If i did an invite only GA for 2 copies and only 5 entered, what's going to happen?
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So leftover keys from cheap bundles will NOT raise my level to 1 even?
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When you go here to create a new giveaway, and type the title of the game in the "Select a Game" field --
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was here:
and noticed a "12.5" in Contributor Level graph... it has always been there?
sorry if already asked :P
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.. and should be updated to rules that fits for the situation 3 years after the rule change.
As examples only my thoughts, nothing special:
And implement automatic checks of rule breaks/infringements(?).
Lower the work for the Support and the members and handle the problem with the rulebreakers much faster
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I have a question: I'm new to steamgifts and I just made my first giveaway (which cost 15p to enter), and after 2 days, the winner marked it as "received" (I just noticed that this morning). So how long will it take for my account to show the update to my contributor level? Right now it still shows "0".
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Have a read of the FAQ, specifically the section titled What are "No Value", "Reduced Value", and "Full Value" giveaways?
But the TLDR is that the game you gave away was previously given away for free so you get no contributor value from it.
(This announcement post appears to be a bit outdated btw)
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The game was set to "no value" nearly a year ago: https://www.steamgifts.com/game/1uKT4/desolate
If a game is very cheap (cents) or keys for the game are given away for free in a large quantity, it is set to no value. Check "Contributor Value and Levels" in FAQ.
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Games you received for free, or ever in their lifetime had the ability to be obtained for free, will not count anything towards your contributor value. More on this you can find in the FAQ and guidelines.
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Thanks everyone for the help answering this! I guess for some reason I thought games with 0 CV would also be lower points to enter. But anyway, this is good to know for future giveaways!
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Also, if I see 1 star (or anything else next to a game I'm giving away), what does that mean?
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yeah, sorry, I also see those stars now under the giveaway when I'm making a new one.
I did read the FAQ. I guess I wasn't sure if the whole "if games were given out for free" meant that it was only during the time period in which the games were given out or from there on out for those games. Anyway, I'm new here, so I'm learning.
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May I also thank you for joining and contributing giveaways and not only enter giveaways (which of course your welcome to)
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1 star means the game is considered 'bundled' which means you'll only get 15% of its full CV.
2 stars means the game is considered 'free' which means you'll get zero CV.
No stars means the game is considered 'full value' which means you'll get full CV.
(For full and bundled games, the amount of CV can change, if the base price changes).
*EDIT -- also, welcome to SG!
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I just don't understand why people would be so desperate to try and game the system.
To what end? It's a community based on generosity, not a commodity to be "won."
What a waste of energy to try and subvert it.
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People throw this around a lot. What exactly do you feel is being gamed? Please feel free to explain this mystifying concept in grandiose detail. Let me go pop some corn while I hold my breath. I mean ok I could ALMOST lend some credence this this tinfoil hat conspiracy under the idea of doing it in a group setting buying "fringe" keys that just barely pass for full CV but even then A) you are not giving away something free and b) the CV abductors are out in full force making up their own rules as they go and CV is getting reduced and removed all willy nilly like it's going out of style anyway. So any ill gotten gains would be very shortly lived and unlikely to lead anywhere. I very highly doubt there is anyone trying to take advantage of the system because it's just not feasible. Maybe years ago when apparently nobody did much about the CV but certainly not now. I would honestly stop worrying about the issue either way for or against because it's not going to change anything and certainly nobody is being harmed if people are trying to boost their CV giving away borderline games. Just my thoughts.
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I very highly doubt there is anyone trying to take advantage of the system because it's just not feasible
It comes up again and again with people being surprised a free game hasn't given them CV. And once you see a free game, instantly the giveaways are flooded. Why? Why would someone spend their time, claim a free key just to put it here the second freebie drops? Its clear majority either don't read the discussions or simply are not aware of the CV system and how reduced CV works.
Also I would like to point out that people are greedy. To answer Tsunderecracker - simple reason of being greedy. Even if nothing comes out of that, getting levels up which leads to more giveaways? why not! (they dont care or know that there simply are not "that" many more giveaways with higher levels). As for your answer - I would say on principle we should not reward people who are greedy and want to gain something more (even if it is meaningless). We should never feed the feeling of someone gaining something or feeling superior for breaking the rules, even if the outcome doesn't really affect anyone.
