Oh you know, it’s like pornography, you’ll know it when you see it.
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A Hardcore Gamer is Someone Who Repeatadly Smashes his/her hands up and down is choice of controller, Someone who will not stop gaming until that last drop of sweat soaks into the back of his/her Gaming chair, A Hardcore Gamer drinks nothing but mountain dew and weighs about 300lbs....
Did you feel dirty reading this? Good
Also Ask yourself what is a Gamer, Then x that by 10 and you have your answer....Its different for everybody.
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Is this where i am supposed to say "filthy casual!"? xP
Jk, i am a casual myself i think.
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hardcore gamers play Super Meat Boy ... blindfolded ... without hands ... and don't die once.
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Playing a game that doesn't play itself is concidered hardcore. So, demanding FPS titles like ARMA, strategy games like Europa Universalis, RPG games with lots of statistics and tweaking like Baldurs Gate - are 'hardcore'. For example, CoD, Command&Conquer and Skyrim are 'casual', and people who play mostly titles of this sort (along with Angry Birds, Sims and such) are called 'casuals', since their titles of choice don't require as much dedication, thought and skill.
Casuals are stereotypically considered to have lives.
Hardcore Gamers are stereotypically considered to have beards and ponytails, both genders.
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First time i hear this. I play arma, EU, baldur's game and i don't see anything hardcore at all in those games. I don't find them demanding neither, not a iota.
Games like war in the pacific admiral edition, aka wargames as opposed to RTS, now, are hardcore, but someone playing such games like myself is a "grognard" not a hardcore gamer.
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"grognard" - now first time I hear this :) I forgot to say, hardcores tend to develop new languages.
I find the these titles playable, fun and approachable but for some reason they're widely called 'hardcore'. Every press news about Arma starts with something like "Arma - hardcore military shooter [...]" Oblivion and Skyrim were both blamed for casualisation and abandoning the 'hardcore' fanbase, while BG is said to be the "true", hardcore RPG for nerds and oldies. Even Icewind Dale was blamed for going 'casual' when it came out, since it was less about lore and plot and more about action than BG.
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I'd say its a different use of the same word, arma is hardcore in its realism compared to something like CoD, especially if you use mods like ACRE and ACE, but i don't think that it makes the players hardcore. As to a hardcore fanbase, it would have more to do with being a fan.
For me its really more a question of dedication to video games. The precise subject might be varying, it can be only zelda, it can be every single game, it can be spending hundreds of hours, it can be knowing the universe of the games, being in touch with the culture, news, watch the videos etc... but in the end i would say its simply a degree of dedication that makes gaming something more or less central to ones life as opposed to someone for whom playing simply does not have the same importance, whatever the other variables. Of course this importance tends to show via amount of hours played or quality of ( think korean starcraft pro ), but that kind of variables taken without the dedication would not be imho defining per se.
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So you don't need to be good at games? Just play a lot?
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I think that if you play a lot, you get good at it. What I wanted to say is that I don't consider those people that only play Call of Duty and Minecraft or whatever the game his favorite youtuber is playing (because those are the games that everyone plays) hardcore gamers.
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I would call someone hardcore if the majority of their free time is spent on gaming. Also, if they consider themselves hardcore they could be. Conversely, if they call themselves casual, they may be casual.
One can be a hardcore player of 'casual' games. Casual games are just games that don't require a large time investment. If you want to play Angry Birds for six hours a day, you can call yourself hardcore. You'd be a hardcore Angry Birds player, but you're still hardcore.
The titles or types of games you play do not determine hardcore gamer status. The length of time you spend on gaming determines this. If you concentrate on one game or one specific genre, you could be said to be a hardcore Battlefield gamer, a hardcore JRPG gamer, or a hardcore Angry Birds gamer.
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My grandma is a hardcore Cafe World gamer. Six hours a day easily.
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A Hardcore Gamer is someone who gets every single gaming reference in xkcd click and drag
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I think a hardcore gamer would have to be someone who has played games for a long time, is really good at them, and has very refined (but at the same time) wide tastes. But their is a certain pull to the least casual games as well. I guess you could say someone who games are not just a casual pastime, nor an obsession with any particular game, but are serious (enjoyable) business.
