you definitely have a point here. can't say much about the future, but i expect a lot more major publisher trying out that kind of path.
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Every dollar counts. But they need to pay their next debt of $25 million by january 15. They will be safe if they can do that. They have a fair few titles coming out after that which will help them on their next deadline. Plus they just got a private investor who may help them get through the january hurdle so things are looking up.
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no idea on how their debt is structured, but it looks to me that they did this because they needed some millions in a matter of days. probably some bonds are expiring this december, salaries to pay, taxes, whatever. HIB is a good solution to make cash quickly. but as somebody else stated, this must be part of a plan or it makes not sense.
beware that THQ is not indie (as everybody would notice), which means that it is not running out of a garage; it is a proper company with proper business management, which of course can be unlucky at making/selling games, but is not walking blindfolded about financials.
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this must be part of a plan
Yeah it is, check the other digital retailing sites. Nearly every THQ game is being discounted across the board at some point these few weeks (or past few, give or take).
They're certainly trying to gather as much sales as they can in order to prove that their (IPs) have public demand. That, and... I don't know.
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65% of 3 million will not be enough. It seems like a huge amount but we are talking about a company with tens or hundreds of millions of dollars worth of debt.
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Save it? no.
Be part of a long term solution? sure.
It's a quick, very much needed cash injection that will help pay low tier staff without a huge loss. The games sold had found themselves at a standstill in game sales.
After this point, they went on sale at various retailers for very little, further boosting income. The humble bundle is basically cashing in on some games that are on their last retail-based breath and converted many pirates of the games into paying customers. $1 or $5 per person who signed up is a very attractive alternative to $0 from those that put off buying them or those that didnt pay for them
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I don't think SR3 is "on it's last breath." It was selling very, very well during the last two steam sales. I think THQ should have left this game out of the bundle/
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Agreed with SR3, But outside of a sale it wasnt selling at all.
But if people arent paying the sale price and waiting for it to be even cheaper, why not promise a bunch of other games that have little value to get them to cough up some cash?
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That's exactly what i am thinking. THQ has a huge Backcatalog, of games that are thrown out for low prices.
And they are the firs major publisher that tries this way of selling their games. I see a new wave of major publishers coming down this path, given how successful this bundle is so far.
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Agreed. They're making more money from these games than they had been making from them before the bundle. Therefore, it's a step toward saving them. They're not dumb enough to pin all of their hopes on the bundle, but it may be a small part of a plan to save them, and it may be worthwhile.
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It's kind of a dick move considering they just sold a similar bundle on Amazon for a higher price only 2 weeks previously
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Actually, most people were kind of annoyed during the summer sale when the SR3 Franchise Pack was $25 for most of the sale, then magically dropped to $13 on the very last day.
It's not exactly the same, but kind of similar.
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But then that's more fool to the people that bought it.
It's fairly common knowledge and/or sense not to spend in the Steam Sale unless it's a daily deal, a flash sale or the final day, 'because it will probably get cheaper'.
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SR3 Franchise pack was a daily deal for $25. Then on the last day, it was one of the daily deal repeats, but this time for half the price.
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I bought that deal, and there was enough different about it to make it worthwhile to me.
If you ever buy something (be it a physical object or a download), you know that eventually, it will be sold for a lower value. If you find it a reasonable price and you pay for it, then you csnt complain that it will be cheaper. All download games will be cheaper eventually
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I agree that prices will decrease if you wait, but a week is not enough time to degrade as much as it did. Amazon, for example, gives a 30 day price guarantee for digital video games.
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Also, I buy things to give away far in advance. I have a 30+ giveaway event planned for later this month / January, and I bought tons of games with the expectation that they are unlikely to be cheaper until I give them away. Otherwise it's just a waste of money for me because I'm just holding them in storage.
