Except there are many countries that GMG does not sell to.
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i bought 4 things from gmg and 2 of those times i was completely unsatisfied
if they did not have good deals, i would not even consider that site
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There are a lot of people selling games over there as well, they might be a bit pricier than the cheapest prices on steam but it's worth it if you don't feel like waiting for another steam sale and/or in your case are not able to purchase the game.
However you do need paypal for that.
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http://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/The_Big_List_of_3rd_Party_DRM_on_Steam#Games_for_Windows_Live ..... Check this list, there are 2 types of GfWL. Fallout 3, GTA4, and BioShock 2 are all Legacy GfWL titles. Dirt 3 is an SSA GfWL title. Maybe this is what the problem is.
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Blew my theory out of the water!
I figured it had to do with online play, but yeah, you're correct! The old method simply checked the CD key while the new method checks your GFWL account and IP.
p.s. Your link broke.
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Cheers, you just gotta love how copy-pasta completely fails sometimes!
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Yup, same problem here in Bulgaria. Microsoft can't be arsed to support the other half of the world. Of course, games being unavailable for sale in half the world won't stop anyone from adding people who live there to piracy rate statistics.
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Did you read the link I posted (and Peroxide fixed). There's 2 types of GfWL. Could you tell us which games you have that work in Romania?
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And also you'll have to pay for that missing Dirt3.
Individual price - 12,90, bundle - 15,63...
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It depends on the game. For example, this weekend, with the 75% off deal, we had:
GTA Complete Pack: 7.50€ in tier 2 (Eastern Europe), 12.50€ in tier 1 (Western Europe), $12.50 in the U.S.
L.A. Noire Complete: 10€ in tier 2, the same in tier 1, $7.50 in the U.S.
And what people tend to forget is that in Europe we have sales tax of around 20% or more and that gets included in the price. In the U.S. there are just a handful of states that collect sales tax, and it's much smaller, and it's not included in the price shown on Steam or any other store.
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Either trade games or make friends :)
But some may be unavailable for a good reason (region locks, etc). Not sure about Dirt 3
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Even if the game is unavailable for you in the Steam Store, usually you will be able to buy it from other online retailers without a problem (GetGames, Amazon, Greenman Gaming, Gamersgate, etc.). I don't live in Romania, but this worked for me for games that were otherwise unavailable in my region (I'm giving you a stern look, Sega!). You might have to wait a while until they go on sale, though.
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The free gifts given away by Valve are unavailable, but, still, there is some way for Chinese to play DotA 2.
At least, the current International winners are chinese.
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If you have the wallet to buy it then you can just trade keys. That's the same thing. :)
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I used to think there are only Russian players, who have serious problems with the availability of steam games...
For example, we also have a lot of unavailable titles, and I think there will never be the answer WHY. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?
The Secret World, Rage, Sacred 2 Gold, Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition, Silent Hill: Homecoming, Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, Dreamfall: The Longest Journey... And these are only the ones I remember. I could also name Tera, but, afaik, it's almost nowhere available.
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Yeah, we got the damned Putin, and it's one of the greatest problems of our counrty -_-
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What do you mean, insane deals? I've never seen any of such deals... Or if you mean the lower price for some of the games, note, that, after the price is lowered, they become region-restricted.
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Incorrect. Most games on Steam are significantly cheaper in Russia and are not region-restricted. The restrictions are a fairly recent trend and mostly limited to big releases.
And also, so what if a game can't be activated outside Russia/former USSR? It's still an insane deal for Russians who want to own it.
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Most everyone seems to be blaming Valve or the United States for this problem but usually it's because of content restrictions and/or currency issues with that country. Instead of blaming everyone else why don't you ask your government why they restrict their citizens like this
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Yes, Microsoft is a US based company but it's the governments of the countries involved that sets the rules. Why do 41 countries (including Germany) get to use GFWL and Romania doesn't? Like I said, ask the government of Romania why it's this way and quit blaming the companies that make the games. If Germany could work out an acceptable deal with MS to pacify their content restriction requirements and have GFWL then there's no reason why other countries can't do the same. Of course, if Romania is one of those countries that wants MS to pay them to accept each and every new game that they release then I don't blame MS for not wanting to work with them. It didn't work in Australia either when they tried that approach years ago and they have some pretty steep restrictions yet also have GFWL today.
Your options are:
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You're way way off target. I'm willing to bet that most governments have no idea GFWL even exists. Which countries are supported is a decision made by Microsoft. GFWL support is identical to Xbox Live support. And Xbox Live is only available in countries where the Xbox is being sold and used. So Microsoft is simply denying service to countries where PCs are popular and consoles aren't. This has nothing to do with imaginary government restrictions.
The source of the problem is that Microsoft doesn't give a damn about GFWL or PC users. There's no separate GFWL support, so its users get redirected to Xbox Live support, who in turn tell them to restart their Xboxes. The entire service is a stillborn offshoot of Xbox Live, its reason for existence unknown. And as of Windows 8, it's practically been scrapped. So of course they won't bother to support new countries, even if it takes just a few man-hours of work to set up. But M$'s incompetence in the PC market is not an excuse. On the contrary, that's a very good reason to complain.
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Cumpara de pe eMag, costa doar 19 lei (4.37€), pretul normal (fata de 20€ cat e pe Steam fara reducere) si cica ar fi steamworks. Nu exista motiv pentru care sa te plangi, in Romania avem cel mai ieftin Dirt 3, chiar daca nu-i direct de pe Steam.
Sper ca te-am lamurit, pe tine si pe ceilalti romani...
Ah, la fel si pentru Dirt Showdown (steamworks) care vad ca este la oferta pe eMag, mai erau si alte jocuri care nu-mi vin in minte acum, la fel, erau foarte ieftine fata de Steam :P
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Stii cu siguranta ca versiunile retail de la eMag, Altex etc sunt activabile pe steam? Tu le-ai activat pe cele de pe contul tau din versiuni retail?
Vad ca aici nu mentioneaza ca variantele retail ale fransizei Dirt ar putea fi activate in clientul de Steam. Si pe mine m-a tentat sa cumpar Dirt3 retail din magazinele noastre dar m-am abtinut pana acum...
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So...for a while I noticed more and more games being not available for purchase from my country(Romania).
Now, for example, midweek madness (Dirt Franchise): normally, you should get Dirt2, Dirt3 and Dirt Showdown, but I can get only Dirt 2 and Showdown. CLICK
Another problem is that I don't have friends in other countries so I could buy through them.
Any suggestion/advice/trick? :)
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