Your <5 enty giveaways stopped counting (2 was needed to make them count on SG1), or some of your games are valued at $0 due to a (hopefully temporary) bug. On the other hand, your friend probably had many bundle games that didn't count (SG1 needed you to maintain a ratio of bundle to non bundle giveaways) and that now give 15% of their value to his CV.
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Had you read, you would have noticed the bit about how you now need more people entered to get value. You seem to have a good number of low entry giveaways that lost any contribution value.
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I think most people were benefited by this change
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The whole working by a ratio system doesn't really benefit people on a whole. As far as i am familiar these ratio groups require mandatory giveaways and enrollment in a pre-member system that further puts limitations. Feeding this system inst so much charitable , as it is you have to give as much as you take. Which sounds beneficial, but at that point you may as well call it trading and not really gifting. I'm a beginning member of one of these groups, and I got to say i don't feel well received in it, and i already put $20 worth of gifts into it,. None of what i gave away, as i now learned, helps my contributor level at all. And i kind of agree, it shouldn't, a group full of these 0 entry giveaways that nit pick at what should be entered and should not because of fear of dropping ratio and being expelled.
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That doesn't invalidate my response. Only a small minority most likely were impacted negatively by this change. And this is coming from someone who lost $1500+ CV from the transition :P
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it will only add value towards your level if it receives 5 or more entries
Entry rule only affects level progress, not CV. So I guess, my CV was hit with
After you give away a game 5 times, it will begin decreasing in value
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Most of your games haven't been in that many giveaways to get devalued. I'll go with the entry count myself, since you do have several in the single digits.
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The gifts sent value on your profile is listing the full value for all of your received gifts. If you noticed that value decrease, it would be due to a price change or giveaway feedback.
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You mean that if steam game price will change, so gifts sent value will change?
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Hi cg, thank for all that you do for this community! Regarding this particular topic, have you considered including some of this nicely summarized information and comprehensive level table?
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20% of your giveaways have below the "5 entry limit". (19 out of 95)
Your level and CV still look VERY impressive though! o_O
Thank you for being so generous! :D
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Huh, it's pretty different from the beta discussion. Thanks for the reveal though, hopefully it quiets down some of the questions.
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15% value? I have 140 bundle keys...
Nah, I'll keep them for attempted trading and random drops. :P
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In SGv1 you got 100% value for your bundle games is they didn't go over 20% of your non-bundled ones.
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I think it's about right. It's low enough to discourage people from buying bundles and dumping them on the site purely to level up, but it gives people something, so there's some reward for people who go through the time to always give away spare bundle keys they have lying around.
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It is better than the old system which gave you nothing after $30 unless you had given loads in other games. I think good solution in that you still get something.
Before your 140 bundle keys would net you $30 now if calculated at $5 full price is worth 140 $5 .15 = $105
So given that say 8 games/bundle @ $4 = $70 you are $35 up in CV
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Yeah, the only giveaways I will likely have are from bundles, I was really hoping not to have to wait years to get past level 1.
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A bit zombie, yes, but applicable now nonetheless. I would have though this would be stickied.
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there aren't any stickies on SG.
you can use my thread:
or in case of announcements, just go to that section in the discussions
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So 5 entries needed now... No wonder I gained 0.82 lvl over night :P
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Ah, that's where that extra boost came from. Dropped from 10, right?
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so. lets say you need anything 100$ for lvl 2. so thats 200 for 2 to 3. and you can either give 20 10$ games or 10 20$ games. not the same game, and not bundeled?
the "How much a giveaway increases your level is based on the gifts price, so a $20 game would add twice as much value to your level as a $10 game. There are three other factors that may influence the value of a gift..." confused me for some reason. had to double read
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2 * 0 = 0 btw
How do we know level 1 is $20? Was this stated somewhere else?
Edit: I realized you're trying to say 2*0 but the formatting is making it look like 20. LOL
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Thanks for the detailed info :)
Can you please give any ETA on when 0P games will be fixed (games that have been removed/went f2p and such)? SG1 had their last known price in database and they were valued accordingly (for example my Blur giveaway is $0 at the moment, while it was $19.99 on SG1).
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Good question. Here's the current number of users per level...
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Whoo, less than 200 people to compete with in L8 giveaways.
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did you vote here then? ;)
other stats I'd like to see are: most gifted games on the website, and most entered GAs in my profile
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Wait, didn't you say yesterday 65 people were level 10?
