I have never played anything from the FF saga, and would like to start playing on it. I have been playing only Terraria recently, and would like to try a new game, and try to 100% it. Even if I don't get in, thanks for giving everyone the opportunity.
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I'd like to get the game so i can see with my own eyes the differences between the psx and PC versions. FF8 is also my favorite game from the series and i'd like to play it again from start to finish, because my old playstation gave up the ghost and i can't find spare parts for her. :3
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I've recently started the Final Fantasy series. I've already played through FF1, FFVII, and most of Type-0. I really enjoy the characters, the stories, and the overall feel of the worlds created in these games. I want to play every game in the series because they have a special something that I can't find anywhere else.
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Hello Sir Templeton, I'd like the opportunity to win the this game, so i could finally end it.
When I was younger, I had the Psx and borrowed from 2 or 3 different friends, the 4 cds of FF8 but, could never get to the end of the game, because of the quality of the cds, as most of them, just froze in the end of the second or third Cd.
Now that I have the opportunity to play on computer, the time and the will to finish it, at least.
I'd love to.
Anyways... I really hope to be chosen, as I could never finish it in my life. ;/
Have a good night, Sir.
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I will add the person I choose on Steam in about an hour to let them know they are white listed.
Also, for everyone Level 1+ you can enter my giveaway for Final Fantasy XIII-2: http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/fdceF/final-fantasy-xiii-2
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I want to play this game from many years, from his arrive on pc, but for many reasons i not play it, i have bought many square enix surprise for it, and i don't buy the last because i have a lot of duplicate with the previous one (:(). I have bought this game on nuveem too, (a good discount in summer if i remember), but then i never receivced it because the site don't have row keys for all and i received a refound.
I can promise you if i win the game that i start download and play it soon as possible.
Have a good day/bight and thanks for the chance.
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Well, this is worth a shot. I have never played any FF, but I've been wanting to try for awhile. I have way too much free time because i had to take an extended leave of absence from my job I loved because of health. So I would love to finally get into FF, and to get into a game with a good story to get lost in. THis is a really neat chance, so thank you, and good luck to everyone.
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I watched my brother play FF7 on the PS1 when I was a kid from start to end. It was the most intense experience for me while I didn't even play it myself. I used to dream about it, draw myself back to that world when in classes.
A lot of years went by and 2 years ago I randomly had the idea of playing FF7 again through an emulator. Right after that I've been playing FF1 to FF6. (Finished FF6 about 4 months ago)
I was planning on buying this, but due to saving money (fiancΓ© moving to my country in three months) I haven't gotten around to it.
When I saw your post I realized that I'll have exactly a three month maximum to play these kind of games (the ones that are the most fun alone and to stay in for hours, zoning out) I want before my life will change drastically and it should include FF8.
However, my story is not a sad one, I am not too poor to buy games, so please don't read it in such way :]
FF8 is on my scope now and if I don't win I will buy it somewhere in the next 2 months (so I have one month gaming time minimal for it).
Thanks for sharing, and good luck to all!
edit: Clearing up I'm not too poor to buy games, and felt like noting that I also played FF on the PSP (Fantasy VII - Crisis Core)
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VIII is in my opinion the best game ever made.
I'm using all my IT experience to reverse it and provide support for many mods and shoe hidden stuff. There are a lot of hidden stuff out there. Soon we will be able to replace world map and battle stages as we currently cracked the file format and now we work independently on easy to use softwares for reparsing OBJ models. FF8 is not dead. It deserves much more love. The whole romance story is just awesome and the father-son relations, that is so sad because ... ahhh, just play. Till this time I'm remembering cool moments from the game, the characters personality. VIII FTW. :)
Don't take my entry for the GA. I already have it on retail, PSX, PSN (PS3) version. Let the person who loves FFs take it and love it as I do. :)
Edit- almost forgot! Find my tools and patches and awesome people at forums.qhimm.com :)
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I don't expect to win this contest but here's my experience and why I'd love to play it again. Yes, again because I played it 16 years ago. Oh dear, I was so young T-T
I played the PC version (One installation CD + 4 gameplay CDs!). It's actually the only Final Fantasy I've finished so far.
I totally loved it, till the point that at the moment you need to split the team to follow two different story lines I took like half an hour to decide the team and almost cried because I didn't want them to part...
Not to mention the wonderful job Mr. Uematsu did with the soundtrack.
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Funny history, i never had the PlayStation, so i never had FF VII and FF VIII, but im pretty good at videogames so, for the 7 i played mostly bosses that my classmates couldnt beat (i didnt know the history, just fight those bosses xD) even killed the last boss Sephirot godlike ; but with FFVIII was the opposite, my neighbour had it, and we used to play it (we made turns to play, but both were in the history and shit), and when we arrived to the end (in the castle) he suddenly stop playing it, so i didnt watch the end of the game. Said this, i wont play it ASAP so dont put me on your WL. Thanks and sorry for the wall of text
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I used to play FFVIII years ago in my Playstation, it was the first FF I played, later I played FFVII too, and I never could finish the game, I would love to play it now and try to finish it :D I always loved the FF saga.