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And once you see a free game, instantly the giveaways are flooded.
Take one of the most popular and acclaimed indie games of the last decade, Subnautica. It is on the zero CV list because of a NA region event after which zero keys of the game were put on SG. But it's now zero CV forever with no incentive for anyone to give it away here. There are also games on the zero CV list that were never given away for free and never even bundled. Sure it's great that mass given away shovelware and less popular titles are zeroed out, but SG is shooting itself in the foot with its zeal on zeroing stuff out.
Take another example, V Rising, also a very popular game, that was given away by Lootboy and AWA, too. That surely deserves zero CV, right? In my opinion absolutely not. Despite the giveaways its keys are still valued at 15 EUR or so on the grey market. I don't care if someone got their V Rising key for free, if they gave it away here they passed up on at least 10 EUR they could have gotten for it from a reseller.
One could argue that it would be terrible if mods were allowed to make judgements on zeroing games out or not depending on their value. But the rules are not clear, mods make such judgements all the time already. For many giveaways the number of available keys is not public. Also the thresholds on discounts that trigger reduced and zero CV are not clear either. Or take the case of the former Fanatical dollar bundles that gave 25-32 rCV for 1 dollar spent. Mods made a decision to keep those games reduced CV at that time. Now several years later some of those bundles were zeroed as far as I know as the mod team revised their position. Or my other pet peeve, regional pricing. Which can make a game reduced or zero value, but generally only if somebody actually abused that regional price. How many copies constitutes abuse is of course totally arbitrary. If you give away a full value game on say 75 to 90% discount you are always at a threat of your CV being retroactively removed for regional pricing abuse. Very motivating, I must say. The system is already arbitrary and unfair. I'd prefer if it was arbitrary leaning in the direction of rewarding people for sharing valuable games here, not arbitrary leaning in the direction of trying to catch every single potential 'unfair' gain.
Also I would like to point out that people are greedy. To answer Tsunderecracker - simple reason of being greedy. Even if nothing comes out of that, getting levels up which leads to more giveaways? why not!
Like it or not Steamgifts is essentially a metagame. You are judged by many other users for your ratio and level. And seeing your level and points go up is a crucial motivator on the whole even if after a point the benefits are negligable (there are very few high lvl giveaways). It's genius in a way, motivating people to still share while giving them nothing of value in return (after a point). It's similar to how Steam extracts extra money from people levelling up their profile for bragging rights basically.
Apologies about going on a tangential rant on you.
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Take another example, V Rising, also a very popular game, that was given away by Lootboy and AWA, too. That surely deserves zero CV, right? In my opinion absolutely not. Despite the giveaways its keys are still valued at 15 EUR or so on the grey market. I don't care if someone got their V Rising key for free, if they gave it away here they passed up on at least 10 EUR they could have gotten for it from a reseller.
Interesting take, but a good counterpoint to games like Aviary Attorney - it wasn't free, but it was so cheap on grey markets, that it got added to the list. Which is more or less the opposite of what went down with Subnautica and V Rising - was free, but even on grey markets there is such a value to it, that nobody will just dump their freebie as a cheap way of getting some CV - when selling the game and buying something on 80-90% discount would add 5x as much CV.
It's a weird take, but I think if grey market prices are the base of adding games to zero CV lists, it could be the base for removing them from it as well. Slap a reasonable review % requirement for it (like 60%+ for okay-to-good games) and then it's good, valued games with actual worth returning to the pot, and not hoarded trash turning gold.
(Not like it will ever happen ^^ )
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I don't think most of those people are trying to get anything out of those free games, they just have a key that either they don't want to use or used a secondary account so they already have it anyway. If anything they are doing real people a favor because even though the games are free they still take full points to enter and that uses up a lot of the autobots points to keep them out of legit giveaways. In fact I am certain there are people out there that use that tactic on purpose. That could also be viewed as "gaming the system" as they are improving their odds by reducing competition. I mean at the end of the day it's all not really worth worrying about as the system more or less works as intended.
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some users use multiple accounts in freebie sites and promotions to get keys and then use those keys to abuse groups with participation and ratio rules. one such user was recently permanently suspended after years of abuse. he seemed like a generous person with 11000 giveaways made but in reality 9000 of those were free games he got from those sites and promotions, his real cv ratio was only 0,2
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Like I said this is the exception not the rule, most people are not going to gain anything out of this. Most groups have rules against 0 cv games anyway. Did he win 11,000 games as well or was he just trying to make himself look good with a lot of bogus giveaways?
