Sorry to hear. They may be busy with all the stupid stolen credit cards thing...
Also I don't really see what you're asking for. A refund may do the trick but not entirely sure they do that. That way you could just buy the bundle again and it would be yours to redeem.
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I actually suggested they remove the bundle from my account and readd it (I have still not activated any of the keys on Steam, in hopes that this makes the problem easier to solve). However, this was in the last email I sent them, the one they haven't yet responded to.
Basically what I'm asking for is for this to be restored to its original state. Again, I understand that what I am asking for is almost purely aesthetic, and is on a page I will likely never visit again but still, it bothers the hell out of me that it's "broken".
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Humble SUpport is currently swarmed with request, they're not ignoring you.
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I have heard that buying duplicate bundles brings on a whole other mess (two of the same bundle showing up in the library). Honestly, despite this being the first and only bundle I decided to beat the average on, I would totally buy it again if I thought it would fix the issue. :/
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I got the same problem, but with FEAR 2, I send an email to support and in few hours they solve it.
When you mark a game for gift, It remains Gift for life :P , the only solution is redeem it with the same email you use for buy all your humbles.
Then, go this link put your email, and they send you the link to see all the links of humbles and gifts you have.
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But what's the problem with this? It's not like they are giving DRM-Free versions so why does it matter if it's not part of your Humble Library. Once the game is activated on Steam the Humble Page is useless anyways...
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It's useless in the same way that having the original box/jewel case/DVD case to a physical game is useless. Does it change the gameplay experience? No, but does that stop some people (myself included) from only buying physical copies in their original cases, including the manual they'll never read? No.
The point is that it is no longer in its original state. It is altered, broken, imperfect, whatever the hell you want to call it. I just want to be able to fix it myself, but I can't, so I email them. :/
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If this is the case, the problem is at you.Anyway you still got the key(link) on your email, so I don't understand why so much whining :P
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The missing case is a different issue. The case keeps the game safe, the manual increases the resale value.
If this was a DRM-Free game then I would fully understand as you would want all of your DRM-Free download links together, but it's not. Once it's in your Steam Library, it's in the only state that matters.
Having it added back to your Humble library would just show the game with a [Redeemed to -this- Account] next to it, no download link, no key, just a line of text. How is this possibly worth your (or Humble's) time to solve?
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but you can reedem gift by yourself. I did exacly like you - I clicked 'new' icon, it gave me gift link. After a while i just entered my email etc in that page and reedemed game as a gift on the same account that is already linked to my humble account without any problems.
I also have a problem with humble, but they are simply ignorning my emails. -> My problem
what email have you used to contact the humble support?
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To paraphrase:
First email reply (minus the automated replies): Support provided me with the link I already got when I redeemed, the separate game page.
Me: I already did that, and mentioned doing it in my original email. (Then I re-summarized the problem with it creating a separate page as opposed to simply merging with my library.)
Second email reply: "Steam keys do not show up in your Humble Library. Thank you for your support,"
Me: I re-resummarized the problem, with pictures this time. I would post the exact pictures and emails but they contain things like the gift link to my (still unredeemed) copy of Arkham Asylum GotY, as well as the email I use for that site.
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Wow you're blowing this out of proportion... You're actually complaining that you're not getting more support because your redeem button is on a separate page than your whole bundle in your library ? What the hell does it matter, you're able to redeem your game no ?
Nice cry for attention.. Humble Support surely have better ways to spend their time than answering you.. again.
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You're actually complaining
I'm not really complaining. I am simply pointing out that the problem is there and seeking to fix it.
your redeem button is on a separate page ... in your library
Admittedly this may come off as a nitpick, but the problem is that the redeem button is not in my library AT ALL. If the game showed up separately in my library, like in the "other products" section where Humble Store purchases show up, I'd take that and walk. It wouldn't be ideal (ideal is for things to be in the condition they were upon purchase), but it'd be good enough.
cry for attention
Humble had possibly ceased contact with me. As I stated, I am not sure this was the case (hence the emphasized MAY in the title), but even if it was not the case, they would not be around to answer me for hours, at the very least. I posted here in case someone else had the same problem and had a solution. That would allow me to save my own time as well as Humble's. I don't see how this is a cry for attention.