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Since when? I bought DXHR last xmas for 25.00 THE DAY before they dropped it to 10.00. Amazon flatly refused to refund the 15.00. Or do they only price match competitors? That'd be sort of silly. Not that the game wasn't worth it (one of the very best games of last year, bar none), but I was exceptionally annoyed by the timing.
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Since this summer, I believe. There were a bunch of people complaining about one game or another being cheaper like the week after a sale on it on CAG, so Tony agreed not to do anything like that again.
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You obviously are confused about what "dick move" means. You must mean something like "generous move," since "dick move" would be the opposite of selling games for cheap so more people can play them.
On the other hand, if you understand what the term means, then it would seem that you don't like people to have fun or you hate poor people. Either of those would put you into the dick class instead of THQ.
(I bought the THQ bundle and the BTA Humble Bundle and consider both to be excellent expenditures of my limited money.)
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I think it's pretty well established that you don't make give a massive discount immediately after a previous massive discount. In this case, it's fine because there wasn't too much overlap, but see above for SR3.
Here's a hypothetical scenario. Release day, AAA game sells for $60. The next day, the publisher decides to drop the base price to $30. I call that a dick move to those people who bought on release day. You support it because it allows "people to have fun" and because it means the company does not "hate poor people"
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Please link to wherever this is well-established. Also, logic, please.
Yes, dropping from $60 to $30 on the second day is generous. That would be cause for celebration. Buying a game at full price is imbecilic - equally so if the price drops the next day or in three months.
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I'm not about to slog through an 8000+ post thread to find you the post that Tony made talking about this. If you want to, it's somewhere here.
Besides, buying a game at all is imbecilic. Why not just pirate it? You get maximum fun and if the company doesn't pursue you in the legal realm, that must mean they love poor people!
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And I'm not about to continue this conversation, since you seem to be proving yourself more and more of a crazy person, other than to re-state my point: Price drops are good for the consumer. If you don't like the price you decided to pay for a game, that's your fault.
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Well, you have your opinion and I have mine. Just wanted to say that Amazon (the digital side) and GreenManGaming (depends on which rep you talk to) agree with me and will refund you the price difference if the price changes within a month (more like a week for GMG) of purchase.
Besides, you're the only one here hurling out insults. I don't appreciate being called "crazy" and that I "hate poor people." Especially since I have proof from both GMG (I personally got a price difference refund), Amazon (linked in the thread above), and steam (the SR3 and Jade Empire debacle) that most buyers dislike massive discounts within a week or two of a previous discount. You have only stated opinion from your side. Arguments with no proof will not work in any academic debate.
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I was focusing on logic rather than what a salesman's policy is. Their decisions don't relate to what's fair or not.
Also, just to be clear, I didn't literally mean that you hate poor people. I just meant to make a point clear and was attempting to show you that you didn't seem to understand your own argument (unless you actually did understand your argument and actually did hate poor people.)
Regarding your claim that I only state opinions from my side: you are also not stating opinions that weren't from your side, so I think that means we're both focused on our own point of view, which is normal.
Returning to subject of academic debate (which is a weird direction to go in since this forum is far from academic), academic debate is based on logical assertions and backing them up with rationale, not on proof. Academic debates almost never rest on definite proof, though literal evidence sometimes plays the biggest part, depending on the argument. (If you want evidence that this a credible statement I'm making, here's a little: I teach argumentation in a college setting. I'm an English professor who teaches how to argue academically. That's the actual subject of three of my classes.)
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Haha, I can't one-up you on that point, regarding academic debates. I'm an Electrical Engineering grad student at a major tech/science university, so proof is all we have to work with :P
Well, I don't really think it will be too productive to continue this thread and this seems to be an agreeable point to stop. Let this be my final post (of course, you are entitled to another response post).
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It will certainly help. It can't hurt them as much as the U-Draw tablets that virtually got them in this situation. And a bundle also gets people seeing their games that otherwise wouldn't. Now they are just banking on Homeland 2, Metro last light, and Saints Row 4
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saints row the third is still really fun, i believe it is part of the bundle to get some people buying the dlc, i paid more in dlc than i did on the game itself
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This, pretty much. They think that their upcomming releases will save them, this bundle is just there so they have enough cash to survive until then.