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use the FAQ for general stuff - and then use the search box in the discussions forum - reason - necroing old threads can get you suspended/in trouble
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I didn't know either but apparently...
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if you read the comments it's really about about contributing to spam though, and not really so much about necroing. Given that the user above was asking a reasonable question and not just for the sake of posting something inane or useless I wouldn't classify that as spam as per the 'spirit' of that discussion, even if it could be perceived as a bit 'lazy'. Mind you no such thing is actually written in the rules, and if they are to make it a point of contention then it really should be there. It's far too subjective and subject to personal whim.
edit: I find it amusing that so much effort was put into that discussion meanwhile there are way more important things to worry about on here that have not been properly addressed
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and given that I answered the question, at least I believe I did (now you have me wondering if they wanted something else!), and expanded on my answer and the reasoning behind it to you, and also think that spamming old threads is bad, I cannot see what the issue is here? Or am I missing something again ? In my opinion it could be classified as Inappropriate Behavior, which can lead to a suspenion of 2 days; especially if the user continues to do it (but that is a personal opinion :)
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i'd perfer more people necro as long as they necro the appropriate open thread related to their issue tbh, or bringing it up for attention to prevent threads from being created as often.. but yeah, it's frowned upon.. idc though, i just did it earlier today and labeled it as such. ^^
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ah - all in the spirit of giving though :) - just to be sure on the question asked at the start - I did link the right info didn't I ? Just concerned that Shad0WeN has better info than me and that I linked the wrong thing now, so any info from you or Shad0WeN, to help me to help others who ask the same in the future, would be appreciated - perhaps a new link to the info?
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the faq split in two and lost information in doing so. now it's split between guidelines & faq, but neither of them are quite as clear as the tos for some rules. unsure if there is an actual necro rule anywhere beyond people using the guidelines "When posting content, it should respect the privacy and rights of others." against you.. if there is it would most likely be in the tos though over the other two pages.
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np ^^ the links to any of the others are all off in the left sidebar from one another. so anytime you need any of those pages you can just click the faq button on the top header then look in the left sidebar links to navigate to whichever one you need. ;)
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The reason I guess is that "Sleeping dogs" were removed from steam store when "Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition" came out.
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Hello, help me please, look i was level 5.04 and now i am Level 4.98, why happen this?? what can i do for fix this issue?
I have the proofs, I Always make videos and proofs about everything, so, What can we do?
Please fix my level! Regards! ^^
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Is there a reason I dropped from 3 to 2 overnight?
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Yes, several of your older giveaways don't have the required number of entries to get value. Under Version 1, you needed two entries, this number is now higher.
Edit - Never mind, thought you were someone else asking the same question again.
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Much of the 'elitist' behaviour was from people getting pissed at bundle only members expecting to hit full CV with a few dollars spent on a couple of bundles.
I'm all for gifting bundles, I did a lot of them without expecting any CV, because it let me do large numbers of giveaways. I (and many others) just don't like the people that expected their $5 to earn the same CV as someone who popped $200 on other games.
The heavily devalued contribution for such titles in future will hopefully work well for both groups of people.
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I once bought a game (not full price) and gave it away the same day it got bundled.
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Those elitists that were complaining about bundle game givers receiving full credit... failed to mention they bought their "NON-BUNDLE" games up to 90% discount (95% rarely)... yet they STILL recieve 100% of the games value towards their level.
(and in the past when regional trading was allowed, people in "poor" regions would still get 100% of usa steamstore prices towards their level, yet often paying less then half of the games cost, before sales too!)
The 15% flatrate for bundle games cv is a good compromise. (except for people giving away actual steamgifts.... of games that happened to be bundled)
I guess sg will start accepting 'recepits' so everyone has to prove how much they paid for their game :P
ps. SG needs a bot to act as middle-man for actual steamgifts, as proof we gave a steamgift for full 100% value.
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I like this new rules. Please tell more about contributor's value required for certain levels.
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Where exactly are the CV cutoffs for levels, then? I saw this posted before, but I'm not sure it's up-to-date, because my decimalized-level doesn't seem to match up with my CV as calculated by this post if that's the case.
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+1, * or other sign for bundled games would be nice.
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I've notced my exact number jumping around a bit. I can understand it going down as I haven't made any completed giveaways in this new site, but for what reason would it go up?
I was a 8.16 when I first noticed, then 8.10, 8.11 and right now I'm 8.62.