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this is my 1st humble bundle and 'curious' about the 'gift' icon but activated it all on my account.
so i guess you want it 'back' for ocd purposes? then i think that would be a tall order for support (imho) as long as it was activated 'properly' (on your account/your valid friend) then there should be no problem.
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Yes they might have stopped responding to you for the weekend cause they don't work on weekends, but you also do realize that yesterday was November 11th right? Remembrance Day, Veterans Day, Armistice Day? Any of those ring a bell?
Its a federal holiday. But some/many businesses close for that day also. In my area all the stores were closed, which usually means all other businesses are closed too.
Humble Bundle headquarters is in San Francisco California. I'm pretty sure any business has the option of closing for the day.
Seeing as how as of this post its only 5AM in California there are at least 3 or so hours before they open their doors, that is if they open at 8am in the morning. They might open at 10.
Maybe someone from San Francisco California can confirm if other businesses were closed.
Man just accept that its not going to be on the same page as the rest of the stuff. As long as its in your steam account who cares.
Also next time if you see the page has changed, instead of just clicking buttons, you might want to look around a little first and see whats changed and why. I know I did.
I do agree that there should be some sort of warning when you click the gift box and there should be some sort of cancel button along with it, least till you hit the Ok button and then after that its gone off the page.
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Have you tried the automatic key re-sender?
put your email there and you will get a link of all your stuff. See if the individual link you used is also in the email you receive.
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no but I just read the thread and trust me the hamsters thing doesn't work. I tried that once, half of them died :'( I can only imagine burring them in sugar before shipping would smother a greater number
good on op finally landing a woman even if it wasn't the one he accidentally stalked. marring your informant still makes for a happy ending and explains why she was willing to betray her friend (´・ω・`) for love(and some money)
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Just remember to leave a cellphone for the hamsters so you can email them (´・ω・`)
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even if you suffer from severe autism, it is still no justification to bug support with your bullshit dilemma in SEVERAL mails... people like you fucking sicken me, firstly it's not even an issue and secondly it's your own fault. ever watch The Fifth Element? you'd know not to push buttons out of curiosity.
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If, in ANY of the emails I've received, they had said, "There's nothing we can do," then I almost certainly would not have emailed back. However, the replies I have gotten were both based of misunderstandings of the problem, as well as a clear lack of reading the actual email I sent.
If you ask someone, "What are you doing?" and they reply with, "I'm fine, thanks for asking," would you not ask again?
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Asking this here because I know a good portion of you buy bundles, so maybe someone has run into the same problem as me.
Basically what happened is I bought the WB bundle and opened the bundle page in my library to redeem the keys. I saw an icon I'd never seen before at the end of each game. I clicked the one next to Arkham Asylum. Turns out it was a gift link (it was even in the shape of a little present. I did not recognize this until after I'd clicked it). I looked around on the page for a way to cancel this and return the game to my library, and found none. I then thought maybe if I redeemed it myself that it would go back into my library like nothing had happened. It did not. It gave me an individual link to the game, which is in no way tied to my Humble Library. There's no "Claim this Page" link on the game's individual page. The bundle's page in my library still shows "Give this link to a friend!" where my Steam key should be.
I emailed support, and got a few responses back. I believe I emailed them on Thursday, then we sent a few emails back and forth on Friday. After that, I got nothing. I figured maybe they had off for the weekend, and gave them the entirety of Monday to reply. They did not. :( So again, I'm hoping maybe someone else knows a way to get the game merged back into my account. I will be emailing them again today, but in the mean time (they won't be in until later anyway; it's about 6AM here and they're 3 hours behind my time) I'll post here.
To all who will point this out, I understand:
Thanks for reading.
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