It happens, not sure on just how often, but I've had it happen to me as well.
Nothing is really lost, so worrying about it is pretty pointless.
I requested staff remove the giveaway from my list, I got tired of seeing it. lol
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Umm, no. Magmaclaw is right. And your analogy is wrong. What he's saying is that good luck = getting something nice / having something good happen, no luck = nothing happens at all, and bad luck = having something bad happen. Which is how English has always worked. The absence of a good thing doesn't mean there's a bad thing. It means there's no good thing.
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You just made my day!!!!! It's good to know there are very special people out there!!!!!
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When I won my first non-group giveaway, the giveaway creator gave me a key that had already been used. I was disappointed, thinking I wasn't getting the game, which I was looking forward to quite a bit.
A few days later they messaged me back with a new key that worked.
So while the site may have some bad apples, there are also a lot of great people here that like to share games. Keep at it, the next win will be even greater!
Perhaps a chance at Huntsman: The Orphanage would help?
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It seems to happen more with newbies. So if the person hasn't given a game before it's more likely that they may not have read the FAQ. Of course some newbies can read and follow the rules right off. So really it was probably just being unlucky.
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As far as newbies creating giveaways that don't actually exist, it happens fairly often, but its very unlikely to happen to you again. I've never won a fake giveaway, although I don't normally enter giveaways of brand new titles from new users. Especially if they're giving away three copies.
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It happens from time to time. Luckily, I've never been bit by that particular bug, but there's not much you can do other than marking it "not received". As others have pointed out, it tends to happen more often with new users than those who have been here a while. Keep entering and you'll win again.
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I've received all 70 of my wins, never had a problem. shrugs
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Yeah but you guys either won group giveaways or giveaways with a certain CV so therefore the creator of the giveaway knows what he is doing..
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You gotta admit, it would be sweet if it worked like that! :D
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Well... it's retarded to think that it works.... If it worked like that, game industry would really have a hard time.... Steam would have like no games, because there would be no need for piracy, because everyone already can get those games from others.. No need to buy any game someone already bought it and probably will give you that game for free. Game industry would bankrupt.... There would be no AAA title, because only like 100k people would buy it from 4 million people, because you can have that game for free and even you can play multiplayer..
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Well they could make it so you could only trade it off once and single player type only but even then.
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Well, I too fail to see how someone can truly, honestly believe that they just choose to give away a game they don't own and BAM!, the game appears out of nowhere, just like that.
That kind of naivety is baffling.
But hey, IF this was how it worked - free games for everyone! All the time! Yay! :D ;)
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well no AAA title these days would get by with 2 million lol
and you can not say if you could trade games nobody would really buy games as console games you can still sell and trade and yet GTA V still sold well over 30 million units
and GOG has showing that games can make money without DRM and further more there is a site that lets you trade in your games you bought digitally it is not perfect but at least it is an attempt
as it is possible to sell your digital games they just do not allow it and why i have no clue as the game is tied to your account so they could allow you to sell the game back to like steam and they could re-use the key and give a discount for it
as even with gamestop people still buy the game new to have it from day one they could have a cool off period like the game has to be owned for like 6 months
none the less it will never happen any time soon they could also allow you you to trade your game for a fee and the fee depends on the retail price so lets say the game is 60 dollar they could charge you 30 dollar to trade it for another 60 dollar game you want and everyone could get a cut of that
anyhow a bit off topic back on
i think the reason some people give away stuff they do not actually have as a gift or a fake/used key is maybe they think if they do that they can enter ones that require to have given a gift away
and some people do it just to be an ass and troll
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That doesn't mean he can't get it for you. All he needs is either money or time. That's if he's the responsible type of person.
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C'est la vie. Not worth the effort of your worry, mark not received and roll like a gangsta into the sunset.
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I joined this website a few days ago and was very happy when I saw that I already won a giveaway (Natural Selection 2). Sadly I got to know that I won't receive any game because the person who made the giveaway was not aware of how the giveaways work. He thought he could just giveaway games from his Steam library. :D
Anyways, I'm not here to complain, I'm happy that a site like this exists. I just want to know if this happens often or if this was just an unlucky day for me.
Regards :)
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