Thanks for the giveaway! :)
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Good Day! I would really like to play this game! I considered this the best rpg for me even though I haven't really had the chance to finish playing this awesome game before because my cousin's playstation broke down before we even get halfway the game. since then I was always thinking and wanting to play it again and actually get the chance of finishing it for once. This is one of the games that I really really liked! and was sad that through the years each time me and my friends talk about the game, I always get left out because I Didn't get far in the game, well it is never too late I suppose:). I am always ready for a brand new adventure all over again hehe! Thank you for the awesome opportunity! will make sure to be worth your choice if I ever get lucky! much appreciated :D
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I have played most of the FF, whether it's on PS1, PS2 or DS. Now I'm interested in playing them on PC, do the "new one" (understand the one for which I don't have the console, like for the XIII series) or do the "older one" again, on a different support.
I could undertand you want to give it to someone who never played a FF :) But choosing someone who did is almost a garantee it will be played soon and enjoyed ;)
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i played the game because my friend has it and to me, at least, storytelling, characters, and an absorbing world are some of the most important factors that influence my love of videogames. I know this varies for many, and it is part of what is great about the medium that video games can range from fun, arcade-y challenges to a deep storytelling medium. I do personally believe that video games are a legitimate art form, and to say they cannot make a person experience emotion or even be moved or affected is an opinion held solely by those ignorant to the medium of video games, who have never bothered to experience some of the amazing, moving experiences it has to offer. Final Fantasy 8 is absolutely an example of this, and of all the aspects which truly absorb me, personally, in a tale and in a video game. This game is, just as you have so beautifully explained, such a deep, rich experience, filled with not only amazing sights and sounds and such a beautifully realized world, but also with such in-depth, thought-provoking themes and characters, which amount to such an incredibly engaging, emotional, moving and relate-able tale. I was truly, honestly, absorbed in this game the way I have very rarely been in any tale in any medium; and these are the reasons why. I was so moved by the symbolism and themes it touched on, so attached to the characters, who weren't "cool" at all, but rather, and so much more importantly, were so real, complex and flawed; I wasn't sure if I "liked" Squall or Rinoa at first; but that made it so much more rewarding, fascinating and moving when I truly came to understand them, why they are who they are, and watched them develop with a subtlety and absolutely moving grace in character development, that most games, or stories for that matter, are not capable of achieving. I was so truly attached to them, and really cared, right to the last moment, about all the characters and what their fates would be.
PD:If i would win i would play it right now :)
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Well I will start just by saying that FF VIII is my favorite in series. Although I played from VI to XII it remains the best for me. Why? It is the first FF I have played. I remember going to local play shops paying per hour to play it on PS. Then local shop went out of business and I got some PSX version from friend. I couldn't play it because I didn't own playstation so I tried to emulate it on my 300Mhz PC with NVIDIA Riva TNT 2 with 32MB. I tried various emulators and finally settled with ePSxe. Game was runing on solid 20 FPS and sound and battles ware so slow. But I remember that I did 50 or more tries till I sucessfully made emulator working for FF VIII. Somehow Squall managed to get out of bed and my adventure started. I played it and I played it and I played. But then in half of the game I couldn't play anymore because CD was scratched and I couldn't finish the game. Many years passed and computers and internet were upgraded and I finished the game (pirated version) 10 years ago for my first time. FF VIII is one of the games that I remeber from my early gamer days and one that will always have special playe in my memory. That's the reason why I'm writing this letter to you so you can add me to your wishlist. My plan is to have all FFs available on Steam because I'm really int the series but we all have that "special one" and this is mine. If I get it add me on friends list and you will see that I'm playing and I'll notfiy you when I finished it. This time I plan to look through guides and I will try to collect everything. Max everything and Drain all spells.
EDIT: I'm prepared and all set to go now! :D See the pictures!
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i've started to play FF7 on my PS1 and it was stunning, i was playing it for hrs, weeks and months.
Cloud Omni Slash, Aeris death by sephiroth, strong Tifa, Barret with his handgun, Nanaki the "Beast", Yuffie the thief, Vincent the Goth :D
The whole story
I love FF and i have the other Parts too and want FF8 so badly. Thanks for the Chance!
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My Final Fantasy is to fly that Ragnarok once more!!.
I played this heavily on the Playstation. Starting with VII through to X. The characters, monsters, gameplay, the ever changing battle systems, the summons, the Weapons, The Ultima!! were benchmarks for the genre. The storylines throughout all releases, woven into each and every one of them, are pure magic. And how can anyone not love a Chocobo!! :D :D :D
Nothing has come close to beating this out of the park just yet and i doubt it ever will. When they created the protagonists and enemies the gave them big shoes, trying to fill them can of course only be done by another Final Fantasy. :D
For me it is and always will be one of the best collections in this gaming franchise. Along with Resident Evil/Silent Hill - ALL Final Fantasy games stand out from the rest and quite rightly deserve pride of place on their own shelves.
Other games i would like to make a return are Galerians, Fear Effect, Urban Chaos and Vagrant Story. I wait with baited breath for the return of FFX on PC.
In the meantime...
I'll be here...
I'll be waiting...For Squall and Rinoa
My home is in Galbadia.
I Promise...
FF VIII I will play...
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Please read this post in its entirety before posting.
I'm going to try something different with this giveaway. It's a white list giveaway and I have 0 people on my white list. So I'll be adding one person and they will win.
I'm looking to give this away to someone who will actual play the game. Not next year, not in a month from now, not in a few weeks, but pretty much now. I of all people know about having a large games list and a back log and usually just give games away and not worry about it, but this time I'm looking for someone who has an actual interest in the game to play it. Not someone who will just add it to their list of games.
So simply put tell me why you want the game and convince me that you'll play it. I'll add one person and they'll have a guaranteed win.
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