Saints Row 3 shoud be soon enough, well when the SDK and tools are all released.
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I've got saints row, didn't release it would be getting mods
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Yup, gonna be fun.
"In case you’ve been living under rock, I got the green light yesterday to announce that Volition is now officially supporting modding and our forum at for all the Saints Row PC games! Jeff Thompson, the Studio Director of Programming at Volition, is now working directly with us and assembling documentation, tools, support for all the file formats in the games. Things are going to start happening this week with SRTT as something of a “test run” for the release of Saints Row IV. Saints Row 2 info is going to come later since Volition didn’t do the port and it will be a bit of work to actually dig up the info we need. To the end user, this means that modders will now be able to create new clothing, new vehicles, new npcs, new weapons, new missions, and even world geometry that will all greatly extend the life of the game!"
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Free, since Idolninja and the devs are the ones creating it, its a joint effort.
THQ was what stopped them from releasing one, they were not a great company honestly...
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Oh why? To be honest I never noticed anything wrong with them besides the shoddy port or so...never saw them go DLC or Addon money grabbing crazy.
Now THQ...well just look at Warhammer series, Saints Row 3, etc...I can see why they would not allow modding tools.
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Deep Silver is Koch Media's gaming acquisition arm. Basically, they target high-profile IPs, like Saint's Row, Sacred, Metro, etc., from companies that are going under, then run the IPs into the ground to squeeze every possible cent they can out of them with no regard for the life of the IP, be it through wide-scale, quick push ports that receive no post-launch support, disabled core content sold as DLC, or name-branded spinoffs that have next to nothing to do with the original IP. When they buy an "in lifetime" product, they also tend to not adopt support for it, ending all ongoing support immediately (Sacred 2 was a perfect example, terminating all in-development patches and upcoming DLC, and pushing out some half-finished DLC to some regions/platforms).
They remind me a lot of EA, but produce much less, and arguably worse, in-house original IPs.
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Well lets hope they don't do that to SR4, thats pretty much what happened to SR3(On disc dlc, etc...).
I do like that they are allowing mod support, release all the clothes and gun skin dlc's you want Deep Silver, no one will care on the PC when it has mod support if you ask me :-D.
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Not sure if I'm interested in that game, thanks for the reply thougg
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Looking to get crysis 2, good to know it has mods
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I haven't found much good in this one, any cool sites for mods? I found one but it was only a couple items/graphic bunps.
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There are a couple, although I cannot remember them as I haven't played JC2 in like a year and a half maybe more. I know there was one that had a huge amount of modded weapons, changes to gameplay mechanics, added features/areas, etc. There was a mod that added a superman suit that allowed you to fly around that I had a ton of fun with.
EDIT: I guess you didn't look around all that hard... the site is called "" :P
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Yeah, guess I didn't search enough on that site, knew about the site, maybe a bunch was added since I last checked.
I'll check now, thanks!
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If you like 4X games, Space Empires IV or Galactic Civilizations II are heavily moddable to the point of total conversion. For RPGs, if you don't have it yet, go Legend of Grimrock and (though the modding is non-standard) Knights of the Old Republic 1+2. I would have suggested Neverwinter Nights 2, but it got yanked from the store (the day before I had the money to buy it, too.)
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Yeah it really enhances the game. I replaced every car with real life ones and gave them all proper names. Took forever but was way worth it. There's also a pretty sweet graphic enhancement mod which makes damage to vehicles a little more realistic.
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The X series is filled with moddability, with a great community adding more all the time.
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True, can be hard, and take dozens to hundreds of hours for dedicated players.
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Garry's Mod , there's way more to just the sandbox gameplay.
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GTA 4 and San Andreas for sure. Fallout 3 if you liked NV. Also Star Wars Battlefront II, despite it being old, has a pretty large modding community.
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it's all there. There are tons of mods, just be sure to read the requirements and installations procedures as some mods are not just about dropping the files in your DATA folder.
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Civ5. Maybe Witcher 2? Not really too sure about how many mods there are for that game.
p.s. if you do end up deciding to buy Civ5, make sure you get Gods and Kings expansion (or just buy the gold edition). Because the game is trash without it. Brave new World is ok, but that hasn't been released yet, so I doubt it will be heavily discounted (if at all) during the sale.
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Warband = Mount and Blade with more stuffs.
It's the same game with several improvements.
BTW, different and more accurate swinging system =/= horrible. And I heard you can activate the old system in warband in the optioins.
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Seeing as summer sale is coming up soon, I will be buying many more games. I really enjoy games that have many mods or tweaks to them, because it adds so much more replayability. I've already got FNV, Doom 3, Garrys Mod, and Crysis 1. I will be getting Skyrim for sure, already beat it on the PS3 but can't wait to play it on PC. What other games have you guys played that have some great mods or addons? I'm open to any game suggestions
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