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No, but it probably will mean a pricing system that continues to rely heavily on additional DLC.
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My first obligation is to my wallet, i don't really care, i buy games i like, at the price i deem them worth,
I don't have such a thing like publisher loyalty.
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Except they barely have anything that's worth the full price. Looking through their catalog, the only such games I can see are Supreme Commander 1 and the Company of Heroes series. Maybe the original Dawn of War games too. And possibly Stalker. But that's about it.
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A lot of people say that THQ is gonna die soon. I know they are doing bad, but when did they start doing that bad?
The HB won't save them alone. But the games available are most the first games. The sequels are planned for the future so it will likely have more buyers if people enjoyed the THQ HB.
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Also, the massive financial failure Homefront was.
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Nope, it will not make enough money on it's own but:
The other thing is - if they go bunkrupt they won't get even a cent form their games.
Stock market now values THQ at less than $10Mso i think even those $1-2M they will get from this bundle isn't that little
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The bundle was never intended to save THQ. As people said they are just advertising their future games and dlc and are also making some cash.
THQ are already in the talks with new funders and changed their financial strategies. That's what is gonna save them (if it works)
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i find it quite amusing, that they have to go bankrupt before trying a new distribution model.
especially since they obviously trying to generate a lot of revenue via dlcs.
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But how do Battlefield or COD stand out? They appear to me as the same game every other year.
I find the idea of Homefront or SR 3 much more appealing.
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so, if THQ would invest a few more millions in marketing they could increase their sales.
I totally agree on that. But well.. THQ is on the radar now, more than ever, because of that bundle.
That's a lot of PR... basically for free.
Who will be trying a stunt like that next?
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It'll surely provide them a couple of millions, but last I heard their debts are around like 50 mils so if that's true, then it probably won't help that much. I hope they can stand on their legs again though.
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Their short term debt is their problem. They need to pay off a $25 million credit facility by january 15. Then there is about $150 million in long term debt, which shouldn't be too hard to pay off once they start making games frequently.
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It wont save it and its said that they are safe untill next year
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hmm... strangely, after reading all this, i wish i could shell out a few billion and buy it.
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So where would i find 110 million dollars? or a solid businessplan that makes me the money to pull them out of the dirt?
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Probably not. What many forget is that bundle included their hit games hence making those easily available and making them cheap. What I'm trying to say is that while bundle really was good thing allowing them to earn a couple of millions in a very fast way, long-term it'll do more damage. They've lost so much profit with this bundle. Especially if we take into account that December sales are on their way and they could have benefited from those while still maintaining decent income by selling games at a fixed price rather than relying on people to buy games at a self-determined price bundle offers.
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Most games in the bundle came out over 2 years ago (bar SR3 which sold more than 5 million before the bundle). I highly doubt it would affect them in the long term. They are raising awareness for their titles/brand and generating more money for games which have long since died out in popularity. The chance of making profits on these games has long gone. Its better to sell 500 000+ copies of your titles at $1 than 20 000 at $5 in the xmas sale.
Its a smart move considering they have 3 AAA titles coming out in a matter of months.
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actually, i have no idea if would like to see THQ die or not.
So make this a joke, okay with me ^^
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Activision made $500 million on COD in first 24 hours of release. Makes you sick really that one COD game could bring THQ out of debt.
Scumbag gaming community.
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yup, but you have to consider what COD cost, so this is not profit,
just the number resulting of sold units times saleprice.
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considered you have 300 codemonkeys, artists, writers, a marketing budget in a spaceshuttles worth, Licensing cost for software your people have to use, facility maintenance etc. 20 to 40 million.
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See title?
Any business insiders? Do you think this will make enough Money?
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