am i right or am i right?
Well, after looking at your wishlist, I see a LOT of games that either almost never go on sale or are never bundled. You seem to have a lot of the bigger named and wanted games that people can trade with and get more for than if they just gave them away. Try perusing the steam store a little more for some things that are a little less popular that might catch your interest. I've found a LOT like that, but 90% of them never get GA'd either.
As a wiser person once said- It is what it is.
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that is exactly the problem that i am talking about.
nothing wrong with people spending a little bit extra to get me what i want.
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why allow 60 copies when i only want to win 1?
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Even though that would make me miss out on wining a couple of games from my wishlist , i feel like that sounds like a passable idea.
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Actually I do the reverse opposite. I will "un-ban" ppl making giveaways above $59.98
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If your wishlist isn't big enough to make web browsers crash, you're doing it wrong.
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had to purge my Wish list to make it easier for you and others to pick something from it . after all , who wants to go picking through a thousand game wish list.
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What's up? I heard someone say thousand game wishlist from the other room 22 hours ago. The room was far away so it took a while. It gave me time to repent for my sinful ways of not buying you games. I buy you Chasm when, if, it comes out friendo
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why thank you , doubt the game will ever comeout tho.
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you dont seem to understand , i am too good for my own rules to apply to me.
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thats the point , being the generous and nice person i am , i keep my wishlist short and noice so people wouldn't have trouble navigating it .
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and people still dont understand that they are supposed to only make giveaways for them , which is baffling.
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You are totally right, of course. I'm sorry, let me atone for my sins.
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But every GA must be on somebody's wish list, right? My head hurts.
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i never knew what was missing from my life until now , thank you.
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You're welcome!
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Totally agree, except... Your big mistake is that your wishlist is not a copy of mine, which makes you not perfect.
By the way -- why are people entering giveaways with just one copy if I have entered them already? C'mon, folks, you should know only to enter a GA I am in if it has 2 copies or more!
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i have decided to take some of my EXTREMELY IMPORTANT time and look at your wishlist.
and while i do not agree with some of your choices but i have updated my wishlist with some of the games you have.
but in the end , that is your opinion and i will not judge you for having a wrong opinion.
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That is understandable. If you had exactly the same opinions as me, you would be just as perfect, and that would be really strange, since I do not think there could be two perfect beings in the universe.
P.S.:Breaking out of character: I am this guy, and I use my wishlist to store things I myself would buy at a discount... that is why all games in my WL are from 2015 or before. :D
P.S.2: Get somehow Crypt of the Necrodancer, goddammit!
P.S.3: Should I get a PS4?
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Breaking off from character here , no haha funnies.
i understand your pain , my backlog makes me depressed every time i look at it.
prolly gonna wait till june when summer sale starts and then i will buy most of my wishlist as soon as it goes on sale.
and Yes you should get a ps4 , unless you want to wait for E3 in june and see if we get any news on PS5 (extremely doubtful)
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Make a SG group with rules like for example: only unbundled giveaways that are on your wishlist, with about 50 members maximum and that you're the only one allowed to enter their giveaways. ^^
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That sounds like a fantastic idea .
Here you go people , someone make this group and recruit people for me since its too much work and i am too important to do it myself.
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There's a precedent in nature for that, like for example a beehive with the Queen and her drones.
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Dang yo , you got them brain smarts and i could use some body like you.
willing to hire you and pay you in compliments and chocolate chip cookies. oatmeal of course , cause everything else is disgusting , except coconut , and caramel . caramel isnt half bad.
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Compliments would be really nice as I'm used to getting slurs and insults but for the rest of the payment, 500 rounds of 9mm NATO 124gr FMJ would do very nicely indeed.
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That immediately landed you on my whitelist. Finally a person with reasonable demands and a clear strategy.
In order for your system to work even better, you can additionally adjust your wishlist to include all the games that are being gifted in the upcoming n days. Surely, there must be a script for this?! The world needs it!
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Thank you for the WhiteList.
and i am on board , someone make this script . i am willing to use something like that for the greater good of this site.
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To avoid useless GAs and least wanted games, we should only allow GAs for top community-wishlisted games.
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but the communitys wishlist isnt as good as mine , which is a problem in itself.
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A giveaway usually means Giving by Free Will and as I understand you have demands about what people should give to you. Honestly, I and most of the people would never give anything to a person that demands what to be given. With that personality your best bet is to buy the wishlisted games yourself because probably you'll never get them. Think about it...
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but you dont give anything away in the first place.
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Actually I'm a giving person. And since I have a real life aswell that includes a big family I rarely have spare of anything to giveaway out of that.
Anyway I see that was the best answer you could come up without even giving some thought about my post and honestly I was exactly expecting that what just proved my point up there.
I wont continue this discussion because it doesn't worth the trouble. But really dude take it as an advice and try to figure out what's wrong with all this discussion and understand the whole picture.
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nah , would never add a game to my wishlist that i wouldnt buy for myself when it goes on sale.
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that is what i am trying to explain to him , but he just wont listen to me.
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having all the games on my wishlist would make me look like a greedy person .
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Whats a joke?
seriously tho ,got 6 new blacklists since i made this thread , idk if people dont get satire , or just think its not funny
also , that gif just earned you a white list , thank you
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as long as you are finally aware then there is time to repent.
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Here, have a copy of this game from your wishlist.
I was about to make a giveaway for it but I figured there's no need to bother with the middle-man and having you needlessly wait.
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133 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by CheMan39
i have noticed an alarmingly high number of giveaways for games that arent even on my wishlist.
Da Fuq guys? why you gotta do me like this?
this behavior is unacceptable and needs to be stopped. but since i am a kind person i will not make a ticket against you people and i will even give you a chance to repent . i know what you are thinking right now ,and for that i only have one thing to say , you are welcome.
since a number of you dont seem to understand how things should be , i am gonna show you by example.
for this demonstration i even had to taint my wishlist with a couple of games that i dont want so you better be grateful.
Step1: Check the persons wishlist, FiddlerOnTheRoof appears to have added outlast 2 and LaraCroft GO to his wishlist.
Step2: cross refference keys you have and games on the wishlist , if you dont have anything in common then buy something.
Step3: Make a GiveAway , while i would prefer if it was a private GiveAway with only me being invited , i would still forgive you for allowing others to join the giveaway , that is as long as i am the one to win the games.
see , its not that hard
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