video game. People don't seem to understand that a lot of what people are trying to censor is entirely okay to not be comfortable with. They get too hung up on shaming them as "prudes" or what have you and don't comment on the real issue that one person or one group of people shouldn't be trying to decide what's best for everybody.
As much as I love video games and as much as I detest censorship, I do stop to think once in a while when I'm playing a violent game or watching a particularly gory movie or listening to a song that may have some gruesome content, about what it is I'm playing/watching/listening to. On the whole it doesn't have a profound effect on me but I do realize that these people have very legitimate concerns. Their way of trying to deal with them is heavy handed and overbearing, but I truly believe we get too hung up on criticizing that aspect before we have the empathy to understand why this person is so upset.
But the bottom line is while they're entirely entitled to be personally offended, or to not want to take part in it, or maybe to not let their children take part in it, they are in no way entitled to that material that they've subjectively determined to be offensive being altered or removed for anybody else.
TL;DR it's still wrong, but I feel that the people vying for "censorship" deserve a bit of empathy and I believe at their core they mean well and have genuine concern.
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Well, to me it always looked simple: if the person doesn't feel confortable, he/she just don't have to play or watch the material. God dammit, no one forces them to watch and get "offended" by what they chose to consume in the first place!
Censorship must be done by the person itself, not by the government, taking away from us product that we want.
No one ever pointed a gun to my face in order to force me to watch -say- A Serbian Film. I closed my eyes for myself, as I wanted to watch it for myself. I took out the DVD, which I watched knowing first-hand it was just horrible. That's what censorship must be about.
Just loved your opinion on this. Thanks for sharing it!
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That's entirely understood and how I see it. I just think you have to imagine it through their eyes. Imagine genuinely, deeply being concerned about the content while everybody's just like "Yeah whatever dude, I'm gonna go kill hookers".
I imagine life for Tipper Gore or Jack Thompson is hell. You just have to empathize with the idea that some people genuinely believe such a large chunk of the population are desensitized potentially murderous lunatics that can be swayed by a lyric in a song or a line of code in a video game. What a terrifying way to live.
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censoring games is pointless and stupid, if a game is rated 18 then it must not be censored, then it would be for 18+, imagine if people censored porn? sounds stupid rigth?, i mean people forced rockstar to censor manhunt 2 because of the gore stuff, when the saw movies show more than that and are transmited like 6 times every day.
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You know.. 10 years ago there weren't much of violence/sex and different stuff that could ruin child. Now there are A LOT. So this boy is addicted to PC games and actually use violence that he learned from games in his every day life, next (and this is not only for models), young girls try to look like adults and where the hell is childhood with teddy bears, ponies, beauty animation with no violence, sex scenes and etc? So I think in order to prevent things, there should be censorship. And sometimes even for me now when I'm 25. Just sucks how games/films and etc can be soooo violent or like porn :|
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That is not games' fault, it's his parents' fault that he is like that. Those games are not intended for him anyway. And he seems like one of those kids that jump off a window cause they saw that Butterfree can fly.
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I'm not saying this about you, but think for a while: There are men who will get offended by nudity in game, but masturbates everyday to porn. So... what's the difference? Why don't he masturbates to a text with sexual words censored?
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I see your point and you are right. And now I look into my comment from a different angle, but that's not what I wanted to tell. What I wanted to tell is that the whole idea of censorship should be to protect people which are underage, but on the internet you can be anything you like and I believe many of us faked our age in order to see/get some content. And while parents can block some websites or searches, they actually can't block games and that's where censorship comes. And some countries tries to protect really seriously (Germany for example), others not so. And then I also bump into the whole idea of games - the violence in the games, killing all monsters for the "good" and etc. Oh, I just lost in my mind...
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I totally get what you're saying! I think the main problem in the subject is the negligence of parents. There's no need for censoring if the parents do what it takes to keep their children safe.
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I already take care of children both in my house and in the academy. No problem at all in both cases.
Trust me, if they aren't able to take care of their own children, it's their fault and we souldn't have our games censored because of their lack of responsability. The kids I'm helping to raise use the computer and XBOX, but they are all forbidden to some obvious things. And I'm always there, always watching. If you don't have an iron fist, you will probably be controlled by the kids you raise, and become another irresponsable parent. By the way, no, I'm not a parent. Just helping to raise xD
The point is, if someone is stupid with their children, we should not be. And just because we share the world with some donkey-IQ people, it does NOT mean we have to suffer for their lack of brain. It is our responsability to clean everywhere they decided to shit at. Hope you understand my point xD
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Yep, I understood! Great thoughts and I hope to have an iron fist to my children one day, 'cause now I see how my cousin is rising his child, so they do not spend much time with him instead they gave him PC full of games and he spends ALL of his free-time in front of PC. During summer he is playing PC games, not outside with other children and etc. Though this kid is genius at math and art, parents don't encourage him to paint or solve math puzzle instead of playing computer games. So I kind of have an example of what kind of parent I don't want to be. And you're right, we shouldn't suffer from low IQ people's lack of brain :| You totally convinced me and now I actually changed my opinion about censorship :)
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Sometmes its good. I wouldnt mind someone censoring crap music I hear on the radio every day or any TV channel that just has celebrety shit on. This is dumbing down everyone.
