every game goes into a bundle at some point. i would much rather buy 20 1$ humble bundle games with great game bundles and give them away then 1 game. unless the games become free the price given away cant drop anymore vs giving away a 40$ game then in 2 months becomes worth 6$ cv. when its a bundle like the last sonic one with the 2 greatest sonic games known to man i get my hands on every copy i can, then give them away. you can also give all the money to charity
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Of course you can, all you need to do is name one single game which has never been in a bundle to prove that isn't true.
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This discussion is funny :D You're 100% right, and at the same time it's useless to be right - nobody can buy those games so they don't matter. That shows how moot the original "every game goes into a bundle at some point" statement is (If a developer sticks to their ideals, it will stand. But what if someone buys it, etc... at that point it's just theorycrafting for the sake of nitpicking. And your answer closes it down so nicely.)
Also, burden of proof is on who makes the statement, and proving "every" is so much harder than proving "there is at least one which doesn't " :D
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Bethesda doesn't bundle and until a few months ago, it didn't even discount its games to 75% off or close to it. Times are changing so never say never, even to Konami.
Activision titles on the other hand, you can be certain that they won't land in a bundle or get hefty discounts for that matter. EA games are more likely to end in a Humble Bundle (not to mention the nice discounts on the Origin Store) than Activision's and yet some people still regard Electronic Arts as the epitome of corporate greed...
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Bethesda has put their games in bundles over the past several years. Elder Scrolls Online, Rage, the Doom franchise etc. There are some of their IPs that haven't though.
Activision bundles some of their games. Off the top of my head a recent Call of Duty and Destiny 2 were in bundles.
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Thanks for pointing this out. Dunno how I missed that one, yet perhaps they were still too expensive for me, considering I own so few of them already. 80% off several hundred bucks is still a no go for me.
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Bo4 was also on a bundle and i believe the new modern warfare will propably end up in a bundle as it seems to be profitable for them because of the microtransactions.
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Factorio. The founder refuse sales to be transparent with their userbase. It's the same reason he refuse the price like X9.99, that's why Factorio price is 30$, not 29.99$. And the price history confirm that: no sales since the game is on steam 3 years ago. More information here:
So it will most probably be the same for bundles.
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the game will be released in 2020 so, i think there will be another price increase
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30$ should be the final price, we can read on the official website: "we have decided to set the new price of the game to 30 USD [...]. This is the final Factorio price update, unless something unforeseen happens, so it will also be the price for the game for 1.0 release.". Source:
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I actually had a discussion about this over two years ago saying Factorio will not be bundled anytime soon.
I don`t mind pointless speculation but some people just like to argue for arguments sake.
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Concerning Factorio all I said was I could see it being in a Humble Monthly sooner or later. The thought being.... like other premium indie games of its ilk. And so it has yet to be. What makes it or not and when seems pretty arbitrary from our general perspective. That wasn't even what that discussion was really about anyway. So you got one small detail right that had little bearing on the discussion, congrats. What do you want, a cookie? I'm sure you've also been wrong about 1000 other speculative things since then. You speak of other people "arguing for argument's sake" but perhaps this is a subliminal reference to yourself as you seemed to need to get the last word then and again now after pointlessly necroing a roughly 3-year-old thread. Holy Christmas, move on with your life.
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Ah yes, of course you would say that. God forbid anyone edits any comment ever for any reason whatsoever because then some neurotic paranoid fool might come along years later and claim that it was manipulated like it was the Chinese government. Yeah, I totally just went back and edited it now because I couldn't get on with my pathetic life and move beyond what happened almost 3 years ago. Or..... maybe you are just playing revisionist history and basically making up whatever you want. So anyway even though the Factorio thing had very little relevance in the original topic in question, here is your reward:
Sorry they aren't super fresh but hey, it's been almost 3 years. Not to worry though, we can work on getting you a consolation prize.
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Ys Origin was also in one of the early Humble Monthlies.
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Indiegala has very rarely bundled the games they develop and publish. A few have been bundled once. The exception is Blockstorm which has been bundled 5 times.
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If you want games that don't go into bundle try find games that fit in these:
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Sooner or later they'll be bundled. Everybody has a price.
Unless it's a dead & forgotten game.
e.g. https://store.steampowered.com/app/249570/The_Castle_Doctrine/
Licensed game is another choice. Sometimes they won't even do a sale or tell you it's going to be delisted.
Take it or leave it, they say. One last chance to squeeze you dry.
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Technically it was a bundle, but...
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Been a while since I heard anyone mention Harold. Never played the game myself, but I've worked at some game studios with one of the artists for that game. iirc the studio that produced it went under shortly after it released (it was a commercial failure), so yea basically zero chance of it being bundled (it doesn't even get discounts anymore, and I doubt it ever will unless the IP holder decides to revive the brand).
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Some Final Fantasy games were in the Square Enix suprise boxes if you count those as bundles:
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Why do you ask?
If you want to play a game now, there is no point waiting for it maybe getting bundled.
If you want to giveaway a game here, you keep the unbundled value if it gets bundled at some point in the future.
If you just want a +1, just buy the cheapest, highest discount trash on Steam.
If you want a game that will never get bundled according to the dev, buy Goblin and Coins.
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Bethesda Gaems - don't recall any relevant titles to be bundled - in time to be worth a damn or for that matter being relevant at all. Never mind the word "bundle" doesn't mean much when its above 10$ and you get shit bundled that either doesn't sell or is unpopular but it has a price tag hence "muh, must be valuable somehow".
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Was also free countless times - MMO trash ... to sell DLC and in-game
currency while allow the game to look alive with poorfag freemium players.
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Theyre often bundled on steam during quakecon with the rest of bethesda's catalog
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I give you direct link sir
Quite lots got bundled sir
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Why does it matter if it will get bundled? If you give away a full CV game now and it becomes bundeld later you wont lose CV, right?
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Definitely worth the price of a AAA game. Excellent replayability as well if you like that sort of game.
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Rimworld will not go on sales/bundles
ehem https://www.reddit.com/r/GameDeals/comments/91hxrp/stardock_colonize_the_universe_bundle_rimworld/
Granted this is not the case of using the word "bundle" we're used to (especially here)
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I don't read the future but Shigatari is excellent and still not bundled / on sale, since 2017 august.
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hi guys, i got 20 bucks in steam and i wanted to ceck what publishers/games you think wont go into bundles? i think microsoft games and games like final fantasy i never saw in humble bundle etc?
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