Watch out. I tried a topic like this and had to close it.
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Pretty much any game where 13-year-olds can use mics.
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Counter-Strike: Source. With the wrong kind of fails it has made me hit my mouse mat with my mouse and release my anger on my gf by childishly screaming at her. No other game has made me done that. Alot of games get me frustrated if I have to repeat the same thing over and over again because something is too hard though.
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I must be tired. I just read that as "Stripper Elite 3."
"Can't carry the bodies silently, eh? What, do they start yelling for the Bouncer or something?"
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rename your internet explorer to some other name, then copy chrome/firefox to use IE's name.
Hope this makes sense... English is my first language and I've only had a few decades to learn it.
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L.A...Always playing against L.A....Always losing to L.A....Game freezes half way through a win against L.A....Always playing L.A...
Seems Doughty...Carter to Brown, Kopitar SCORES!
"Like the actual sport, I've never seen a game where you can completely dominate the entire fucking match and still force me to leave completely empty handed on a semi-regular basis." - See it all the time, especially in these last few seasons
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As a man who was (note the past tense...) renowned for his temper there have been a few games that have caused me issues.
My foremost memory would have to be the Playstation budget kawaii puzzle-em-up StarSweep. A game that had me maniacally trying to achieve everything on it in order to unlock some secret mode - that turned out to be shite - also caused me to maniacally shatter the hell out of a Playstation controller. Luckily not a dualshock, or it would have been pricey to replace! As it was I replaced it with a non-branded orange controller and continued playing. Then shattered that one in frustration too. StarSweep was very cruel on my temper.
Sports games, of course, often have me throwing controllers in rage. FIFA can be infuriating sometimes for the same reasons as you mentioned for NHL. Sometimes you do everything right and the ball just hits the keeper/post/crossbar/a dog that fortuitously for your opposition runs across the goal/a one in ten-billion year spontaneous black hole etc. But the biggest one for me is probably MMA games. There is nothing so frustrating as a game in which you can dominate for 15-25 minutes of perfect fighting only to make one mistake and end up knocked out. Haven't played the new UFC game, but the older ones and EA Sports MMA both had this issue.
Finally, I didn't break any controllers for this one but this plagued me all the same. I bought a copy of Mortal Kombat 3 for Playstation from a wonderful independent games retailer where I live (support your small businesses, guys!) but always found it impossible to get past Motaro. After sooooooooooooo many attempts to do this I took it back to the store and said "IMPOSSIBURU!" to which they said "Sit and play it, and prove it is IMPOSSIBURU!" Second try in, I beat Motaro, do well against Shao Khan and the store refuses my request for an exchange. I still have that copy of MK3 to this day. I have never repeated the feat of beating Motaro and Shao Khan.
Oh, and finally there was the time I bought Final Fantasy Origins for Playstation (was a European re-release of the Wonderswan Colour FF1 and FF2) think it was the first dungeon (where you fight the vampire) got caught by a ton of zombies, which paralyse you. Got parahaxxed to death, had been ages since I saved, I threw my controller, my Playstation fell and the disc stopped working. Me being the honest sort I am I took it back where I bought it, told them it was like that when I got it and they replaced the game. The Playstation was fine and since that point I have always had a fear of zombieparahaxxing in early FF games.
That's too much story - I really need to chill out!
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League of Legends regularly makes my blood pressure rise. Had a ranked game, today, where our ADC was a troll and our jungler was asleep at the wheel. (Syndra in the jungle, without Smite.) We ended up winning the match, anyway, but not without me repeatedly yelling "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" at my monitor. (I'm someone who doesn't usually yell.)
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and that's what I hate about LoL OR Dota 2. You more than likely get yelled at every time you "mess something up" because you're not playing the way x person says or live it like it's your life. I just want to play a game, vape, and relax not treat it like it's my goddamned job.
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I know what you mean about EA sports games, I guess I'd say FIFA 14 for the topic. I get 18 shots on target and my opponent gets 2, game ends 2-1 for him. My Goalkeeper who is a special card of Tim Howard has 1 or 2 saves but Jose Reina has 17 saves. Every game, thanks to EA's scripting. </rant>
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Wow I'm surprised I haven't seen these here; I Wanna be the Guy and I Wanna be the Guy Gaiden.
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One of the Driver games (not sure which one, the first one maybe?) comes to mind. It was downright infuriating.
Maybe it was the painfully idiotic controls, or the painfully idiotic gameplay or maybe some other painfully idiotic thing about that game, I can't remember. But I do remember that when I played it back then, I was enraged :D
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"Swing Away Golf" for the Playstation 2. The caddies are so annoying that you literally want to facewall anytime they open their mouth.
"You hit too far."
"You hit too short."
There's also this one caddie who gives you a half a minute advice how to get up a steep hill. So if you're in a crappy spot or miss hitting the ball, she repeats it EVERY TIME. And even if you turn their sounds off, you still have to wait for them to finish their talking until you can hit the ball again.
And I remember there's this competition mode where you can win a very nice club at the start of the game. You have to play with a computer player and take turns hitting the same ball. The first time, I had a very good computer player and won the club. The second time though.... GRGHGRHRGHGHAHAAAAAAHHH!!! She hit the ball into every waterhole, bunker, deep grasss and off the green. And when we lose the competition? The caddie tells me to play better next time!!! !¤%!"!¤"%
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U dont need a game to become mad.. Lag is 100% efficient at breaking PC parts X)
When my mouse gets low on battery and I die cause the left click not being detected, I almost break it into pieces.
A friend destroyed he's Razor mouse of 100€ value or something cuz League of Legends lagged and he died.
so.. yeah any game that can have lag issues do the job.
BUT if u want a game as answer Super Hexagon! It dosen't piss me at all, but almost every 1 that I showed it to, they cant play it for longer than 10min or so. it gets dangered
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NHL 14. Or the NHL series in general I suppose. It's the closest I've come to just tossing the PS3 out the window. I've done serious damage to my controllers at this point (having a solid wooden coffee table to slam it into sitting right in front of me is dangerous lol), and I'm very close to not caring if I throw it away in a fit of rage because NHL 14 is the only reason I use the damn thing anymore.
Like the actual sport, I've never seen a game where you can completely dominate the entire fucking match and still force me to leave completely empty handed on a semi-regular basis. Since this is a game, an EA game no less, a developer notorious for adding "catch up" mechanisms to their racing games to avoid terribly one sided matchups... I'm not convinced that it doesn't programmatically fuck me over if I start getting the upper hand. It's tough to swallow that it's purely coincidence that I can make fantastic passing plays to start a game, and have the same players ruining great rushes and set ups by completely botching simple passes late in the 3rd... literally not even passing it in the direction I'm pressing.
EDIT: Yes, this is an excuse to vent lol. But by all means, do the same with whatever shit you're currently playing.
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