In a perfect society, this wouldnt be needed but right now censorship has a lot of power and its questionable who should have that kind of power.
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I hate it, simple as that, the games should look and play the way they were meant to be, if some country doesn't like that game then simply don't sell it at all, because most of the people will rather pirate it and play it as it was meant to be than to play child version with rainbows instead of blood from some horror game.
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In my opinion things shouldn't get censored. Most times the reason that games or movies get censored is "to save the children", in my opinion parents should check which games their children get. When a kid is old enough to know how to get the games in the internet without parents then it should also be old enough to know what are video games and what is the reality. Not every kid that plays violent games will kill people in their life.
And for the adults that don't like this violent games or movies: Just don't watch/play them. No one forces you to do it. Most people want violence or nudity in their movies or games, else they wouldn't sell good and the companies wouldn't produce these.
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I don't believe in any kind of Censorship, when it comes to movies and games and series and stuff, it's not the governments place to tell others what they can and cannot do when it's not an illegal act, watching a R rated movie or play a 18+ game, it's the parents place to teach their children what they can and cannot do, censoring is just a lazy thing to do, it fucks it up for everyone, not helping the parents or squeamish people. Everyone has a right to choose whatever they want to do and if it's something bad they will get punished for it but at least let everyone has a choice instead of just locking out that option entirely.
So yeah, Censorship is wrong, it's the parents job to teach their kids, not the governments place.
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While I agree with most of what you said... to call censorship a "lazy thing to do" makes no sense lol. Not censoring would be the lazy thing to do because that's the definition of lazy.. to NOT do things. Again, not really arguing with your points at all, it just struck me as odd to call that "lazy". "Intrusive" maybe?
(This part not really in reply to Alderus but to OP)
I don't think seeing a pair or boobs or seeing an act of violence really affects people towards related actions at all. There's not been much conclusive studies that I've heard of (if there has been then by all means please inform me.. I don't actually make a habit of looking this stuff up) on it; and even if there has been some studies that claim violence of sex in games/movies affect people "negatively" it really would lead me to question confounding elements (such as predisposition, background, childhood, culture, etc etc).
Since people have mentioned ratings, I think that's a good thing as most people would agree (to make clear I strictly mean ratings and ratings only... not the restrictions that come with it). It's nice to know what you're getting into... but as for censorship... no.
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The ESRB in North America needs to be re-looked at and re-worked out. As it stands now, video game companies are afraid to go the extra mile by including nudity and sex because they want to avoid having their rating switched from M to AO (adult only). The main problem with AO-rated games is they're not allowed to be sold in many popular retail establishments, such as EBGames/Gamestop, Wal*mart, etc. Clearly for them this is the right choice to make from a business perspective.
ESRB is a tricky system. Sexual innuendo is usually alright in a T-rated game, as long as there's no specific wording to it. It's also alright to dress female characters in risque outfits in a T-rated game, but that's starting to push it. Often times games will be rated M on principle just to avoid the hammer.
In my honest opinion, the M rating should allow sex and nudity and most everything else, as long as the game contain proper maturity in all those things. The Witcher series is a great example of this. It bothers me to a certain degree that other games like Dragon Age and Mass Effect, which are heavily focused on character development and interaction, don't include any nudity in their love scenes. I'm not saying this because I'm a pervert and want to see nipples and other kinds of genitalia, I'm saying this because why even have the love scenes if they're going to be painfully awkward to look at? I'd rather they just cut to black and have the mere assumption of the love scene rather than show it in the pathetic manner that they do.
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What's wrong with the scenes in Dragon Age? They look like typical TV Show sex scenes or the ones you see in ... oh nvm :)
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In Australia we finally got R18+ last year.
Censoring games it silly, a game gets a rating for a reason. No need too censor a game so little kids can play it!
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As long as there can always be a rating to say "This game will offend/scare the fuck out of you/make you feel sick" there should be none of this censorship like Germany and Aus (did they stop all the game censorship in aus ?) Also Comedy, people who get trouble for the comedy is silly to.
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I do know the MPAA is a shadow organization made up of a bunch of people from various backgrounds who all think the same way. Their names and locations are shielded from the public. Why should we agree with what they say as if they are literally the voice of God?
Movies should be rated based on their merit and less about mere words and violence. Something that tells of a positive message would be unavailable to a large segment of the public because someone said a few choice words. If a movie is all about swearing and racism like a Spike Lee movie, it should be trashed.
The parents should censor their kids.
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I guess that most people agree that a rating system is ok, but not censorship. I would like to read some stories about censorship tries. In Brazil, a state representative tried to remove the movie "Ted" from theatres because he went with his son (10 years old) to watch the movie, despite the rating was 14+.
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What do you think about censorship, specially games censorship. We have censorship in US regarding nude people in games, censorship in Germany regarding violence, and in Brazil as well with games like Carmageddon and Manhunt. The government should impose the limits or everyone have the power to check if a movie/game is adequate for him or his children?
In my opinion, the first reactions must be taken into consideration, because they are not biased, thus have more chances to be the expression of truth.
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