Put it in literary terms. A hardcore reader, aka a refined literary fans/bookworm or whatever you want to call them. Reads a lot, and a lot of different stuff, and has refined tastes. Yes just reading a lot is important, but it is only half of it. Someone who read the Harry Potter series 20 times or every Goosebumps book is the literary equivalent of a Call of Duty Kid. Both are fine, but they are not hardcore gamers/refined literary fans.
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I think a hardcore gamer would have to be someone who has played games for a long time, is really good at them, and has very refined (but at the same time) wide tastes. But their is a certain pull to the least casual games as well. I guess you could say someone who games are not just a casual pastime, nor an obsession with any particular game, but are serious (enjoyable) business.
Put it in literary terms. A hardcore reader, aka a refined literary fans/bookworm or whatever you want to call them. Reads a lot, and a lot of different stuff, and has refined tastes. Yes just reading a lot is important, but it is only half of it. Someone who read the Harry Potter series 20 times or every Goosebumps book is the literary equivalent of a Call of Duty Kid. Both are fine, but they are not hardcore gamers/refined literary fans.
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This >> http://it.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Hardcore%20gamer
Hardcore Gamer
Someone who plays video games as a primary hobby. They tend to spend large amounts of time playing games, often in excess of two or three hours a day.
Hardcore gamers tend to care less about graphics then casual gamers. While some specialize in a single genre, they typically have fairly diverse taste in games, frequently playing a wide variety of games from different genres. They'll often seek out obscure and older games, based on word of mouth or positive critical reception. Hardcore gamers put good gameplay above all else, and don't mind if a good game has poor (or even nonexistent) graphics, sound, characters and plot.
The stereotypical hardcore gamer is out of shape, and has poor hygene. They spend a lot of their disposable income on video games, consoles, or PC upgrades, and a large percentage of their free time either playing video games or discussing them, online and off. They wear either black clothing, or T-shirts with geeky pop-culture references, often to video games. Their social skills may be sub-par, and they may be less likely than others their age to have many friends, a jobs and a girlfriend/boyfriend. Some of these stereotypes are negative, and they certainly don't apply to all hardcore gamers, but there's a fair amount of truth to them.
"John plays just about every game that comes out. He says he's a hardcore gamer, but I just call him a dork."
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There are gamers of different styles and niches. Thing is many years ago almost all games fitted on niche- the hard/challenging. So a name came up trying to differ those who prefer challenge from the others, something that wouldn't have appeared if games began some other time/context.
The word lost its meaning. Nowadays the closest case we can say 'thats a hardcore gamer' is when the gamer call himself like that, that is, someone who takes this subjecto too seriously like theres a right/hard way to play games.
Gaming is a new medium, few decades old compared with all others (movies, books and such). Theres terms lacking everywhere. Theres no words for 'addicted/devoted gaming'(one game) and other such cases, so the word 'hardcore' that have been always vague became a hat term for number of different stuff.
When a term is better defined by another term (hardcore: that wich is not casual) it means its broken. Think about that.
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Oh, and i almost forgot:
Its completely stupid, irrational, short sighted and non-sense to define any category on something SUBJECTIVE as difficulty.
Is this or other genre 'hardcore'? You mean what, hard? Whats hard for one isn't for some other people. In this very topic people talked about games as non-hardcore that are hardcore for others.
Its like discussing angels gender, really.
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I remember one time i encountered a hardcore-gamer: Was ratting in a peaceful sys (alone) in Eve-Online and a guy came in and asked if he can mine here, i said "sure"...just a minute later...local spike and he came in with 16th mining toons. *gg
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IMO a hardcore gamer is someone that invests alot of time and money in gaming... so a HC gamer should have a super fast PC and/or alot of consoles and would play games in most if not all their free time, unless gaming is their actual job xD Also I think HC gamers tend to go on a higher difficulty levels and go for full completion of games.
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I always understood this term describing someone who takes the game/s rather seriously, in a positive way I should add, plays it competitively, does all achievements, is involved in theory-crafting, watches other people play the game, plays games on the highest difficulty, etc. For most people the term hardcore gamer has somewhat negative connotation but I don't see it that way.
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Hello. I've recently been looking into the term "hardcore gamer". It seems people have different opinions on it.
Is a hardcore gamer someone who just play games a lot? Or one game a lot? Is it someone who is good in a game? Is it someone who is 100% serious-no bullshit while playing?
I really don't know.
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