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Minimum required entries for Version 2 was changed from 10 to 5.
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Cheers. Makes sense, a few of my group GAs will have been in the 5-10 entry range.
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You would have seen it jump an hour ago when I lowered the minimum entry count for group giveaways from 10 to 5.
Edit: DeltaBladeX beat me to the punch.
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Yes. On the flip side though, there are 56,570 giveaways between 5 and 10 entries that are now receiving value. On the previous site, the minimum entry count was 2, although it seemed low, and too easy to abuse. At this time, I think 5 is a good balance.
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Thank you for bringing this number down.
I run the group Bundle Quest. And although we got about 100 members, most of our giveaways are around 0, 1 or 2 entries. The reason for this is that we use a ratio system. So people are careful in what they join.
We definitely don't abuse the system, but are hit by this 'minimum 5 entries' rule. So it would be great if you can look at it some more and see if you can find a way to prevent groups like mine from being affected.
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Oh wow, I just realized I'm now level 8. That's a nice surprise. :D
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Not big on that, I still prefer a min of 10 people required in a giveaway before you get the value for it, specially now with the change to bundle games where you get 15% of its value no matter if you giveaway non-bundled games or not. I have a feeling there is going to be a lot more private giveaways with just 5 people in it with bundle games as the prize.
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It's a change for sure. I don't 100% like it, but I didn't 100% like the old CV system either. :P
Since bundle games ar close to an equivalent of 90%-95% off the normal price, I would lower the percentage that bundle games give on your CV. That 5 entry rule is actually targeting ratio group other than small group of friends, but I'm ok with that... A 10 or 15 entry rule would target most of the groups out there, so if we need such rule, then 5 is fine with me.
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Thanks for the clarification. Can this be stickied?
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There are only two threads in Announcement section, why would you want one of them to be stickied?
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Because I'm naive and I hope if it gets stickied there will be less chance of threads asking how to level, why I'm still lvl 1 and similar :)
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Because not everyone will think about going to the announcements sub-forum and an unstickied post can get buried really fast if you're looking at all categories.
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Hey everyone, I'll try to demystify the contributor levels you see on the site.
To get started, the levels range from 0 - 10, with level 0 being the default after registration, and level 10 being the highest level attainable. Users increase through these levels by creating giveaways that are marked received. If you mouseover your level in the navigation bar, or the level on profiles, you'll see a tooltip with the level rounded to 2 decimal places, giving you a better idea of small increments in level, and when you're about to level up.
Levels increase almost exponentially, meaning each level requires double the contributions of the previous level. For example, level 4 would require double the contributions of level 3, and level 3 would require double the contributions of level 2.
How much a giveaway increases your level is based on the gifts price, so a $20 game would add twice as much value to your level as a $10 game. There are three other factors that may influence the value of a gift...
After you give away a game 5 times (whether in the same giveaway, or in multiple giveaways), it will begin decreasing in value. The value is decreased by 10% for each additional copy. This means if you decide to give away 8 copies of a $10 game, it would add $74.39 (10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 9 + 8.10 + 7.29) in value towards your level. This has little effect on the majority of users, but prevents individuals from receiving a high level from gifting a large number of promotional gifts, games obtained through pricing errors, or keys from contacting game developers.
If a giveaway is invite only, or for a whitelist or Steam group, it will only add value towards your level if it receives 5 or more entries. We made this change to combat small groups of friends from attempting to cheat the contributor system, and to encourage users to expand the reach of their giveaways. The new whitelist feature offers an easy way to target a larger audience, and you can combine it with small Steam groups to receive a greater number of giveaway entries if needed.
Giveaways for bundle games created after the bundle date will always receive 15% of their value. For example, if you gift 2 copies of a $20 bundle game, you would receive $6 (3 + 3) in value towards your level. In the previous site, you could potentially receive no value for bundle games, but this way users will always receive some value for contributing to the site. Keep in mind that changes to the list of bundle games will apply retroactively, so if a bundle begins today, attempting to gift the game before it's added to the list will offer no advantage.
We hope you like the new contributor system. It's similar to the previous one in a number of ways, but addresses a few holes and possible exploits, allows all bundle games to receive some value (even if small), and it's a little easier to use and understand when creating and viewing giveaways. We'll be testing it out for now, seeing the feedback from the community, and deciding whether any adjustments or tweaks need to be developed.
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