Any chance Smule Sing would be allowed? It's just so much easier that Audacity mixing, and it has more songs than I can find anywhere else. It's not possible to get vocal-only track there, but it's possible to prove it other ways, even vocaroo sample of the same voice.
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I never herd of Smule Sing, I suggest audacity because It's what I know how to use and can help people with it. If you want to use something else, that's fine, and yes a sample of your voice should be more then enough proof of identity. I hate that I need this rule, but I had a person try to cheat in my first contest , so it seems to be necessary (and a couple people told me they like listening to the vocal only tracks, they will never be directly linked though)
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I hate vocal only tracks though. :( It sounds just so bad. So I can do Smule and send another short clip of my voice? I think my voice is rather non-standard so you shouldn't have much trouble identifying me. :<
Already have some stuff on Smule too that I could use... it's quite heavily edited though, Smule offers a variety of filters which I shamelessly use...
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It's not really the purpose of having something for verification. It is nice to have for the time when someone ask me if someone really sang a song. if i have the solo vocals track to point to that pretty much ends the conversation there. If you have no vocals and someone decides to make an issue of a songst authorship, the worst thing that could happen is I remove the song and apologize to the singer,.
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I don't mind filters, heck I think last contest someone even used auto-tunes Mind you people notice that, and the song wasn't rated highly, (and the auto-tuned song was not their first song) I do sudgest you try to stay within reason though, it IS a karaoke contest, not a song editing contest/
One filter you mention I the noise reduction, I have recommended to people that have poor microphones that have submited sond with lots of artifacts. in the right cases it's a godsend
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Only heard of this contest before, now finally seeing it. If i just could sing now :)
Just asking, but how bad of singing is allowed to take part? Like, depending on the level of badness allowed, maybe i'll do something, too, fully aware that it maybe can be deadly or worse to the listeners :D
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Maybe there could be a prize for the very worst too. Something really bad... perhaps with rats...
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If you look at the previous contests, it doesn't matter how bad you are. I sang so bad, but still somehow got more votes than Chack who sang great :/
So go for it ^_^
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I'm pretty sure i already have submitted a song, and it is already in that list. Didn't you even invite me to group for that?
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Had i? I don't think i have change my steam one in like forever and never did my sg one. Can remember though you written me the next day that you had 2 new ones, but already figured out who is who. Can be like mistake got in there, don't know :)
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The hype train started a week ago :-P not too many found the hidden preview though
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if you mouse over the image you get 5 letters, those 5 letters are part of a steam url. there are at least two places that use them, the fist is giveaways, the second is discussions. These were to a old discussion I had, where I his the prototype for this thread
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Huh, weird could have sworn I tried that. Oh well thanks for explaining :) Cool idea btw this karaoke. I would like to enter (after some practice) but I don't have a microphone. I might try with my laptop build-in mic later (if it doesn't sound too bad) :D A cappella (or vocals only) is pretty hard though :D
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Awesome! Wish there was an instrumental karaoke, since I can play four instruments but could't sing to save my life :D
This is a stealthy bump
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Actually not a bad idea, I'll think about doing something like that.
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Wanted to at least try it, so i recorded my first attempt. Bursted out in laughter because it just sound so damn weird to hear myself in a tone somewhere between whisper and speaking, it's definitely not easy to do that for me.
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Honestly, two of these were hard to distinguish from an authentic song by a professional singer...Third one obviously wasn't meant to be :D
Though the 50 second wait on Roads was pretty long
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152 Comments - Last post 44 minutes ago by VahidSlayerOfAll
11 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by ExcelElmira
Welcome to the thirds installment of the SG karaoke contest, the contest where you get to hear your fellow SG members sing. I had huge hopes of trying to make this third iteration of the karaoke contest unique, the idea was: the 3rd karaoke contest: duets, where there would be a bunch of songs sung by the previous winners that you could sing along with, alas, that was too hard for me to set up. (I was surprised I couldn't get tow singers to agree on a song, go figure) I was bemoaning my troubles to a friend on steam when they told me, that they enjoyed the original two contests, so why change things? Well I still couldn't help changing it a little (more on that below) but that is how the third karaoke contest was created.
the first contest
the second contest
A few things to note
First off I want to talk about naming conventions When upload a song I'd like you to name it "song-artist-VOCALS" for the vocal only submission, "song - artist-SONG" if you are uploading the song you sang to be mixed with your vocals. and "song - artist-MIX" For example if you sang "Mad World" by Gary Jules, you would upload "Mad World - Gary Jules - VOCALS" After you upload your file(s) please add me on steam, so I can add you to the giveaway group and make a list of who recorded what song.
Secondly the change I mentioned above. Voting in the third contest will be handled slightly different than the first two. Each song will have a poll attached to them, and people will rate each song from 1-5 on what ever criteria they deem valid. This will hopefully eliminate the lengthy voting round of the first two contests.
Finally the contest will end around the time of the steam summer sale.(June 16, not confirmed)
straw poll template This link is stored here for my convenience, please disregard
Songs submitted
1 "Why Don't You Do Right"was originally recorded by Lil Green in 1941, the version used in the film Who Framed Rodger Rabbit was preformed by Amy Irving
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