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close to 5900 wins. apart from getting advantage in groups and abusing them, looking generous can earn you many WL like masafor said below.
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If the mods would set all freebies correctly then he wouldn't have 180 GAs as full value and 1800 GAs as reduced ;o)
But yes, it is for many greedy ones a normal thing to have up to 30 accounts on each freebie site and gifting the stolen freebies then on sg to have a gain from the WL that they get, from the pushed group stats that allow them to win then reduced and full value games etc. etc. etc..
It give very much users like him, but mostly in a (bit) smaller version.
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Multiaccounting on freebie sites is amateur stuff. Those games usually are eventually set to zero CV with the mass giveaway's start date. Though it's still useful to game group ratioes, I guess. The real pros have access to dev keys of shovelware / assetflip games which they can give away for full CV before those games show up on those 'do tasks for keys' sites. And sadly it's one of the safest ways to level up because of the current system that actually incentivizes people to seek out unknown garbage for gifting.
Half the Choice games each month are in danger of being zeroed out within weeks of the bundle dropping because of a certain twitch channel. Regular bundled games also tend to drop from lootboy and you can never know when mods retroactively decide that lootboy keys should be zero CV. Same for that twitch channel's point shop. Currently the limit is 1000 points in the shop, those are set to zero CV. What if it's changed and more of it gets zeroed out?
And if you want to give away unbundled games that are 80-90% off you also run the risk of those becoming retroactively reduced or zero value because of regional price abuse. Here also you are better off picking some unknown crap game nobody wants and has a chance to fly under the radar rather than a popular title that was given away several times already by users in cheap regions.
I think it's ridiculous that some very popular and valuable games are zero CV while you can easily level up on the cheap with unplayable garbage that can't even be called games.
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Hey everyone, I'll try to demystify the contributor levels you see on the site.
To get started, the levels range from 0 - 10, with level 0 being the default after registration, and level 10 being the highest level attainable. Users increase through these levels by creating giveaways that are marked received. If you mouseover your level in the navigation bar, or the level on profiles, you'll see a tooltip with the level rounded to 2 decimal places, giving you a better idea of small increments in level, and when you're about to level up.
Levels increase almost exponentially, meaning each level requires double the contributions of the previous level. For example, level 4 would require double the contributions of level 3, and level 3 would require double the contributions of level 2.
How much a giveaway increases your level is based on the gifts price, so a $20 game would add twice as much value to your level as a $10 game. There are three other factors that may influence the value of a gift...
After you give away a game 5 times (whether in the same giveaway, or in multiple giveaways), it will begin decreasing in value. The value is decreased by 10% for each additional copy. This means if you decide to give away 8 copies of a $10 game, it would add $74.39 (10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 9 + 8.10 + 7.29) in value towards your level. This has little effect on the majority of users, but prevents individuals from receiving a high level from gifting a large number of promotional gifts, games obtained through pricing errors, or keys from contacting game developers.
If a giveaway is invite only, or for a whitelist or Steam group, it will only add value towards your level if it receives 5 or more entries. We made this change to combat small groups of friends from attempting to cheat the contributor system, and to encourage users to expand the reach of their giveaways. The new whitelist feature offers an easy way to target a larger audience, and you can combine it with small Steam groups to receive a greater number of giveaway entries if needed.
Giveaways for bundle games created after the bundle date will always receive 15% of their value. For example, if you gift 2 copies of a $20 bundle game, you would receive $6 (3 + 3) in value towards your level. In the previous site, you could potentially receive no value for bundle games, but this way users will always receive some value for contributing to the site. Keep in mind that changes to the list of bundle games will apply retroactively, so if a bundle begins today, attempting to gift the game before it's added to the list will offer no advantage.
We hope you like the new contributor system. It's similar to the previous one in a number of ways, but addresses a few holes and possible exploits, allows all bundle games to receive some value (even if small), and it's a little easier to use and understand when creating and viewing giveaways. We'll be testing it out for now, seeing the feedback from the community, and deciding whether any adjustments or tweaks need to be developed.
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